My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VI

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 21: Power Life Line


A few weeks had passed, and during that time, many monsters attacked and Starfleet was there to fend them off and re-capture them. It was an exhausting duty, Fifty percent of the prisoners had been returned to their cells, but that still left a long way to go before United Equestria, or practically the entire galaxy could rest a little easier.

Three monsters, escaped from the prison, managed to slip past United Equestria’s scouting and make it to the planet’s surface.

They all resembled large anthropomorphic insect-like creatures. Each a different color: Red, Yellow and Blue.

Red resembled that of a cockroach, with long antenna and huge pincers on his face.

Yellow was that of a Yellow Jacket, and his stinger was frightening to look at.

And Blue resembled a leach, and his huge face was really scary, lined with rows of sharp-pointed teeth. He was the only one of the three incapable of flight, but he was very skilled at climbing and jumping really high.

“Wow! What a trip, but we made it.” said Red.

Yellow stretched out his four arms and fluttered his wings. “Ah, after being locked up for three-hundred years it feels good to stretch out my wings.”

“Yeah!” added Blue, “I say we get back at Starfleet right now…” he stopped when he began to feel a little peckish “But first we ought to get so grub first.”

“No problem…” said Red “We’ll first get our fill, and then fill Starfleet with the agony of defeat!”

The three bugs shared a wicked laugh.

Meanwhile… while not on duty, the ponies still had their regular lives to lead, but also took time to help with the restoration of New White Tail Village.

The buildings and the surrounding area were soon repaired, and the good citizens could return. Many new creatures from all over United Equestria considered moving to the now unoccupied houses as most of their residence would be in jail for quite some time, and the children were all in foster homes while attending rehabilitation.

Even a new mayor would soon be elected to hopefully lead the village to a better age without all the hatred and grouchiness there was under Windy Bag’s reign.

Lightning made and received all the reports and he and Starla, along with Krysta, delivered them to New Canterlot Palace personally. “Everything is bang on schedule…” Lightning said “The village should be fully populated and back in business in less than a week.”

“Ah, that’s wonderful news.” Grand Ruler said “Makes me glad that most others can see the good productivity we can all provide.”

His wife agreed and she said “Especially considering what else is about to happen…” she was referring to the impending birth of Shining Armor and Cadance’s baby. The artificial child in the labs…

The three friends felt excited and happy about this event. “Um… do they still come and look at the baby?” Krysta

Celestia giggled and motioned them to follow her to the labs, and once there, they could see Shining Armor and Cadance, once again, staring up at their baby girl in her tube. They looked a bit like Rarity did when she stared at something lovely in a window of a shop.

The others peeked from the doorway of the lab and couldn’t help but giggle softly. Professor Brain said to them “I have seen my share of excitement and enamour, but really, they should realize this is a sophisticated laboratory, and not a maternity ward!”

“Oh, cut ‘em a break, Professor.” said Lightning

“Yeah, this is really exciting for them.” added Starla.

The couple turned to face the friends and agreed. “Other than the seriousness of the dangers at hand, it’s all we ever think about.” said Shining Armor.

Cadance didn’t respond as she had slipped off into one of her dreamy dazes; about having the baby. Feeding it, changing, rocking it to sleep, teaching it how to walk and talk.

She blushed softly and giggled.

“Well…” Celestia said “Why don’t you all go out for a little bit. I have some business to talk with Professor Brain.”

The friends agreed and all headed out, but Cadance and Shining Armor couldn’t help but turn back to gawk at their baby in her tube from where they stood. “Come on, you two.” Krysta said as Lightning and Starla yanked the couple along.

Once they were gone, Celestia and the professor spoke in extreme privacy. “Professor, I need to talk to you about… you-know-what. Do you think it will work?”

“I’m afraid I still haven’t completed my computations.” replied Brain “You and his majesty, as well as your sister need to give me more time if your plot is to succeed.”

Celestia felt nervous.

As the friends walked out into the palace courtyard, it seemed all the couple wanted to talk about was their new baby.

“Have you guys decided on a name yet?” Lightning asked. The couple shook their heads, “As soon as we find out what she’s really like and how special she really is, then we’ll decide.” said Shining Armor.

Krysta felt confused, “What’s she’s really like? What do you mean?”

“Krysta, the baby is an alicorn…” Starla said “According to Equestrian history, there’s never been a baby crystal pony whom was born an alicorn before. Remember, alicorns were very scarce on Equestria of Old.”

“Oh, right…” said Krysta.

“Still…” Cadance said “Alicorn or not, I just want it to be born and healthy, and I’ll love care for it anyway.”

Her husband cleared his throat in a gesture.

“Oh, I’m sorry my love. WE… will love and care for it.”

“That’s better.”

The friends chuckled.

Meanwhile, all the ponies and other creatures were going about their lives, unaware of the danger at hand.

The three bugs had split up around New Canterlot, each of them seeking food, but not the normal everyday kind of food that most creatures ate. These three insects were, quite literally, hungry for power.

Red crept along a vacant street until he saw wires on posts going down the road. “Ah, my favorite, cable power!” he hissed as he snapped his pincers, “Lunchtime…!”

He fluttered his wings and flew up to the wires, snipping them with his pincers…

Subsequently… making the power cease in many shops and homes in the village-- all the lights and electronic systems just ceased, much to the ponies surprise.

Rarity and Spike happened to be shopping there as well. “The lights!” cried Spike.

“What’s happening?” asked Rarity “I’m simply must know how much to pay for these new fabrics.”

The cashier tried and tried, but she couldn’t make the register work without power. “I’m sorry, but I can’t scan the prices. I’ll have to do it by hand."

The severed wired sparked sparks of electricity, which Red began to absorb, almost like ingestion.

Yellow, keeping out the sights of the gaurds, found a fence with a warning that read: “Danger: 10,000 volt electric fence”

“Oh, ho…jackpot!” he hissed, and he fluttered right up to the cables of the fence, and snatched them with his arms. The electricity just pulsated through him, jolting through him and up to his antenna. “Yes… YES… MORE!!” he shouted.

One of the solar powered trains was on route to New Canterlot station, when suddenly it began to go slower and slower. “Hey, what’s goin’ on?” The engineer snapped as he pounded at the controls but couldn’t seem to increase speed.

His assistant checked the power meters, “Something’s draining the solar power from the batteries.”

The train suddenly came to a total standstill, just one mile from reaching the station, much to the passengers’ confusion and inconvenience!

Not anyone saw that it was Blue, under the carriage of the train, and he had sucked the batteries dry. “Mmm, tasty!” he hissed.

He leapt off and dashed through the tall grass in the fields unnoticed by everyone.

Luckily, the Spanish twins were on patrol and they saw everything, and they got down behind the train and began to push it forward. “Ay’ Ay’ Ay’, this is heavy.” groaned Dyno. “What do you think caused this?” asked Dyno.

These reports and more by the minute were sent immediately to the authorities and to the palace. The receptionists were up to their necks in incoming complaints and reports.

“Several more homes have lost power.”

“The train-station has been completely shut-down.”

“Hospitals are using axillary power, but it won’t last.”

This worried their majesties severely, and they had summoned Lightning and the others at once.

“What’s going on?” Lightning asked. “Reports are flooding in that power is going out all over New Canterlot, and this is no coincidence.” replied Grand Ruler.

“How can we be sure?” asked Starla.

Celestia showed pictures taken by the Starfleet patrols, of severed wires, damaged electrical fences, even the solar-panels on the trains had not a spark of energy in them. “It’s safe to say this is sabotage.” Celestia said, “There’s more reports coming in by the minute, but we haven’t got any footage on what happened.”

The friends observed the photos carefully, and studied the marks on the severed wires. “I bet I know who’s behind this…” said Krysta “It’s the Bug-a-Watts!”

“The Bug-a-watts…?” Cadance and Shining Armor asked. “Who are they?” asked Starla

“I remember studying those creeps.” said Lightning.

The Bug-A-Watts: Three power-hungry insect-like creatures. They didn’t know where they originally came from, but they were deadly nonetheless. “These three creeps couldn’t actually feed on electrical power, solar power, and anything of an energy source.” Lightning said “They absorb that power not just for sustenance, but they use it to gain strength and power to dominate other races.”

Krysta nodded and remembered her studies with Lightning “According to history, Starfleet battled these bugs three hundred years ago, but it was a really close match. These bugs were so strong; it took at least ten soldiers to conquer them.”

“How did they beat them?” asked Starla.

“That is still a mystery.” Lightning said “According to the history banks, the insects were taken in by other soldiers. However, each and every soldier that fought the bugs lost their lives. Not one of them lived to explain how. So their weaknesses were never given.”

This concerned everyone deeply. It also meant that they could not shield any of the buildings, as the barriers were composed of energy that the Bug-A-Watts could tap into, which would grant them untold power!

Suddenly, the alarms went off followed by an announcement over the palace intercom. “Warning: Extreme Danger! Three suspected fugitives reported near the location of New Canterlot Power Plant!”

Everyone stiffened in deeper concern. “If they get near the power-plant, they could shut down all the power in all of New Canterlot!” cried Celestia.

Cadance and Shining Armor felt shivers run down their spine, obviously worried if the power outage was to reach the palace. Even the lab would get affected, and that included their baby’s life-support tube.

“Oh, please don’t worry about that…” their uncle assured them “If the power goes out in the palace we’ll use emergency power to keep things running.”

The couple felt more relieved.

“Come on, let’s go!” Lightning said. He, Starla and Krysta headed for the window, and Shining armor and Cadance decided to follow.

“I just hope they don’t meet the same fate my soldiers did centuries ago.” Grand Ruler said. His wife held his hands to help strengthen his faith. “Meanwhile, we need to talk… about you-know-what.”

Her husband sighed softly, but agreed. “I really don’t like it though, it’s so drastic.”

“Neither do I, but we may have no choice.”

Meanwhile, the Bug-A-Watts all met up, looked and felt a lot stronger and more buff having had a good fill, but were ready for a main course, which was why they were near the power plant.

The guards all stood ready to fend off the invaders, but unfortunately they didn’t realize the Bugs’ special power… to eat power!

Armed with their ray-guns, and the unicorns and alicorns horns glowing, “Alright troops, attack!” shouted the leader, and the ponies opened fire on the bugs, to which the bugs only just stood and took in every hit, absorbing the power of each blast.

Red snickered wickedly, “Now it’s our turn!”

All three bugs unleashed a swarm of power at the ponies…

“PINCER PULSE!” Red unleashed a powerful pulse ball from his pincers.

“STING SHOT!” Yellow aimed his huge stinger and fired multiple missile-like projectiles.

“ECTOPLASMA!” Blue took in a huge breath and spewed out a long trail of burning plasma from his mouth.

The results were highly explosive, and all the ponies were blown all over the place, some even crashed into the wall and were knocked out cold. Others had no idea what to do since shooting wasn’t working.

Some tried to attack the bugs themselves only to get punches and kicked away hard. “This is too easy.” Red mocked.

The guards were starting to fret and some were scooting away backward. Yellow couldn’t resist and made his antenna jolt a small spark, frightening some of them.

“Okay, let’s bust this plant open and chow down.” said Red.

“Allow me…” said Blue, “ECTOPLASMA!”

He fired his shot at the solid gates leading into the power plant, actually damaging them so they opened automatically. “Come on, boys, let’s eat.” Said Yellow with excitement,

But as they moved forth, Lightning and Starla, both transformed, along with Cadance as the Ninja and Shining Armor as Saber, landed down right in their way. Lightning called to the bugs, “The only thing you’ll be eating is jail-time.”

Starla added a small pun to the threat, “Order now, because it takes about a hundred years to prepare and serve.”

The Ninja and Saber looked ready to fight, but the Bugs only sighed, “They always swoop in at mealtime.” sighed Red.

“Eh, whatever.” hissed Blue “They haven’t got a chance against us anyway.”

The three bugs looked ready to brawl, so did the fighters. “Remember…” Lightning cautioned the others “Whatever you do, don’t blast with any forms of energy. It’ll only make them stronger, and their attacks are already high enough.”

“Right, we’ll have to fight them physically.” said Saber. Cadance nodded in acknowledgement.

With that, the four fighters dashed into battle, and Bugs charged at them as well.

Lightning aimed a strong punch at Red, but he rasied two of his four arms blocking the attack, with his other two arms, punched him hard in the chest and face, sending him crashing backward.

“Lightning!” cried Starla, then she got head-butt hard by Blue, and Yellow blasted Saber hard with his Sting Shot attack. “And you call yourself an insect…?” Yellow teased him. He then looked ready to deliver the kill, but Saber swiftly slashed at him with his sword, knocking him down.

“I’d call myself smarter than you!” sneered Saber.

Yellow was infuriated and lunged for him again.

Meanwhile, Blue dove at Cadance, and she zipped one way, then another. All around the place using her stealth speed. “Stand still!” shouted Blue “It’ll hurt less, I promise; ECTOPLASMA!”

KAPOW! It really looked as if Cadance had gotten hit, but she surprised the bad bug by dropping down right in front of him, after dodging the blast, and punched him hard in his face!

As for Red, Lightning and Starla teamed up on him. Lightning and Red had a flurry of fists and kicks flying, eventually punching each other hard, which gave Starla the chance to come in and kick Red hard in his gut, and sent him skidding along the ground.

His teammates joined ran over to him and helped him up, and the four fighters stood looking ready for more. “Looks like you bug-boys lack actual fighting skills.” said Lightning “I suspected that since you rely so heavily on the power you observe, you fail to consider other fields.”

The bugs were outraged.

“This isn’t working well.” cried Yellow.

“Really, what was your first guess?” snapped Blue.

Red was frustrated, “We need more power, but we can’t get into the power planet with these freaks in our antenna!”

“Make it easier on yourselves and come quietly!” sneered Starla. The others all agreed with her.

Suddenly, fire balls rained down from above, all around the bugs. Everyone looked up and saw the Spanish Twins, as well as Spike and Rarity soaring into the scene.



Spike and the Twins launched more fire down at the bugs. “Back you insects!” Rarity shouted as she fired magical blasts from her horn.

“GUYS, NO…!! STOP…!!” Lightning shouted, but it was too late. The bugs had all been hit from all sides and were lost in a cloud of smoke left over from the blasting.

The attackers swooped down and landed near their friends. “Are you guys alright?” Spike asked. “We saw the trouble and we rushed right over.” added Rarity.

Before anyone could saw anything, the bugs roared from behind, and as the smoke cleared, there they stood; their muscles, even their sizes had doubled, and their voices had deepened as well. “Ah, this feels marvelous!” said Red.

“I haven’t felt this great in centuries.” added Yellow.

All Blue could do was snarl and laugh most wickedly.

“¿Que es esto?-- *What is this?*” cried Dyno. “We hit them square on! They should be on the ground!” added Myte.

“Wait… let me guess…” said Spike “…They can absorb power?”

The others nodded frightfully, while the bugs snarled and glared at the team with a lust for battle!

“Oh, dear; we just made them even stronger!” cried Rarity.

“Oh, you’ve done a lot more than just that…” hissed Red.

“You see, we have one other move that we couldn’t use before because we were still weak in power…” said Yellow.

“…But, now, thanks to you, we have what we need to take this battle to the next level.” added Blue.

“Next level?” asked Starla “What are you talking about?”

The bugs simply snickered and their bodies began to glow. “What are they doing?” asked Saber. “I think they’re… Merging!” cried Lightning.

There was a bright flash that made everyone shield their eyes, and when they looked again, the three insects had indeed become one large creature; Red for his body, blue for his legs, yellow for his four arms. His head was black, with four antenna and two large pincers, and he wore bronze armor!

His voice also seemed to be a combination of that of the three bugs.

“We have become… TRI-BUG!” they shouted, “Our powers, as well as our bodies have combined. This is force we rarely use, but keep ready if need-be.”

The ponies tried to scan the creature with their visors, but could find no available data as none had ever been recorded. “Not good! This is not good!” whimpered Spike.

The others agreed, but still were not willing to back down. “Your bodies may have changed, but our determination hasn’t!” sneered Lightning “You were defeated once before, and when we’re through with you you’ll wish you had remained in prison!”

Tri-bug snickered and said “Actually, when we are through, you shall be wishing you were already destroyed!”

They flexed their huge muscles, and snarled as they lunged forth shouting, “PILEDRIVER POUND!” The fighters all scattered and Tri-bug pounded the ground hard making everything shake softly.

“Wow! When they said they were strong, they weren’t kidding!” cried Saber.

Tri-bug turned round, “You haven’t seen anything yet.” they held their four arms together; all four and their pincers glowed in the three different colors.

“Look out!” cried Starla.


A powerful multi-colored beam fired. The fighters knew they couldn’t try to dodge it for fear of something unprotected getting hit.

The blast seemingly hit them, resulting in such an explosion that shook the entire area.

The tremors seemed to spread all around and even hit the royal palace. Everything was shaking, and things were starting to fall from the walls, and statues were tipping over. “What’s going on?” cried Celestia. “That’s the second quake that’s hit us.” said Grand Ruler.

Goldwin was trying to see through his telescope at the problem, but the tremors made it hard to keep still, and as he fell over backwards, his mask got stuck on the eyepiece and came off as he fell, and Goldwin turned back into a golden statue.

The shaking stopped, but everyone feared that more would come, and their majesties felt very worried, not just for the safety of the fighters battling the monsters, but if the tremors kept up, the power lines would shake apart and cause malfunctions to everything in the palace.

In the laboratories, Professor Brain and his team of experts were frightfully trying to keep things from going berserk from the tremors. They secured all breakable items and made so nothing would fall over.

“I just hope nothing else goes wrong!” Brain said to himself, but one of his assistants rushed up to him crying “Professor! Professor Brain… there’s a problem sir.”

“Oh, no…!” Brain muttered, “What is it?”

“It’s the child, sir. Her medical telemeters have risen to critical levels from the stress.”

Brain’s blood ran cold and he and all the scientists went straight to work trying to stabilize the child’s condition. If anything worse were to happen…

Meanwhile, the smoke from the blast had cleared, but the fighters were all safe and well thank to Lightning using the uniforce to shield them all in a barrier. He felt a little woozy from taking such a huge shot like that.

“You’re quite resourceful...” hissed Tri-Bug.

“You should see us at full-power.” Lightning teased.

Tri-Bug glared at the fighters and they glared back, and they all lunged into action. Try as they did, the fighters put up a valiant effort, punching and kicking hard, but Tri-Bug proved to be as ruthless as he was bigger and stronger. He skillfully dodged all their attacks and hit them all back hard, making sparks fly, literally.

“That does it!” snarled Spike, and he took in a huge breath to unleash fire. “Spike, don’t!” Rarity cried, jumping on him tackling him to the ground so the flames shot straight up into the sky. “Oh… right... I forgot.” Spike said sheepishly.

The others were not pleased with that blunder he just pulled.

“Shame, we really could have used that bite to eat.” said Tri-Bug “Guess we’ll have to settle for the lot of you!”

The team all shuddered at such a thought.

Tri-Bug then leapt up high again, “PILEDRIVER POUND!”

“Not this time…” Lightning said, and he called to the others “…NOW!!” and at his word, everyone dashed directly underneath the huge creature and all leapt up high kicking them hard in the gut, cancelling out their attack and sending the creature soaring up high, and causing him to crash down hard.

“Just as you three combined your powers together…” said Dyno “…We thought we’d all try the same thing.” added Myte.

The others all nodded in agreement, but Tri-Bug was not amused. “We need more power, more energy!” they snarled, and they realized the power plant gate was nearly unguarded, and the others didn’t even seem to budge.

Tri-Bug didn’t seem to care and made their way to the busted gate, smashing it wide open, and seeing all the wonderful generators, turbines and massive flowing sources of power just waiting to be devoured. “Snack time!” they hissed eagerly.

Still, the team did not move, and just stood with goofy expressions on their faces. They then watched as the foolish creature attempted to enter the plant, but only came back out again. “What?!” they snarled. They tried again, but just ended up where they were, outside the door again. “What is this?!...” the creature demanded to know.

That’s when Krysta popped up, “That’d be us!” she said as several of her fairies popped up alongside their queen. It turned out, Lightning anticipated the creature would still try and sneak into the power plant during the battle, and before arriving on the scene he had instructed Krysta and her team to construct a portal to the keep the creature out.

“I’d been observing you guys…” Lightning said “You seem to be able to snack on electricity, fire, and other types of power and energy, but this particular kind isn’t the kind you can actually absorb.”

Tri-Bug was furious.

“You guys may be strong, but you’re not really very smart.” Starla mocked, enraging the creature further. “Your insolence will cost you dearly!” they said, and they stood where they were charging up all the power they could.

“Everyone listen… I’ve got an idea.” said Lightning. He quickly explained his ideas to the others. “What?” snapped Rarity “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked Spike “What if you’re wrong, what it backfires.”

“I just have a hunch.” Lightning said “And it may be our only chance.”

The others didn’t know what else to say, except “You frighten me sometimes, Lightning Dawn!” Saber said. Nevertheless everyone stood together just as Tri-Bug seemed ready to fire.


The powerful blast was much larger that then previous one, but Lightning leapt up high and powered up into his Enticorn form.

“Now guys!!” he shouted. At his word, the others all transferred a load of their power into him making him glow brighter than ever, and he stared forth at the oncoming blast of power.

“ULTRA-UNIFORCE!!” and he unleashed his power at the blast, hitting it hard and sending it right back to its sender. “AH… NO…!!” Tri-Bug cried as the blast headed straight back at them “THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING AGAIN…!!”

The blast got closer and closer and struck the creature hard, resulting in a huge explosion that once again shook the whole area, and rattled the nearby powerlines.

This stress carried along the lines causing major malfunctions, and temporary blackouts, including at the palace!

“Oh, no!” cried Celestia.

“I was afraid of this!” said Grand Ruler, and then he called out “Activate emergency generators!” The lights came back on in an instant, but Professor Brain came out to their majesties with a very grim look on his face.

“Professor, what is it?” asked Celestia. “Is something wrong?” added Grand Ruler.

Brain looked as if he were about to shed a tear, “I have no idea of how to explain this…”

Their majesties felt their stomachs churn.

While back at the danger zone, the smoke had cleared from the blast, and Lightning, in his normal form, felt pooped as he lay on the ground panting softly.

“Lightning…!” Starla cried as she and the others dashed over to him. “I’m alright, just a little tired.” he said to them.

Tri-Bug, on the other hand, had split up into the three original insects, Red, Yellow, and Blue, and they all lay flat on the ground, too exhausted to even speak.

Lightning whistled for the other Starfleet officers nearby to apprehend the criminals and take them into custody while they were still weak, and repair crews immediately got to work to repair all damages done.

The fighters all powered down their suits, and Cadance, able to speak again, asked “Lightning, how did you do that?”

“It was a hunch…” Lightning said, and he explained how even though what he studied didn’t revealed the information on the Bugs’ weaknesses, it did however reveal that the Starfleet fighters that had lost their lives, were reported having died rather from lack of energy than their injuries.

“They looked as if their powers had been completely tapped out. My hunch was, they used whatever was left of their own energy to turn Tri-Bug’s energy back at them, and Tri-Bug was over-whelmed by such a huge burst of power that they couldn’t handle it and had a blowout.

…The fighters didn’t survive due to being extremely weak and blowing out their energy to beat the bugs. So in a way, they did provide the missing information that we needed.”

The others all smiled proudly and were relieved that the bugs were gone. However, Princess Luna, rather a holographic image of herself appeared before the team. She looked rather sad, but informed everyone to return to the palace immediately.

“What’s wrong?” asked Shining Armor. “Did something happen?” asked Cadance.

Their aunt looked as if she was going to cry, “It is very tragic…” she said, which worried the couple and the others.

“Krysta…!” Lightning called to her. “I’m on it…” Krysta said, and she teleported everyone back to the palace.

Upon their arrival, they were told to most devastating of news. “The baby?” cried Cadance. Tears were flooding in her eyes. “Are… are you sure?” asked Shining Armor.

Their majesties sadly informed it was true. “The stress of the quakes caused the child to go in cardiac arrest.” said Grand Ruler “And when the power was temporarily shut down…” he stopped, unable to go any further as his insides were aching with grief.

Celestia was quivering trying to keep her tears from falling.

“No…” peeped Cadance “No… not again!” and she ran off to the sickbay where she was told the baby was. “Cadance!” cried Shining Armor.

All the others stood where they were, frozen with shock, hurt, and grief. “This can’t be happening!” cried Rarity as she squeezed Spike’s claw, and he squeezed her hand back feeling just as sore.

“Lightning…” Starla cried, but her husband stood where he was, begging and pleading to every star, spirit-- that all this was not happening…

…But it was!

Cadance was sobbing like no tomorrow! Shining Armor felt exactly as she did and was crying with her as he held her tight.

First they lost their son, then they found out they couldn’t naturally have any more children, and now this; their last chance to have a real child of their own… dashed, and there was no way they could repeat the procedure as their reproductive systems had hardly anything left.

All the others were there to comfort the broken-hearted couple, but really what was there to say or do, all of them felt the same, and even Rarity was heart-broken and crying hysterically.

Lightning was the only one not present, as he felt so ashamed, so hurt, and so lost for Cadance and Shining Armor. What could he possibly say to them?

He was in the sickbay with the court physician.

The baby’s body was wrapped in blankets, but very much dead. “We tried everything we could…” the doctor said “But we couldn’t even try magic or the electrodes as they would harm the child worse.”

Lightning nodded at him and said “It isn’t your fault…”

The doctor left him alone with the child’s body. Lightning honestly could not bear this as he looked down at the lifeless baby pony.

Starla and Krysta excused themselves from the group and came down to the sickbay. They did not like how Lightning looked; so sad, and so hurt.

They came up to him, and Starla put a comforting hand on husband’s shoulder. Lightning gazed sadly at his wife and asked “How are they up there?”

Starla shook her head, “They’re both hysterical, and I can’t blame theme.” Tears were flowing down her face as she gazed at the baby.

Krysta gripped her wand tightly as tiny tears fell from her little eyes. “It’s not fair!” she cried softly “We were so careful this time… but it wasn’t enough. Poor Cadance and Shining Armor…!”

All three of them felt the same way, especially Lightning, and yet he still was not willing to let this happen. He softly touched the baby’s little head. She didn’t feel very cold at all. He then opened the blankest and put his ear to her little chest.

“What are you doing?” asked Starla.

Lightning gazed back at her and Krysta, “…I wonder.”

The girls had no idea what he was thinking, until they saw him as he softly began to stroke the baby’s chest, and then stop and press on it with his finger. One-two, One-two!

He stopped, and listened hard if the baby was breathing, and when he heard nothing he went right back to stroking and pressing.

The girls thought it was really hopeless, yet neither of them seemed willing to tell him to give it up, and so… Lightning kept on stroking and pressing.

Suddenly, he heard a very faint moan escape the baby’s throat, and the body gave a small twitch. Lightning’s eyes widened and the girls’ mouths hung open in surprise.

The baby began to wiggle about, and her eyes sprung open. She looked up at the others and he little lips curled into a small sleepy smile.

Lightning’s smiled the biggest smile he ever had, and Starla and Krysta cried with joy!

Lightning dashed right to the door and shouted with all his might “…IT’S ALIVE!!!! THE BABY IS ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!” his voice seemed to be heard even from outside!

The court physician was the first to run back. “Oh…!” he cried when he saw the baby was moving and fully alive, “My heavens! It’s a miracle beyond words can say!”

Two palace staff ponies came to the sickbay having heard Lightning’s shout, and the doctor passed them the child demanding they bring it to Cadance and Shining Armor! The servants did as was told.

“Commander…” the doctor said “It wouldn’t surprise me if it would be impossible for anyone to ever repay you for what you’ve done.”

Lightning smiled softly, and the doctor ran off to excitedly tell anyone he could find about the news. While Lightning turned and gazed at Starla, and she smiled most lovingly at him and ran into his arms, and Krysta cheered as she excitedly flipped around in midair.

“You did it…” Starla sobbed happily to Lightning as she held him tight. Lightning began to cry himself, but he couldn’t wait to know how Cadance and Shining Armor would be feeling.

Indeed, the couple was very happy, to tears and cries of joy as Cadance held their daughter in her arms.

Rarity began to cry, and Spike held her close as he too cried with joy.

“Ay’ Ay’ Ay’!” cried Dyno “It’s so magical.”

“Si… the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time.” added Myte.

Celestia and Princess Luna wiped their eyes with hankies, and even Grand Ruler himself couldn’t help but shed a tear of joy.

The room fell silent when Lightning and the others came in. Cadance and Shining Armor gazed at him with such love and thanks; Cadance passed the baby to Luna and then leapt over, colliding into Lightning. “Lightning, thank you so much…!” she sobbed, and she planted several kisses on his face.

Shining Armor wrapped his arms round him in the group hug, “I don’t think we’ll ever be able to repay you for this!” he cried.

Lightning shook his head, “You don’t have to… I’m just so glad it worked out in the end. Let’s just be happy it did.”

Everyone smiled in complete agreement, even the baby seemed to smile.


In our next episode: Applebloom is forced to recollect the time she tried to save a beloved hog from the farm, a time that almost drove her and her family and friends apart for good.

How serious were these events?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “This Little Piggie went to a better place”)