
by Half-Baked

Chapter 2

Half-Baked sat there in the carriage next to his parents full of anticipation, they were on their way to Ponyville to take a look at what could potentially be Half’s new home.
Having got the morning duties done at the bakery Half had asked his parents Brandy Snap and Short Crust to come with him to view this property, he thought that maybe they could help him make the final decision whether or not to buy the place. After all, he’d be spending his personal savings and more, if he made the wrong choice he’d have to live with the outcome for what may be the rest of his life.

Half looked up at his parents, his mother, Brandy Snap, looked up from her knitting and smiled at her son, her dark brown coat and chestnut coloured mane being blown about gently in the slight draft coming through the windows, Half smiled and turned to look at his father. Half had a light brown, almost biscuit coloured coat with a Blonde mane, almost the same colour as his father's’ coat. His father had a coat the colour of double cream with a mane the colour of milk chocolate.

Short Crust was staring blankly out the open window at the countryside as it went by, lost in thought perhaps. Half-Baked wondered silently what his father might be thinking about but gave up after a short while and laid his head back against the padded seat of the pegasi carriage. Day dreaming was a habit of his that he’d never been able to shake, his teachers weren’t best pleased of this habit of his, many a time he’d been caught day-dreaming in the middle of lessons.

“We’re here” said Short Crust looking out of the carriage window still; they were making the final descent towards Ponyville. The town was a sea of colours as they flew over houses and shops, Half knew that somewhere down there was what may well be his house.

The carriage touched down on the firm ground of Ponyville and the party stepped out, Brandy Snap thanked the Pegasi pulling the carriage and paid the fare before rejoining her son and husband.

“Well now, shall we go and see this potential house of yours Half or is my dear husband hungry?” Said Brandy with a wink towards her Mate.

“Oh give it up Brandy, you know I had breakfast before we left” retorted Short Crust giving his Wife a friendly smile, she knew how to tease him. On many occasions Brandy had taken her husband shopping and had him come out with “I’m hungry, can we find a café or somewhere to eat please?”

“Fine, don’t go complaining to me though if your stomach starts moaning at you” Brandy replied with a smirk before turning to her son “So Half, where did the advert say this house was?”

“Umm..” Half turned and stuck a hoof in his saddle bag, thankfully he’d brought the newspaper containing the advertisement with him, pulling out said newspaper, Half flicked through it until he came to the desired page.

“32 Whitetail Wood Road..” He mumbled, looking up from the newspaper he looked for something to tell him where they were currently.

Sadly he could see no signs or street names from their current position.
“Hm.. Perhaps we should ask someone if they know where abouts it is or if they know where the street is” Said Short Crust, he’d seen his son looking around for a sign or something that would tell him where he was.

“Yeah.. I guess that could work..” Half mumbled joining his parents, together they walked down the road a little, trying to find somepony that might know where they could find 32 Whitetail Wood Road.

Eventually after a while they managed to stumble into the local mail mare on her round.

“Hello. Um, excuse me ma’am but could you possibly give us a hand?” Brandy called out, hoping to gain the attention of her.

The grey mail mares’ ears picked up Brandys’ voice and she scanned about to find the source of it. Upon spotting them she flew over.

“Hello, you wanted something?” The mail mare said.

“Uhm, yes, you see, we’re trying to find Whitetail Wood Road but we’re not from around here so we’re kinda lost for its where abouts..” replied Brandy explaining their situation. “Any chance you might know where we could find it?”

“Oh yes, no problem at all, my next stop is on Whitetail Wood, I can show you where it is” Smiled the mail mare.

Half smiled back at the mail mare, ‘wow she’s cute’ thought Half.

“Oh that would be wonderful! Miss..?” Said Brandy with a smile.

“The name’s Ditzy Doo but Ditzy will do just fine” Ditzy said as she fastened her mailbag up “Follow me then”

“Aha, before we go let us introduce ourselves; I’m Brandy Snap, this is my husband; Short Crust” Short Crust nodded to Ditzy, “And this is my son, Half-Baked” Brandy gestured to Half who smiled and developed a slight blush.

“Hello..” Half said with a slight wave to Ditzy who tried to suppress a slight giggle a little at this almost foal-like action.

“He can be a little shy at times” Brandy whispered to Ditzy who giggled once more, “Anyhoo, Ditzy, let’s not forget why we’re here.”

“Of course” Ditzy spread her wings and started hovering a few feet off the ground “Just follow me and we’ll be there in no time”

Ditzy lead the group through several streets of houses and shops, stopping every so often to check that they were still following her.

“C’mon, it’s just round the corner you guys” Ditzy shouted, flying ahead a little and beckoning them to hurry up with one hoof.

“Alright dear, we’re in no rush” Replied Brandy, having to shout so Ditzy could hear her,

Shortly they joined Ditzy at the street corner where she was waiting for them.

“Here we are!” Said Ditzy with a smile on her face. “Whitetail Wood Road”

“Thank you Miss Ditzy, we’re ever so grateful for your help” said Brandy.

“It’s ok, like I said, my next delivery was on this road, I’ll only be a second” Ditzy reached into her mail-bag and pulled out a letter before flying off down the street.

“Well isn’t she a very polite mare” Short Crust said to his family who were standing there next to him.

“Cute too” Smirked Brandy winking at Half.

“Mother!!” Exclaimed Half, blushing brightly in shock at his mother's remark.

“What? I’ve seen how you look at her”

Half turned an even deeper shade of red. “I haven’t been staring at her that much have I?

“Oh just admit It dear. She is a very pretty mare, you could do much worse than her” Said Brandy proudly, knowing she’d won this little debate.

“For once I’ll agree with your mother Half, she is rather pretty. Hell if I was a 20 years younger...” Short said, mumbling the last sentence so his mate wouldn’t hear. Unluckily for him she did and shot him a look that rivaled Fluttershys’ Stare.

“Fine, I’ll admit it, she IS kinda cute... but honestly Mother, I bet someone like her already has a colt friend so don’t even think about trying anything..” Half said, saying the last part with almost a hint of disappointment behind it. “But can we please get back to what we came here for?”

“Yes, yes. Let’s, I’m sure Ditzy will be able to find us no problem, the house cannot be far away” Brandy chirped.

Looking over to the nearest house, the number “14” was clearly adorned upon the door in big, brass numbers. The house just a bit further up the street having the same brass numbering but instead of “14” the number “15” was emblazoned on the door.

“It must be up that way” Half proclaimed to his parents who nodded in agreement.

Together they walked up the street, passing house after house, just as they were coming up to the house with “30” on the door a voice caught their attention.

“Look out belloooowwwww”

“Wha..?” Said Half, looking around him for the source of the voice, it seemed familiar.. Unluckily for him he didn’t think to look up.


A cloud of dust now hid the entwined and slightly bruised bodies of Half-Baked and Ditzy.

“Hello? is everyone ok?” Brandy called into the now settling cloud of dust with mild concern in her voice.

“Yes mum... I think so..” Half replied, “Boy will this hurt in the morning..”

“Hehe.. Sorry, my bad..” giggled Ditzy who was effectively lying, if you could call it that, on Half. “I just don’t know what went wrong”

“Don’t worry about it. Accidents happens.” Half said with a bit of a pained laugh.

The dust now settled around the “Crash site” Brandy and Short could now clearly see the outcome of Ditzys’ Crash Landing; Ditzy was sprawled out on the front of Half with her mane covering most of her face, Half completely flat on his back.

“I told you she’d find us Half... Oh my..” Giggled Brandy.

“What? What’s so funny Mu-oh.... Ditzy?” Half’s face turning a shade of red that was impossible to hide.

“Yes?” Ditzy replied turning her head to look at Half, her bright, yellow eyes looking into his...

“Could you possibly?...” Half started to speak but couldn’t muster up the courage to finish his sentence.

Ditzy tilted her head slightly in confusion before she suddenly realised what he was trying to say.

“Ohhhh, my bad, haha” Ditzy laughed and started to climb off of Halfs’ body with a light blush on her face. “So sorry, but hey, they don’t call me Ditzy for nothing!” at this she shrugged with her front two legs and immediately fell back onto Half who let out a pained “Oof”

Brandy couldn’t help but laugh at this scene and neither could Short. Half frowned at his parents but soon joined in, he couldn’t be angry at Ditzy, she was just too damn cute to be mad at in his opinion.

Ditzy rolled over, her end position placed her directly next to Half. Half didn’t realise this and turned his head towards Ditzy, his face now directly in front of Ditzys’.

Can I smell Muffins?..” Thought Half.

Ditzy let out a slight giggle and blush and so did Half, Ditzy smiled and Half smiled Back, “Sweet Celestia those eyes are enchanting” thought Half, Ditzy and Half staring into each others eyes.

“Could you two lovebirds wrap things up so we can get going? I’m getting hungry..” Short Crust interjected.

Half and Ditzy broke eye contact and started to get up off the floor. It was an awkward moment if there ever was one. Whilst they were doing this Brandy started giving a good scolding to Short in the background; mainly for interrupting things between her son and Ditzy but also because he was hungry.
Ditzy and Half now back on their hooves they started to brush the dust off their coats, Ditzy brushing the dust off the bits Half couldn’t reach and Half doing the same for Ditzy.

“Thanks Ditzy” Half muttered politely to Ditzy, whilst he was brushing the dust off her back.

“No problem” She replied with a smile on her face whilst doing the same for him.

Once they’d finished brushing the dust off each other they exchanged friendly smiles and joined Half’s parents.

“Have you two stopped bickering? I’d really like to see this house. Before tomorrow if that’s okay” Half said, rolling his eyes at his parents child like antics.

“Ooo you’re moving to Ponyville? “ Ditzy chimed with excitement at the prospect.

“Well if everything seems ok with the house, then quite possibly” Smiled Half.

Ditzy’s face lit up at the mention of this.

“... And if you ever do that again so help me Short..” Brandy said, shaking her hoof at him menacingly before quickly turning to Half with a very calm smile on her face “Yes dear, we’ve finished”

“Okay then” Sighed Half.

With this they all continued towards the house they were heading for, Brandy occasionally giving Short Crust angry looks, with hanging his head a little and looking rather sheepish after getting a good scolding from her.

Eventually, a big “For Sale” sign hanging from a house came into view.

“This must be it” Half stated.

Upon reaching it they could already tell that it hadn’t been lived in for at least a year, maybe more.

“Well... they did say this was an Open House... guess we should have a look around” Half said, walking through the open doorway.

Looking around there was quite a fair bit of space to this property, it had a very basic layout but it suited what Half was looking for. The walls were faded from ageing and the floors were coated in a layer of dust but in Half’s mind all it needed was a lick of paint and a bit of work and he’d have it looking like a brand new house.

Upstairs was the same as the downstairs, the colour on the walls was fading and there was dust all around. The bathroom was still in good shape, it still had running water thankfully but Half decided that if he was to buy this place that he’d give it a revamp.

The basement was more than big enough for what he wanted to do with it according to Short Crust. This brought a smile to Halfs’ face, it was looking more and more appealing to him every minute he was in the property.

“Hello? Is anypony in here?”

The sound of an unfamiliar voice rang throughout the house.

“Better go check who it is” Said Brandy, this got a nod from everyone in the kitchen and thus they all started moving towards the front of the building.

“Ah, visitors!”

As they turned into the living room, a dark brown coated Unicorn stood in the doorway connecting the entrance hallway and the living room, his blond hair standing out in contrast to the faded colours of the house.

“And you are?..” Short Crust asked, raising his eyebrow at the Unicorn standing there.

“Forgive me, my name is Open House, I am the Real Estate Agent in charge of selling this house” Replied Open House, giving a short bow to all the Ponies standing in the living room.

“So are you all here to view this property?” Questioned Open House, moving forward out of the doorway and more towards his ‘Clients’.

“Oh no, our son is, we’re his parents, he asked us to ‘tag along’, Ditzy here...” Brandy gestured to Ditzy who was drawing shapes and other things in the dust on the floor with Half watching with mild interest. “Helped us find this house and tagged along with us”

“Oh wonderful, we haven’t had many ponies view this house in all honesty, you’re the first in quite a while” Chimed Open with enthusiasm in his voice. “I take it you’ve all had a look around?..”

“Yes, indeed we have.” Brandy replied with a small smile on her face.

“Ok. Well, is there anything you’d like to know about this property...? Sorry I don’t know your name” Open house said, his attention aimed at Half.

Half looked up from Ditzys’ dust drawings and turned to face Open.

“Just one thing. When can I move in?” Half asked.

“Are.. Are you serious? You’re actually going to buy this House?” Half’s response obviously flustering Open House.

“Yeah.. Don’t see why not, it’s a nice place, just needs a lick of paint and some TLC” Said Half proudly.

Ditzy looked up from her drawings, the conversation Half and this Unicorn standing there talking to him starting to gain her interest. Half’s parents standing there proudly.

“Well.. Okay then.. If you’re sure.” Open House said, rubbing the back of his head with his hoof, he hadn’t expected this at all. “Follow me then and we’ll go sign the necessary paperwork and such... Easiest sale I've ever made..” Muttering the last part under his breath.

With that Open House turned and walked back out of the house before standing outside, waiting patiently for them.

“You sure son?” Short asked his son.

“Absolutely” Was Half’s reply.

“Yay! You’re moving to Ponyville! I knew you would! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!” Squealed Ditzy with delight, bouncing around the room like a foal on a sugar rush.

“Haha, come on Ditzy, I need to sign the paperwork first and that isn’t going to do itself” Laughed Half, grabbing Ditzys tail in his mouth and pulling the still bouncing mare with him as they left the house.

“Sorry Half but I gotta go pick up Dinky from school, she’ll be real mad if i’m late again” Ditzy said, her ears dropping a tad and head lowering a little.

“Aww, it’s ok Ditzy, we’ll see each other again” Half said, reaching over and giving Ditzy a comforting hug which she returned wholeheartedly.

“Thanks Halfy and yeah, i’m sure we will. Goodbye doesn’t have to be forever right?” Ditzy said, breaking away from Half and smiling from ear to ear. She then opened her wings and started hovering before turning to Halfs’ parents and Open House and started waving “Bye Brandy, Bye Short, Bye Mr-Real-Estate-Pony-Who-I’ve-Forgotten-What-His-Name-Is!”

With that she flew off to go meet Dinky, leaving Half to join his parents and Open House who were waving goodbye to Ditzy who was now quite a way down the street.

“So shall we go sign that paperwork?” Open House asked.

“Yup” Half smiled.

And with that Half, Brandy, Short and Open started the journey towards the Real Estate Agents where Half, after a rather lengthy time, eventually managed to sign all the necessary paperwork for the house and paid the deposit he had to pay.

During the Pegasi carriage ride back to Canterlot, Half practically daydreamed all the way from Ponyville to Canterlot.

His thoughts ranging from all the things he would like to do to his new house to Ditzy Doo.

“I only met her today... so why can’t I stop thinking about her?..” This thought bugging him for most of the journey back to his home in Canterlot.

Even when he got back to his home in Canterlot his mind was still plagued by that question.

Half lay there in his bed thinking that night. His thoughts still on that question. Eventually he grew tired of going over it in his mind and decided it was time to settle down. It was then that it came to him.

Could it be?... No, surely not... I don’t have a Crush on Ditzy do I?