
by Half-Baked

Chapter 1

Half-Baked admired the fruits of his labour; 16 freshly baked muffins that sat atop the worktop waiting to be tasted. They had taken him the best part of the afternoon to make but he had no doubt that all the effort he had put into making them it would be worth it once he’d sampled the end result.

Half picked up one of the muffins and took a bite; the warmth and flavour of the muffin filling his mouth. This batch was surely the best so far, the flavours complimented each other perfectly without clashing in any way, the smooth and fluffy texture meant that each mouthful was sheer delight. Once again, he had outdone himself.

Though it was no surprise to him that he had made yet another batch of near-perfect muffins; he looked down to his flank, the cutie mark muffin that adorned it sat there proudly like it had ever since he had earned it all those years ago. Ever since he had found his special talent he had been creating and crafting many baked masterpieces, gaining a reputation in the process and becoming a name that people recognized and celebrated.

His parents had given him the perfect foal-hood in which to practise and hone his craft, they too were celebrated Bakers, having their own bakery that for years had been a name that commanded respect and had proved to be on a number of occasions; one of the best in Equestria. Half-Baked had therefore grown up in an environment where he’d had the chance to gain all the skills and knowledge to grow up to be one of the most skilled Bakers of his generation and that’s exactly what he’d done.

Half-Baked trotted over to the living room and plonked himself down onto the sofa, he was beginning to tire of this life- wake up at 4am, help his parents with the morning duties, Bake all morning, nothing to do during the day except for maybe one or two photo shoots if they were scheduled, go out for a while if he felt compelled too then come back, cook dinner then either finish the day watching T.V or reading a few cookbooks. It wasn’t his idea of heaven.

He’d had this dream for a few years now that one day he’d have his own little bakery where he could live the rest of his days in peace, maybe find someone special and settle down, maybe have foals. Yeah, that’d be the life. Perhaps it was high time he started trying to make this little dream of his a reality?

He was 18 after all; he was at the age where he could indeed start making steps towards his dream. Yeah. Starting tomorrow he would take steps towards owning his own little Bakery and making his dream come true.

Picking up one of the local newspapers he flicked through the pages; skim reading a few stories, reading the full article of others, he was about to put it down when a section caught his eye. Near the back of the newspaper was a section, only one or two pages big, of adverts for places that were up for rent or for sale. Normally this wouldn’t be of much interest but Half-Baked thought that perhaps he might be able to find somewhere that might take his interest in one of the adverts. He had to start looking somewhere; this was as good as anything.

Skimming the ads, he quickly eliminated half or more; either they were far too expensive or there was something wrong with the property. At the bottom of one of the pages one property did fit the bill.

A small two story house with a basement in a small town called Ponyville, two bedrooms, kitchen and living room. This was what he wanted; he could convert the first floor for the bakery and live on the second floor with the basement for the large bakery ovens he would have to have installed. It was within the price bracket he’d set himself too, he had savings but he’d still have to take out a loan to be able to afford the property but that wouldn’t be a problem.

It was sorted then. He’d go and have a look at this place tomorrow and if he liked it then he’d get it. Half-Baked smiled a little. By this time tomorrow he might have his own place. During his Foalhood he’d never in his wildest dreams thought he might one day own his own place and here he was, planning to do just that.

He looked at the clock on the wall, it was ten past nine, he eased himself off the sofa and into his bedroom before climbing into bed. Another early day tomorrow to help his parents but at least he’d have something to look forward to later in the day.

Thoughts of what it might look like and of things that he could do once he had his own place filled his mind as sleep slowly enveloped him.