My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VI

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 22: This Little Piggy went to a better place


Ever since the wedding, Tree Hugger moved in with Buddy Rose and DD. Their house was bigger, and Buddy couldn’t just leave New Sweet Apple Acres, or his garden.

After moving in and rearranging things a little, the place looked a little different-- a combination of the old and the new. Tree Hugger had scented candles, hippie bead curtains along doorways, yoga mats spread out in the corner of the living room, and a large beanbag near the sofa were she would often sit.

Still, the place was perfect for a couple just starting out, and as for Tree Hugger… she couldn’t be happier, and took her place as a wife with pride and joy. She helped around the house and the farm while still attending to her hippie rallies with her friends, and being a yoga instructor, as well as selling more of her books, fertilizer and animal food.

Buddy Rose, he felt more wonderful than ever before. DD felt ever excited now that Tree Hugger was her cousin-in-law. They often spent time together, and did early morning yoga on weekends with Applebloom, and sometimes Applejack and Buddy Rose joined them. It was almost as if she had a new mother-figure in her life, and every moment was worth it.

As someone prepared dinner in the kitchen, DD poked her head in and asked, “We do we eat, I’m starving?”

Buddy Rose smiled as he held the casserole in the hot pan with oven-mitts and replied, “Just as soon as Tree Hugger gets home.”

That’s when the door opened and she walked right in. “Like, hey…” she called out.

“Hi Ms. Tree Hugger...” DD said.

“Whoa, no need for the formals, remember. I’m like your family now.”

DD giggled, “I was just teasing.” And she hugged her softly, and then went off to wash up for dinner.

Tree Hugger then got up and walked to the kitchen where her husband stood playfully looking at her. “And I though you wouldn’t make It.” he said teasingly, and his expression turned to surprise when she held out a bouquet of flowers to him. “Oh, they’re lovely.”

“I thought they’d totally look cute if we planted them in the garden.” Tree Hugger said. “Radical…” said Buddy “Well then, why don’t we plant them tomorrow… together.”

They gazed deeply into each other’s eyes, and their faces slowly moved towards one another. Then in a swift move, Tree Hugger grabbed him, dipped him back and kissed him deeply.

Buddy Rose took a moment to sigh heavenly “Ah, me…!” before his wife pulled him into another kiss.

DD, as she passed by the kitchen, being a child of course, was grossed out when she saw them, to which the couple chuckled to.

Early the next morning, the family was out in the open grassy fields for some morning yoga. Applejack and her siblings joined them as well. They all sat on mats, sat comfortably and quietly and followed Tree Hugger’s every instruction.

“Now everyone just let go and bliss out to the sonic vibes” she said in a soothing voice, and then she began to sing that very trance-like song she sang long ago...

Her voice combined with the music playing from her boom-box, the ponies all began to feel warm and soothed from within, as if they were floating on air.

… All of them felt relaxed, except one!

Tree Hugger suddenly stopped and moaned as if she were in pain, snapped everyone out of their trances. She nearly keeled over, but Buddy Rose caught her. “Honey, what is it?” he asked.

“You alright there?” added Applejack.

Tree Hugger felt dizzy and answered “Someone’s chakra is, like, way out of sync with mine. It totally threw me off.” She then gazed directly at Applebloom, and Applebloom didn’t look like her usual chipper self.

“Are you okay, Appleblom?” asked DD.

“Yeah, I’m fine. That’s me… never felt better.” Applebloom said, but she seemed to be on the verge of tears. The others, except Tree Hugger immediately caught on to what was bothering her…!

Applejack whispered, “Oh, boy, she’s thinkin’ of him again.”

“Eeyup.” Said Big Mac, “Poor little thing. She hasn’t been much the same since.”

“Um, what’s all the secrecy about?” asked Tree Hugger.

Applebloom wiped her eyes, “It’s just that it’s been six months since Norm passed on.”


“Norman… he was one of the hogs.” said Applejack “We sent him off to the big place…” she didn’t have the nerve to say the works, which was on another planet for fear of making Applebloom want to cry.

“It’s alright…” Applebloom surprisingly said “It doesn’t hurt me as much these days… not… too much!”

She tried to hold her tears back, but it was no good, and she began to cry. Her brother and sister hugged her tightly.

DD almost felt like crying too, but she held in bravely.

Tree Hugger hated seeing Applebloom upset. “This is totally starting to bum me out.” she said.

After a short while, Applebloom calmed down, and her siblings allowed her to be excused from the chores that day if she wasn’t up to it. “It’s okay, I can work.” she said, sounding braver and more chipper.

So, everyone got to work that day, and everything went fine, but Tree Hugger was still bothered by Applebloom’s sadness, but knowing it wouldn’t be right to ask Applebloom herself, so she asked the others when the girls ran off to play after lunch, once the chores were done.

“So, like… what was it with Applebloom and this Norm? We’re they… close?”

“Like a dog loves a hambone.” replied Applejack.

Buddy Rose and Big Mac nodded and they all began to tell her the story.

When Applebloom was very little, about three years old, her favorite animal on the entire farm had to be Norman, the hog. He was about the same size as her for his age, but she loved him more like a pet than livestock, even among the many pigs they raised on the farm.

Norm had a wife named Rosie, and they had six piglets together, but Norm seemed to enjoy his time with Applebloom as well.

They spent lots of time together; running in the fields, eating lunch, Applebloom’s most favorite pastime with him was wallowing in the mud, much to Granny Smith’s horror and Applejack and Big Mac would rush to give her a bath.

When Applebloom started going to school, Norm would wait patiently for her to return, and they would continue having fun and enjoying life.

When The Great War struck, Applebloom was horrified that the evil Super Nightmare Moon ruthlessly had animals slaughtered and made into food for her and her followers, among them were Norm’s Rosie, and their young.

She nearly would have gotten to Norm too had Starfleet not showed up at the last moment and waged an attack against the evil creatures, obliterating them for good, and when Equestria was doomed to explode, all the creatures were evacuated safely, including Norm.

Sadly, Norm’s life would never be the same again. Even after United Equestria was formed, Norm still grieved over the loss of his family. They could never be restored, and Applebloom continued to remain by him as much as she could to comfort him and keep him going.

Norm found his feet again and he and Applebloom still remained close, but there soon came a time when Norm himself had seen better days. His eyesight was failing, his hearing wasn’t so good, and he got tired very easily.

Six months ago from the present day… it was wintertime, snow covered the ground, icicles formed on the roofs, and the Cutiemark Crusaders were all about having fun in the snow; making snow angels, snow-ponies, tobogganing, and even making forts and getting into a small snowball fight.

Old Norm saw them from his pen by the barn. He was a little too old to be playing about like that anymore, but seeing the children play brought a smile to his face.

The girls continued to throw snowballs around, two-against-two: Applebloom and Sweetie Belle against Scootaloo and DD.

Applebloom got the snowballs ready to throw. So did Sweetie, and she even used her magic to help levitate more balls to throw.

“Ready…?” said Applebloom, “Aim…” added Sweetie Belle.

“FIRE…!!” the other two shouted, and barrage of snowballs went flying all over the place until the girls ran out of ammo and needed to make more.


“Girls…!” Buddy Rose called. The girls peeked up over the forts and saw both he and Applejack with their faces covered in snow from their snowballs. The girls felt nervous and very uneasy.

“Um… sorry?” said DD. “We didn’t mean it.” added Scootaloo.

The adults didn’t seem to buy it and rubbed the snow from their faces. “Girls, if you’re gonna be throwin’ snowballs around…” said Applejack …”Ya better do it RIGHT!!” Then she and Buddy began to throw their own barrage of snowballs at the girls, promting another fun battle to start up.

“Come on, let’s get ‘em!” cried Sweetie.

The girls had loads of fun trying to pin down the adults, especially since the adults didn’t have a fort of their own, but they did have one special secret weapon. “…BIG MAC!” called Applejack.

The girls stopped and gazed up the slope of the hill where they saw two very large snowballs and Big Mac standing behind them and glaring wickedly down at the girls.

The girls freaked out and quickly dashed out of their forts just as Big Mac sent the huge balls rolling down and crashing into the forts, collapsing them into two piles of snow, softly burying the girls.

“STIIII-RIKE!” Big Mac chuckled.

Applejack and Buddy Rose slapped each other a high-five. The girls poked their heads up through the snow. They were unamused at first, but they burst out laughing, and the adults laughed too.

While all Old Norm could do was watch from his pen and smile.

“Come on, girls. Let’s go get some hot chocolate.” called Buddy Rose.

The girls cheered, and Big Mac slid down the hill.

As they all passed by the barn, Applebloom stopped by the pigsty to give Norm a good pat on his head. “After we’re done, I’ll come out here and play with ya, ‘K?”

Norm smiled and snorted once, and all the others thought it was a sweet sight.

That’s when Applebloom went into a musical memorial montage in her mind…

As she sang, she remembered all the many wonderful times she and Norm had together, especially playing in the mud.

At the end of the song, Applebloom actually pecked him on his head before running inside with the others, and Norm felt very happy.

All were unaware of the danger at hand…!

Hiding nearby and peeping through binoculars, three bad ponies-- one Earth, one Pegasus, and one Unicorn-- were looking at all the livestock that seemed just right for picking.

“Look at all that, you guys.” said the Earth Pony “Those sheep ought to being a few good prices for their skins.”

“Ha, I’d rather take the cows.” said the Pegasus “We could sell every drop of milk they give, and when we’re through… they’ll make great hamburgers!”

“And don’t forget them hogs.” said the Unicorn “A good pot-roast would be nice.” Then he spotted Norm, “Hey… that big one looks tender!”

The three nasty ponies waited until all the ponies had gone inside before preparing for their big move.

The friends all enjoyed their drinks, Granny Smith even got out a plate of cookies for the girls, “It just ain’t hot cocoa without a biscuit for dippin’.” she said sweetly.

“Eeyup.” Said Big Mac as he eagerly grabbed a cookie and dipped it in his cocoa. “Yummy!”

Everyone had two cookies each, but Applebloom decided, “I think I’ll save this extra one for Norm.”

“Ya might wanna watch it there.” said Granny “Norm’s not as young as he used to be. Sugar ain’t too good for his gut these days.” that’s when she took a big bite out of her own cookie, much to everyone thinking she had just contradicted herself “What? I ain’t no hog. A little sugar doesn’t hurt me.”

The others all sighed.

Suddenly, the sounds of bells were ringing loudly from outside. It was the farm’s own special alarm system warning that poachers were on the land!

“The livestock!” cried Applejack.

“Norm!” shrieked Applebloom.

“Let’s move!” shouted Buddy Rose, and he and the adults dashed for the door. The girl wanted to come too, but Applejack wouldn’t hear of it “You girls stay right here! We don’t need more casualties.”

Even Granny smith put her foot down and promised to watch the girls while Applejack ran off.

Applebloom panicked and ran to the nearest window, but she could only see half the side of the barn where the sheep were. Norm’s sty was on the other side, but she did see two bad ponies, an Earth, and a Pegasus, with four wild dogs harassing the livestock in attempt to drive them out and into captivity.

“Please be okay, Norm!” Applebloom silently said to herself.

“Look there!” cried Sweetie Belle. They all watched as the adults dashed up to the bad ponies and their dogs, chasing them off the lands. Big Mac rounded up all the wild-dogs and trapped them, while Applejack and Buddy Rose chased the bad ponies off over the hills.

It really looked like all was going to be well, but suddenly Big Mac was knocked unconscious by a third bad pony, a Unicorn.

“Oh, no!” cried Applebloom, “Them other guys were just a decoy!”

“Look!” cried Scootaloo! “He’s freeing the dogs!” added DD, and before long the unicorn began to attack and steal as many of the livestock as he could.

Granny Smith wouldn’t have it, and grabbed her shotgun. “Come on, Besty! We got work to do!” she said as she cocked the gun.

She dashed out the door ready to fight, only for a ton of snow to fall on her, pinning her down!

“Granny!” cried Applebloom!

“Let’s help her!” said Sweetie, and she DD and Scootaloo helped to dig her out, but Applebloom, she couldn’t bear this! The livestock was in danger and Applejack and Buddy Rose were nowhere to be scene, and there was no time for all the other farmers to make it out to help her because of the snow, but hearing the animals cry out and seeing what danger they were in… Applebloom was filled with a deep fit of rage and took off for the barn!

“APPLEBLOOM…!!” the others all shouted.

The bad unicorn and his dogs were ruthlessly harming the animals into cooperating, rushing them into bags that he would load on a wagon to make his getaway. “Get in there!” he shouted “Move it before I make mincemeat out of you!”

The sheep and the cows all wailed as the dogs scared and bit them as they growled and snarled.

Suddenly, just as the unicorn was about to make his getaway… Applebloom came rushing in, screeching in a fit, and rammed right into him, tackling him to the ground and began to ram numerous punches into his face.

The others saw her from the house and could not believe what was happening!

The dogs all dashed up ready to maul her to bits, but Applebloom turned and snarled like a raging monster, actually frightening them to run!

The unicorn, powerless to defend himself, cried and squealed for mercy, but Applebloom continued ram at him, until Buddy Rose and Applejack returned, and Applejack pulled her sister off. “Applebloom… stop! Take it easy… easy now!”

Applebloom panted and huffed, but then she began to feel scared, and nearly burst into tears, unable to believe what she had just done.

The unicorn lay on the ground, bruised, bleeding and whimpering in tears of fear and pain. “On your feet!” shouted Buddy Rose as he helped the pony up and then promptly arrested him. “You and your buddies are going to have some time to think about what you’ve done!”

The unicorn saw that Applejack and Buddy Rose had already apprehended his friends, and lassoed all their dogs.

The trio knew they were beat, and all because of one meddling little pony.

Big Mac started to come too after his knockout. “Uhn… where am I?” he groaned as he rubbed his sore head, but as soon as he saw the wagon and the mess the farm was in-- fences were busted. Haystacks were smashed and lay scattered about, and the animals were missing-- it all came back to him.

As the friends worked to release all the captured animals, Applebloom was still shaken by the whole ordeal. She had never been so angry in her life that just exploded.

“Shh… it’s okay. You’ll be alright.” Applejack said as she comforted her sister. Though she warned her before not to go out, and she could have been killed, even Applejack and the others couldn’t deny that Applebloom helped save the farm.

Still, the proud was not to last. As the animals were being unloaded from captivity, several of the cows and sheep were injured from the dogs. A few scraps and bites on some, while others had a broken leg or two, but not very serious, however… of all the animals, one was very badly injured.

“…Norm!” cried Big Mac!

Hearing that name quickly gave Applebloom’s stomach a nasty turn. “Norm...?!” she cried, and she turned round to see her dear friend didn’t look so good. His two hide legs were twisted, and he had a deep scratch wound on his side.

He didn’t seem very lively, and this brought tears to Applebloom’s eyes!

The rest of that day was very busy. Many of the fellow farmers had heard of the poachers attempt to steal livestock, and they all came over to help pitch in and repair the damages to the fences and the barn.

Lightning and Starla had also come when they heard the news of the captured poachers. They were relieved that Buddy Rose and applejack helped to catch them, as they had been wanted for some time, but they felt really bad for the animals, especially Norm.

Lightning was also surprised to hear of what Applebloom had done. “She took a big risk going out there like that.”

“Tell me about it…” said Applejack “I never saw nothin’ like it.”

“She’s got the Apple Instinct.” said Granny Smith. She was all wrapped up on a warm robe and sniffling, as she caught a cold from being buried in the snow, and she sneezed, but then said, “When the cattle is a cryin’, no doubt a true Apple will rise to make things right.”

“Eeyup.” said Big Mac “But I just hope them critters don’t got it too bad.”

Starla looked around, “Where are the girls anyway?”

“They’re in the barn helping with the animals.” answered Buddy Rose “I hope everything’s okay.”

When Fluttershy heard of the poor animals, she and Rhymey wasted no time in coming over to help treat them.

Fluttershy, with her Vet-Care kit examined and treated all the animals, Rhymey and the girls helped her. Soon, the animals were bandaged and given special medications for their wounds and told by Fluttershy, “Now I want you all to get a good rest. You’ll be up and well again soon. You’ll see.”

The animals mooed and baaed at her in thanks, but while the girls were relieved to hear that, all of them, especially Applebloom were more concerned about Norm. He didn’t even so much as grunt, or even flinch. He just lay where he was, sound asleep, but he didn’t seem much like he was sleeping.

“Is he gonna be okay?” Applebloom asked, for the umpteenth time.

Fluttershy didn’t know if she could answer that, but Rhymey said…

“We don’t really know if he’ll be okay,
It’s really too early to even say.”

“Rhymey’s right…” said Fluttershy “We’ll come again each day and check on him, and even bring Dr. Penny along… but… but…”

“But what?” asked Scootaloo.

“Girls… normally I try to be optimistic about this, but… Norm suffered some pretty deep wounds. I hate to say it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

She felt very ashamed of herself for saying that, even though it was fact. Sad to say, Applebloom felt really cold inside her.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be fine.” said DD. The other girls nodded in agreement, and Applebloom promised to stay strong, as she walked over and pet Norm saying, “You’re gonna be just fine, ya hear?” and Norm actually smiled in his sleep.

But as the days went by, while the other animals showed to be healing nicely, Norm’s condition hadn’t improved at all. Even though Applebloom spent hour after hour tending to him; bringing him nice warm slops, warm blankets, and keeping him company.

Fluttershy returned with Dr. Penny for one final examination before making any recommendations.

Applebloom’s heart was tied in knots, and her spine was shivering with worry as Fluttershy and Penny examined the poor pig. “How is he?” she asked with worry in her voice.

Fluttershy turned and looked sadly at her and said “…Not too good, Applebloom. We’ve tried everything we can.”

Tears started flowing down Applebloom’s face “But… he’s gettin’ better… ain’t he? I mean…the other animals are fine.”

Penny sighed softly. This was a part of her job she really didn’t enjoy, but she had to say it…

“Applebloom, the other animals are younger and their injuries weren’t too severe, but… Norm… he’s very old, and when you get hurt like he does at such an age, it can be very serious.

…I don’t think Norm’s going to get better Applebloom, and… I know this will hurt but, I’m going to have to make a recommendation for your family to sell him off to--” she stopped, she didn’t have the heart to finish.

Fluttershy held her hands to her mouth in shock and sadness, but her feelings paled to the sickening feelings that had just sliced Applebloom’s heart. “No!” she cried tearfully, “You can’t! They wouldn’t! There’s gotta be somethin’ we can do!”

Seeing how upset Applebloom was only made it harder for Penny, and she felt her own heart breaking as it reminded her of the situation with her grandmother, and how she didn’t make it.

“I’m sorry, Applebloom. I really am… but sometimes in life, we just can’t control things.”

Applebloom was sobbing uncontrollably now “You can save him!” she wept. “Oh, you poor thing!” cried Fluttershy, and she felt like crying too, and held the poor little pony, while sadly went off to talk to the rest of the family.

Applebloom could hardly think straight. “They can’t sell Norm. I won’t let them!” cried Applebloom.

“Oh, Applebloom…!” cried Fluttershy “Believe me, I know how you feel.”

Applebloom then angrily wrenched away from her. “Then why did you let Dr. Penny make the decision?! How come you’re not tryin’ to help Norm get well again?”

It was in vain that Fluttershy tried to reason with Applebloom that while she understood how she felt, there really wasn’t much else they could do. “Norm is in a lot of pain already, Applebloom. Keeping him alive won’t help him.”

Stubborn, Applebloom refused to listen and took off in a tearful huff!

Fluttershy had no idea what to do about this.

Applebloom had run off to the Cutiemark Crusaders’ Clubhouse where the others promised to meet her once they told her of her problem.

“That’s awful!” cried Sweeite Belle.

“That’s terrible!” added Scootaloo.

“Oh, Applebloom!” said DD.

“Well, I’m not gonna let it happen!” cried Applebloom, “I won’t let ‘em sell Norm to some sausage factory. Who’s with me?”

She expected that the girls would jump right out and say they were in, but the silence never broke, and the girls said nothing.

“Well, who’s with me?!” shouted Applebloom.

“Um… Applebloom…” said Sweetie, “We’re not quite sure how to say this…” added Scootaloo.

Applebloom couldn’t believe what she was about to hear, “You won’t help me?”

“It’s not that we don’t want to…” said DD “It’s just… from what you told us, there doesn’t seem to be much of a point.”

Applebloom felt her rage boiling and her heart aching. “I can’t believe you said that!” she thundered. “I’m tryin’ to save the life of my friend, and you’re not willin’ to help?! I thought helpin’ is what we Crusaders stood for?!!”

The girls were starting to lose their patience with her, but tried to remain civil.

“All we’re saying is that Norm’s in really bad shape.” said Scootaloo. “Even if we could get him away from the farm, I don’t think it will make a difference.” added Sweetie, but Applebloom’s cheeks burned red with rage. She knew what they were trying to say… that they, too, had given up on Norm, and they were just going to stand by and either let him be sold or just die!

Applebloom was so enraged that she just took off, not saying a thing to the others.

“Applebloom!” called DD!

The girls honestly didn’t know what they were going to do. “Should we tell the adults?” suggested Sweetie. “No… then she’d be more steamed.” said Scootaloo, “And besides, Crusaders don’t tattle on others.”

“Yeah, but… Applebloom, she’s really down hard on this.” said DD “We’ve got to at least try and help her… don’t we?”

The girls still didn’t have any of how to make Applebloom see reason, after the irrational way she had just behaved; though it was understandable as well!

The adults knew nothing of what Applebloom was planning, but she didn’t talk to any of them for the rest of the day, and sulked miserably in her room until long into the night.

Applejack left a tray of food outside her sister’s room hoping she would at least eat dinner. She knocked at the door, “Hey, Applebloom…”

No response!

“Look, I left some food out here for ya. Please eat.”

She then left, planning to return later and hoping that the tray of food would be gone, but what she didn’t know was that Applebloom was not in her room…!

…She had cleverly snuck out the window, and skillfully climbed down the strong trellis on the side of the house. She got out a small pulled it into the barn where the animals were all sleeping, and she stopped outside of Norm’s stall.

Norm was sleeping very peacefully, even in his condition.

“If no one’ll help me, then I’ll just get you outta’ here myself.” Applebloom said softly “I won’t let ‘em sell ya, Norm. I’ll take ya someplace safe, and then… I don’t know how… but I’ll make ya all better!”

That’s what she wanted to do, except Norm was a little too big and heavy for her to move by herself, and even still in his condition she worried about hurting him even more, but she wasn’t willing to give up.

About an hour later, it began to snow hard outside.

Applejack went upstairs to check on her sister again and found the tray of food still where she placed it. Not a morsel had been touched! Applejack was so worried she was losing her patience. “Okay, Applebloom… I’m comin’ in there.” She warned her, but the second she walked in, much to her horror, her sister was nowhere to be found and her window was wide open. “Oh, no! Not again!” she cried.

She gazed out the window, and noticed the unmistakable foot prints along the roof-hood, and down below in the snow. The wagon was missing from beside the barn, and she could see more footprints and tracks leading far away.

Panacking, Applejack flew out the window and into the barn. All the animals were accounted for, except for Norm. His stall stood empty, except for the magical lifter panel-- a piece of technology used for loading heavy things onto wagons for those who didn’t have the strength.

“Applebloom!!” cried Applejack, and her cry awoke the animals and they all squawked, mooed and bleated in grumpiness.

Applejack raced outside and called out, “APPLEBLOOM!!!”

Applebloom had already trekked across the farm and was now pulling the wagon through the woodlands. The load was really heavy for a little pony her size. She was used to pulling small and lighter wagons, but regardless she wasn’t willing to give up.

“Gotta… keep goin’!” she groaned over and over, but she was really getting tired. It was freezing cold and snowing harder. Applebloom began to shiver, but luckily she knew of a place nearby where she could stop and rest, and keep Norm out of the cold.

Applejack, Big Mac and Buddy Rose were already on the trail, but the falling snow had covered the tracks.

Buddy Rose and applejack searched from the air, while Big Mac searched on the ground. They covered the entire farm area, and all met up around the middle. “Any sign of her?” Applejack asked.

“Nope.” replied Big Mac “and it’s snowin’ harder than ever.”

“She could freeze out on a night like this.” said Buddy Rose, but hearing that made Applejack feel really down, Big Mac too. “Don’t worry, we’ll find her.” Buddy Rose said, and he doubled clicked on his energizer which activated his visor. Applejack then activated hers, and the trio kept on searching.

Applebloom knew of a small rock mound deep within the woods and set up a little camp. She parked the wagon behind the rock and sat down next to it, out of the wind, and utilizing her scout-training, she made a fire, and she used the clean snow to make little cupcakes to eat, which made her mouth go numb!

Even with all this, it was still pretty cold. “Sure wish I brought some extra blankets!” she whimpered, but all the blankets were wrapped around Norm as she felt he needed them more.

“Don’t worry, Norm. I’ll do all that I can to help ya.” she said to him, and at that moment, Norm actually responded to her. “…You’ve already done more than enough for me.”

Applebloom was a little surprised, but of course most animals on the farm were able to speak, but they usually preferred not to or didn’t have to be understood.

“You’re awake!” cried Applebloom.

Norm smiled weakly at her, “You and I have been very close over the years, Applebloom. I treasure ‘em more than a golden bucket’o swill.”

Applebloom smiled “And we can still have more good times…” she said to him “Just you wait. You’ll be fine.”

Norm sighed softly. “Applebloom, I appreciate what you’re tryin’ to do and all that, but…” he paused “…I know this is gonna hurt more than a spider being caught in nettles but… I want you to stop all this.”

Applebloom was shocked that he would say such a thing. “Just give up! I can’t just give up! I don’t wanna lose ya! No, I want ya to get better again.”

Norm expected she would act like this, and he felt she needed to hear what he had to say.

“Applebloom… listen to me, and pay attention, it’s important…

I know this may be hard on ya, I myself wouldn’t feel any different, but… try to think about me and how I feel…” he referred to his broken hind legs and his side wound, “I can barely move around without it hurtin’, it’s even hard to sleep at night or even eat.”

Tears were brimming in Applebloom’s eyes. She really didn’t want to hear this. “Don’t talk like that! I’m gonna try and get ya help!”

Norm sighed, “Even if you could, it wouldn’t make much of a difference.”

Applebloom felt as if she had lost all feelings inside her.

“Applebloom, I’ve lived a long and fulfillin’ life. I have so many wonderful memories, with you and with everyone I’ve ever known… but…I’m really old, I miss my Roise and our young, and well… my grand pappy told me this once: “There’s no point in stayin’ alive… if ya ain’t gonna be very lively.”

The more Applebloom thought about it, she began to realize that he was right. Even if Norm was well again, he couldn’t run about, play games like he used to. Spending all your days just standing around and being unable to socialize, and share in joy or even have any fun was just too much for anyone!

“Don’t get me wrong, Applebloom.” Norm said “You’re the best friend I ever had. Nothin’ will ever replace it or make me forget it, and I’ll always remember everything you’ve ever done for me.”

Applebloom’s tears were falling earnestly, falling to the ground and turning into small drops of ice on her face. “Oh, Norm… I just don’t want ya to go. I’d miss ya too much.”

Norm felt his own tears falling now “It’ll be okay…” he said softly to her “As long as you remember, and as long there is love… from your friends, from you family, and those who care about you as well… you’ll be just fine.

…I love ya, kid.”

“I love ya too.” Applebloom said, and she hugged her friend softly.

Then, all went silent!


No response!


Still no response!

Norm was no longer moving, and he wasn’t breathing either. Applebloom put her head to his heart, but she couldn’t hear a thing.

She fell to her knees, and her tears continued to fall and/or freeze to her face. “No… Norm…!” she sobbed.

“Applebloom…!” someone called.

It was Applejack, tracking her sister’s vital signs with her visor, and she saw the bonfire below. “Hey, I found her!”

Buddy Rose flew up to her, and the two of them touched down together, and saw the terrible sight before their eyes; a heartbroken Applebloom near a lifeless pig.

Buddy Rose scanned Norm’s vital signs with his visor, but sadly shook his head.

“Come on, Applebloom. Let’s go home.” Applejack said.

“Okay…” cried Applebloom, but she broke down and wept miserably. Applejack held her tightly letting her cry, and Buddy Rose hung his head low.

A few days later, it turned out that the adults were never planning to sell Norm to any sausage factory. They knew how much Applebloom loved him, even in death, and they wouldn’t do that to her.

Instead, they held a nice little funeral for Norm and buried him near a tree at the edge of the farm. A tree that he and Applebloom loved to lay under and take naps.

Each of them offered their piece and their farewells to him, even Buddy Rose, the other crusaders, but Applebloom was still very heartbroken. Nothing she could say or do would bring Norm back no matter how much she wanted it.

She grieved over it for a while, but it did some good to help her get that sadness out of her, and what was really beautiful was how she made up with her friends, and together they helped her to get back to her old playful self again.

The rest was pretty much history.

Tree Hugger was nearly speechless by what she had been told. “That is majorly heavy stuff.”

“Eeyup.” said Big Mac, and he and the others turned to watch Applebloom and DD playing in the fields. “Sure is nice knowing it doesn’t bother her as much anymore, but she never forgot Norm.”

“None of us did, or ever will.” said Applejack.

“It may be sad to lose a friend, but at least Applebloom it was important to think of others, and not just what she wanted.” said Buddy Rose “Though it was brave and noble of what she tried to do for him, in the end… it was better for her to let go, as she learned… as long as there is love, and as long as she remembers, she’ll be just fine.”

He felt his wife holding his hand as they and the others watched the girls play which warmed their hearts, and they saw Applebloom stop a moment and look up at the sky. No doubt she was saying hi to Norm in her heart, and she felt that wherever he was… he was happy too!


In our Next Episode: Lightning and his friends become concerned as their majesties seem to be acting rather distant and cold towards one another, and things go from bad to worse when many other ponies, best of friends, start to turn cold towards one-another as the result of a monster’s wicked curse.

Can peace be restored among all the bickering in United Equestria?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Ties that Unbind!”)