Stare Down

by IcePony

Round two: Friends

Apple bloom was ready this time closing her eyes. "Start."

She opened her eyes to a setting she knew, it was the club house. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were laughing and playing patty cake. Their was no darkness only two red eyes. It was hard to focus on two red eyes because there was so much going on in the club house. Then, black ooze started to seep into the club house but Sweetie and Scootaloo didn't seem to notice. They kept laughing but something changed. As the ooze filled up, they started to seem more scared. Their was about an inch of it filling up.

They hung their heads in defeat and said "Why Applebloom?" She watched in horror as her friends were being eaten by black tar.

When it was up to their necks it stopped and looked at Apple Bloom. They looked angry, the tar started to rise up and poured out of their eyes, mouths, and nose.

"Why didnt you say something?" They said in unison.

She wanted to cry out but if she did she, it would end the game. Apple bloom kept her place but felt more guilt than the last one.  In the last one she couldn't do anything, the fire must have bun an accident any pony could have made. But this one she could have said something, something that would make them turn around and run. It engulfed them, and finally those two red eyes blinked and she was back in the darkness.

"Amazing job little filly. Tell me what is your name? Most would have lost by now." He said with a grin.

"Apple bloom, what about you?"

"My real name is a secret but most call me Crimson Magic."

The tar seemed to thin and she found that it wasn't so heavy, but only for a moment. Apple Bloom started to feel a bit of strength. Now she knew she could beat this game. She could see her real friends soon and leave this place.