Weapons of Old: Chill of Death

by Omega C

Waking Up and What Happened

Twilight and Rarity paced back and forth in the waiting room worried about Spike. The doctor came in with a smile. "HOW IS HE?!" Twilight and Rarity asked frantically.

"He woke up just now...but the thing that surprised us is that after he woke up he was in perfect condition" The Mane six looked shocked at this piece of news. "And all the burn marks he had...Gone" Twilight and Rarity didn't care

"Can we see him?" They looked at the doctor.

"Of course...he was worried about all of you." Every single one of them rushed to see Spike. To find that he was doing some stretches

"SPIKE!!!" He turned to find everyone looking at him.

"Hey." Next thing he knew he couldn't breathe because he was being hugged by everyone in the room "AIR! AIR! AIR!" He yelled getting them to back off "What happened?"

"After you touched those vile things, all of them shocked you with some sort of energy. They disappeared shortly after. You were on the ground out cold" Rarity explained

"For how long?" Spike Asked

"You were in a coma for a week" Twilight answered. Spike then looked guilty

"Sorry for worrying you all...I just found these weapons and thought 'hmm these look like something that twilight would love to analyze'. Next thing I know they were glowing I felt pain...and now. I'm here" Spike said with a sad tone "I blew it...Think of all the things that could have been-" Rarity and Twilight glomped the dragon.

"NONE OF THAT!!! Spike, you are my muse. My inspiration, without you I cannot create even the simplest of dresses or shirts." Rarity explained

"YEAH! I couldn't sleep for days without you. I couldn't even think, knowing that you were hurt." Twilight added

"All that matters is that you're safe." the two magic users said together. Spike Smiled

"ALRIGHT THAT IS IT!!!" Rainbow Dash yelled "First you two and Spike leave for a few days, then you bring an electrocuted Spike, and now you’re talking about weapons" Spike, Rarity, and Twilight nodded.


"TALK!" Spike sighed at Rainbow's Demand.

"Well a few days and two weeks ago," Spike began


"With Love Celestia" Spike Finished reading the letter for Twilight who looked absolutely giddy.

"Ruins? That She WANTS ME TO EXPLORE AND RESEARCH!!!!???" The squee couldn't be anymore adorable. Rarity chuckle but spoke up.

"Darlings remember Celestia mentioned me by name to accompany the both of you." Rarity Reminded "So we should get our things and set off for the ruins." Rarity reasoned

"But still "Temple of the Great Heroes of Old"? Man talk about generic name." Spike said with a mocking tone

"Spike" Twilight warned."This is important."

"Fine." Spike held back at mocking the name. It took them a few days to get the their things, get to the location of the ruins and enter it. The area was something that could be straight out of one of the Daring Do books or one Spike fantasy themed comics. Very ominous and dread inducing darkness was inside of the ruins. Using magic Twilight and Rarity light the way, while Spike used a flashlight. Twilight examined nearly every room but one room Rarity and Spike yanked out of. Inside of it were two serpent statue and some sort of an altar

"HEY!" Twilight wrenching her arms out of Rarity's and Spike's Hand

"Sorry, darling but not that one...it just screams wrong."


"Rarity's right Twilight, lets move on." Spike urged. Twilight begrudgingly left the room alone, the feeling left quickly they discovered a library with all sorts of scrolls and books.

"YES!" Twilight wasted no time in analyzing the multiple of records and text inside. "Rarity some of these have passages about clothes and fashion"

"REALLY?!" Rarity joined Twilight as the lavender Unicorn levitated a book towards her. She began the study' its contents for ideas for her next idea. Spike went to one of the shelves and was about to analyze a books contents but something caught his eye. Nearby a room with beckoning glow had seeming manifested from nowhere. Investigating he saw the room 36 weapons inside! Each one with a unique design.

"Wow...I bet Twilight would want to see these." Spike looked around "Well I don't see any traps...just go in, grab a few, and get out." Spike entered the room and made his way to a particular section of the room where a set of weapons that interested him hung on the wall. They all had a skull somewhere on them. On the left was an axe with a red design giving a look of blood flowing through it like a canal. Its blade had a skull in the center with its eye socket glowing red. The skull's mouth was open showing the sharp fangs it had amount the teeth. "My sharp teeth you have." Spike joked then looked to the right of the axe. This Weapon or weapons were a pair of blades, which were too large to be a long sword. Spike reasoned that these two sword were great swords "But a pair of great swords? Aren't great swords too heavy to hold in one hand, let alone dual wield?" Spike pondered then went back to looking at the blades. Both had a horned skull in the middle of the wrist guard, said skull eye sockets were glowing blue. The blades seemed to be stylized to have blue sheen giving it an ice-like look to the blades. For some reason or another when lift his hand near the swords he felt a chill. Not a chill as in fear but a chill as in cold. "Brr...If I didn't know any better I would say it was coming from the swords." Shaking the thought out his head he decided to look at that last one on the right. The last one also had a skull on the wrist guard, but the way the wrist guard was design it almost looked like the wrist guard IS the skull. Cause the actual wrist guard looked like a pair of spiked horns coming from the skull. The blade is sort of spade shape and near where the wrist guard is something was attached to blade with bone like spikes on it making it look more intimidating. Also, on the blade were green runes. Oh yeah and skull's eye sockets glowed green. "Weird..." Spike commented.

"Spike!" Twilight Called

"Where did you go?" Rarity wondered as both girls were looking for him.

"In here" He called. Few seconds late Twilight and Rarity were the door and gasped "Amazing huh?" spike smile "Don't worry I'm not gonna carry them all...I'll just grab these three and-"

"SPIKE WAIT!!!" Twilight and Rarity yelled. But it was too late when spike touched the dual Great Swords, they stared glowing along the rest of the weapons in the room.

"What the?!" Spike couldn't even finish his thought as he was surged with an unimaginable amount of pain. He screamed in agony, images flow through his mind it. Wars, soldiers, a king, a sword; it was too much for him to handle "Stop... MAKE IT STOP!!!" Spike yelled wanting the pain to end. Both girls rushed towards before they could get any closer the weapons blasted them back. Spike began crying it was so much after seemed to be hours of pain... it stopped and Spike fell to the ground.

"SPIIIIIKE!!!" The two rushed to his side.

"Spikey boo..." Rarity whisper in grief, while Twilight check for a pulse

"He's still alive..." She informed "We gotta get him some medical help NOW!" she teleported with Spike and Rarity in tow.

End of Flashback

"And that’s what happened" Twilight finished "I did notice something weird thought before the weapons disappeared. I think I saw them scatters in several direction like their looking for something."

"Who Cares...those things were trouble and I'm glad their gone!" Rarity stated firmly stroking Spike's hair.

"True...but Celestia might want to know about them in case they possess someone or someone gets their hands on one or something." Spike suggested. "Someone give me a paper and pen, I need to report this." Fluttershy handed what he requested

'Dear Celestia

That Expedition you sent us on, had resulted in some cool findings and something that needs your attention. While we were exploring I discovered a room with all sorts of weapons but when I went to pick one up they all glowed then disappeared. Tell your guards and anyone else that operates for under you to keep an eye for some unusual weapons. ESPCIALLY three weapons that fit these descriptions:

If any are found PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL! They knocked me out for a week. They should be considered very dangerous, and should be sealed away.

Drake 'Spike' Solaris'

After finishing the letter Spike sent it away with his fire breath.