//------------------------------// // Week 1 Thursday: An Assassin's Bloodlust (F. Shy) // Story: Assassination Club // by Tythen //------------------------------// Fluttershy's POV I am a student. The members of the Special Tutorship Club are students. But our Tutor and Teacher? He's an assassin. Ever since our new Neighponese Teacher graced us with his presence and education for the Neighponese Language, he's got quite a reputation, good and bad. Rumours and gossip had started after Mr Shiota's first lesson in the morning. Most girls were fawning over him and guys were discussing over how kind, sweet and respectful Mr Shiota is. On the other hand, some dislike him because he's just too kind, attentive and heavily disciplinary, commonly making the 'Foreigner' joke. Hey, I understand this is the land of Freedom, but surely there can be a little bit of respect, especially for foreign countries? But despite his kindness, he's also got his own emotional moods and consciousness whenever someone in his class gets 'smart' or out of place. Rainbow was with me for Neighponese the period before lunch and knowing her, she was going to sleep through the class. The result? It... Wasn't so nice. "Okay, class, time to review! Think of this as just your spelling class today, and homework will involve you writing the characters!" The first lesson for everyone was to remember the Neighponese Vowels a, i, u, e, o. It was pretty hard to come to it at first, having very distinct ways to pronounce a single word. But Mr Shiota found ways simple for beginners to pick up the language, just simply pronounce them as certain words or sounds that we use today! Once we go through a few times of remembering and repeating on how we usually say the letters in English, then in Neighponese, and settle the difference. It's easy! Aahh... Eeee... Ooooh... Ehhhh... Aww! There it is, how you pronounce the Neighponese Vowels! "Alright then Berry! Can you try it out?" Nagisa asked, "Ahh... Eee... Oooh... Ehh... Aww." Berry pronounced. "Good, good... Ditzy?" "Ah, Ee, Ooh, Ehh, Aww!" The girl replied cheerfully without any hesitation. "Okay then, how about you Fluttershy?" He turned to me. I took a deep breath, stood up, and spoke it out myself. "あ(a)、い(i)、う(u)、え(e)、お(o)," I thought I did quite well for half-an-hour or so whispering to myself, but it seemed to have struck a surprise for Mr Shiota. "Wow, that's actually quite amazing!" Nagisa commended, "you sound like a natural! Round of applause for Fluttershy everyone! Bravo!" "Oh you guys, you're too kind Sensei." I giggle as the sound of clapping hands echo around me. Please stop though, it's so embarrassing! "Oh! Oh!" Pinkie raised her hand, "Can I do it! Please? Please? Please?" "Shoot!" Nagisa called to Pinkie, "Aah!" Pinkie opened her mouth tremendously wide as if a Doctor asked her to open her mouth. "Eee!!!" She bared her teeth in a delightful grin as if she saw something exciting, rather than Mr Shiota's recommendation of imagining something scary, that's another help. Regardless, she still nailed the pronunciation and continued on. "Ooh!" She shaped her mouth into a round O as possible, that also includes her round eyes trying to get even bigger. "Ehh..." Pinkie tweaked her entire face and mouth to an expression that is confused at whether she should be impressed or not. "Awww!!!" Pinkie finally held her hands together and moaned as if she saw the cutest and sweetest thing ever. The entire class was silent at their ever-playful classmate's acting scene. Even Mr Shiota was confused. Perhaps everyone else would have pronounced the 'e' vowel as a reaction to that. "That's... Something Pinkie. But you did get the pronunciation down pat!" "Thanks, Sir!" Pinkie giggled as she sat down. As Mr Shiota continued picking out students, that's when I noticed Rainbow, sleeping the minutes away. Knowing what happened with Mr Shiota, I panicked. She's got to get up or else- "Hmm? Miss Dash?" Uh-Oh... Too late! I quickly nudged my best friend so she'd be able to speak for herself. "Huh? Oh... Morning Mr Shiota!" Rainbow yawned, stretching from her slumber, "Morning to you too Miss Dash." Nagisa greeted, his always cheerful tone dropping into a serious tone. Yep, too late... "Did you sleep late last night? Perhaps biding time for the next sports activity?" "Well actually... Yeah!" Rainbow jumped at the opportunity, "There's going to be a local track and field event on the weekend, and I'm going to participate!" "That's brilliant!" Nagisa answered, "do you run really fast?" "I do!" Rainbow smiled, "Then..." Nagisa glared at Rainbow, the shade of his hair darkening his sharp azure eyes piercing Rainbow Dash's gaze, "I'd like you to stay awake if possible in my class, or you'll soon be running as fast as you can away from me. And just a reminder, no target ever escapes me." "Uh..." Something went down Rainbow's Spine, and it looks as if she was completely shivering and petrified by his gaze, "wh-what are you going to do then should you catch me?" "How about..." Nagisa suggested, his bloodlusting grin plain to see, "attending my Tutorship club to recite the Neighponese vowels perfectly for 50 times for the entirety of lunch as punishment? I'll also see to it that you'll say it right." "No need sir!" Rainbow quickly jumped to her feet and yelped out the vowels for her life "Ahh! Eee! Ooh! Ehh! Aww!" "So you did remember. Care to try again?" Nagisa asked, "Ahh! Eee! Ooh! Ehh! Aww!!!" Rainbow yelped again, "I guess I was wrong about you!" Nagisa smiled, the bloodlust still present, "you really can focus even when you're asleep. I'll definitely note that." "Yes, sir! Sorry, sir!" Rainbow replied, "You can calm down. You won't be in trouble. You can take a seat." Nagisa drew back, the bloodlust now gone. Despite that compliment though, I know Rainbow's definitely in for a fright. And that's pretty much the main talk of the students during lunchtime. Every class, a student seemed to have been either 'smart' or rude to the teacher, and Nagisa's cold glimpse breaks not only the culprit's cool, but everyone else who bore witness. Everyone had their own name for it: 'The killer's gaze', 'The serpent's eye', and even 'The Goddess' angel of death'. The last one brought up by those who have a sneering hatred of those who are religious, whether teacher or student. Myself though? I have no idea what Mr Shiota's faith is, but I can understand the reason why he's called that. After all, he's an assassin! He can kill anyone if he so wishes, and very much likely get away with it. All those names reflect upon how Nagisa's blood-hungry influence shook the students up, either mentally scarring them, or making them more conscious for their lives. Heck, some began to start actually praying for their lives before they enter or during his class! Anyway, Rainbow certainly didn't feel the same as he went by at lunch. Normally, I thought she'd be shaken by Nagisa's threat, but it seems like that it struck her even deeper. "I..." Rainbow stared at her lunch, "He... What is he?" "Rainbow, get a grip. He ain't that bad!" Applejack comforted, "take it as a mistake not to be a lazybones in his class..." "I know but..." She stared at the teacher, sitting far away from the student body, eating his lunch in peace. "It's like he knew... Everything that I was doing... He knew I could do something so simple as pronounce those vowels. It's like he... He knew that I was intentionally sleeping in class. He knew my mind!" "There there..." Sunset threw an arm around our traumatised friend, "it's okay, it's okay..." 'Knew my mind?' I looked at our teacher, happily chomping away at his own boxed lunch of rice, fish, vegetables and meat. Just how far does his assassin past go? The second half of lunch is going to be the time for the Tutorship club, I'm going to see if I can ask. All Five students are here once again. And today, everyone's focusing on maths rather than our new Neighponese work. Figures, Mr Shiota must have made it too easy to practice our Neighponese, that asking help for arithmetic, calculus and statistics seemed like the easier option. "Guys and girls? I have a few club announcements to make." Mr Shiota spoke, "we've got a few requests from our teachers via the vice-principal. They want me to make sure that this club fits their name of 'special tutorship'. As such, they decided to pass me a few papers of their own creation for you to do. It's tough, but completing it with high marks is going to yield benefits for not just you, but everyone else in the school. I'll explain why once we finish." "Then do you know when we'll be doing the test, sir?" Fleetfoot asked, "Today's too much for you guys, so we'll sit for the test on the second half for lunch. I'll let you pick what we can do for tomorrow. We've got Maths, English, Science, Social Studies, History, Religious Studies, Geography." "I vote for Maths!" Soarin spoke out, "One for maths. Anyone else?" Nagisa asked. Flash and Fleetfoot raised their hands, wise choice. After all, we're all looking through our maths notes, even if we'll be doing all the tests sooner or later. Start the idea of doing something, then the rest will follow. Sure, I might as well raise my hand. So that's four out of five students. No surprises who didn't raise their hand! "What about you Thunderlane?" Nagisa called to the backseat bandit, "we all must come to a decision, we await yours." "Eh? Why not? I'm game." Thunderlane shrugged as he raised his hand. I'm not one for calling out people's behaviour, but wow, he was SO unmotivated! "Great!" Nagisa replied, "then it's settled. Also, I want you all to do your best for that practice exam. Remember all that you've studied will be for nought if you're not willing. Think what's best for yourself and the reasons why you joined. That way, your test will be a breeze! After all, you guys came here to be better students, there's more to it than just academics." At those words of care and concern, I noticed that Thunderlane wasn't so happy. Oh yeah, he wasn't here to be a 'better student', he was forced here. "Now if there's any question you need help with, I'm all set! So Thunderlane, is there any--" A knock on the door interrupted the atmosphere, "Sir? Can we come in?" Without any haste, Nagisa walked to the door and opened it to reveal two girls: One with white spiky hair with some light blue highlights and Persian blue colour, and a girl with straight wavy hair, her colour with a lighter grey shade of Persian blue, and a mane of greyish opal, tied with a pink bow. "Hello there, how can I help you?" "Oh," Thunderlane stood up, all his books and stationaries in his hands, "they're my friends, here to pick me up." "Pick you up? For what?" Nagisa asked, "We've got a scheduled time together sometimes as friends or whatnot, so we get out there and do our stuff," Thunderlane replied, "You should have notified me earlier about this." Nagisa protested, "Sorry Teach, maybe let me off the hook?" Thunderlane asked, "Just this once. Then, I'd like you to tell me the times you and your friends get together." "Sure thing teach, see ya." Thunderlane waved as he walked out the door with his two friends, leaving the door wide open. Nagisa closed the door behind him. I'm pretty sure that Thunderlane knew that in no other way, he really didn't care about coming here at all. Just come, mark his attendance, and find a means or excuse to pass the time. If what Rainbow said was true, then Mr Shiota would have definitely thought the same thing as I did. But since this is Thunderlane we're talking about, we all knew. And I hope I'm wrong, but Mr Shiota's patience and joyful mind are fading away quite fast. His eye from the door, his chest moving in and out, oh no... "Special optional homework tonight for all of you." Nagisa spoke sternly, "aside from studying for that Maths Test, I have hidden something in the desks you are sitting at. Please take them home and practice." The four of use scrambled through the compartments underneath the table, and as much as we feared not to see them after a while, it was obvious when we felt a certain handle. "And under no circumstances will you tell anyone that you have them, practice them in silence. Do not let your teachers, friends, or even parents know. If you can't follow up with those promises, then you don't have to take the knife. Like I said, optional. If you do though... Then do so with discretion as mentioned." Nagisa finished as each of us found a knife case with a familiar green knife sheathed within them. Even with Nagisa's choice, everyone did decide to keep them. Flash, Soarin, even Fleetfoot. Me? Well, it is just practice, and if it is to better myself, I don't see why not. I hid the knife in somewhere that no one will ever dare find out. "Okay then, club dismissed. Hope to see you all tomorrow at lunchtime," Nagisa replied. At those words, all of us stood up, said our thanks to the teacher, and walked back to our normal lunch times. "Fluttershy?" Nagisa called me, "One small task for you." "Yes?" I turned around, wondering what he had in store for me. "Are you any good with social media?" Nagisa asked, "That depends," I answered, "Okay then," Nagisa proposed, "I think you of all people would care about the state of this Club since it was you that inspired me to start it. Maybe I took you for granted, not all the students here are as charming and caring as you, and I've seen that today, a great deal." "I'm flattered Sensei." Fluttershy replied, "but... What do you want me to do with Social Media?" "I'd like you to create a message group, keep everyone connected whenever we're not at school. You, Flash, Soarin, Fleetfoot, even Thunderlane. Maybe add me incognito. My main priority is to focus on you guys so I can be enlightened on how Equestrian students do things. That way, I can be a better teacher." "Isn't that some quote from the Lunar Goddess? About enlightenment and all that? Are you religious Sensei?" "Let's just say the various texts of right or wrong is something worth reading, especially the situation in today's generation. Besides, communication regarding study is highly effective in University so there's that." Nagisa replied, "but speaking of enlightenment, I may want to explore that of a certain someone now." "Thunderlane? I don't want to correct you and all but he's--" "Brought here by force, and that he doesn't really care? Yeah, I know. But I am trying to be the best and include everyone, so I'm not giving up on him. Ever. Fortunately, I know where he's going to be after school." Nagisa replied, "Okay then, I'll work on that group Sensei." "Oh and one more thing Fluttershy." Nagisa replied, "The way you knew about Thunderlane, and that everyone else was concerned. You remind me of myself... And maybe Korosensei too." "Me? Really?" "Yeah." Nagisa nodded, "run along now." I said my goodbyes as I close the door to class. Me? Like him? Like Korosensei? For once, I found myself being self-reflective. I never really cared about myself to the extent of what Rarity's like, though I understood my limitations and what I can and cannot do. Rather, I focused more on my animals and friends, whether they were alright and okay. But... To hear that I am similar to an assassin, maybe now's a good time to consider what my actual limitations are... Or what I really can do.