Robot Pony

by Dreadnought

Pinkie and the Chocolate Factory Part 1

Pinkie Pie bounced merrily around the Canterlot Chocolate Shop. She grabbed candy bars, bags of malted milk balls, chocolate cookies, and all sorts of things chocolate-covered: cherries, strawberries, peanuts, almonds, cashews, raisons, etc. Making her way to the cash register, she laid a large pile of bits on the counter. Taking her bag of goodies, she bounded out of the door. Too eager to start pigging out, she took out a candy bar and shoved it whole in her mouth. Chewing the chocolaty goodness, she heard a commotion. She walked over to a large crowd.

"Can you believe it?" asked a unicorn.

"No," replied the pegasus.

Swallowing, Pinkie asked, "What's going on?"

"Crazy Candy is opening up his chocolate factory for tours. He's hidden six golden tickets in among his candy bars."

"Really?" asked Pinkie.

"Yes." The unicorn paused. "You have something in your teeth." Pinkie Pie reached up and pulled forth a piece of golden foil. "It's the golden ticket!" he exclaimed.

"Only part of it," clarified the pegasus. "She'll have to wait until the next bowel movement to reclaim the whole ticket."

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