Equestria Super Powered Pony League

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 24

The next day, bright and early, Zapp and Storm Master head out on a mission alongside Golden. The two are glad it's just the two of them that Golden decided to bring along instead of the entire Power Pony branch of the ESPPL. A few hours later, they land at their mission. Zapp and Storm Master look at Golden confused. "It's a nightclub," says a snarky Zapp.

"Yes, a nightclub run by criminals," replies Golden. "That's why we're here. We're here to shut it down now shush." The three change into costume and go inside. Zapp is in a simple dress that ties around at the girth and neck only. Golden is in a t-shirt and blazer as is Soarunder. How is it that she gets the most bothersome costume every time they go on these undercover missions. It honestly drives her crazy. She moans and rolls her eyes as she follows the boys inside. At least, she still has her lightning bolt necklace.

Inside the club, the three soon find the owner and boss of the place-a non super powered pony named Hunter Hex. Hunter soon spots the three peculiar ponies and sends his super powered goons after them. Golden, Soarunder, and Zapp then go all karate on the super powered goons and then Golden goes and gets Hunter Hex in a wrist hold behind the back. Soarunder then comes and flies up behind and cuffs the baddy while Zapp cuffs all the goons. The three then fly off the baddies to the Brigade and then head off to tend to another undercover mission at an illegal fight house.

A few hours later, they land at the fight house and go inside. This time, they're all in fancy dinner wear. Zapp is in a bright blue gown and the boys are in blue and orange tuxes. They then watch as the spectacle unfolds in front of them. Luckily, Wonder Mare is also in disguise up in the crowds in her beautiful red gown. Golden soon realizes Wonder Mare is there and he and the others go up and join her. "I figured you might need back up," she whispers to Golden.

"Thanks," replies Golden, "I figured you'd come here anyways regardless of if I told you to or not."

"Yeah, you're right," giggles Wonder Mare. The four then shut up and continue to watch the fights unfold. Once the fights end for the night, they go after the mare behind them Rolling Dice Deann. The four soon corner her and overtake her. Alas, she manages to get away as soon as Golden lets his guard down. They still manage to blow up the venue after getting all the competitors and spectators out with the competitors vowing to never work for Rolling Dice ever again with the exception of two or three who sneak back into the shadows likely to reappear when the next fight house does. The four return to the Hall just the same satisfied that they blew up the venue even though Rolling Dice did escape. They'll catch her eventually. They know that. She's just slippery and harder to catch just like any other big bad they've faced. Wonder Mare even brings up that point. "Rolling Dice will always get away, she's a snake. We just have to deal with it. She'll always be the hardest to catch." The rest agree with her on it too. Rolling Dice Deann is a snake, a very venomous, slippery snake and it'll take years to catch her. To them, that's undeniable now.

Meanwhile in the practice room, Evergreen is working on concentration and focus lessons with her daughter Rose Gold one on one. A few moments later, Golden walks in to the area above the training room and watches Rose Gold's improvement from there with a smile. At least, they have a new generation ready to take up the hero mantel. That's always a good feeling that, luckily, will never change, at least, not for a very, very long time.