Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Soarin's Horrific Change

The weeks of peace were about to come to an end. Neither Rainbow nor Indominus were aware of it, but Soarin had finally healed from the injuries they had brought upon him three weeks ago. As soon as the doctors gave him the ok, Soarin gathered the Wonderbolts for their next attack on Indominus. Spitfire had called in every new recruit from the last few tryouts and they were present as well. Each of them were unsure about carrying out such a dangerous task after hearing how Indominus had torn apart Fire Streak, Blaze and Wave Chill.

"So Soarin, how do you plan on getting that monster this time," asked Fleetfoot.

"Last time we fought him we ended up losing three of our own," said Surprise.

"What I have in mind is going to bring that monster down for sure, because I have his power mixed into this formula." Soarin pulled out the vile he had stored away and everypony could see it glowing red, just like Indominus's power. "I've seen the destructive power that monster has, and once I drink this formula, I'll have it as well. Then I'll use his own power to break him down and end that behemoth's life once and for all!"

"But you can't get carried away once you have that power Soarin," said Spitfire. "Remember, we're trying to kill that monster, not cause havoc all over Equestria."

"I'm aware of that boss, and this will avenge the lives of our teammates that he destroyed. Don't you want him to suffer for what he's brought upon us? For how he savagely killed them in front of us?"

Spitfire wanted to make Indominus suffer especially because of how he had killed the last three Wonderbolts. She had been powerless to stop him, even with the formula and had been at the mercy of the hybrid's monstrous rage. Indominus had also nearly killed her as well, an experience that neither she or the rest of the Wonderbolts would ever forget.

"Yes, I do."

"But Spitfire, what about Rainbow Crash," asked Misty Fly. "What happens if she and the rest of the family decide to fight again?"

With a grim, and solid look on her face, Spitfire gave the most stone cold answer the Wonderbolts had ever heard.

"She had her chance, she chose to stay with that abomination over us. She even had the nerve to attack us after all the destruction he brought upon our world. The rest of you will keep that so called family occupied while Soarin takes care of that beast. Rainbow Crash is mine to deal with. Oh, and just in case any of you have doubts about confronting her, let us take a solemn vow." The Wonderbolts gathered in a close circle and raised one wing each. "From now on, she is no longer, a Wonderbolt." The Wonderbolts all placed their wings in the center, as a way of showing they had turned their backs on Rainbow.

"Now there's no way you'll ever be one of us again Rainbow Crash," Soarin thought to himself as the Wonderbolts planned out their attack against Indominus and his family.

The next day, Indominus was heading towards Canterlot to meet up with Luna and Celestia. The last time he and Luna had met, she told him that Celestia had info regarding the Winged Dragon of Ra. It had also been a week since Discord had put the Devil out of commission, so the opportunity was perfect for Indominus. The dinosaur felt he needed to know everything he could about the dragon that had given him the wisdom to try and beat the monster in his heart. He was unaware that while he would be in Canterlot, disaster would soon be upon his family.

When the guards let him into the castle, he was greeted by the Princesses as they descended the stairs towards the foyer.

"It's great to see you looking so lively again Indominus," said Celestia.

"Thank you Celestia, things have been very peaceful for me since...that fight."

"Luna told me about your encounters over the past few weeks, including your meeting with Rs." Indominus leaned over and gently nuzzled the blue Alicorn. Celestia giggled at seeing the affection her sister was getting, and saw why she had been so concerned for Indominus before.

"In order for her to help I had to tell her everything Indominus. But judging by your response, I'd say it's alright?"

"Yes it is Luna, and yes Celestia, I do have a monster of pure rage dwelling within me. Thankfully, Discord took him out of action for awhile."

"Discord!? He's been helping you?"

"Yes, after telling me that I'm the first friend he's ever been able to relate to, he took it upon himself to try and help me through this. He wanted to test my power and....well, let's just say he got more than he bargained for. But he was able to suppress the beast inside me and that was a week ago."

The Princesses had no words after what they had heard. They had known Discord for years, and they'd never heard of him going to such lengths for anypony. For him to go to such an extreme degree just for Indominus, meant they had an even tighter bond of friendship.

"Wow, I had no idea that Discord would decide to be such a devoted friend," said Luna.

"Neither did I sister. I'll have to give him my thanks when this is over. But that's not why we're here, I have something that you must see Indominus."

"Does it have to do with that golden dragon I met a few weeks ago?"

"Oh it does Indominus, because his role in Equestria runs much deeper than even the Dragon Lord himself knows."

The alicorns led Indominus to the royal library and began scanning the shelves for a particular scroll. When they found it, they put the scroll on a long table for Indominus to examine. Like the scroll detailing Black Death's attack, this one was vastly different as well. It was a pure shade of gold and seemed to shine in the light, exactly like the scales on Ra's hide. When Celestia unraveled the scroll, it rolled until the very end of the table with a vast amount of info.

"Is this everything on Ra?"

"Indeed so Indominus," said Celestia. "He was much more than just a dragon, he was the true god of the sun. Millennia ago when we were still growing as alicorns, the Winged Dragon of Ra ruled over all of Equestria and defended it from all sorts of evil. This dragon's might was so grand that every creature in Equestria respected and praised him, and not just ponies."

"More than ponies and dragons looked up to him?"

"When I say every creature I mean EVERY creature, Indominus. Ponies, dragons, griffons, even the creatures of the Everfree Forest held this god in the most sincere respect. Anything that tried to stand against him, was easily overwhelmed and destroyed by Ra's limitless might. With his power being drawn from the sun itself, there wasn't much that could stand against him."

"So why did he decide to turn his back on Equestria," asked Luna.

"It says that Ra continued to rule over Equestria until the day when he would no longer be needed. I believe that was around the time when we finally learned to raise the sun and moon, sister. Ra probably felt that his time protecting Equestria was over and passed the torch onto us. However, the scroll says that should a soul ever be in desperate need, Ra would appear before them and guide that soul towards the right path."

"That explains why Smaug was so convinced that Ra could help me through all this."

"You're unique Indominus, because you have a version of the Winged Dragon's power dwelling with you. That's why you have a particular connection with him, and probably why he wants to turn you away from all your rage and hate. He's seen the light in you and the path you're meant to follow."

"He even said that if I kept Rainbow Dash close to me, I would be able to take down the Devil for good."

"Then you've been wise to heed his advice. More often than not, the things Ra says come to pass. He has never once led anypony astray."

"If what this sun god has told you is true, then once you beat the Devil, you'll be able to stop the Wonderbolts," asked Luna.

"That's pretty much what he told me. I just hope that I can get it taken care of before they decide to come after me again."

At that moment, the trio heard a loud roar echoing across Equestria. They left the library and went out on one of the balconies to listen more carefully. Indominus recognized the loud rumbles in the calls, and knew there was only one creature with a roar that strong.

"That's Tyrannosaurus, and it sounds like something urgent."

"You don't suppose something happened while you were away?"

"I highly doubt that Celestia. My brother and sisters can take care of themselves." But Indominus stopped himself when another somepony crossed his mind and caused his heart to race in panic. "Oh no, don't tell me it has to do with Scootaloo!?"

"You'd best get back to Ponyville and see what the commotion's about."

"I will Luna, and thank you for the info on Ra, Princesses. I really appreciate it and I promise I'll make sure to follow his advice."

Indominus spread his wings and immediately poured as much power as he could into them to get back to Ponyville. All that was racing through his mind was what could've happened to cause Rexy to roar in such a worried state.

Indominus continued to listen to T-Rex's roars as he got closer to Ponyville. Once he touched down, the hybrid zeroed in on his brother's location and found the calls coming from the schoolhouse. The hybrid began sprinting towards the school, and caught out of the corner of his eye, Rainbow Dash making her way towards the building as well. The pair formed up and kept pace with each other until they reached the school. But upon arriving, they could tell that something was terribly wrong.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were at the entrance, but they both looked horrified and deeply upset. Cheerilee and the raptors were doing their best to calm them down and Tyrannosaurus had an raging look in his eyes.

"Tyrannosaurus, what happened here?"

"Those scoundrels have gone too far Rainbow. They'll pay for this with their blood!!!"

"What are you talking about brother?"

"Indominus, it's the Wonderbolts. They.....they kidnapped Scootaloo."

Everything seemed to fall deadly silent after hearing what T-Rex said. Rainbow and Indominus were unable to believe what they'd heard, but as the reality sunk in, bitter rage stirred within them both. What happened next was so loud, that even the dragons heard it from their home. Indominus and Rainbow reared back and released rage filled roars that was so loud and strong, it caused the trees to bend at the force of their voices. The roars alerted and frightened the rest of the Mane Five who immediately made their way towards the school after hearing the angry roars.

"THEY TOOK SCOOTALOO!?" Neither pegasus or dinosaur could contain their anger. Scootaloo being harassed or neglected was one thing, but for the Wonderbolts to kidnap her just to get back at her family was going too far.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE SOARIN WOULD STOOP TO THIS LEVEL!! Or the fact that Spitfire would actually agree with this."

"How did this happen?" Indominus's eyes were starting to glow their deadly shade of red again.

"It happened about an hour ago," said Cheerliee as she walked over to the agitated dinosaurs. "A few of the Wonderbolts showed up and went to the Crusaders. I didn't know what to make of it and I couldn't understand what they were saying, but Soarin seemed determined to get Scootaloo. Before I realized what was happening, it was too late, he had the others restrain the girls, he knocked Scootaloo out cold, left a note with them and took off."

The rage was building in both lovers and they seemed on the verge of transforming out of sheer hatred. Before Cheerliee could hand them the note, Rainbow's friends showed up were instantly worried at seeing the rage on her face.

"Rainbow what happened," asked Twilight.

"I always looked up to them Twilight, and this is how they repay me. They let Soarin harass me, they attack my husband, and now....THEY'VE TAKEN MY DAUGHTER!!"

The Mane Five were stunned and horrified beyond belief. They had never seen Rainbow so enraged before, the Wonderbolts had finally gone too far.

"I hope Soarin's ready for a blood bath, because when we find him, he's going to suffer. When we catch him, you and I will tear out his throat, Indominus."

"I will take great pleasure in ending his life."

"First, we need to find out where they've taken her," said T-Rex to get their attention.

Everypony gathered around as Rainbow Dash read the note Soarin had left.

"Rainbow Crash,

You brought this on yourself for choosing that abomination you call a husband over your heroes. By turning your back on us, now we have turned our backs on you and your family. If you ever want to see your precious chicken again, tell the rest of your family to meet us at the battle sight where that beast killed our teammates. Oh and your husband will give himself up so we can hang his scaly hide beside the runway, or you'll be down one member. Better move, immediately."

The Mane Five could see Rainbow and the dinosaurs shaking with anger, and they seemed like they would explode. So the ponies immediately went to try and comfort the shaken family.

"Easy Rainbow, we'll help you get Scootaloo back," Twilight said, hoping Rainbow wouldn't snap.

"Don't let your anger take over Indominus. You don't want the Devil to take over again," said Fluttershy as she tried to keep Indominus and Rexy calm.

"It's ok darlings, we're not gonna let them get away with this," Rarity said as she comforted Delta and Echo.

"Soarin has crossed the line, and we'll see to it that he gets his kamupets," Applejack added while she and Pinkie attended to Blue and Charlie.

When Rainbow calmed down and looked back at Twilight, she was on the verge of tears.

"Why, why is all of this happening Twilight? Did I really mess up so badly that I deserve all of this?"

"None of this is your fault Rainbow, it's Soarin who's to blame. His refusal to accept that Indominus is better than him has driven him to such measures. Just like with Indominus's rampage from before, he's trying to provoke you. He's trying to make you look like the bad guy, and we've got to stop him for good."

"Twilight's right sugarcube, we can't let him torment ya'll like this anymore. But first, we gotta save Scootaloo without falling into this trap of theirs."

"Y-yeah, you're right AJ," Rainbow said as she wiped away a stray tear. "This has to end now." She turned to her hybrid husband. "Indominus, can you sense the Wonderbolts from here, and maybe see what they've planned for us?"

Indominus took a few breaths to clear his mind of the anger and focus.

"I'll see what I can find Rainbow."

Indominus then closed his eyes and tried to focus on smelling out their prey. The others watched him sniff the air, trying to pick up the scents of either Scootaloo or the Wonderbolts. As he smelled the air, Indominus picked up a scent he remembered: the stench of the Wonderbolts. He turned in the direction of the scent and shifted from smelling to sensing.

"What's he up to," asked Cheerliee.

"Indominus has a special ability that allows him to sense the heat signatures of other creatures," Twilight explained. "It allows him to see far beyond normal vision, and oncoming threats."

Indominus's vision picked up a large collection of bodies in the distance. He saw a few circling a smaller body that seemed to be tied up, and he knew it had to be Scootaloo. He then noticed a couple of heat signatures that were placed behind four storm clouds, each one positioned right over the bodies on the ground. Indominus had seen the trap the Wonderbolts had laid out: if he didn't give himself up, they would fire lightning bolts at Scootaloo.

Fortunately, Indominus was far smarter than the Wonderbolts thought he was and knew how to deal with their little plan. He turned back towards his family.

"Alright, I've seen where they're holding Scootaloo."

"Where are they holding her Indominus?"

"At the same field where their last performance was, and where I lost control of myself."

"How ironic that Soarin would choose the location where he was nearly killed for the 2nd round," said Twilight.

"They have it arranged where if we try to save Scootaloo, they'll have a few Wonderbolts fire lightning bolts at her." Hearing this nearly sent Rainbow into a panic.

"Then what are we waiting for? We have to get her away from them before-" Indominus cut Rainbow off with one claw placed gently on her mouth.

"We're going to get Scootaloo back, Rainbow. But to do that, we have to outsmart the Wonderbolts first. Beat them at their own game."

"So Ah reckon this means ya already have a plan in mind?"

"Yes I do Applejack, now listen up I'm going to need all of you to help save our daughter."

Cheerliee backed away and went back to check on the other colts and fillies while Indominus explained his strategy to his friends and family. Everypony hung on every word Indominus said, for the life of a filly was hanging in the balance. When he was finished, the group agreed to the hybrid's plan and made their way towards the battle sight.

Meanwhile at the battle site, Scootaloo was waking up after Soarin had taken her. She realized that her body had been bound and restrained by a rope. But what scared her was seeing the lightning clouds positioned around her. There would be no way for her to transform and escape in time before the lightning would get her. She spotted the Wonderbolts surrounding her and Soarin strolled over with a confident smirk on his face.

"So the little chicken has come around?"

"Who are you calling a chicken, especially since you don't have the nerve to face my father yourself." Scootaloo saw Soarin's eye slightly twitching from the comment.

"That abomination you call a father will be dealt with for good this time, and you'll get to be a witness to his demise. Along with that selfish ignorant idol of yours, Rainbow Crash."

As Soarin walked away from Scootaloo. Spitfire took his place. Scootaloo just couldn't believe that the pony Rainbow had idolized the most was actually going along with Soarin's sick plan.

"Why are you doing this Spitfire? My dad didn't do anything wrong."

"I hate to break it to you kid, but your so called 'father' killed three of our teammates. He tore them apart in front of us, was going to kill all of us."

"But Rainbow Dash stopped him, she saved your lives."

"Yes she did, but afterwards she chose to side with him and turned her back on us. She decided that she'd be better off with some deformed beast and make disgusting love it than to be with the Wonderbolts. Your sister has made too many mistakes kid, and now she and that monster must pay the consequences."

As Spitfire walked away, Scootaloo realized that reasoning with the Wonderbolts was out of the question. Soarin had painted such an evil picture of Indominus in their minds and had played him. Everything that had happened was meant to make Indominus seem like such a sadistic killing machine, that all of the Wonderbolts would want him dead. Which in turn would make them force Rainbow to decide who she would stay loyal to, and cause her to become an enemy in their eyes.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, I hope that you and Indominus can get out of this madness in one piece," Scootaloo thought to herself before everypony heard loud footsteps in the distance.

Following the rumbling steps was a set of familiar roars that all of them recognized, and it brought a wide smile to Scootaloo's face.

"I knew my guardians would come to help me," said Scootaloo as Tyrannosaurus and Indominus appeared out of the trees.

The rexes walked out of a group of trees, with the Mane Six and the rest of the CMC alongside them. Both dinosaurs were deeply angry at the Wonderbolts once they caught sight of Scootaloo in the center of the group. The Mane Six had thought that the way Scootaloo's former parents had treated her was rough, but this was just too much. Soarin had actually convinced the Wonderbolts to kidnap a filly, just so he could get back at a hybrid that Rainbow had chosen over him.

"I can't believe Soarin would stoop to such a low level," said Twilight after seeing Scootaloo's predicament.

"Soarin, Ah'd suggest ya best give Scootaloo back to us unless ya want ta deal with a repeat performance from the last time ya'll tried this."

"Not until that monster gives himself up like the note said and lets us kill him as payback for our fallen teammates."

"Please stop this insanity Soarin," said Rainbow hoping that at least one Wonderbolt might back her up. "You're doing this just to get back at me and Indominus, but I'm the reason all of this happened. I'm the one who told Indominus about everything, so leave Scootaloo and my family out of this. This is between me and you."

"Actually Crash, this matter no longer concerns you." Everypony felt Rainbow's heart get torn in half when Spitfire stood alongside Soarin. "You chose to side with that behemoth, and by deciding to stay with him, you've turned your back on the Wonderbolts. So in turn we have decided to turn our backs on you."

"N-no Spitfire, you can't be serious."

"I am dead serious Crash, now no matter how much you beg or plead, you will NEVER be a Wonderbolt!"

Rainbow's whole world seemed to freeze in place as the words escaped Spitfire's mouth. The words she had heard were more painful than any of the times she had been called 'Rainbow Crash.' She couldn't believe that one of her greatest heroes had completely sided with Soarin in his quest for vengeance. All Rainbow had done was keep Indominus from killing them and himself with the Immortal Phoenix, and yet they thought she had turned her back on them by defending her husband and herself. Now there was no way they would take her back, Rainbow's dream had been brought to an end for good.

Unable to accept the harsh words, Rainbow collapsed and broke down in front of them. Her friends rushed to her side and glared angrily at the Wonderbolts.

"I can't believe you heathens would say something like that to Rainbow," Rarity exclaimed.

"She's done so much for you, being part of your team was her life's goal. You party poopers are going to pay for this."

"All she wanted was to be one of you," said Fluttershy. "She did everything you asked of her, stood up for what she believed was right, and even saved your lives. After all of that, THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HER!?" Fluttershy bellowed at the Wonderbolts. "YOU WRETCHED EXCUSES FOR PONIES DON'T DESERVE ANY KIND OF REDEMPTION! NONE OF YOU ARE WONDERBOLTS, YOU'RE JUST A BUNCH OF PATHETIC COWARDS!!!"

"Well said Fluttershy, now I'm gonna enjoy this more than I should." Indominus walked towards the Wonderbolts with T-Rex joining him.

"You get any closer and we'll electrocute her, you idiotic beast." Soarin wasn't aware of it, but Indominus's plan was already in motion.

None of the Wonderbolts had noticed, but the raptor squad had not joined the others when they emerged from the forest. Indominus kept glancing up at the clouds and could see the four heat signatures closing in one the Wonderbolts that were waiting behind the lightning clouds. The raptors were silently sneaking up on them from above, waiting for the right chance to ambush the Wonderbolts before they could harm Scootaloo. It was the perfect counter trap for the pathetic attempt Soarin had made to get back at the Family of a Lifetime. As Tyrannosaurus and Indominus continued to advance towards the Wonderbolts and Scootaloo, the new recruits were trembling at the bared teeth and deep growls. Many of them were on the verge of losing their nerve and making a break for it.

"This is your last warning monsters, either stop and give up or you'll lose this little excuse of a pegasus."

The dinosaurs ignored Soarin's warning and kept advancing forward. He and Spitfire took a breath, ready to give the command to the hiding Wonderbolts, but the rexes were one step ahead. T-Rex and Indominus roared into the sky, signaling the raptor squad and catching the Wonderbolts by surprise. Before the lightning clouds could be struck, Blue and her girls tackled each Wonderbolt and pinned them to the ground while snapping at them with their jaws. Realizing they had been tricked, the rest of the Wonderbolts made a break for the sky as Indominus fired a blast to keep them away. Tyrannosaurus carefully slid the rope in between his teeth, and in one bite he freed Scootaloo who hugged his face.

"I knew you guys would find me," Scootaloo said as she kissed T-Rex's snout.

"We'd never leave you Scootaloo," T-Rex said gently. "But right now, your sister needs you badly."

Scootaloo saw the emotionally destroyed state Rainbow was in and instantly flew to her side.

"Rainbow Dash, I'm sorry she said those things to you." Rainbow just held Scootaloo close in the group embrace her friends were giving.

"It's over Scootaloo, my dream is gone forever. You heard what Spitfire said, I'll never be a Wonderbolt again."

"No, it's not over Rainbow. Don't you remember that Soarin is the real reason she's saying that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Scootaloo's right Rainbow," said Twilight. "Spitfire is only saying those things because Soarin has set Indominus up to be a monster, witnessed her teammates being killed because of Soarin's actions, and Soarin convincing her to want revenge."

"They're being mislead darling," Rarity added. "Spitfire's been traumatized by everything Indominus did to her team. Right now it's easy for Soarin to convince her and the others to want the dinosaurs dead. They see revenge as the only way to end the pain they've endured."

"We just have ta beat the tar outta Soarin, and then we'll get everything straightened out, RD," Applejack said hopefully. "We'll tell em' yer side of the story and get em' to see that Soarin was deceiving everypony the whole time. Just don't give up on yer dream yet, there's still a chance for this to work out."

As Rainbow listened to her friends' support, she looked out to see the dinosaurs trying to keep the Wonderbolts preoccupied. Blue and her girls were biting at the Wonderbolts' hooves as they tried to punch the raptors or throw them off. T-Rex and Indominus were swinging their claws, heads and tails about, trying to swat away Soarin's group and the newly recruited Wonderbolts. She saw that while the Wonderbolts might've turned their backs on her, her friends and family had not. They were continuing to support her and cheer her on despite every negative thing the Wonderbolts had said. Rainbow realized that she still had plenty to fight for and that her friends were right: there was still hope for her to have her dream.

"Thanks girls, I don't know how I'd get through this ordeal without you, or them."

"That's what friends are for Rainbow," said Pinkie Pie. "We've got your back through this. Now let's rough up these party poopers."

"This time we're gonna help you Rainbow. I've prepared a growing spell just in case we'd need it," said Twilight.

The Mane Six and CMC ran over to the battle as the rexes just finished slamming the Wonderbolts into the ground. The raptors managed to grab each of their victims by the necks and were shaking them about. Each velociraptor released their vice grips on the Wonderbolts and they landed in front of the rest. They regrouped with their family and stood as one massive family against the Wonderbolts. But Soarin wasn't too worried as he, Fleetfoot, Spitfire and Misty Fly helped the thrashed Wonderbolts back up. It was roughly fifteen Wonderbolts against the Mane Six, CMC and the dinosaurs.

"Yes, this is exactly how I want it. All of you together in one place to witness me using my newest creation." Soarin revealed the glowing formula and it caused a shiver of fear to course through Twilight.

"S-soarin, what is in that bottle?"

"This Princess, is the strength formula combined with that behemoth's DNA. I've seen what his power can do to others, and now I'll get the chance to use it against him."

"He's out of his mind," Twilight thought to herself as she saw the bottle glow the same color red as Indominus's guardian form. "I've seen what Indominus's DNA is composed of, and that mixing it with anything could have horrific consequences. With that formula combined with the DNA of a hybrid, the mixture could turn Soarin's own DNA into linguine."

"Don't do this Soarin, ya have no idea what yer messin' with," Applejack warned.

"Actually farm pony, I do. Now Wonderbolts, take your formulas and then give me some room. I'm honestly not sure what I'll become after I take this, so don't be too close to me when I change."

"Make sure to completely own that monster, Soarin." said Fleetfoot.

"Oh I intend to."

The Wonderbolts all spread out and began drinking their formulas. Soarin waited until they had drank their formulas before he started drinking his. The Mane Six watched in worry as Soarin poured the red formula down his throat until the bottle was empty. A few seconds later, the Wonderbolts started to grow in size and strength, but Soarin doubled over in agonizing pain.

"W-what's.....h-happening!?" Soarin could barely catch his breath as his body seemed to writhe in pain. Every nerve in his body felt like it was being torched in an inferno, and the flame was coursing throughout his entire being. "I thought this formula was going to help......but the's unbearable!"

"Soarin, are you-" Spitfire was cut off as Soarin suddenly began to increase in size.

The Wonderbolt could see himself getting bigger and watched as his front legs began to change. His hooves began to morph into scaly clawed as his uniform got torn apart during the transformation. Soarin watched as his body began going through a transformation that left the Mane Six paralyzed. His fur was being changed into dark grey scales, his feathers were torn away as giant dragon-like wings took their place. Even his voice was changing, going to a dark and deep tone, similar to how the Devil within Indominus sounded.

"Yes. Yes, it's W..O.R.KING!!!"

Soarin stood up on his hind legs which had changed into long and slender scaly feet. Two rows of curved spikes started sprouting from his back and his tail became long and scaly like a serpent. His uniform was torn to pieces as his face went through the final part of the transformation and became the face of a giant monster. The mutated Wonderbolt bellowed a roar into the sky that shook the area around them.

"Oh yes, now this is what I call power," Soarin said after examining his new body.

Somehow he had managed to transform into a hybrid that was very similar to Indominus, but was on a much different level. In his mutated state, Soarin was considerably taller than Indominus and he looked far more menacing. His chest and eyes were giving off a sadistic green glow that was different compared to the red glow that came from Indominus's guardian form. It was a change that had given him the power to fight Indominus like a true monster. Soarin no longer resembled a Wonderbolt or a pony, through Indominus's DNA he had become a hybrid all his own.

"Now beast, let's finish what we started. Only this time, you will be the one buried in the dirt!"