Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Last Night Out

As he and Fluttershy walked back inside his house, Discord found Indominus resting on a couch with the monsters looking over his wounds.

"How's he doing boys?"

"His body's healing slowly from that battle Discord," said Red-Eyes. "Being in that form for so long and in a fight of that intensity really took a toll on him."

"That's exactly how he was after the battle with the Wonderbolts, only he had far more wounds that time," said Fluttershy.

Discord leaned over to get a better look at the marks on the hybrid's body. While most of them were healing, the wounds that were caused by the Immortal Phoenix still lingered like before. Discord was seeing first hand the after effects of what happened when Indominus was consumed by the Devil in his heart and used the Immortal Phoenix for too long. He hadn't felt sadness for something so painful since the day Fluttershy had said they weren't friends. Fluttershy could see the pain in his eyes as he stared at the wounds on Indominus's body. She flew up to his head and gave Discord a comforting hug.

"I know it's hard Discord, all of us were hurt too when we saw this for the first time. Except that time he chose to give up on his love with Rainbow Dash, which made it more painful."

"But I brought these wounds on him Fluttershy. I got into this thinking I could help him with his rage, instead I only ended up bringing him more pain. The only way I could stop his rampage was to overwhelm him with my chaos and it only hurt him in the end."

"I don't blame you Discord." Everyone was surprised to see that Indominus was still awake and not too exhausted from the fight. The hybrid got up from the couch and stared Discord right in the eyes. "You had to find out for yourself if you could stop the Immortal Phoenix, and now we know that you can to a degree. Don't go beating yourself up for this Discord, I can take the pain now. I endured much worse when I hurt Rainbow Dash, this is nothing compared to that."

"Wow Indominus, that was deep," said Fluttershy as Discord had been rendered speechless. She then saw Indominus extend a fist for Discord to bump.

"Ok my hybrid pal?"

"Ok Indominus," Discord replied as he and the dinosaur bumped fists and did their trademark handshake. The monsters roared in rejoice at seeing the two hybrids being good friends despite the brawl. "Indominus, thanks for the confidence. In return, I want you to have this." Discord conjured up a small orb of strange energy in his hands, which left everyone confused.

"What is that Discord?"

"A tiny portion of my chaotic energy. This should restore all your wounds, given that it was able to overwhelm the Immortal Phoenix, it should also be able to heal all the damage. Think of it as my token of appreciation for being such a good friend to me."

"Discord that is so sweet of you," said Fluttershy. "He's definitely left a good impression on you."

"Thank you Discord, I'll take this orb without hesitation. By the way Fluttershy, don't you think he deserves some kind of reward for all this?"

"Yes he does Indominus, and I know just what to do."

As Indominus took the orb, Fluttershy surprised Discord with a gentle kiss on the cheek. The Lord of Chaos's eyes turned into hearts, steam was pouring out of his ears and he collapsed onto a fainting chair as Indominus swallowed the orb while watching the moment. Indominus's body started glowing brightly and the monsters cheered as the wounds across his body began healing faster than before. In just under a minute Indominus's whole body had been fully healed by Discord's power and there wasn't a mark on him to indicate they had fought.

Indominus was glad to see that he was fully restored, but felt himself chuckling at the blissful expression on Discord's face.

"The first one is always the most magical, right Discord?"

"I feel as if I'm sitting on a field of cotton candy while singing roses are fluttering about my face." Even Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle at the comment Discord had made out of sheer bliss. When he realized what he had just said, Discord jerked his head up in shock.

"Wait wait wait, whoooaaaa......did I really say that?"

"Yes you did, and I thought it was quite adorable," Fluttershy said while hugging Discord. "I hadn't forgotten how you and Indominus sang to me and Rainbow at Las Pegasus. I've just been looking for the right moment to give my thanks, and this opportunity was perfect. For being the Spirit of Chaos, you sure are a delicate flower Discord."

"I can't help it when I'm around you Fluttershy," Discord snapped his fingers and became a giant red rose. "I just feel so fragile and gentle when it comes to making you happy." With another snap he changed back to his normal self. "I'd do anything for you and Indominus, you two are the only ones who've truly accepted me for what I am."

"Oh Discord, I've accepted you because I got to know you better. You and Indominus also click because both of you can bond on your own unique level. Once the others see this caring and protective side you have, I'm sure they'd warm up to you like we have."

"You know, you're right Fluttershy. In fact, I have the perfect idea of how I can possibly do it with Rainbow Dash." He turned to Indominus and asked him an unexpected question. "Indominus, how would you and Rainbow Dash like to go on a double date with me and Fluttershy?"

"A double date, Discord?"

"Yes Indominus, a double date. I know you're still new to these kind of terms, but basically it's when a pair of couples go out on a date and spend the night together. It could be a new experience and besides, when have you taken Rainbow out since your honeymoon?"

Indominus had to admit that Discord did have a point. He had become so preoccupied with the Wonderbolt business that he hadn't taken Rainbow out to enjoy a night on the town. With all the pressure of dealing with his inner Devil, fighting the Wonderbolts and rekindling his bond with her, Indominus had been long overdue for a night out with his girl.

"Alright Discord, I like the idea of a double date. But what about the rest of my family? I can't leave them out of too much in my life."

"They can tag along for part of it, and when Scootaloo gets tired then that'll be their cue to take her back home. Besides, don't you want another chance to serenade Rainbow and make her feel important and special again? You can't deny that you want to feel her smothering you with love and affection."

"Oh she smothers me plenty Discord, if you know what I mean. Regardless, I would like to make her feel special again with all that's happened. What do you think Fluttershy, are you ok with this?"

"I like the idea of the four of us going out for the evening. I don't mind having the rest of your family tag along for a while, I'm curious to see how Scootaloo's been doing with all that's happened. But I'll still make time for you Discord."

"Oh Fluttershy stop it, you're gonna make me start blushing." Discord's whole face was turning a bright shade of red as he spoke. Fluttershy giggled at the cute sight, seeing that he was really looking forward to the date that awaited all of them.

So the three of them began arranging plans for the date. Discord and Fluttershy would pick up the family later in the evening, they would go for a grand night on the town for dinner and fun. They would make sure to avoid the really romantic stuff until after the dinosaurs had taken Scootaloo home. After that, then Indominus would have his chance to serenade Rainbow again and make her feel like the most special pony in all of Equestria. Once everything was settled, Discord transported himself, Indominus, Fluttershy and all the monsters back to her cottage to finish their Tuesday tea.

Later in the afternoon after he said his farewells and gave his thanks for the unique day, Indominus made his way towards the school house. He was completely unaware that Discord was waiting for the right moment to teleport there and give the plans for the night. Indominus found everyone waiting for him at the entrance, including Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Indominus, how'd your time with Discord go?"

"It was a rather interesting time Scootaloo. I got more out of it than I thought."

"What exactly did you want to see him for anyway?"

"It was for personal reasons Delta, let's just leave it at that."

"Wait. Don't tell me you went and used your power on him?"

Indominus knew he couldn't lie in front of Rainbow Dash when she was onto something, mainly because he didn't know how to lie. So Indominus went and spilled the beans of what his day had been like.

"He wanted to test the Immortal Phoenix and see if he could find a way to stop it."

"Discord wanted to fight the Immortal Phoenix, and you actually went along with this?" Rainbow was getting slightly angry at hearing this. "I thought you said that you would never use that power again until you overcame your anger. Now you just decided to use it anyway?"

"It wasn't my fault Rainbow, I was against it but he convinced me that it would be a good idea."

"How in the wide world of Equestria could testing a destructive power like that possibly be a good idea?"

"Because I wanted to help him so he wouldn't worry about hurting you again."

Rainbow and the others were surprised when Discord's voice came out of nowhere, until he appeared in front of them with Fluttershy beside him.

"Indominus told me about the rampage he went through Rainbow Dash, and how he hurt you in the process. It tore me apart to hear the pain in his voice from hurting the one pony he cares most about. I would feel the same way if I did something that I would bitterly regret to Fluttershy. That's why I wanted to see if my power could possibly suppress that rage to prevent a repeat performance. Unfortunately the Immortal Phoenix was stronger than I thought, and I even met the Devil myself." Hearing this changed Rainbow's entire demeanor at once.

"Y-you actually met the demon that's the source of Indominus's rage, and he overpowered you?"

"Yes Rainbow, he took over Indominus and it took the full force of my power to cancel out the Immortal Phoenix. I also somehow managed to suppress that demon for a while, but in the end, that rage was more than I could handle. So don't blame Indominus for any of this, I just wanted to help him and be there for him through his time of need."

"Wow Discord, I'm thoroughly surprised by this kind of devotion. I've never seen you so concerned for anypony other than Fluttershy."

"Well Indominus is the first friend I've been able to truly relate to, and I wanted to show that he can depend on me. But I'm not here to weave sorrowful tales, me and Fluttershy wanted to know if you would be up for joining us tonight Rainbow Dash."

"Joining you for what?"

"We were wondering if you and Indominus would be up for joining me and Discord on a double date," said Fluttershy.

"A double date with you guys? Hmm, well after all the drama and stress brought on us by Soarin and the Wonderbolts, I could use a good night out. I assume you already agreed to go too, right Indominus?"

"Heh, can't get anything past you can I, Rainbow?"

"Except for telling me about you-know-what. I'll figure it out in my own way soon enough."

"Until then, I will resist the best I can."

"So I guess this means that I'll be at home again, right Rainbow," Scootaloo asked with a slightly upset voice.

"Not this time squirt. I'd say it's about time the whole family spent an evening out for once. That is, if it's not too much trouble for you two."

"No of course not Rainbow, they can all tag along," Discord said as he said within his mind, "I knew she'd bring it up first."

"Then it's settled. Tonight, we get to spend a night on the town as a family." The raptor squad, Scootaloo and T-Rex rejoiced as the outing was set in motion. Discord and Fluttershy shared a hoofbump at how well their plan was working.

"Alright then Rainbow, we'll meet you at your place around sundown," said Fluttershy.

"Sounds good Fluttershy, and Discord, are your monster pals going to be tagging along too?"

"Oh they'll be joining us much later in the evening. Don't stress about it, I've got everything under control. Now until tonight, we bid you all sayonara and arrivederci." Discord snapped his fingers and he and Fluttershy disappeared in a flash.

"Those two have really gotten closer for them to suggest a night out with all of us," said Rainbow.

"He's not such a bad guy once you get to know him Rainbow, and I speak from experience. Now we've got a full afternoon until tonight, any ideas?"

"Oh, I can think of a few." Scootaloo took note of the growing seductive tone in Rainbow's voice and knew what was on her mind.

"Come on Rexy, how's about we let my mom and dad have their 'fun' for a while?"

"You read my mind Scootaloo. Let's go Blue and see which fillies need any help with their talents today."

Scootaloo and the dinosaurs took off while Rainbow and Indominus went back to the clouddominium for some 'private' time. When they got inside, the first thing Rainbow did was tease Indominus up towards the bedroom by rocking her tail back and forth. The hybrid couldn't keep his eyes off Rainbow's tail as he followed her helplessly into their bedroom and onto the bed. Once he loomed over Rainbow's body, she gently held his face and spoke softly to him.

"Sorry if I got upset with you earlier Indominus, but I thought that you had forgotten your promise about not using the Immortal Phoenix. After what I had experienced, I couldn't stand to think that you would intentionally want to go through that pain again."

"Didn't mean to scare you Rainbow, Discord was just trying to give his help with this ordeal. I needed to know if he could help, and he can overtax it. If push comes to shove, he can stop the Wonderbolts and overwhelm the Immortal Phoenix so I can't hurt you again."

"That's good to hear, now since we're going to be out for tonight, how's about we get all our fun and loving in right now? I'd like to try and see if I can figure out what part of me turns you on the most."

"Then take your best shot my Dashie."

"Ooooh, by the time I'm done with you, you'll be wishing you hadn't challenged me my scaly stud. Now let the fun begin."

Rainbow increased to Indominus's size and caught him off guard by flipping the dinosaur onto his back. She then began caressing Indominus's face with her hooves while kissing him deeply. The gentle touch of her hooves and the deep heat from the kissing was causing Indominus's internal temp to rise. He was being put in warm bliss through Rainbow's attempt to figure out what he liked most. After fifteen minutes of caressing and deep kissing, Rainbow broke away to give Indominus time to breath.

"So tell me big boy, am I getting close?"

" can try...all you want Rainbow......but I'm not gonna tell you yet."

"Oh really?" Rainbow gently dragged her tongue along the full length of Indominus's lower jaw. She could feel him shivering slightly from the hot touch. "Then let's see what you think of this, hot stuff."

Rainbow got off of Indominus so he could look at her. He was about to speak when Rainbow busted into a seductive dance while shaking her flank.

When she was done with her little teasing dance, she found Indominus with wide eyes and his mouth agape.

"So, is there anything particular you're thinking about now?"

"I-I-I.......there are no words."

"Ah, so you did like it I see." She crawled up Indominus's body and stared into his eyes. "You can't deny that you loved it."

"It.....was....insanely hot and really cute." Rainbow leaned forward and kissed Indominus right under his eye and then gave him a soft stare.

"I always liked your honesty. But can't you give me even a little hint?" Indominus thought for a minute, and came up with a perfect solution.

"Do you celebrate any special days in this world Rainbow?"

"Yes we all do. Why do you ask?"

"Well because I was training in the dragon lands last year so I didn't get to celebrate any with you."

"Oh, now I see what you're talking about. You're referring to when we celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve. But that holiday is still quite a few months away, why are you asking about it?"

"Because that's the day when I'll tell you." Rainbow's eyes widened in delight.

"Are you saying that you'll tell me on Hearth's Warming Eve?"

"When all this Wonderbolt drama is over, when that day comes and you still haven't figured it out, I will tell you what part of you I love the most. It'll be my gift to you for everything you've done for me."

"I'll make that fire so grand and hot, you won't feel even your little junior when we'll make the most amazing love to each other. I can't wait for that day to come, it'll be special for both of us."

Indominus then flipped Rainbow onto her back as he slid himself into the right position.

"Trust me Rainbow, that day isn't the only thing that's coming. Now, just make love to me."

Much later in the afternoon as the sun was getting close to setting, Scootaloo and the dinosaurs returned home from another successful day of crusading. T-Rex and the raptors had helped at least ten fillies alongside the Crusaders and they were becoming even more welcomed by the young ponies. For Tyrannosaurus however, just getting to be with his family was good enough, especially with everything that Rainbow and Indominus were dealing with. The moment they stepped inside, the dinosaurs all picked up a familiar scent they had recognized over the past week.

"Something tells me that those two had another lovely time together."

"How can you tell T-Rex?"

"Uh Scootaloo, that's not something we're at liberty to talk about."

"We'll tell you when you're older," Delta said hoping that she wouldn't ask anymore questions.

A minute later and they heard the bedroom door open and saw Rainbow fly down the spiral staircase. She had such a content expression on her face and her eyes still had a seductive stare to them. It didn't take Scootaloo or the dinosaurs long to guess that Rainbow must've had another wonderful experience.

"So, how did your time with him go," Blue asked while trying to be discreet.

"I'd say that he'll be in bliss until Discord and Fluttershy show up. He's definitely getting better, and I'll know his secret by Hearth's Warming Eve."

"That's the day he'll tell you Rainbow? Indominus can be quite the romantic at times."

"That he can be Scootaloo, either I find out by then or he'll tell me himself. I'm honestly kind of eager to find out what he likes most about me."

"I'm sure the moment will be worth it Rainbow. Now I'd better see how my brother is relaxing in his state of bliss."

The dinosaurs headed up to the bedroom while Scootaloo and Rainbow chilled in the living room catching up on each other's days. They found Indominus lying on the bed with his tongue hanging out and the most satiated look on his face.

"Did you enjoy yourself brother?"

"Oh T-Rex, Rainbow's trying so many different ways to figure out what part of her I love most. This time she got really bold with her legs."

"Well now Indominus, at this rate she'll make you into a scaly puddle of happiness before she figures it out," said Echo.

"Have you told her yet, or is she getting close to figuring it out for herself," asked Charlie.

"Nope, she hasn't figured it out yet, but regardless, I'll tell her everything on Hearth's Warming Eve like I promised."

"Yeah, Rainbow told us about it like it will be the most amazing day of her life," said Blue. "I imagine that mating experience will be more wild than the others."

"She told me that she'll ignite a fire within my core so that I'll be feeling eternal bliss."

"Oh ho hoo, seems that you'll get quite the gift brother. Do you have any ideas for a gift for her?"

"Actually I do T-Rex, one that she'll love as much as I will."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, once all is said and done and all these problems are dealt with, I'm going to make love to her while I'm using the Immortal Phoenix."

The dinosaurs were speechless after hearing Indominus's answer. Mating with Rainbow Dash, while he was using the Immortal Phoenix? It sounded like an incredibly hot idea, but one concern crossed their minds.

"Surely you don't intend to do that with the Devil in your heart?" Indominus got up from the bed while he still had the satiated look in his eyes.

"I said when everything is done and squared away, that includes dealing with the Devil. I'd never put Rainbow in danger again. I want to give her as much pleasure as she's been giving me, and lay all my love down for her."

Tyrannosaurus and the raptor squad nuzzled their hybrid brother for his dedicated devotion and wanted to make Rainbow happy.

"We're proud of you brother," said Blue.

"You've certainly come a long way since you first arrived here," said T-Rex.

"We know you'll make Rainbow insanely happy," Delta added.

"We also know that you'll own both the Wonderbolts and the Devil," said Echo.

"Because out of everyone in our family, you're the strongest one there is," said Charlie.

"Thanks you guys, it means a lot to have this kind of support." Indominus was so grateful for the support he had been receiving from everyone. He had and his siblings went back downstairs to wait for their party guests to arrive.

The rest of the time until sundown was spent peacefully waiting for Discord and Fluttershy to arrive. Blue and her girls killed time by pacing about the clouddominium while the rexes chilled with their girls. Both Rainbow and Scootaloo were gently snuggling against Rexy and Indominus's faces while enjoying being held by the dinosaurs. T-Rex had Scootaloo gently tucked under his arm and giving soft licks to her cheek. As for Indominus, he and Rainbow were giving each other sweet talk, he gently stroked her mane with his claws and she gave him soft kisses. It was another beautiful and peaceful family moment, but it was going to be one of the last few they would have.

A light knocking at the door caused the raptors to come running to the living room.

"Well everyone, it's time for our night on the town," Rainbow said as she opened the door, but was surprised when a red carpet rolled out and Discord appeared at the end of ir.

"Greetings dinosaurs and pegasi, it is my great pleasure to welcome all of you for a night of frivolity with me and dear Fluttershy."

Fluttershy calmly flew in after Discord and hovered beside him.

"Did you really have to roll out the carpet even though you told them about this earlier?"

"Oh Fluttershy you should know I can't help but make things more grand and extravagant. But this isn't just for me, it's for my good friend Indominus and his family."

"Thanks for letting us join you and my parents tonight, Discord," said Scootaloo. Discord lowered himself down to Scootaloo's level so he could talk to her.

"Your father has been a very good friend to me Scootaloo. I can see that Princess Luna was wise to pick him, T-Rex and the Velociraptors to be your family. I've learned about everything that all of you went through when I first met Indominus, and it left me quite surprised. In just one day, Indominus accepted me just like Fluttershy and I've grown fond of having him around. I owe it to him for helping me feel more accepted by Equestria." Fluttershy and Scootaloo were nearly in tears from hearing Discord's beautiful speech.

"I'm so proud of you Discord," Fluttershy said as she and Scootaloo hugged Discord. "You've made such progress during your time with Indominus."

"That I have Fluttershy," Discord glanced over at Rainbow as she watched. "You picked a truly special husband Rainbow Dash, he's a rare gem in this world."

"I Know Discord and he's certainly changed me too. Now enough mush for one night, how's about we hit the town?"

"My thoughts exactly. Alright everypony gather around me." The dinosaurs and pegasi gathered around the Lord of Chaos and with a snap of his fingers, Discord transported all of them to Ponyville. "Now follow me friends, we're off to our first destination."

So the family followed Discord and Fluttershy through Ponyville, with no idea where they were heading for their first stop. Through the whole walk, Discord kept making talk with the other dinosaurs to try and know them better like he did with Indominus. Fluttershy and Rainbow were talking amongst themselves about how they had been enjoying their time with their stallions. Rainbow even slipped how much Indominus was loving her attempts to figure out what he liked most, and it made her blush heavily.

"Rainbow Dash, this is so unlike you. I've never seen you so devoted to love and romance."

"I have Indominus to thank for that. He opened my heart to possibilities I never knew existed. Though I could say the same for you and Discord. You've gotten a lot closer to him lately."

"He's been so thoughtful and caring lately after finding out about Indominus's struggle. Plus I loved how they sang to us in Las Pegasus, your husband has changed Discord for the better Rainbow Dash. In fact, he's grown on me so much that I kissed him today."

"Really? That's rather bold of you Fluttershy."

"I know, I still can't believe it myself."

"Sorry to interrupt you girls, but we've arrived at our first location."

The group was stunned to see that Discord's choice for their night out was none other than Sugarcube Corner.

"Why'd you choose here for our first stop Discord?"

"Because Rainbow I'm not good when it comes to going to fancy places. Plus, the owner here knows what all of us like, especially the dinosaurs. Also, everypony that's inside has accepted the dinosaurs and won't treat them like outcasts." Rainbow remembered how their first dinner in Canterlot had some mixed results.

"I'm impressed Discord, you've really thought this through haven't you."

"Indeed I have Mrs. Dash. My hybrid friend and his family deserve the best for a night out and not being glared at by ungrateful ponies. Now let's go in, I'm sure all of you are eager for dinner." A chorus of growling stomachs from the dinosaurs and Rainbow spoke for them, and without another word the group headed inside.

Once they walked inside, the family was greeted with praise and compliments from the ponies that were having dinner themselves. Some were even giving compliments to Discord after hearing about what he had arranged for the lovers back on their honeymoon. They made there way over to the counter where they were greeted by none other than Pinkie Pie. Once she saw Fluttershy and Rainbow with Indominus, their family and Discord, her eyes lit up in excitement.

"Oh my goodness gracious! You two are on a double date! I can't believe this is actually happening."

"We're just glad to be spending this evening with each other Pinkie," said Fluttershy.

"So Pinkie, can we get a table for ten?"

"Of course Discord just follow me."

Pinkie led the group to a larger section of the shop where she lined three tabled together.

"Alright Discord you can do the honor."

"With pleasure," Discord said as he snapped his fingers and combined the three tables into a longer one with enough space for everypony to eat.

The group got themselves situated with Rainbow, Indominus, Scootaloo, Rexy and Delta on one side. Followed by Discord, Fluttershy, Blue, Echo and Charlie on the other side. Once they were settled, Pinkie pulled a pencil and notebook from her mane and proceeded to take their orders.

"So what'll everypony be having for dinner on this fine evening?"

"Me and Scootaloo will take a couple of hay sandwiches, with a cupcake on the side," said Rainbow.

"I'll have a daisy sandwich with a side of cake."

"Excellent. What about you Discord?"

"Me? I think I'll take a platter of carrot ginger sandwiches."

"Oh, but we don't make those here."

"That's alright Pinkie, I've got it covered," Discord snapped his claws and a platter of carrot ginger sandwiches appeared in front of him. But upon seeing that Pinkie was looking a tad upset he quickly added, "though I would like a side of your best apple fritters to go along with it."

Hearing this brightened Pinkie back up and she only had to guess on what the dinosaurs would want.

"Do I even have to ask what you guys want?"

"Apple fritters and cider," the dinosaurs all said in unison.

"Glad to hear it Guardians. It's great to see that your taste buds haven't changed. I'll be right back with your orders." Pinkie disappeared into the kitchen and began preparing the meals.

While they waited for their food and the family got lost in conversation, Fluttershy was giving Discord the once over for his choice of food.

"You shouldn't bring your own food in when Pinkie goes out of her way to make treats for everypony."

"Sorry Fluttershy but this isn't for me, it's for Indominus and the rest of the family. Though maybe I should've given it more thought."

"But he did make good by ordering apple fritters to go along with it, right Fluttershy," Tyrannosaurus asked.

"That's true, you did try to correct yourself and still ordered one of her treats. Also the very same ones that the dinosaurs love so much."

"Yeah, just what is it about apple fritters that you all seem to like so much?"

"Can't tell you Discord," said Indominus. "You have to find out for yourself."

"In that case, it doesn't seem that I'll be waiting long."

Pinkie returned balancing trays on her hooves and on her mane while walking over to their table. She slid the main dishes down the table and they ended in front of each dinosaur and pegasus. The side dishes she took off her mane and handed to each guest, including Discord's side order of fritters. The dinosaurs were nearly drooling when the dishes full of fritters were placed in front of them. She then popped back into the kitchen and returned with ten glasses and a huge bottle of cider.

Now it was Rainbow's turn to drool at the sight of the tall bottle of cider.

"How did you manage to get this much Pinkie," Rainbow said while watching the irresistible cider fill her glass.

"I have my methods, now I'll leave everypony and you lovebirds to your dinners. Just holler if you need anything." Pinkie returned to the other dinner guests while the family and couples dined in peace.

The dinner went by very well for everyone, Discord found the fritters just as tasty as the dinosaurs did. Scootaloo got to fill everyone in on her time with the Crusaders and how many ponies they had helped over the last year. Discord was intrigued to hear that the dinosaurs had been accompanying the fillies each day, and were helping the Crusaders as well. He even found he liked the taste of apple cider too, and Fluttershy realized why he had picked such particular sandwiches for dinner.

"Say Discord, those wouldn't happen to be from our tea parties, would they?"

"Yes they are Fluttershy. I chose them because I've grown to have quite the taste for them."

"So like you Fluttershy and you've acquired a taste for her food as well. How long will it be before you two are living under the same roof?"

Both Fluttershy and Discord froze on the spot and instantly had blushes on their cheeks. They were stammering on the spot, which indicated that Rainbow had hit a particular nerve. It was also the first time Indominus had ever seen Discord so nervous since the day he'd first met him.

"Relax you two, I'm just joking. But seriously Fluttershy, you and Discord are getting a lot closer than before."

"Give it enough time and you two could have a relationship like mine and Rainbow's."

"It...would be nice to have a relationship like that someday." Discord felt Fluttershy put her hoof on his paw.

"We'll see Discord, it might even be closer than you think." The dinosaurs hid chuckles as Discord's face turned bright red and glowed. They could see how much he loved Fluttershy, and how badly he wanted to stay with her.

Later after dinner had been finished and thanking Pinkie Pie for the meal, the group was ready to head off to the next destination. Along the way, Discord kept checking to see how Scootaloo was faring. He was surprised to see that she was still wide awake and not showing any signs of sleepiness. She would get to see Indominus serenade Rainbow Dash for the first time, including the rest of the family. Everypony found a surprising twist when Discord led them to the center of Ponyville, and in the center there wasn't a fountain, but a unique shop with glowing lights and was multicolored.

""The Chaotic Monster Cavern?" That's rather intimidating of a name don't you think Discord?"

"Well Celestia thought it was suitable. In fact she gave me permission to create this shop for the occasion. During the afternoon I spent part of the time asking her if I could have this for tonight. When I told her I wanted to do it for you and Indominus Rainbow, she and Luna agreed and even told quite a few ponies about it. Just listen, the boys are keeping them preoccupied as we speak."

The group listened and could hear ambiance and some laughter from within the shop. Indominus heard the distinctive growls of Red-Eyes and even King of Yamimakai inside too, and could tell that he was going to have a great time.

"Well I don't want to let all of Discord's effort go to waste, let's head inside," said Fluttershy. So the dinosaurs, pegasi and draconequess went inside and were instantly greeted by lots of ponies.

Indominus and his family were almost swarmed by eager ponies, but Swamp and Lava Battleguard stood between them and the excited ponies.

"Now now everypony take it easy," Discord said over the crowd. "The Family of a Lifetime is here for a good time, not being swarmed by eager mcbeaver ponies. Now how's about giving them some room to get to their tables."

The ponies calmed down and went back to their tables so the group could get to their tables. Swamp and Lava Battleguard led the way while the family gave high fives to some lucky ponies.

"Can you boys give me a number of songs to sing to Rainbow tonight?"

"Not to worry Indominus," said Swamp Battleguard. "Discord will give you all the info you'll need for serenading Rainbow tonight."

"Just focus on making her special again, and how much she'll love you afterwards," Lava Battleguard added.

The group sat down at tables that were in front of a stage where the other monsters were playing instruments for the crowd. Indominus was amazed by how well they were playing: Armored Lizard and King of Yamimakai had improved on their guitars. Garoozis was working the drums well and Red-Eyes played a great electric keyboard. Rainbow was in for a touching night as Discord took to the stage and silenced the band for a moment.

"Good evening everypony. I want to thank all of you for joining us on this lovely night and for holding out until the main guests arrived. This night, each of you are going to here something so beautiful that the last group of ponies who heard it, were touched beyond belief. A moment that is considered by some to be a true sign of love: Indominus Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Blue, Charlie, Echo and Delta, will sing to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo tonight."

The ponies erupted in great cheers and applause as the dinosaurs got up from their seats and began making their way to the stage.

"Indominus, did you know about this?"

"Trust me Rainbow, you and Scootaloo are gonna love this."

"We'll blow away your minds tonight," T-Rex said before giving Scootaloo a lick on the cheek and following his brother.

The dinosaurs all gathered on the stage and Discord conjured five more copies of himself then spoke to them.

"Alright you guys, all you need to do is touch my hand and the song will be passed right to your brains. Simple and easy."

The dinosaurs wasted no time and pressed their heads to each of Discord's lion paws. When they felt the knowledge inside their minds, they nodded to show that they had gotten the song. Discord disappeared from the stage and reappeared at one of the front row tables next to Fluttershy.

"What song did you give them Discord?"

"Just trust me Fluttershy, this is gonna be good."

"Are we ready brother and sisters?" The dinosaurs nodded their heads to Indominus to show that they were ready, The hybrid looked back at the monsters and told them, "alright, hit it boys."

Indominus: Bullies run and hide
When you're screamin' our names, alright
Tyrannosaurus: But let me tell you now
There are prices to fame, alright
Blue and Delta: All of our time spent in flashes of light

All Dinosaurs: All you ponies can't you see, can't you see
How your love's affecting our reality
Every time we're down
You can make it right
And that makes you larger than life

(Indominus and Rexy looking at Rainbow and Scootaloo)
Looking at the crowd
And we see your body sway, c'mon

(Echo and Charlie singing)
Wishin' we could thank you in a different way, c'mon
'Cause all of your time spent keeps us alive

All Dinosaurs: All you ponies can't you see, can't you see
How your love's affecting our reality
Every time we're down
You can make it right
And that makes you larger than life

Rainbow and Scootaloo got up from their seats amidst the wild cheering and went closer to the stage. The dinosaurs lowered their heads so the pegasi could see them more closely.

Indominus and Rexy: Yeah, heh heh heh, that's right

All DInosaurs: All of your time spent keeps us alive

The whole building erupted in cheers and clapping hooves. Even Fluttershy and Discord were joining in after being wowed by the dinosaurs' voices. Rainbow and Scootaloo flew up to nuzzle each of their saviors' faces then went back down as the dinosaurs resumed their song.

All Dinosaurs: All you ponies can't you see, can't you see
How your love's affecting our reality
Every time we're down
You can make it right
And that makes you larger than life

Blue: Yeah, every time we're down
Delta: Yeah, you can make it right
Echo: Yeah, and that's what makes you larger than life

All Dinosaurs: All you ponies can't you see, can't you see
How your love's affecting our reality
Every time we're down
You can make it right
And that makes you larger
That makes you larger
That makes you larger than life

Once the song was over and the cheering had died out enough for them to hear, Rainbow and Scootaloo hugged T-Rex and Indominus.

"That was truly awesome," said Rainbow.

"You've got quite the voice Rexy," Scootaloo added.

"What about us, girls?" Blue and her squad walked off the stage and over to the sisters.

"All of you were great up there. Just like all of us were back in Las Pegasus."

"Speaking of Las Pegasus, do you remember our first night there Rainbow? How we spent our first evening together as husband and wife?"

"Oh I remember alright Indominus. It got really wonderful, especially when" the realization slowly dawned on Rainbow as she began to understand what Indominus was trying to say. "A-are you saying that-"

"I've been wanting to do this again after all that's happened Rainbow. So, will you join me up here?"

"Of course." Rainbow didn't waste a moment in increasing her size and standing across from Indominus on the stage.

T-Rex and the raptors joined Scootaloo back at the table and a hush fell over everypony as they waited to see what Indominus would sing to his girl.

"This song is my way of expressing my complete gratitude and gratefulness for all that you've done for me in the past few weeks Rainbow. It's my way of saying how lucky I am to have somepony like you in my life."

Rainbow had no words to say as Indominus motioned to the keyboard. Discord realized that this song was going to be a touching one and replaced the keyboard with a piano to make it more appropriate. Armored Lizard took over and began playing a soft tune.

Nopony uttered a single word as Indominus took one of Rainbow's hooves in his hand and gently held her face with the other. She could see his eyes were starting to glisten and feel her heart pounding as she prepared herself for the hybrid's emotional song.

Indominus: You're the first face that I see
And the last thing I think about
You're the reason that I'm alive
You're what I can't live without
You're what I can't live without

You never give up
When I'm falling apart
Your arms are always open wide
And you're quick to forgive
When I make a mistake
You love me in the blink of an eye

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you

Rainbow pressed her hoof to Indominus's face and took over to give her feelings to him.

Rainbow Dash: You're the light inside my eyes
You give me a reason to keep trying
You give me more than I could dream
And you bring me to my knees
You bring me to my knees

Your heart is gold and how am I the one
That you've chosen to love
I still can't believe that you're right next to me
After all that I've done

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you

Rainbow/Indominus: I don't deserve a chance like this
I don't deserve a love that gives me everything
You're everything I want

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you
And I don't deserve you

Rainbow and Indominus shared one kiss with tears rolling down their faces. Nopony in the room could utter a single word, they were either shedding tears of their own or on the verge of crying. Not even Discord could keep himself together, the song had been powerful enough to touch his chaotic heart. He and Fluttershy held each other as they watched the couple part lips.

" Fluttershy."

"That was as beautiful as the proposal he made at the Gala last year. Rainbow's right, he really does have a heart of gold," said Fluttershy.

Back on the stage, Rainbow and Indominus just stared into each other's eyes. They had been too touched by the other to budge.

"Thank you Indominus," Rainbow said while wiping away the tears.

"You're welcome Rainbow," Indominus said as he pulled her in for a hug. "I'm not sure if I've said this already, but I want you to know that no matter what anyone says, you'll always be Rainbow Dash to me."

Rainbow nuzzled Indominus's face as the tears came back anew.

"This is why I chose you Indominus. You have the most golden heart in all of Equestria."

Scootaloo, Fluttershy and the dinosaurs were so moved that they got up from the tables, went onstage and hugged the lovers. They were even joined by the monsters whose dark hearts had been moved by the hybrid's voice.

"Ok everypony, let's give these amazing lovers a round of applause for that wonderful song," Discord said after getting his emotions back under control.

Everypony began clapping their hooves and the applause grew until the whole room was filled with more cheers and touched ponies. Yet in all the hubbub of noise and excitement, the Family of a Lifetime stood silent on the stage, held in a lovely group hug. Dinosaurs and pegasi, holding each other in a family embrace as solid proof of their unbreakable bond.

Afterwards, everypony had gone home and the group was underneath Rainbow's home.

"Discord, thank you for the amazing evening. It was so magical." Rainbow even held out a hoof for him and Discord returned the gesture with a hoofbump.

"You're welcome Rainbow, and I'm glad that you and your family had a good time."

"Getting to see our brother's kind heart was worth it," said Blue.

"You're definitely a nice guy to be around Discord," Delta added.

"Indominus made a really good friend in you," said Tyrannosaurus.

Scootaloo even flew over and hugged the Lord of Chaos around the neck.

"You're welcome to hang out with us whenever you want Discord." Fluttershy went and wiped away a stray tear that she saw forming on his face.

"Oh stop it, you're making me more emotional than I hoped."

"Well Discord, with all this love and appreciation, I'd say it's official that you've been forgiven by my wife and accepted by our family. I'll make sure to arrange a chaotic afternoon for just us, like before. For now some of us need to hit the hay, but we'll have our own day again later on, agreed?" Indominus held out his fist for Discord.

"Agreed my powerful hybrid friend," Discord said as he bumped fists with Indominus.

The family bid their goodbyes and went inside their home, leaving just Fluttershy and Discord.

"I'd say that tonight went pretty good, right Fluttershy?" Rather than getting a response, Discord received another kiss on the cheek from Fluttershy.

"I was truly amazed by how beautiful you made the evening Discord. We got to see the vulnerable, caring side of Rainbow Dash and how much she loves Indominus. It was like those two were speaking from their hearts in that song. I can definitely see us having a future together with this kind of dedication. Under all that chaos, you've got the same kind heart as Indominus."

Discord once again, had no response after being kissed by Fluttershy. She hugged him and before Discord took her home she whispered the same beautiful words Indominus had heard from Rainbow over a year ago.

"I love you Discord."

It had been an amazing night for the family and Discord, who had been touched like never before. But once the next week ended, Indominus would find himself battling the Wonderbolts again, and the battle would not be in his favor again.