Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Close call!

Chapter 10

Warmth. Crackling sound. Softness. No pain.

That's what I could feel and hear as I slowly came to my senses. Where am I? I slowly opened my eyes.

I was on my back, looking up at the night sky. The light from a fire next to me spilling light all around me. What happened?

All I remember is trying to catch my notebook, doing a sonic boom, catching the notebook, and slamming into the ground. Wait, before I passed out, I remembered somepony walking up to me. Who was that?

Think Lance, think back to that moment. Purple suit and hat, black cape, mask. Wait! I know who it was now. Mare Do Well.

I looked over towards the fire. On the other side was a pony, Mare Do Well. Which pony is it? Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, or Rarity? I looked at the ponies. No wings, so it's not Fluttershy. Can't be Twilight or Rarity. Twilight wouldn't have had time to come all the way out here or know I was in trouble. Rarity just wouldn't do it.

So that leaves Pinkie and Applejack. But which one is it? I sat up slowly. How are my injuries gone? I was hurt pretty bad after that landing.

Mare Do Well shifted uneasily as I looked at her. "So, who are you? Applejack or Pinkie Pie?"

Mare Do Well looked away and shook her head yes. 

"Which one? Are you Applejack?"

Mare Do Well shrugged.

Helpful, "Pinkie?"

She hesitated and shrugged again.

Got it, but why would Pinkie Pie save me? "Okay Pinkie Pie, you can take off the mask."

She shook her head.

"Why not? I already know who you are."

Mare Do Well shook her head and turned.

"What? Not going to say anything?"

Again, she shook her head.

"I'm just loving this conversation."

She didn't move or make a sound.

I sighed. Why is she keeping up this secret identity thing? I looked around at the darkness that surrounded us. Creepy, are we in the Everfree Forest?

I looked over at Mare Do Well, "Are you going to even talk to me?"

She shook her head again.

Stubborn much? "Well, if you're not going to talk, I'm just going to lay back down and sleep till morning. After that, I'm heading back to my house."

She turned and nodded. She laid back and started to relax.

"But, thank you for saving me."

She looked over at me and nodded.

I turned over and laid down. Might as well sleep, it's not like Pinkie is going to talk to me or anything.

It does make sense though, she is the only one who could have sensed I was going to get hurt. Pinkie sense.

I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Next morning, dawn.

I opened my eyes to a very faint light, dawn. I sat up and glanced around. We were in the Everfree Forest alright, it gave off that creepy sense of being watched. 

I looked over across the smoking logs of the fire to see Mare Do Well, still asleep. I want to get back home, I bet David and Louie are worried about me.

As I stood, Mare Do Well shifted. She slowly sat up and looked over at me.

"Awake I see. Are you finally going to talk, Pinkie?"

Mare Do Well shook her head.

Damn, she is really in character. Wait, that's right. She was throwing a party for me the other day, I missed it thanks to Rainbow Dash, "If you're not talking because I missed the party. I'm sorry."

She just shrugged and stood up.

This is going to be a long walk back to town. Wait, I have wings, I can just fly there. No, lets not do that. I owe it to Pinkie to walk with her back to Ponyville. After all, I did miss her party.

"Come on Pinkie, let's get back to town."

She nodded and walked up beside me.

Which way is it? "Uhh, which way is town?"

She pointed down a path.

Alright then. I turned towards the path and started walking down it, she followed next to me.

After walking twenty minutes in silence, I broke it with a question, "Why are you not talking to me Pinkie? I already know its you. You can drop the secret identity act."

She shrugged and kept walking.

Just give up Lance, she won't talk. Fine with me, I like her better this way anyway.

Now, when I get back to town, should I head straight back to Canterlot or look around for the last brony? I know David and Louie are worried, but I really want to find the last brony in Ponyville before they leave or start causing trouble with the mane six or what ever pony they like.

Canterlot or search for brony? I think the Princess would like it more if I reported back to her about the dragon, so Canterlot it is.

But first, a visit with Twilight. I kinda miss her, even though I saw her the other day. I wonder if she will....

The bushes on the left side of the path shook violently. We stopped and looked over at the bushes. They stopped shaking.

"Weird, I thought something was going to jump out." I looked over at Mare Do Well, who was on my right, and let out a little laugh.

The bushes shook again, before I could turn back to them, I felt a heavy large object hit me in the side. Sending me sliding away from whatever it was and Mare Do Well.

As I stopped sliding, I felt my chest heaving at every breath. Damn it, a broken rib already.

I looked back to the creature and gasped. A manticore!

The lion-like creature roared at Mare Do Well and swiped at her with its large paw. She easily jumped out of harm's way.

I hope Pinkie Pie can stop this thing, because if she can't, we're dead.

Mare Do Well dodged another swipe of the manticore's clawed paw. She jumped over the paw and jumped forward, bucking it in the face. The buck didn't have an effect, probably because Pinkie isn't that strong.

I let out a sigh, I'm so going to die. I let my head slump back to the ground.

I heard a loud thump, like meat and bone being hit with a large mallet. I looked back up to see Mare Do Well sliding across the ground and into a tree. Damn, I'm screwed.

The manticore looked over at me, obviously content on killing me first. Shit!

It started walking towards me, licking its lips.

Why me? What have I done to deserve to die three times?

There was a loud stomp behind me and the manticore stopped and looked up. A large red clawed hand grabbed the manticore and lifted it into the air.

I turned my head and looked up at what had grabbed it. It was Malbatorus! The brony dragon. 

He looked down at me, "So I see you're still here in the forest. You should thank me for deciding to take a morning walk."

I smiled, "I'm just lucky you were here. I guess you becoming a dragon was a good idea after all, huh?"

He smiled, "I guess you're right. At least no one can pick on me this way." He looked at the manticore and smiled, "Can you fly without your wings."

I heard a crunching sound as the manticore's wings were broken. 

Malbatorus laughed loudly, "Fly." He threw the manticore high in the air. Without its wings, it was unable to fly its way to safety.

I slowly stood, feeling the broken rib grind against the other ribs. Painfully I might add. I looked up at Malbatorus, "I owe you one man."

He smiled proudly, "Anything for a fellow brony."

I looked over at Mare Do Well, who wasn't moving. Shit!

Malbatorus looked at her, "Mare Do Well? Which pony is it?"

I started walking over to her, "Pinkie Pie I think." Once I was next to her, I could tell she was unconscious, but alive.

I looked her over. She looked to be okay. I reached up to her mask and pulled it off. I gasped at what I saw.

Twilight! She was the one being Mare Do Well this whole time! But how did she know I was in trouble?

Well, now that I think back, I should have figured it out. I was badly hurt, but I woke up without a scratch. Only she could have been the one who healed me.

I reached down with my hoof and shook her slightly. No movement. Damn, she must be really out of it.

I turned towards Malbatorus, "Do you think you can take us to the outside of Ponyville? I need to get her back to her house."

Malbatorus Smiled, "Sure, just hop on my hand." He put his hand down on the ground.

I propped Twilight up on my back and walked over to Malbatorus' hand and climbed up onto it.

He smiled down at me as he raised his hand up, "We'll be there in a minute."

He began walking, fast, towards Ponyville. Minutes later, he sat me down on the ground outside of the Everfree forest. 

I smiled up at him, "Don't worry. I'll tell the Princess that your a nice human dragon and she'll tell everyone that you can be trusted. You should be able to come out of the forest then."

He smiled brightly, "Thank you!" He turned and walked back into the forest.

Okay, its not like I wasn't done talking or anything. I turned and started walking back to town, but stopped. Twilight's mask!

I turned my head and pulled her mask back over her face. There we go.

I walked into town and headed towards her house. All the ponies staring at me. 

A young orange filly ran up to me, "Is that Mare Do Well?"

I looked down at her, "Yes."

She looked over excited, "Awesome! Why is she on your back?"

"She's hurt, just taking her to Twilight's."

The filly looked up at me, "Why Twilight's? Rainbow Dash's would be better."

I shook my head, "She wouldn't be able to do anything."

The filly glared at me, "Yes she could! She's the coolest pony ever!"

I laughed, "I know cooler." I walked up to the library's door and opened it. I walked in and turned.

The filly was still glaring at me, "Oh yeah, you try doing a Sonic Rainboom."

I looked at her bored, "Already did." I slammed the door in her face and turned and headed up the stairs.

Spike watched me head up the stairs, "Why did you bring her here?"

I stopped and looked down at him. He doesn't know? "Only Twilight can help her."

He nodded, "True."

I walked into Twilight's room and laid her on the bed. I pulled down the mask again, revealing her cute face.

I smiled. Now to just wake her up. I nudged her with my nose, "Time to wake up Twilight."

After a few more nudges, she started to stir.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me surprised, "What..."

I smiled down at her, "What's up Twilight?"

She sat up and looked around, "How did we..."

"I carried you."

She looked at me and smiled, "Thank you." She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

We held the kiss for a few seconds before I broke it, "Twilight, I'm confused. How did you know I was in trouble?"

She smiled, "Pinkie Pie told me I may want to be out near the pond near the Everfree forest dressed as Mare Do Well. Now I know why she told me to go."

I smiled, I need to thank Pinkie Pie when I see her, "Why wouldn't you talk to me?"

She blushed, "I was embarrassed to be seen as Mare Do Well."

Why? "I understand." Not. I leaned forward and kissed her again on the lips.

She stood up and smiled, "I have something for you."

"What is it?"

She jumped off the bed and pulled off the Mare Do Well suit. What's she up to?

Her horn glowed and I lifted up and was placed on my back. What the hell!

Twilight jumped up on top of me and held my hoofs down with hers, and she sat down on my stomach.

I looked at her confused, "Twilight?"

She leaned down and kissed me, passionately, "Giro, I've been wanting to do this for so long. And I know you want to too."

"Do what?"

She leaned down and whispered into my ear, "Mate."

My eyes widened, shit! I can't have sex with a pony! Wait, why am I worried? I'm a pony now, this isn't wrong.

I smiled up at her, "If we do this, I'm on top."

She kissed my neck, "Deal."

I turned over till I was on top. I held her hoofs down with mine.

Okay, how do I do this? I'm still fully dressed. Her horn glowed and I felt my clothes shift under me. 

She smiled, "There it is."

I looked down to see my member hanging out. Where did that come from? I laughed a little, never even noticed it before.

She shifted under me and looked up at me, "I'm ready."

Am I ready? Hell yeah I'm ready. I looked her in the eyes, "Then get ready."

I put my member against her mare hood and put the tip on it. This is going to be so fun.

A bright light flashed around me. I fell forward a little but caught myself. I looked around the Princess's throne room. 

Damn it! Right when I was about to stick it in. This happens!

I looked over at Princess Celestia. Princess Luna stood next to her, blushing. Why is she blushing?

I looked down to see that my member was still hanging out, fully erect. Crap!

I fell back on my back and started pushing it back under my clothes. When it was back in, I looked over at the Princess's, "Sorry about that. You kinda caught me at a bad time."

I'm pissed! I was about to have sex with Twilight and then this!

Celestia looked at me, strangely, "You were about to mate with my most faithful student?!"

Shit! Lance, why did you just think about that! "Uhh, yes. But she's the one who wanted it. She started it."

Celestia laughed, "I see. Let me send her a letter telling her that I'm the one who took you away from the activity." A piece of paper floated in front of her and she wrote down something. Then it disappeared in a green flame. 

"So why did you need me?" I asked, trying to figure out why they brought me here. During the best moment of my life!

She smiled, "How did it go with the dragon. I hear it's actually a nice brony."

"He is. It was just a misunderstanding is all."

"I see."

Almost forgot, "Also, can you tell the ponies that he's a good dragon so he can come out of the forest?"

She smiled again, "I will."

I smiled, "Thanks. Can you teleport me to my house?"

She nodded, "Sure."

Her horn glowed, but Luna stopped her, "Wait Tia, I want to walk him out."

Celestia looked down at Luna, "Okay sister, just make sure you lead him the right way. Not to your room." She winked.

What does she mean by that? 

Luna smiled up at her, "I will Tia." She looked at me, "Follow me Lance." She walked past me.

I turned and followed her out of the throne room. She led me down a few halls and down the main stairs till we were next to the doors that lead out of the palace.

She turned to me and smiled, "How has your stay in Equestria been?"

Weird thing to ask. "Great so far. Why do you ask?"

She blushed again. Please tell me it's not hanging out again. I looked down and relaxed, still in my suit. I looked back up at her to see her blushing even more. "What?"

She gulped, "Can I come to your house?"

What? Why would she want to come to my house? "Why do you want to go to my house?"

She looked to be thinking, "I want to see what a bronies house looks like."

"It looks like any normal house."

"I still want to see it."

Fine, just hope David doesn't do something stupid, "Alright, fine."

She looked over joyed, "Let's go then."

We walked out of the palace and out the front gate. 

One of the Guards spook up, "Princess, you shouldn't leave grounds without an escort."

We stopped and turned. Princess Luna smiled, "I know. But it's safe in Canterlot."

The Guard shook his head, "I can not allow you to leave without a Royal escort."

Luna frowned, "Fine, you're coming with us."

The Guard nodded, "Yes Princess."

We began walking again, the Guard walking behind us.

As we walked, all the high class ponies around us gawked. A few whispered to each other.

We arrived at my house and I walked in followed by the Princess and the Guard.

I looked around. Louie was asleep on the chair with his name on it. I yelled out, "David, you here?"

A loud thud came from above, followed by a door slamming open and David running down the stairs, "Lance, there you are!" He stopped and looked at the Princess and the Guard, "Why are they here?"

I looked up at him, "She wants to see the house."

He nodded, "Cool. Feel free to check out everything but my room. I've kind of picked up drawing and I don't think you'll like the drawings on the walls."

What has he drawn? Better not be... It probably is.

The Princes nodded, "Okay." She looked at me, "Lance, would you mind showing me around?"


The Guard went to the front door and stood still. Yeah, protect a door that nopony will even enter.

I lead the Princess through the first floor. Through the kitchen, living room, small library, and then to the next floor.

After showing her all the rooms, except David's, she smiled, "Can I see yours again?"

Why? Its just a plain room. I haven't even had a chance to decorate. "Alright."

She walked in and walked to the desk, I walked in behind her. "Nice room." She walked over to the bed and pushed down on it, "I like your bed, very comfortable."

Yeah yeah, it's a bed. Nothing special. 

The door behind me slammed shut. I turned around and looked at it. What the hell? I walked over to it and tried to turn the nob, but it was stuck. What's going on here? I turned to see Princess Luna on my bed.

She smiled, "Where do you think you're going?"

Oh my... Is she wanting to have... No! Just no! I gulped, "Come on Princess..."

"Call me Luna."

"Okay.. Luna. I don't want to do this with you."

She smirked, "Who said you have a choice?"

Shit! Think fast Lance! "Luna.. I'm already with Twilight."

"Oh, but I'm so much better." Her horn glowed and I lifted up in the air.

"Luna, don't do it. This is rape!"

She looked at me and smiled, "Not rape, just surprise sex."

"Same thing!"

She smirked, "You'll like it either way."

I'm screwed, literally! "Luna, if you do this... You'll be losing a friend!'

She hesitated, holding me above her, my member already out and angled to go in. "How?"

Good, she's listening, "If you do this, you will lose me as a friend."

Again she hesitated, "But..."

"No buts, if you force me to do this, I will never want to see you again." That’s it, Lance state your stance on the subject.

She looked at me sadly.

"Listen Luna, if you stop and don't do this. I may do it with you on my own free will at another time."

She looked up at me, "Really?" 

"Yes really. Just put me down and leave. Please."

She looked sad, "Okay." She placed me on the ground and used her magic to open the door and put my member back under my clothes. "I'm sorry Lance. I thought... I just... Sorry."

She left the room and headed down the stairs. I walked to the top of them, "It's alright Luna. You didn't do it, that's all that matters to me."

She turned and smiled, "Thanks Lance."

I smiled, "Have a good day Luna."

Luna and the Guard left.

David ran up the stairs to me, "Dude, what happened?"

I looked at him, "I was almost raped, again."


I smiled, "I'll tell you later."


I smirked, "Now let me see those drawings."

He laughed, "Oh hell naw."

Alright then. I turned to his door and opened it. My mouth hung open.

Inside were drawings, but not any drawings. Drawings of ponies, but in the form of... Nude.

I turned to him, he had a smirk on his face. "Really? You drew clop pictures of the mane six."

He smiled, "I did it on earth, I'm going to do it here."

I shook my head laughing, "Oh David. Just don't let any ponies see this."

"Oh, I won't." He walked into his room and closed the door.

Weird. I turned and went down stairs. 

When I stepped into the living room, Louie was looking at me, a smirk on his face.

I smiled and walked over to him, "Louie, you won't believe the day I've had."