//------------------------------// // 1 The Value of Confidence // Story: The Library of Friendship // by FrostyPony17 //------------------------------// The Value of Confidence A dragon. She had stared down a full grown dragon. Even as she walked down the mountain alongside her friends, Fluttershy couldn’t quite believe all that had happened. She also did not think she deserved the praise her friends showered her with. She hadn’t been brave, she insisted. She had been terrified. Every word she spoke, she had expected to go up in flames at any moment. Or eaten. Or crushed. Even now as she prepared for sleep, the leftover adrenaline made her body shake like a leaf. But… something was different now. Something she couldn’t quite put her hoof on. She hadn’t consciously noticed it before, but the feeling had followed her all the way down the mountain. Every word they had said, every pat on the back, stayed with her. Lingered long after they had all said their goodbyes and parted ways. Now that she finally had time alone to think, Fluttershy began to wonder just what that feeling was. She knew she would not be getting to sleep until she figured this out. It was pleasant, but it wasn’t quite happiness. It didn’t make her jump for joy, or laugh out loud. It wasn’t the same as the feelings of warmth and belonging that she had when near her dear friends. It wasn’t like the countless times Rainbow had defended her from bullies, or when Applejack helped with some chores that required heavy lifting. It was not the same as when Twilight shared her knowledge of the countless things from her books, Rarity gave something freely to a pony in need, or when Pinkie made everypony laugh out loud with her ridiculous antics. It was as if she had finally found the role she played in their group. Something she could contribute on their adventures, instead of just being a decoration in the background. She smiled as she realized just what this foreign feeling was. Something she had never in her life had. Self confidence. She sighed happily as she burrowed under her blanket. She was still afraid of a lot of things, it was true. But maybe, just maybe, she could face those fears with her friends by her side. Perhaps she was just a little brave. “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.”