The Chaotic Three: A Zany Story

by LunaJack

Meeting in Secret

Jewel lay in bed next to Gemstone, listening to her sister's soft snores. The older unicorn had dropped off almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, utterly exhausted from sharing dance after dance with her colt-friend and sampling all the delicious foods. Jewel was exhausted too, but not for the same reason. She was exhausted from being herded from one end of the room to another just so she could be seen the company of some important pony who usually never bothered to speak to her. She was exhausted from having to stand on the sidelines, watching while everyone else danced and had fun. And she was very tired from watching the others eat all the delicious vegetables, fruits, cakes, pies and eclairs they wanted while her mouth watered and her poor tummy rumbled!

GURGLE! Jewel groaned quietly as her empty stomach complained. How she wished she had told her family! They would have gotten her something to eat. But they were all so tired and ready for bed, she didn't have the heart to ask. She would have gone herself but one of Picture Perfect's unicorn stallions had been assigned to watch her. It was doubtful he would have let her eat anything more than a carrot stick.

Sighing, Jewel carefully slid out of the bed without disturbing her sister. Quietly, she tip-hoofed over to the window and looked out over the grounds. The Gala was over but she could still see a few ponies lingering in the garden, enjoying the beautiful night. The full moon shone softly, casting it's silver light through the window.

Bitterly, Jewel recalled Picture Perfect's plan for her to kiss Stud Muffin with the moon in the background. Thankfully, the Blue Flu had put an end to that scheme. Or, rather, Zany put an end to that scheme. Jewel smirked. She had caught a glimpse of him and Twinkle spying on her during the photo shoot that morning and was certain he had overheard Stud Muffin's nasty remarks regarding Discord and Fluttershy. She knew what Zany could do when he got angry, and thought the colt model had gotten off easy. Unlike that bully, Goodnight.

Goodnight! A devilish grin spread across Jewel's face as she recalled the big stallion's undignified bucking as his hooves started burning. Then having to be rescued by Discord and forced to stand in a paddling pool with that silly ducky swim ring around his middle! It had taken all her will power not to hit the floor laughing in front of all those ponies. It served him right! It served him and Stud Muffin right! The horrid, narrow-minded, little tattle-tails!

Jewel chuckled quietly, reminded of a little song she, Zany and Applespike used to sing whenever someone told on them.

Tattle-tail, tattle-tail

Hang your undies on a nail.

Hang 'em high, hand 'em low

Hang 'em in a studio!”

How she wished for those days again!

POOF! Jewel jumped as a flash of magic quietly popped behind her. She whirled around and saw the dark shape of a pony standing next to her bed. Quickly, she charged up her magic.

“Who's there?” she whispered, pointing her horn at the intruder.

“Don't shoot!” a familiar voice whispered back. “It's me. Twinkle Sparkle.”

“Twinkle? Oh, thank goodness!” Jewel breathed in relief as she powered down her horn. “I was afraid you might be a crazed fan. What are you doing here?”

“I came to fetch you,” said Twinkle.

“Fetch me?” asked Jewel, taken aback. She glanced at her sleeping sister. “Fetch me for what?”

Twinkle grinned. “You'll see! You ready to go?”

“What, now?” exclaimed Jewel, horrified. “But, I'm still in my nightgown!”

The little alicorn rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Jewel, what is it with your family and clothes? Okay! Okay! Just take it off and we'll go.”

Jewel removed her gown and laid it carefully across her pillow.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“You'll see. Don't worry.” Twinkle threw a hoof across Jewel's back and closed her eyes. The unicorn had no time to wonder before they vanished in a huff of magic. They reappeared in a well lit hallway before a large wooden door.

“Where are we?” asked Jewel.

“Shhh!” Twinkle shushed. “We're a few doors down from your parent's suite. That big unicorn is right around the corner.”

Quietly, they opened the door and slipped inside. Twinkle lit a few lamps, revealing a sitting area with cyan colored cushions and a low rectangular table. To the right, was an arch that led out to a wide balcony. Jewel stepped out onto it and admired the moonlit view.

“Beautiful,” she breathed.

“This was supposed to be Aunt Rainbow Dash and Uncle Soarin's suite,” Twinkle explained. “That's why it has such a big balcony.”

“Oh, what happened to them, by the way?” asked Jewel. “Gem was hoping to see Prism.”

Twinkle shook her head. “I don't know. They wrote Mom that Aunt Rainbow passed out during a practice run in Whinnyapolis. The safety team caught her before she crashed.”

“Thank goodness! I hope it's nothing serious.”

“They're running some tests at the hospital up there. Mom and Aunt Pinkie are taking the train up there tomorrow to check on her.”

Jewel sighed. “I wish I could go with them. I would like to see the Dash family again.”

“Me, too,” said Twinkle. “Even if the twins do get on my nerves.”

POOF! Both fillies looked over their shoulders as a strong burst of magic popped behind them. Twinkle smirked.

“Well, speaking of things that get on my nerves,” she murmured to Jewel.

“Hello?” Zany's voice called. “Twinkle, where are-- Oh! There you are!” The draconequess-pony stepped out onto the balcony. “I was worried I had the wrong room.”

“Zany!” Jewel threw her hooves around his neck. “Oh, I'm so glad to see you! Is Applespike here too?”

“I'm right here,” the colt in question replied, emerging into the moonlight. Jewel released Zany to slide her arms around Applespike.

“I'm so happy to see you,” she murmured, resting her head on his shoulder as she held him to her. Applespike gulped as he timidly slid a hoof around her slim waist.

“I- I'm glad to see you, too,” he whispered.

Jewel nuzzled his neck, drinking in his scent. Like the other members of the Apple clan, he smelled of sweet apples. But, he also smelled of fire and heat. The two smells combined to form the delicious scent of sweet, syrupy apple pie with hot, flaky crust.

GURGLE! Jewel blushed in embarrassment as her tummy rumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. “Pardon me,” she said.

Zany grinned. “That was you? For a moment there, I thought a Manticore had gotten in here!”

All four ponies fell out laughing. Jewel most of all. These were her friends, she reminded herself. She didn't have to put on airs for them.

Twinkle was the first to recover. “So, Jewel-- hee-hee! Are you hungry?”

“Simply starving!” Jewel replied emphatically. “The last time I ate anything was when Aunt Applejack offered me some carrot sticks for a snack.”

“Really?” said Twinkle, wide-eyed. “That's when we were all getting dressed for the Gala. That's been hours ago!”

“I know. Goodnight was supposed to get me some punch and carrots, but--” She glanced at Zany and Applespike, then looked quickly away. “Well, you saw what happened.”

Zany guiltily rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof. “Yeah, sorry about that,” he said.

“Don't be!” said Jewel. “It was worth it to see that ruffian get what he deserved.”

“I can try to raid the royal kitchen,” Twinkle offered doubtfully. “If I can remember where it is.”

“No need. I got it covered!”

Everypony looked at Applespike as he produced a bulging burlap bag.

“When it comes to food, we Apples are always prepared,” he said proudly.

The three ponies made themselves comfortable around the low table as Applespike spread out a feast. There were fresh apple slices, carrot sticks and celery sticks with a cup of creamy ranch dressing for dipping. There were half a dozen buttermilk biscuits with apple butter spread, some apple brown betty, and four oatmeal raisin muffins. Lastly, he pulled out a small bundle wrapped in brown paper.

“And now,” he said imitating a Prench accent. “Zee Piece-d-Resistance!” He opened the bundle with a flourish. “Viola!”

“Oh, my gosh!” Jewel squealed. “Eclairs!”

“From the kitchen of Gustave LeGrande, himself,” said Applespike with a bow. “Cinnamon Roll made sure we got plenty to take back to Granny and the folks at home.”

“Oh, my!” Jewel breathed, her eyes taking in all the good food. “It's all so wonderful. I don't know where to begin!”

“I know where I'm going to start,” said Zany, levitating an eclair to his mouth. He bit into it, a look of utter bliss on his face as he tasted the rich cream filling. “MMMM! Magnifique!

The others dug in. Applespike doled out the muffins and the remaining eclairs, then slathered apple butter on the biscuits and passed those around as well. Twinkle started slowly with the fruit and vegetables. They didn't often get farm fresh produce in Canterlot, so the crisp, juicy apples and carrots were a treat. After some hesitation, Jewel ate a few bites of celery then went straight for the pastries and biscuits.

Applespike watched her eat with a mixture of admiration and awe. Like his Uncle Big Mac, he liked seeing some pony enjoy their food-- especially when it was prepared by a member of his family. He admired the way she ate. She was so dainty, taking such ladylike bites. Not a blob of butter or crumb of pastry smeared her face or littered her coat. What amazed him was the sheer amount of food she was putting away. Despite her tiny bites, she managed to polish off a muffin, two biscuits, an eclair, and most of the apple brown betty in just a few minutes.

“You weren't kidding about starving,” said Zany in amusement. “Any pony trying to muscle in on your food would lose a hoof!”

Jewel giggled and daintily wiped her lips with a paper napkin. “I was hungry. I haven't had a feast like that since the dinner at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Wow,” Applespike murmured. “Don't they feed you at all those fancy dinners you go to?”

“Fancy dinners in fancy restaurants with fancy food on fancy plates,” she sniffed in disgust. “Tiny portions that taste like cardboard! Nothing savory or sweet, like your sister's Apples 'N Onions. And then, even if I wanted to eat it all, I couldn't because I'm on a DIET!” The others looked at her wide-eyed as she viciously spat out that last word.

“That's crazy!” said Applespike, frowning. “You've never been fat.”

“Tell that to Picture Perfect,” Jewel replied, leaning back into the cushions. “He's convinced I'm as big as one of your Mom's prize winning hogs.” She giggled as she patted her full tummy. “If I keep eating like this, I soon will be.”

“We all will,” said Twinkle, levitating some apple brown betty to her mouth. “Mmmm! Canterlot has good food but it doesn't compare to Ponyville's.”

“Nothing compares to Ponyville's ,” agreed Zany with a sigh. “The clouds there make the best cotton candy.”

“I hope I can visit there again soon,” said Jewel. “I miss my family but I also miss being part of the Chaotic Three!”

“We miss you, too,” said Applespike.

“Yeah!” Zany added. “We hadn't been able to pull off any really good pranks until you came back to Ponyville.” He rolled on his back, laughing. “That was the best! All those bubbles floating around, and everybody blaming Dad!”

“And Cinnamon Roll whacking you over the head with that ladle,” said Twinkle with a little snorting giggle.

Zany gave her a sour look as Applespike and Jewel choked back their laughter.

“Right,” he said. “I still owe you for that.”

“Oh! Turning my face green wasn't enough?” asked Twinkle, instantly on her guard.”

“Too tame,” Zany shrugged. “I think I should up the ante. An eye for an eye and a hoof for a hoof.”

Jewel sat up in in alarm. “Zany!” she cried. “You surely wouldn't consider hitting a lady?”

“Of course not!” he said, placing a hoof over his heart. “My father taught me to never strike a lady--”

“Are you about to say that I'm not a lady?” asked Twinkle, her eyes glinting dangerously.

Zany snorted. “Don't be silly! Of course not! I was going to say my father taught me to never strike a lady...with anything hard!”


Twinkle noticed the marshmallow mallet over her head a second too late. She managed one outraged squeal before the thing began pummeling her head.

“Zany! You-- little-- weasel!”

“Weasel?” said Zany, suddenly sporting a long wiggling nose and whiskers. “I prefer mongoose, myself. But, I guess they're all in the same family.”

Twinkle growled. Angrily, she lit up her horn and pointed it at the marshmallow mallet.

“No, Twinkle!” cried Applespike. “Don't blast--”

PLOMP! Globs of melted marshmallow flew in every direction. It covered the table, the cushions, and all four ponies.

“--it!” Applespike finished.

“Goodness!” Jewel looked down at the splattered mess on her fur then tentatively ran a hoof through her mane. “Ugh! It's in my hair! I hope you can do something about this!” She said, glaring at Twinkle.

The little alicorn looked sheepish. “Sorry about that,” she murmured, scraping the sticky confection from her horn. “I'll have you fixed up in a minute.”

“Humph! And that was my favorite weapon, too,” Zany muttered as he pulled a sticky glob of marshmallow from his forehead. He yelped in pain as both of his eyebrows came off with it. He used his magic to reattach them. “Looks like somepony has anger issues.”

“No,” Twinkle growled “I have a Zany issue.”

“Could you two stop fighting for a minute and get this cleaned up?” asked Applespike, leaning in between them. “There's no way we can go back to our rooms looking like this.”

The two rivals slowly backed down.

“I've got it,” said Twinkle, powering up her horn. There was a flash and all traces of the melted marshmallow disappeared. Jewel checked her mane and sighed in relief.

“Oh, much better!”

“The party's not over yet,” said Zany, grinning. “You've eaten. Now, the fun can start.”

All three ponies watched as he stood on his hind legs, his forelegs over his head. His eyes glowed and magic swirled around him. Jewel and Applespike gasped as the guest room underwent a dramatic transformation. The ceiling rose up until it was soaring as high as Celestia's throne room. Purple and red banners emblazoned with diamonds and apples rippled down from the rafters. A crystal chandelier formed overhead, catching the light of the moon as it shone through the window and reflecting its rays as tiny bits of soft silver light.

“It''s...beautiful,” Jewel murmured. “This...this is grander than the great ballroom!”

Zany turned without a word and pointed his hooves at Jewel and Applespike. Both ponies gasped as his magic enveloped them.

“What the hay...” cried Applespike, looking down at himself. He was wearing a shining white jacket with an apple-shaped ruby attached to the chest. A fragrant apple blossom decorated the lapel. He turned to Jewel and, for a moment, almost forgot to breathe. The pretty unicorn was decked out in a shimmering silver gown. A silver tiara with three diamond shaped crystals adorned her head. The dragon-pony gulped. She looked every inch like a princess!

“Very impressive,” said Twinkle, nodding approvingly.

“Not finished yet,” murmured Zany. In a flash, a turntable appeared along with a very bewildered looking DJ Pony. She lifted her dark glasses and gave Zany a questioning look.

“Yeah, sorry to disturb you this late. You mind putting on some slow music for my friends here?”

The disc jockey regarded the group for a moment then shrugged and gave a cheerful nod. Soon, the first haunting strains of “Unbridled Melody” was playing.

“So, Applespike,” said Zany, giving his befuddled friend a hearty nudge. “Isn't there something you want to ask Jewel?”

“Huh?” Applespike blinked as if coming out of a trance. “What?”

Zany rolled his eyes. “Ahem!” he said, pointing both hooves emphatically towards the pretty unicorn.

The dragon-pony blushed. “Oh, right!” He turned to Jewel, who was looking at him questioningly. “Jewel. Um. Would you care to dance with me?”

A soft blush crept over the white unicorn's cheeks. “I would be delighted,” she said.

As if in a dream, Applespike took her hoof and slid an arm around her slender waist. Jewel smiled at him as she placed a hoof on his shoulder. Hesitantly, he led the dance. Nothing fancy, just small rocking steps that led them in a circle. Jewel looked up at him, her face glowing with delight.

“You dance very well,” she complimented.

Applespike smiled. “I've had some practice at the hoedowns. They play slow music there too.”

They did not speak again until near the end of the song.

“Say, Jewel.”


“Would you mind if I dipped ya'?”

Jewel giggled. “Not at all!”

Twinkle and Zany gasped in horror as Applespike dipped Jewel backwards. The little unicorn went down until her back was only a foot from the floor. Applespike held her there in his strong arms, his dragon tail stuck out for balance. Boldly, she released her hold on his shoulder and held her hoof over her head in an elegant gesture. Each stared adoringly into the others eyes.

“Shoot! They make it look so easy,” Zany muttered. “Maybe you need to lose weight,” he added to Twinkle.

“Maybe you should try bucking apples for a living,” Twinkle retorted. “It would definitely make you stronger.”

Applespike effortlessly raised Jewel back up in time for the next song. This time both of her hooves slid around his neck and her head lay against his shoulder. The half-pony sighed happily, his own hooves encircling her waist, his muzzle nuzzling her mane. They closed their eyes in utter bliss and slowly swayed to the music.

“When a stallion loves a mare,

Can't keep his mind on nothin' else

He'd trade the world

For the good thing he's found...”

Applespike sighed again, breathing in the sweet floral scent of her mane. Mmmmm. Sweet magnolias! His favorite flower next to apple blossoms. He held her a little closer, his heart beating hard in his chest. He had danced with other fillies, but none of them had ever made him feel like this. He felt excited and nervous, but also warm and comfortable. Wasn't this the way his father had once described being in love?

Softly, he nuzzled her cheek, hearing her sigh at the pleasant sensation. The sound made his heart soar. She had not startled or pulled away. She had enjoyed the intimate touch! He buried his face in her mane, feeling like he was dancing on air!

He opened his eyes a crack and was puzzled to see the chandelier close by. What was it doing so close to the floor? And wasn't the ceiling supposed to be higher than this? Why, he could almost touch...


He glanced down and saw Zany and Twinkle laid out on the cushions far below, watching them.

“Nice touch,” said Twinkle.

Zany shrugged. “I try.”

Panicking, Applespike tightened his hold on Jewel's waist. The little unicorn, unaware of what was happening, returned the embrace. The dragon-pony glared down at his friend.

Down! He mouthed. Down! Now!

Zany shot him a sour look but complied.

Party Pooper! He mouthed back.

Jewel sighed as the dance ended with them both planted back on the floor.

“That was lovely,” she whispered.

“I liked it, too,” said Applespike, wiping the cold sweat from his brow. “You mind if we go out on the balcony for a bit? I could use a little air.”

“Of course,” Jewel replied. “My goodness! You weren't joking. You're perspiring horribly.”

The two of them stepped out onto the moonlit balcony. A cool breeze caressed their faces and played in their manes. Luna's moon was higher now, casting shorter shadows across the landscape.

“I wish we could see the valley from here,” said Jewel softly.

“That would be a sight,” agreed Applespike. “You could see the main road to Ponyville over there.” He pointed to the left. “And the railroad track going towards Appleloosa and Cherry Town over here...”

“How do you know all that?” Jewel marveled.

“The stars. My family does a lot of stargazing out on the farm.”

“I remember,” Jewel murmured. “Mother used to take us out there to watch the meteor showers.”

“Yeah,” Applespike chuckled. “Aunt Fluttershy always had to leave Zany at home because he'd try to ride them. Those were good times.”

“Yes,” the little unicorn sighed. “I wish I could go back in time and do it over again.”

Applespike snorted. “Aren't we a little young to be talking like Granny and Aunt Goldie? Besides, my family still has stargazing parties and we all still get together for the meteor showers. And Zany did actually get to ride one, though he burned his tail clean off doing it.”

Jewel giggled. “I remember you wrote me that! I just wish I was there to see it.”

Applespike glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. Slowly, he stole an arm around her shoulder and drew her close.

“You're not happy being a model, are ya'?” he asked quietly.

“What?” Jewel said, looking up sharply. “Don't be silly! Of course I...I...” She looked into his kind, earnest eyes and the lie she was telling died on her lips. She dropped her head with a moan. “You're right. I hate it.”

“I thought so.” Applespike softly pressed his muzzle into her mane. “All that talk about diets and bad fancy food was a dead give away. That and your not being allowed to enjoy yourself at the Gala.”

“I never dreamed it would be like this,” Jewel whispered. “I imagined being a model as a wonderful, glamorous life. I thought I would travel, see the sights, and meet new ponies. But it's work, Applespike. Not like the work you do. You plow a field or buck apples and you can see the good work you've done. I have to pose and and smile and wear whatever outfit Picture Perfect demands I wear. Then I have to wait for the reviews. If they're good, I get all the praise as if I'm the most brilliant filly in Equestria. If they're bad...”

Jewel choked. “I get all the blame.”

Applespike pulled her to his chest and let her cry into his jacket. Once her sobs had abated some, she managed to continue.

“The only sights I've seen is what I can see from the window of a railroad car or a hotel balcony. When we stopped in Appleloosa, a pretty buffalo named Little Strongheart tried to speak to me but Goodnight called her a dirty cow and sent her away.”

“The varmint,” growled Applespike, low.

“And now Picture Perfect has that insufferable colt model, Stud Muffin! He started a rumor that we were a couple so Stud Muffin could get some publicity. Now I have to be seen with him almost everywhere I go and appear to be happy with him.”

“But you're not,” Applespike confirmed.

“Dear Celestia, no! He's a bigger jerk than Goodnight, if that's possible. I didn't realize until I came to work for Picture Perfect that there were such bigots in Equestria! I'm afraid growing up in Ponyville where the pony races have always gotten along didn't prepare me for this!

He thinks Earth Ponies are stupid and that Pegasai need to be reminded of 'their place'. He thinks Minotaurs need to be banned, Griffons banished, and a certain draconequess we both know returned to his spot in the Canterlot Gardens. I'll spare you what he thinks of dragons.”

“I can imagine,” said Applespike, nuzzling her mane again. “I'm half dragon myself, and even I'm scared of them.”

Jewel chuckled at that. Softly, she rubbed her face into his jacket while he played with her hair. They stayed like that for a long time, neither one speaking. The only sound they could hear was the music from the turntable. After awhile, Applespike sighed.

“Why don't ya' come back to Ponyville with us?” he asked quietly. “I know your family would be happy if you did. I know...I would be.”

Jewel shook her head against his chest. “I can't. I'm under contract.”

“So?” asked Applespike. “Aunt Fluttershy was under contract to Photo Finish but she was able to quit when she got sick of it. So can you.”

“No. I can't Applespike.” Jewel raised her head and looked earnestly into his eyes. “For starters, this is Picture Perfect we're talking about, not Photo Finish. Aunt Fluttershy's contract was only for two years. When she quit, the only thing Photo Finish demanded was that she not model for anyone else. My contract is a lot stricter.

I'm contracted for six years. I've already worked three of them, so I've got three more to go. If I quit, not only would I be forbidden from modeling for anyone else...but I'd have to pay a penalty.”

“How much?” asked Applespike.

Jewel sighed. “One million bits.”

“Whoa!” Applespike felt like some pony had knocked the air out of him. “That's a lot of bits!”

“I think that's how much Picture Perfect figured I could generate for him,” Jewel shrugged. “He wasn't far wrong.”

“Whoa,” Applespike repeated. One million bits! Granny Smith could sell Sweet Apple Acres and not get anything close to that amount! Only some Canterlot gentle-pony would have that kind of cash.

“What about your Dad?” he asked. “He's rich. He could pay it.”

Jewel shook her head. “Daddy's rich but not that rich. A million bits would be a big blow to him.”

Applespike thought about that for a moment. “I don't think he'd mind it. In fact, I think he'd think it was worth it just to have you home again.”

Jewel sighed painfully. “There's more to it than that.”

“What else is there?”

“My mother.” she whispered. “Picture Perfect swore he'd ruin Mom's businesses in Manehattan and Canterlot if I didn't do as he said. Those boutiques are her pride and joy. It would kill her to lose them.”

Applespike shook his head. “That's crazy, Jewel! Your Mom is one of the best designers there is! Folks have been shopping her stores for years. On top of that, she's one of the Mane Six! A national hero, for crying out loud! How could some jerk like Picture Perfect ruin her?”

“By spreading slander and gossip, that's how! Believe me, he excels at it. And nothing sells a gossip magazine faster than dirt on a well known or respected pony.”

“Does your mother know?”

“No, I haven't told her or anyone else.” Jewel lowered her eyes. “I...I don't want them to worry about me.”

The dragon-pony couldn't help but chuckle at that. “Isn't that a parent's job? Worryin' about their young-uns?”

Jewel did not answer. She bowed her head and closed her eyes tight as if trying to fight back tears. Applespike gave a sigh of defeat and gently guided her head back to his chest.

“I'm sorry,” he murmured. “I've just missed you so much these past three years. I hate to think it might be another three before I get to see you again.”

Jewel felt her chest tighten and tears prick her eyes.

“I missed you, too,” she whispered.

“You don't know how happy I was to see you that day at the train station,” he went on. “It was like Hearth's Warming had come early. And that picnic under the gazebo was one of the most wonderful dinners I've had in a while...because you were there to share it.”

Slowly, Jewel lifted her head and looked into his face.

“Applespike?” she said, her voice shaking with emotion.


“I...I want to give you something. I was supposed to give it to Stud Muffin, but I want you to have it.”

Applespike's eyes widened in surprise as she slid her hooves around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss on the lips.

I'm dreaming, he thought, his heart pounding in his chest. This can't be happening!

Then he felt her lips, warm and sweet against his and everything else melted away. His eyes slowly closed. His arms hugged her body tightly against his. The kiss deepened. A delicious thrill went through him as she softly moaned against his mouth.

They pulled apart a moment later; both of them breathing hard, neither of them releasing their hold on the other.

“That was...” Applespike gasped.


He leaned in closer until their lips were barely brushing.


A delicious shiver went down her spine when he whispered her name.


“May I have...more?”

“Oh, yes!”

Neither of them heard the balcony curtain close behind them. Nor did they hear the words Zany muttered to Twinkle as they helped themselves to the leftover food on the table.

“After fifteen years, it's a about darn time!”