The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Rematch. Then Slaughter.

It had been a few weeks since John and Roseluck came back from the mirror. Twilight and her brother both hanged out and trained together while they were there. Twilight got better at close combat while before she only stuck to magic combat. Cadence also announced that she was pregnant which Twilight was excited about. Although Shining Armor passed out, and John and Rose had fun poking his unconscious body with a stick for about fifteen minutes before Twilight made them stop.

They then headed back to home with Twilight promising to come back often when she can. It took about ten minutes to get there. When they got back John went to find Vanitas and Sans for an update on what happened while they were gone. The guards that Vanitas has been training had gotten better but still needed improvement. The elite class of Gilda and the others have gotten stronger as well thanks to Sans and Undyne. John told them he would have a rematch soon to show them how much stronger he was.

John was going over reports on what happened with scouts while in the field. A few of the humans that were here disappeared one day and haven't been seen again while heartless, unversed, and the fusions have increased in number. This worried John.

‘Where did the humans working with Core go? What's he planning? It can't be good. Have to increase training for the others. Soon the Elite class would be good enough to take over training. Then Sans, Undyne, and Alphys will head back to Zeke's reflection.’ John thought. ‘Me and Vanitas are still the strongest here not counting them. Still. Me and Van better step up our training. I got better at Void and learned a lot of abilities, but more experience with Fenrir never hurt.’

With that in mind he and Vanitas started training again. Vanitas was using a combination of Style Commands like Dark Impulse and D-Links with Ventus to give him a speed boost. John had to use his speed ability from Volt to keep up. John was glad for it because it helped him with control of it in a fight. He also was able to use his personal style command longer. Although it was still only six seconds. His body just can't seem to take it. Still can't use his shotlock because it still takes too much. So he settled for other shotlocks and style commands like Shadow Rush and Diamond Dust. He even learned shotlocks and command styles like Dark Link, Ragnarok, Flame Salvo, Thunderstorm, Fire Storm, Thunder Bolt, and Blade Charge.

He didn't know when Hollow will pull him into void to give his Mark of Mastery exam. So he would keep training when he could. He also hung out with Roseluck and Gilda now and then. Ever since his and Roseluck’s trip through the mirror they have gotten closer. He is also getting closer to Gilda as well. John has seen Rose and Gilda talking together and glancing his way now and again but shrugged it off. He was just glad they got along so well.

When not sparring with Vanitas John practiced his Tenno abilities and weapons. He trained to get a better grip on them and to increase both control and power of them. He learned that when he uses Void on a weapon or gun to enhance it he also scans them. So now he could make a Void copy of each of the Tenno weapons he void scanned as well as make multiple ones. That would come in handy.

John headed to the training grounds where Sans and Undyne were waiting. He had a feeling this wouldn't go like last time. A lot of bystanders were there to watch the fight. Including Gilda, Rose, Twilight, Celestia, Luna( who thanks to Alphys and the other scientists had prosthetic legs now), Shining Armor, Cadence, and the other keybladers. John was ready to show that the last week of training wasn't for nothing.

As he headed to the field Vanitas stood before him. “So, ready to show everyone why you're The Blade?” Vanitas said with a smirk.

“Yep. I'm different than before. Time show the.” John said. He then headed to field as Undyne took a step forward.

“I guess you aren’t chilled to the bone. It certainly rattled my ribs today.” Sans spoke aloud gathering John’s attention.

“What can I say? Things are different.” John said summoning Fenrir. “This won't end like last time.”

Instead of answering Sans’ eye just glowed as a Gaster Blaster appeared behind John firing him forward while Undyne went in spear ready attempting to skewer him outright. John lifted Fenrir in time to parry the tip away and was about to counter when Sans came back in allowing a large collection of bones to smash into John. Skidding away John looked at the two actually working together to fight him.

“Working together now huh? Well time kick it up a notch.” John then threw a grenade that formed a black hole and absorbed Sans attack. John then formed three Doppelgangers and sent them after Undyne. He went for Sans himself.

Before the three clones could get any closer Undyne summoned several spears from below them skewering them in place. Sans kept moving in place dodging swings of the keyblade before revealing twelve Gaster Blasters all pointing at his position. At the apex of John’s swing the lasers fired while Sans dipped behind the bright light and appeared behind John. After the dust had cleared John was still fine, managing to dodge at the last moment with only a few of his clothes singed. There may have been catcalls from Roseluck and Gilda he wasn’t sure.

John smirked before summoning more Void. Transforming into his partial demon state. With a set of ethereal bat wings and horns. John then snapped his fingers summoning a dozen weapons in the air. Swords, spears, maces, it was a mixture. He then sent them flying fast at Undyne.

Undyne stood still and summoned dozens of dozens of spears hitting the ethereal weapons in mid air cancelling them out. The spears kept flying towards John but they only aimed for his ethereal wings slicing through them due to the magical nature of her spears. Before she could finish up Sans summoned more bones shearing them through John’s legs.

John smirked before bursting into smoke. He was a doppelgänger. John suddenly appeared from shadow walk behinds Undyne and smacked her a way.

Sans gripped John’s collar and sent several Gaster Blasters to keep John busy while Undyne rubbed her lower back. It was mildly annoying but she summoned her spears and got a surprise ready for him as the spears flung through the air tracking John’s movements.

John saw the spears coming while dodging the Blasters. He quickly used reflect on the spears. Those spears hit the spears that were still flying for him as they all hit in mid air falling to the ground. Sans summoned up his bones trapping John’s legs as the Gaster Blasters finally hit their mark overwhelming the reflect shield.

When the smoked cleared John was still standing. Although his shirt was singed off. He swore he heard more catcalls but was to busy trying to focus on Sans and Undyne.

“Come on you two. You're both holding back. Bring your keyblades out.” John said.

“Earn it.” Undyne stated as several more spears appeared.

“You’re doing better but you need to work your bones better. I could barely hear you try over the rattling of my ribcage.” Sans stated.

John took a deep breath before crossing his arms. He then let out a roar as he summoned more Void. He was still in his partial demon form but he seemed to get a bit bigger as a shockwave left him. When it was over John then summoned over four dozen weapons of guns, bows, and other types.

“Fine then. No holding back.” John said making an Exalted blade as well as six floating around him. He then sent Void cuts from each of them at both Sans and Undyne.

Sans and Undyne stood still again and used several gravity spells causing all the weapons to smash into the ground shattering into small void crystals. Then several more Gaster Blasters appeared firing on all the weapons while Undyne summoned all her spears as they ricocheted off of all the weapons.

“Look at this he got to the magic level already.” Undyne chuckled.

“It’s magically delicious.” Sans explained before the camera focused on him while a small drum beat played in the distance. Everyone just stared and focused back on the fight.

John took flight overpowering the gravity spell. He then again formed a few dozen sword and spear weapons and sent them at both. All primed to explode on impact.

Sans eye glowed as all the weapons that were flung at them were suddenly being forced back at John. Sans gave a smug little salute as they all flew after John. Undyne threw her spears as well filling the air with a cloud of spears.

“Looks like I did a bit more.” Sans stated.

John sent out a pulse causing his weapons to explode creating a smokescreen. When it cleared there were a dozen Doppelgängers of John floating around. They then charged at them.

“I think this is enough.” Sans stated as every doppelganger immediately was speared through with bones out of nowhere. Undyne kept an eye out for the real body sensing only with her mind.

John then appeared behind them from a wormhole grabbing Sans in his void hand and Undyne in his right hand. Then surrounding himself with lightning drags Undyne face first on the ground while making Sans spin really fast around and around in the air.

Instead of escaping Sans summoned twenty Gaster Blasters and fired them on his position while Undyne spun one of her spears around him with her mind. Undyne could tank the hits but Sans didn’t. When he was finally hit enough both Sans and Undyne stood only slightly injured and paralyzed while John escaped back into a wormhole. The two stood back to back still in a very relaxed manner.

“Should we try yet Sans?” Undyne muttered.

“I’m have been worked to the bone but he still hasn’t done anything interesting enough to try just yet.” Sans stated loud enough for John to hear.

John appeared a few feet infront of them. “Give me a break you two. It's hard to fight knowing using too much makes you lose control and one good hit will kill you Sans.” John said a little annoyed.

Instead of answering Sans smacked him from behind with a bone sending the doppelganger away. Undyne and Sans merely waited until the real one showed back up.

“One HP and yet I’m still the very model of a major modern comedian. Still haven’t needed to try yet and we were sent to handle you at your worst. You still haven’t tried.” Sans stated.

“It’s true. We’re here to make you strong enough to control things. So let go so we’re forced to try this time.” Undyne sighed.

John thought over what they said. ‘Their right. If I don't learn to control that form I'll never get stronger.’ John then closed his eyes. When he opened them...they were slited.

Sans and Undyne were waiting when the ground below them suddenly broke a apart as a lot of Void was released. John then appeared above them in his demon state. Only he was in control this time.

“There we go.” Undyne forced herself into her Undying form as she charged forward with several red spears this time. Each swing was shunted away by Fenrir but strangely they were well matched. Sans stood back and waited for his cue.

John sent Undyne flying with a hurricane force wind blast then sent a nova blast right at Sans. Sans lifted his hand casting a reflect spell forcing it back at even higher speeds while Undyne shot out more spears out while several spears came from below hooking John’s feet.

John snapped both his hands dispelling his Nova Blast and summoning a black hole grenade that absorbed Undyne’s spears before locking on to her with a Dark Link Shotlock and firing a beam of light at her.

Undyne summoned hundreds of spears which impaled the light forcing it away as the entire area was peppered in sharp pointy objects forcing John to dodge. As he jumped too far to the right a beam of light shot for him slamming him into the wall of the training arena. The hum of a Gaster Blaster woke him from his daze as he fell to the floor dodging the next beam.

John then saw Undyne about to slam a spear into him. He just grabbed it in his Void arm with the ground beneath him breaking from the impact.

“Got to try a little harder than that.” John smirked.

“I know.” Undyne smirked back as a spear came up from below skewering John’s void arm dispersing it.

John smirked as he turned to smoke. Undyne was then punched in the gut sending her flying landing near sans. John appeared from being invisible.

“Like I said. Try harder.” John smiled as he held Fenrir.

“Hi.” Sans waved as the Gaster Blaster sent him flying into the wall again but it didn’t let up as the mouth widened and shot out a blast of void crippling his void powers.

When the smoke cleared John was in a Void Bubble that blocked most of it. John just waved at them.

“Hm… Hey Undyne should we finally use our keyblades?” Sans thought aloud.

“I guess. It’s no fun if we do though.” Undyne stated before summoning her blade Ends of The Earth and thousands of thousands of spears.

“Well it would be a real spine tingler. A rib cracking good time.” Sans stated as his Fatal Fury Keyblade came out and dozens over dozens of Gaster Blasters appeared.

Before John could reply Undyne smashed through the bubble in one swing and fired a beam of light out stunning John in place. Sans came in firing out several spark spells coating the area in light. Still stunned Sans finished up his combo firing off explosion magical finishers. Then they fired off several of their weapons merely grazing John’s still prone form. All behind them in the area where there were no spectators was a large swath of land rendered uninhabitable as the ground turned to glass. John stood for a moment more before falling over laughing. He finally got them to try.

“Hahaha I finally got you guys to take this seriously. Man what kind of training did Zeke put you guys through?” John said.

“Seriously?” Undyne quirked an eyebrow.

“Kid. We still haven’t taken this seriously. You barely got grazed and you are down. If we were serious you would be pulp.” Sans stated.

John looked at the ground like glass behind him, their current forms, all the spears and Blasters in the air, and at the Keyblades. “You guys were serious. You just made those miss at the end because that would have killed me. I guess I got a long way to go.” John said sitting down.

“You got that right punk.” Undyne stated. She looked at Sans who merely shook his head. Both knew that they actually did more than they had to. Undyne got to 80% while Sans motioned with his fingers that he merely got to 30% of his full power.

John saw the hand sign and sighed. He only got Sans to about 30%. Dang. If Sans is this powerful. Just how strong is Zeke? Suddenly he started to hear clapping as well as ponies doing their stomp/clapping. The entire crowd watching was cheering them all. John just smiled.

Undyne merely spun her spear around placing it on her shoulder before turning her back to the crowd appearing badass. Sans, on the other hand, fell asleep waiting to leave already.

John just laughed at Sans while Undyne shook her head at the lazy bones.

When the crowd was done cheering John still heard clapping. Although for some reason his blood went cold hearing it. He turned his head and saw two figures with one making his blood turn to ice. Core...and Yellow.

He couldn't believe it. Why was Core here NOW of all time?!?! And who was that beside him? An ally? Core was giving a slow clap. John just knew he was smirking behind that mask.

“Well, well John, not bad. You have grown alot since we last met. This dirt pile has also been cleaned up a bit since the last time I was here also.” Core said.

John was really nervous. He is not stupid. Core is still way stronger than him. He also doesn't know how strong the guy next to Core is. “ Well I wasn't just going to do nothing after our last encounter. You did tear my hand off after beating into next year without even trying.” John said.

“Ah yes, back when times were hard.” Core says almost with a tone of joy. “Well past is past, and soon not even that will be.”

“Why are you here Core? You already got Void. What else do you want? To see what your ‘friend’ can do?” John asked.

“Sorta, Yellow here is good but there is someone else I’d like you to meet.” He snapped his fingers and someone actually used Blink to appear next to him. It was a girl from what I could tell...wearing Daud’s gear from the game but my mask. “You can call her Void Subject one, or VSO for short.”

“Glad to finally meet the man who gave Core the tools to make me what I am.” The woman spoke in a monotone voice.

John took off his mask to be sure he was seeing this. “Great. So you got a Void assassin with you. Anything else I should know?”

“Just that VSO here will be observing this next encounter. You see, she was an assassin and a serial killer back on earth, her skills made her uncatchable. Now, well, next time you’ll experience her power.”

“Of course she was.” John said annoyed about what she was on Earth. She was an assassin before him. So she has more experience on that field. “ Just don't expect her to come out alive when we do fight.”

“I could say the same.” VSO replied . “John, only family, deceased, family diner, burned to the ground, at age ten you broke your right arm and still have the scar from when the bone broke skin just above your elbow.” She stated...those were all true facts...the last one scared me greatly, that happened years ago…

“And your point is? Sounds like things in the past that doesn't mean anything in the now.” Sans stated.

“Wrong. That injury changed John here, his left arm is slower, the bone severed a tendon, he can only go ninety degrees with his left arm and not a degree closer to his body. His right arm he used for defence and relies on it. Even your void arm hasn’t changed that fact, it’s just as vulnerable.”

“H-how do you know all this? Even if you pull up a file that still shouldn't give this much info?” John was freaked out. How much does she know? He was wondering now if she does stand a chance.

“It’s my job to learn about any and all targets I choose or come across. You I chose. So, how was training with that Tenno?”

“Fine. If you know about me you should know about her. Don't think we’ll be easy targets. Even if you are Core personal Void assassin you won't be anywhere near our potential.” John said. Wondering where that came from.

“Really?” She asked, taking off her gear, save for the clothes and mask. She then held her arms wide open. “You get one free shot.”

“I'll pass. Even if I can land a fatal hit. I'm not getting to close to an unknown. Especially with Core and mister Yellow about ten feet from you.” John said. He wasn't stupid. He saw it as a trap.

“Would anyone else like to try?”

“I’d try… but it seems sad to kill a kid for this reason.” Undyne scratched the back of her head.

John just got an anime style sweat drop on his head. “Something tells me she would kill kids without hesitation even if they weren't targets Undyne.”

“Shut up!” Undyne screamed.

“You're just exhausted from our fight aren't you?” John asked.

“I told you. I never went all out. She draws a weapon out then we’ll talk.” Undyne confidently stated though her back foot had the heel lifted up.

“Ok then.” John replied, but was glad Undyne didn't fall for it. “ Sorry kid but no one is going for your trap. Try again when you get older.”

“How disappointing. That demon would have been more fun.” The woman said, re equipping her gear. “Will this convince you then?” She lifted her hand, Blink was activated but she wasn’t teleporting herself...she was teleporting someone to her. Who came from the blink was a lizard looking kid with no arms and wearing a yellow striped shirt. She was holding him by his head...then sliced his throat. The kids body turning to dust in seconds. “Now?”

Undyne tapped her back heel as dozens of spears erupted from beneath the assassin’s feet impaling through them before traveling up her legs charged up with lightning magic.Then the explosion kicked in as the neurons of each cell boiled alive.

“Undyne don't hold back. I doubt that got her.” John said. Pissed at what she did to the kid.

The woman chuckled. “That all?” SHe stepped forward, the beat up body shedding off her as she walked forward, looking unharmed. “Sad really, thought you monster people were stronger.” She said, wiping her blade on her leg pants. Even her gear was fine.

“If that's the way you want it fine. Undyne. You and Sans fight her. I'll take this Yellow Guy Core wants to test. Don't. Hold. Back. Not even you Sans.” John said summoning Fenrir.

“I don’t plan to.” Sans replied, his eye turning blue. He held up his hand to latch onto her soul...but nothing happened. “Soulless...figures.”

“Hey yellow cloak. Let's take this over there.” John said pointing to another field.

He nodded and he walked over there. Not talking? Wonder why?

Undyne and Sans vs VSO.

“So… Actually trying then Sans?” Undyne growled out before forcing herself into her Undying form.

“Yes.” Sans resolutely answered summoning as many Gaster Blasters as he could form which clouded the sky.

“Not bad.” VSO said. “Try mine.” She snapped her fingers, a single Gaster blaster appeared, but it looked like she tried to wield metal onto it, and it reeked of Void. “Fire.” She said, it pointed up, opened it’s mouth, and fired a pure beam of void that took out a third of Sans’s blasters.

Sans returned fire from the Blasters behind the child always aiming at her back as the two of them fired off spear and laser with wild abandon always aimed directly near the assassin. Undyne also utilized gravity raids throwing her keyblade into the mix whenever appropriate.

VSO let them hit, not even blocking. Void energy filled the air and when the dust settled she was still standing, not even affected it seemed. “Sans, born with an hp of over five hundred, a boss monster by birth, taught by your father, WD Gaster, Mother was a royal guard, Captain before Undyne, Died when you were ten, human shot her out of fear. Need I go on?”

“Hm… Oh sorry I thought I was Ness in some timelines. Perhaps you could go with that backstory. Ooh how bout the one where I’m the other half of Gaster’s mind. That would be interesting.” Sans joked around.

“Gained time seeing ability when Gaster made contact with the realm of darkness after tampering with a Keyblade of darkness. Brother Papyrus, the reason you have one hp now. Was dying, you used your father's machine to drain whatever Determination you had to save him. You also never told him that fact, huh, yet your magic was un affected. Interesting.”

“So many possibilities and over half of them end up with you dying anyways. Never accomplishing anything worthwhile. The other is split with you dying anyways because you turn out useless as a prototype and being mentally violated by the void. Seems like Core sure knows how to pick the worthless ones.” Sans explained as both his eyes glowed a strange neon blue.

“Worthless, maybe. It’s all pointless, life, part of why I became a serial killer, why live when dying is much easier, Assassin job came as a means to acquire more toys. But void...finally, the real means to make it all go away.”

“So why haven’t you made yourself go away if it’s that important.” Sans asked.

“In time, in time. But I want at least a reflection to fall by me before that happens. Even if I never get that wish I won’t have regrets.”

“Undyne. Keep up the attack this one is lost.” Sans sighed as he kept up his assault firing bones from the ground switching their colors as well.

“Roger that.” Undyne answered as she kept up her assault of magically charged spears.

VSO’s blaster took out Undyne’s attack, though, Sans teleported behind VSO, trying to blast her, only for her to grab Sans by the eye sockets. “One hard press.” She threatened. “And think of your brother, before playing hero.”

“I’m just the distraction.” Sans stated solemnly. Undyne came close pushing the keyblade through the assassin’s body attempting to lock it off.

“Have it your way.” VSO said, pushing more of Undyne’s Keyblade though her...and into Sans’s chest. The Skeleton turning to dust in seconds. “This is annoying.” She said, pulling the rest of Undyne’s Keyblade though her, then tossing it as her wounds healed, even her clothes got cleaned up and fixed.

Undyne dropped her blade and backed away before firing more spears through the VSO using as many raid attacks as she could before charging in and suplexing the assassin through the ground.

“Alright, you had your fun?” VSO asked, jumping back up and tearing Undyne’s left arm off. It turned to dust in seconds. “Huh, so you can live without limbs. Thought you things were more fragile than that.”

“ENOUGH!” Undyne charged in stabbing the keyblade through the void mark on her right hand. Before jumping back to gauge more spears.

VSO’s body began to twitch, acting like she was losing control. “Crap.” VSO muttered, using Blink and teleporting away.

Undyne fell over clutching at her stump as she cradled the dust from Sans. He was gone and there was no changing it.

A few minutes ago
John vs Yellow.

John stood about twenty feet from his opponent. He just stood there. Who is he? “So. You got a name or something?” John asked. Yellow lifted his hand, looked at it, then held up his first index finger.

John was a bit confused. “Ok then I'll just call you Yellow.” John then drew from the Void and entered his partial demon state.

Yellow drew two handguns from behind him, both were a clean chrome color with many markings on them.

John used both speed and Bend time to close the distance. Ready to use protect to stop the bullets.

When John got close, Yellow moved as if time was normal, placing a pistol under his chin. John quickly avoided when Yellow fired, he could feel void and darkness mixed were fired from the weapon.

‘Crap. More Void experiments. Have to be careful.’ John then swung Fenrir right at Yellows mask.

When he hit, there was a clank, as if I hit, more like when I strick another Keyblade when training the others. How? I jumped back, as did Yellow.

“So your masks are made of the same material as a Keyblade.” John said.

Yellow shook his head, then pointed at himself. Then the mask, then himself again.

“So you're either saying it's you I felt or something else. Sorry I'm not good at charades.”

Yellow shrugged, lifting up his weapons and aiming them at me. He then fired….FAST! A gatling gun would be slower!

John couldn't use reflect faster even if he wanted to. A few bullets hit him but the rest was stopped and sent back by reflect. ‘Dang it! This guys is a really quick shot.’

Yellow stopped, the guns glowing with a black aura before he took aim again.

John noticed and didn't like it one bit. He then made fifteen doppelgängers and sent them after Yellow while reinforcing reflect with a Void bubble. Each doppelgänger had a void weapon they made.

Yellow shot at the doppelgangers, the bubbles holding for a few shots before breaking and destroying them. There was still one when the guns did their ‘reload’ show, Yellow made his right hand strait and shot it though the bubble, and into the doppelganger, destroying it. With that last one gone he took aim at me again.

John took the time to go into his demon form and started sending Void weapons at Yellow primed to explode. He also had an automatic weapon in both hands called Soma and started firing Void bullets.

Yellow reacted fast, his guns glowing with void before changing...into two mini guns. He opened fire WAY faster than with the handguns, wiping out John’s exploding weapons and even breaking the two in his hands, without touching John.

‘Did his pistols that already shoot faster than mini guns just TURN into mini guns?!’ John thought. He took to the sky quickly and made a barrier in front of him about ten meters wide. He then formed a dozen void guns of different types and made them shoot through the barrier gaining electric damage boost.

Yellow changed one of his guns back into a handgun and the other into...a china lake grenade launcher and fired. All John heard was a loud ringing when he closed his eyes. When he opened them...he was staring out a rather deep white crater...staring at Equis...he was on the moon...

‘.....The HELL?!?! How much power does that thing have?!?! And OOWW!’ John then felt pain all over his body. He saw he had scorch March all over his torso. He flew back to Equis using both speed ability and wormhole ability.

When got back he saw Yellow just standing there waiting. The crowd started cheering at John being back. Glad he didn't die from that.

Yellow then pointed the china lake at the crowd, and stood there.

John blinked in front of Yellow and slashed the weapon in halve with Void slayer. John looked at yellow. “ Don't even think about it.”

Yellow looked at the broken weapon, a small spark of energy came from it before he dropped it and teleported away. The weapon sparkin...a lot.

John quickly realized what was happening. He couldn't make a barrier to stop. Didn't want to risk it. So he grabbed it and quickly started using wormholes like crazy to get this thing off planet. When he was a good bit away he threw it, but wasn't able to escape the blast.

While John was blasted halfway to the Dragon lands...from the other direction, the rest of the explosion went into the wormhole, some of the moon being caught and a noticeable dent appeared on it after the blinding light faded.

John crawled out of another crater, above him, Yellow, pointing at his other gun and then raising his hands into the air, making an ‘are you serious’ type of body action.

“Hey. Don't point your toys at innocents and I won't break them. Also.” John said before blasting Yellow with a Nova blast. Sending him into a mountain and blowing it up.

“Hope the dragons don't get mad.” John said.

Yellow came out of the ground in front of John, dusted off his cloak, then sat down his gun turning into...a psp and he started playing it.

John just looked at him. “Uh. Aren't we fighting?”

Yellow didn’t respond, just kept playing.

“Uhh…” John said before wondering. We walked up to Yellow, he poked him and Yellow did nothing.

John was really confused. He then looked at Yellow mask. ‘Might as well see who I'm dealing with.’ John grabbed the mask, and lifted it was Zeke’s face, only his eyes were white, all white.

“What da hell?!” John said. Why did this guy have Zeke’s face? What's going on?

“I see you saw Yellow’s face.” Core said, walking up behind Yellow. “Guess how.”

John thought for a moment. “I'll say the craziest one. You're trying to make a clone of Zeke. Only with the Killing mood under your control for something big. Either a way to gain more power or...maybe make something.”

“Hit the nail on the hammer. Yellow here is Zeke’s Equal physically, though, being made from memories of Zeke’s families memories of him, he’s...not complete.”

“This incomplete clone sent me to the moon...what was a complete one supposed to do? Send me to another reflection?” John asked.

“Forge me a rival for the X-blade, this one made from darkness...and void. Once that has been made, I just have to become a Psychopath and it will all, finally, end.”

“Not if me and the others have anything to say about it.” John said powering up.

“Please, Yellow is just missing one ingredient to be whole and my plan will be done. I am on the edge of my victory, though, I show my hand now as a means to both show off and see if you whelps get stronger to stand a chance. One last war before it all goes poof, if you will.”

John, in a moment of great stupidity; charged at Core with Fenrir charged with void. It was only a half second before he came close that he realized. ‘OH CRAP!!’

To John’s shock and relief, Core just sidestepped his attack, letting him fall to the ground behind him. “Weren’t thinking clearly, were you?”

“Got to admit. No I wasn't. Kinda hard to when someone that you both hate and terrified of is gloating in front of you.” John said standing back up.

“Well clearly Yellow doesn’t care about this fight anymore, he’s gaming. I gathered a fair amount of data, though, you did get stronger. For that, I’ll tell you one thing. Anything you wanna know, I’ll answer one time.”

“...When do you plan on making your move?”

I could feel Core smiling under his mask. “That, is a good question. I thought long and hard about it too, all I need is ready, so when will I make my move… I decided to settle on July tenth, fifteen years from now.”

Fifteen years. We got about Fifteen years till the final battle. “ Why so long though? If you have all that you need why wait?” John asked.

“Time. Time for you all to grow, get stronger, see your families and kids grow. Makes seeing them die so much harder. July tenth was the day I became what I am today, well, months names changed but I have had more than enough time to calculate the correct date. After all, one should never forget the day of their rebirth.”

John gritted his teeth. His anger at Core wanting to play with the love ones me and the others will have later. Treating them like some kind of toy to break. John was unconsciously letting out even more power than he had before. Almost about to lose control.

“Wow, not bad. A void demon. Now I see how brother linked you to void. Speaking of, that’s going to be a side project of mine, finding my brothers little workshop. Don’t want anything from it, just wanna burn it to the ground. Answer me this.” The next thing John knew Core was right behind him. His black Fenrir in hand about to strike. “Why do you fight, or rather, who do you fight for. A mare who lost her family, or something dark?” Core struck John, sending him flying all the way back to town.

When John was hit he felt pain. A lot of pain. He found himself back at the original arena. He could barely move. He saw Undyne. She was missing an arm and was kneeling near a dust pile. He couldn't see sans anywhere.

After thinking for a few seconds and seeing the tears in Undyne’s eyes. He knew that pile was Sans. He couldn't believe it. Sans...was dead. He looked to his left and Saw the assassin holding her right hand. He knew she was smirking at the kill. His anger was spiking again when Core showed up.

“VSO, head back home, and take Yellow with you.”

“Yes sir.” VSO said, Blinking to Yellow then Blinking them both to the realm of darkness.

“Well John, it’s been fun, but I have other, well, actually I don’t have much to do to fill fifteen years. Heh, might just explore Void more. I owe where I am now to you John, you know that too. Without you you’d all still have futures. So thank you John, your hand is the hand that will help me end everything.”

John’s anger was growing more and more as Core went on. He made a quick glance at Roseluck. He won't fail. Zeke, him, and the others will stop Core.

Core then pulled a random child from the crowd and broke its neck. “I need you stronger.”

John froze. He didn't even here the mother of the child scream. He felt...cold, and angry. He couldn't even describe this anger. He was getting up. Shaking a lot as he did. When he was standing he put his hands on his face shaking.

Then a doppelgänger appeared. It looked at John then the dead child. It shook its head then look at Core. Core saw its eyes were slited. He also felt a different presence from it.

“Well now, what have we here? Void being clearly, but sentient, unlike most. Any name you go by?”

“Nothing worth mentioning to a child like you.” It said appearing in front of Core faster than he could track. “You're the one called Core correct?” It asked. Looking at Core like he was an insect.

“Indeed.” Core said, impressed. “Finally, a being with power.”

It smirked. “It's not me you'll fight soon.” John was shaking even more with Void coming off him. “You should have left when you had the chance.”

“I’ll take that bet.” Core said, a smirk on his face as he took off his mask.

“You made a great mistake killing that child. Even greater making John so angry. Want to know why?” It asked. More and more Void was concentrating on John. Looking like it's about to explode.

“It is unwise…” As it spoke the final words to its sentence. John moved his hands enough to reveal his eyes. Eyes as black as Void. “ To anger the next EMPEROR OF VOID!!” As it yelled the last bit John let out a roar that shook all of Equis. Void exploding around him, breaking the ground, sending trees flying, and covering a vast area.

Vanitas and the others were able to get a shield up in time to protect the town. Vanitas couldn't believe what was happening.

Core look at where John was, and in the mass expansion of Void swirling like a huge Tornado. He saw John's eyes looking right at him. He felt his power and was both excited and, for a moment,...a bit little of fear.