Filly Tales

by count of hollow shades

False Groom

Once upon a time there were 2 great noble houses on the Percheron plains, these families wished to unite their lands through marriage. So the Baron Makhaira and the Lady Beryl were engaged. 2 of the junior members. As a bonus they were old friends from their school days in Canterlot. The date was set and the invitations set. All that remained was getting the groom to the state house through the black wood. The baron, not being a moron, had bodyguards for the various monsters and bandits that lived in the wood. They were of no help however against the changeling infiltrator in his staff. The local hive queen had her own interests in the marriage and so sent a trusted drone to replace Makhaira, so they were taken. First the butler, then a cook, then a guard, one by one, till the only one who remained was the baron. The drone, his name really does not matter, but for convenience let’s call him the groom, talked to Makhaira "greetings lordship, I am sorry to inform you that you will not make it to the ceremony" the dagger flashed nicking his barrel.

 The groom, certain of his eventual fate, left Makhaira bleeding on the road. After taking his clothes of course. The baron dragged himself to the forest floor and using moss managed to stop the bleeding. He wandered the wood looking for aid all the while preparing his plans to punish the changelings for this indignity. However it was a long way to the state house and he grew thirsty. He came across a creek, he knelt to drink when from the water came a small sea serpent came to the surface to warn him "beware lord. If you drink this water you shall become a serpent such as I"

"I will die if I do not soon drink some water, but I can hold out for a while yet." so he stepped over the creek and moved forward, growing more and more parched with every step. Then he came to a stream, there he met the serpent again.

"Beware lord, if you drink this water you shall become a lion, fierce and angry" the lord knew that if he drank this water he would not be able to reunite with his lady beryl. So he reached into himself for the strength to continue on despite the pain.

He continued till he collapsed in front a pool of water, there the serpent came to him again, "beware lord, if you drink of this pool you shall become a great stag." he knew if he drank he would be unrecognizable to his lady and family, but he no longer had a choice. So he drank and became a stag.

Lady beryl was suspicious of her groom as soon as he arrived. He was not the gentle considerate colt she remembered, he was brash, arrogant, and boastful. He looked like Makhaira, but didn't act like him. Then she saw a stag exit the forest.

Lord Makhaira was gloomy, who would believe he was the true groom. The baron was a broad unicorn with nice clothes. He was a thin stag with nothing. The only ones who realized who he truly was were the changelings, who by their nature were seldom fooled by appearances. The groom panicked for a moment before he remembered that he was the currently the one who looked the most like the baron. Ironic isn't it? The groom looks more like Makhaira than Makhaira does.

The baron need to find a solution and fast, then he had an idea. "I invoke the trials of maidens hand!" it is an ancient law forgotten by many, a series of challenges meant to test prospective husbands, the purpose of these tests is twofold. It makes sure only the stallion that is worthy marries gentlemares. The second is secretly preventing changeling from replacing grooms. Such a challenge ,once spoken, cannot be denied.

The elder explains the task " there are 3 items you must procure. A breezies dust, a griffin feather, and a dragons scales. Do you understand ?"

The groom was annoyed by this absurd ritual. However he prepared well for the tasks ahead. With blade and armor enchanted he entered the black woods where the baron was already waiting.

In a meadow in a clearing was a member of that faerie folk, the breezies, "ello der antlered big un, what are ya doing here."

"Hello little one, how are you."

"I be fine, how poilte of you m'ste"

"Id hate to intrude, but can i have some dust. I would give it back if you'd like"

"No problem guv"

"Ello g-"

"Give me dust or be impaled on my sword" well that was rude, the breezies give him ash rather than dust."

On a rocky hill in the center of number of smaller hills lies a twisted gnarled tree. In that tree is the nest of a griffin. "Hey antler head, never met you before?"

"hello feathered friend, how may i help you."

Griffins are not inherently trusting creatures. Strangers do not just ask you how they can help you if they don't want something. "So.. Say i do want your help. What is the catch?"

"Nothing much, just a feather"

The griffin pondered the question, that is not that terrible price. On the other hand what can he ask for? "Do you know how to bake scones that don't chip your teeth?"

"griffin! i have come for a feather"

'oh look another sucker' thought the griffin "well...i may have a few. however they are not free."

"you do not understand, i am going to have that feather. i will have it, even if i have to take it from your smoldering carcass!"

"ahh, that will be harder than you think" the griffin sprang at him. not trusting, and have very sharp claws.

in the side of a mountain lies a mound of treasure, in this mound a dragon slumbers.

the baron had no idea how to get the last item. dragons don't shed, or molt, or whatever lizards do. he could kill it, but he had no weapons or armor and he didn't think that his antlers would puncture his hide. what to do, what to do. then he saw a pair of scales in the back, it is was used to measure the dragons gold. and he had an idea, did the elder specify what kind of scales he wanted? he sneaked past the foul wyrm, putting one hoof in front of the other. softly inching forward. until finally snatch.

the groom is not a happy changeling, why was the griffin so tough!?! the once shiny armor was not coated in mud and blood, his own and the griffins. he got the feather at least. now to get the last stupid item, for this stupid tradition, for the stupid wedding. "khm, khm, who are you?" ohh right, there is a dragon in this cave,

the groom limps out of the forest. the dragon manged to chases him off, but not before he cut off a piece of his skin. now he has all the items. he returns to the wedding in triumph. then he hears a familiar voice "you know i spent hours thinking about what to say. then i thought. why be subtle about it?" then darkness.

the bridle party was shocked. a stag came out of nowhere and headbutted the groom! then they looked again and saw what he really was. changelings can't maintain their glamours when unconscious. then a familiar voice rang out "i believe you were looking for these" and show all the items he collected. he finished the trials.

then came a moment of recognition from Beryl "is that you Makhaira?"

then they lived happily ever after, the stag and lady together.