The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Meet the Tenno 2

[Aileen’s POV]

Aileen stretched in her Cryo Bed as she looked around. “Right, I have Corvo and his possible girlfriend here, and now not only do I have to get to school, but explain what the hell went on yesterday to my now adoptive Mom and Aunt….great.” She muttered as she sat up, changing out of her Tenno outfit and back into the street clothes provided by Rarity.

Aileen walked over to what she called the comfort room and opened the secret hatch. She saw both occupants still asleep. Although she had to bite back a laugh at their position. John was holding Rose close to him while spooning her and had his arm wrapped around her. Rose was snuggled close to him with a content smile on her face. Aileen was really tempted to get a blackmail photo, but that was beneath her… “Inanis, take a picture.” but not beneath her trusty Cephalon.

Aileen shut the hatch, writing a note in english and putting it on their bedroom door as she went. It read “I’m off to school. If things go poorly I’ll be here in a hour, if things go well, 7 hours. Explore the town or meditate, maybe even take Roseluck with you if you go for a walk. -Aileen” She picked up a bag Inanis had made yesterday and headed off. The bag would give the illusion of being filled, while really digitizing everything put into it and allowing the owner to pull whatever they put in out as needed.

It wasn’t long before Aileen saw Luna waiting for her at the edge of the forest. “So you live in the Everfree? Why were you with that man, and why did he call you a Tenno? Also, how do you know what that even is?” Luna asked heatedly, though judging from her posture and breathing patterns, it was mostly out of worry. For herself, or for me? Aileen thought to herself before she answered.

“I will tell you everything I can on the way to school, just please know, the only thing I lied to you about was staying with Sunset. Everything else I told you was true at one point or another.” She said as she got a nod from Luna. “Do you walk or drive?”

“I drive, I parked not far from here. Come.” Luna said as she walked to her small four door car. Aileen followed before getting in the passenger seat alongside Luna. “Now, explain.”

“I am a Tenno. Tenno are like a subspecies of human, every single known one beginning as a child in a ship with the intention to try to cross void space. Things didn’t turn out as planned as we were stuck in the void for years, well a year for us, but to everyone else it was over ten years. During that time all the adults of the ship either straight up died or went insane from the Void exposure, all but the children. We still suffer from it’s effects, but for the most part the void formed a symbiotic relationship with our very being, granting us powers beyond the imagination. We were picked up by the orokin empire, who saw us as nothing more than demons. They forced us to either become child soldiers against an enemy they couldn’t fight, or die. We chose life, until the day we rebelled almost six years later. After the rebellion, all the other Tenno were sent to Cryo sleep on Lua, the moon, and their Warframes scattered through the system. All but me. I was sent to this planet far outside our system with the only order being to keep it safe from outside threats.

Now that man is, as you have said, from beyond the Mirror. I don’t know what that means but he can utilize the void in a similar fashion that the Tenno can with little side effects as long as he keeps control. He has asked me to train him to master the void, and even in a few marshal styles while I’m at it.” Aileen explained without a break.

Luna looked at Aileen, blinked her eyes a few times before letting out an exasperated sigh. “You are still only fifteen right?”

“Yes, physically I am still fifteen.” Aileen responded.

“I’m probably going to need some coffee when I get to the school, but nothing weirder than dealing with my sister or Pinkie.” Luna said as she pulled in front of the school. “ weren't saying you were okay with me adopting you just so you can blend in better were you?”

“Not really. I mean, it is a bonus, but other than the Lotus and Margulis, I never really had a mother, and I can’t really count the Lotus either because she took it upon herself to take care of us, despite her orders being to kill us. I...I want to have a mother again.” AIleen said, the barrier cracking as she continued to talk.

Luna reached across and hugged the Tenno, holding her against her chest. “It’s okay, I’m here now.” Those words were all it took for Aileen to slowly return the hug as the bell rang. “Come on, we can explain to your Aunt later. For now, let's enroll you in some classes and start the day.” With a teary nod, Aileen followed Luna, wiping her eyes as she began the first day of school.

[John’s POV]

John was slowly coming to. He remembered where he was and what happened while training, but what happened when he went to his and Rose’s room? He probably passed out or something. He felt his arms around something. He figured it was probably a pillow or something. Till it moved and breathed.

His eyes shot open as he looked at Rose that was in his arms asleep. He also noted that he was...spooning her as well. ‘How da heck did this happen?!’

He realized that his void arm was gone so only his right arm was around her. He slowly removed his arm as to not wake her, same with getting out of bed. He looked at her sleeping figure and sighed. ‘Man, what am I going to do?’.

He left the room and saw the note on the door. Figuring that Aileen most likely saw their position made him blush with embarrassment. He read the note and saw that she went to her school. He decided to wait by the door till Rose woke up.

He waited for about three minutes till Rose left the room looking a little worried. When she saw John standing next to the door she jumped a little.

“Hey John. Morning.” Roseluck said.

“Morning Rose. Did I pass out last night?” John asked.

“Ya you did. I didn't want to move you so I just slept next to you.” Rose said. Blushing a little.

“Ok. I don't mind. Best sleep I had in awhile.” John said unknowingly making her blush. “Let's get some breakfast in town. We’ explore for an hour or two then head back here.”

Rose nodded looking happier now. John doesn't realize he basically asked her on a date. They left the ship and headed to town and soon they came across a SugarCube Corner before the decided to try the food there. Turns out they also had things like Waffles for breakfast here. After eating here and getting some sweets to go they explored more of town. They went to the park, the arcade, and even visited a museum there. John liked the town while Rose was enjoying the ‘date’.

It was about lunchtime they decided to head back. When they got back they headed to the main chamber of the ship near the cockpit. John looked over the workbench at the items and weapons that could be made on it. Rose saw the animal that Aileen has sleeping in a pod with an egg near it. While neither John nor Rose new what it was Rose was still fascinated by it.

“Hey Inanis. What and who is this here?” John asked the Cephalon.

“That is Chrysi, the operator’s Helminth Charger.” The British voice said. “Do you wish to know more?”

“Sure.” Roseluck said looking excited.

“Well, first I should say that the Egg it is garding has another one, one being made for Miss Fluttershy. Anyways, a Helminth charger is a special animal from the Kubro genome. Unlike the Kubro’s feline cousin the Kavat, A Helminth charger is what happens when the embryo is infested inside the egg, Allowing instead of the Technocite to change from a parasitic entity, into a Symbiotic relationship, creating a brand new species as a result. Chrysti here is the only Helminth charger stored in my memory banks, but due to having all the female reproductive organs, it is safe to assume that if they wanted they could procreate if a male was ever made.”

“Cool. Anything else we should know?” John asked.

“Yes. While the Tenno are their warframes are immune, if Chysti ever thinks she or the operator is in danger, she can charge fast enough to smash through a alloy stronger than Titanium, can release a sort of Biological rope dart from it’s mouth to reel prey in, and will release Spores targeted to not bond with the host, but cause immense suffering until they pass out, or die from either mental over stimulation or organ failure.”

“Dang. Talk about a deadly pet.” John said.

“However, Chrysi here is only not hiding because she has taken it upon herself to guard the egg. Otherwise she would be hiding from you both out of fear. After being shot by an ally, Chrysi here has only ever trusted the operator, myself, and Miss Fluttershy.”

“The poor thing. I can't believe it was shot at like that.” Rose said looking at the sleeping charger.

“I'm guessing that the Tenno have fought things similar to Chrysi and have a shoot on sight mentality. So it was unintentional friendly fire. They'd still should have checked first.” John stated.

“Yes. On Top of the Occasional Grineer and Corpus uprising, as well as the Sentients, the operators have fought the Infested on many occasions, not knowing that a safe strand of the Technocite is what powers their life support as well as make up the Biological mass of their Warframes. Only those who received the Nidus class Warframe and the Operator know fully of that. Thus it was instinct for the others to shoot Chrysi.”

“Like I said they still should have checked. Hopefully Chrysi will learn to trust others again.”

“She has begun to recover thanks to her exposure to the other girls the operator has brought onboard, but she still is skittish.”

Rose suddenly got a determined look on her face. “Could you let her out?”

“Why of course, but do be careful of the egg, though they can withstand a fall from a cliff normally, this one has been incubating for a few days now and has softened because of that.” Inanis replies as the dome opens for a second, letting Chrysi out.

“I will.” Rose said.

The fleshy looking animal looks up at Roseluck before whimpering somehow as it’s tail tucks between it’s legs.

“It's ok. I won't hurt you. I'm a friend.” Rose said softly. She lifted out a hand trying to show she means well. Chrysi Looks up, it’s glowing lines for eyes having a seemingly hopeful look as it takes a step forward, before taking another step back in a second guessing. “It's ok. I'm a friend of Aileen. I won't hurt you.” Rose said softly again. Chrysi perked a bit at the mention of Aileen, and takes a slow step forward, followed by another one, only a few inches from Rose’s hand.

“It's ok. We’re your friends.” Rose said. John watching from a couple feet away hoping that Chrysi accepts Rose’s friendship. The Animal took another step, letting Rose’s hand rest on it’s head, feeling it’s smooth, fleshy skin.

Rose let her rest near her hand for a few seconds before she started to pet Chrysi slowly. John smiling in the background. John was glad that Roseluck and Chrysi was getting along. He’ll hang back a bit to let them bond a bit. If he moved now he would most likely startle Chrysi.

Chrysi’s jaw opened up as it panted, revealing it’s strange mouth as Rose pets her. “Who’s a good girl?” Rose said while petting Chrysi. Both were enjoying the time together.

In Rose’s mind, she heard a faint, feminine voice that seemed seemed to have a chorus of other voices as well coming from Chrysi. “New…...Friend…..”

Rose was startled for a sec before resuming to pet her. John saw her get startled and was confused. He thought to ask later when they were not in the presence of a PTSD rilled animal of death.

“My, this world is full of surprises. Chrysi has never bonded with as many people as she has in this week alone.” Inanis commented.

“Hey Inanis. Are there any weapons or items that Aileen has for certain missions or something?” John asked curious.

“Why yes, The Operator has many different loadouts for any sort of mission. Survival, Spy, Espionage, Extermination, Assassination, Defence, Sabotage, Mobile Defence, you name it, the operator as a loadout for it. She even has some Equipment she just uses when bored and wanting to ‘Mix things up’ as it were.”

“What about space or underwater type missions?” John asked.

“The the Operator uses her loadouts for those as well, utilizing the Archwing and it’s small arsenal of weapons. One Archwing even carries a thermonuclear warhead that it can launch and reload at any given point.”

“Dang.” John said. “That's a lot of firepower.”

“It is needed when one Archwing, piloted by a Tenno can wipe out an entire armada of Warships.” Inanis replied like it was nothing.

“Well I guess that's to be expected. Given that their technology is advanced so much. They should have some serious firepower to protect themselves.”

“Of course. However, if you want into the arsenal i’m afraid I can not simply grant you access without the operator's explicit primition. I’m sorry.”

“That's ok. I was going to ask her first anyway.” John said. He looked over at Rose to still see her and Chrysi getting along. Chrysi was even laying on her back while Rose rubbed her tummy. “Having fun Rose?”

“Yes I am. Thanks for asking.” Rose said with a big smile on her face.

“Ok. I'll leave you here with Chrysi. I'm heading to the room. I'm going to meditate till Aileen gets back. Don't break anything.” John said. Sounding like he was teasing her at the end. Rose pouted at that which he found cute.

Aileen walked back up the path to the ship. She had told the girls she will be busy training someone in Void powers, and Explained to her mother that she will start staying at her house after his training is over if she really doesn’t mind her. She opened up the ship and walked in, setting the bag down by the door as she walked down stairs, surprised to see Chrysi with Roseluck. “Odd, This world is filled with trusting people apparently.” She said to Roseluck.

“Sorry for the surprise. I just wanted to show her I was a friend.” Rose said.

“I don’t mind. To be honest I’m happy she is learning to trust again.”

“So. How was your day?” Rose asked.

“Strange, but good.” Aileen said softly. “I haven't gone to an actual school in so long, it was refreshing.”

“Mine and John’s day was great. We had breakfast at the SugarCube Corner, visited a few places in town, and then head back here where I made friends with Chrysi here. Although I doubt John knows he took me on a date today. Man he is dence to certain things.” Rose said, giggling.

Aileen chuckled a bit. “I haven't even known him for a week, and last night backs up what you said.”

“He means well. Probably to distracted by everything happening back home. Probably won't even allow himself to saddle down till everything and everyone is protected.” Rose said looking down a little.

Aileen got a smile as she giggled. “Oh that is it. By the end of his training, if he doesn’t notice your feelings for him, I will hit him upside the head with a sign saying ‘You dense motherfucker.’”

Rose giggled. “Somehow I don't even think that would work.”

“I will set up a date between you two so obvious, if he doesn’t get it, nothing will break through his head.” Aileen said determined.

“Thanks. Although I don't think I'm the only one with feels for him back home.” Rose said.

“Well then, it’ll be your job to open his eyes to that. I can only do so much.” The Tenno giggled.

“We’ll just get him to agree to a herd.” Rose giggled.

“Sounds good to me. Now as much as I love this chat, I do need to get to his training.” Aileen said.

“Ok. He is in our room meditating.”

With a nod and a quick pet to the Charger, Aileen made her way to the guest room.

When Aileen made it to the room she opened the door. Seeing him floating above the bed in a meditative stance. With Void glowing around him. The Tenno sighed before meditating as well, entering the same Void-scape as last time.

When she came to in the Void she saw John meditating on the ground with multiple Void swords and other weapons floating near him. They looked like the ones he borrowed for the fight against the Void dragon yesterday.

Walking over silently, Aileen stood in front of the man. “John.”

John opened his eyes. They were glowing with Void and his pupils were slitted like a reptile. He looked up at her and nodded. “Hello Aileen.”

“Are you John Corvo, or just using his body?” Aileen asked seriously.

‘John’ chuckled. Aileen then sensed the Void coming off him. It felt familiar to what John put off in that form yesterday, but darker...and much colder. “Don't worry. I won't harm him. His body can't handle my full power just yet.”

“Other than to annoy me, what is your reasoning for being here?” Aileen said, not even flinching.

“Just two things. One, don't threaten me. I'm more powerful than even the being you saw yesterday day. Two is a question. If you and John were to fight to the death. Who would win?” It asked smirking.

“That is a question on variables. Would I have all my Weapons? Would I have control? Would my body not be possessed by the void being inside all Tenno? And most importantly, would John not kill himself in the process of handling the power required to beat me? John can master Void energy like none I have seen, however he limits himself to what he thinks is possible. He needs to think broadly if he ever hopes on mastering his void powers. Me on the other hand, while John had only a few abilities but has mastered them completely, I actively make up and learn abilities, with the price of never mastering any of them. It would be a battle of versatility against specialization.” Aileen runs down.

‘John’ just lets out a cold laugh. “Oh I know he limits himself, but not because of his thinking. He knows there is more to Void way before he came here. It's because of me and of what he could do that limits him. Also if you two fight I meant for you both to be at your best. Now, who would win again?” It just kept smirking.

“John would if he was at his best. I know a worthy opponent when I see one, and if I train him with all I know as I promised, he can and will surpass me rapidly. I have no qualms about that.” AIleen said, getting down on both knees and summoning some tea to drink.

“Hmm, so you are smarter than you appear.” It sat down summoning its own drink.

“Unlike most, who either embrace the void, try to control it, or despise that it exists, I chose option D, I just accepted it. I accepted it good and bad, knowing that you can not control the uncontrollable, simply give it shape. I may be only 15, but I know the void well enough to have learned from it.”

“Do you know why I'm inside John? Why he seems to have a greater access to Void than most?” It asked.

“I do not, but my void is probably laughing at me for not seeing.” Aileen admitted with another sip.

“Oh he is. He is also calling you a lot of names. You can imagine what.”

“Kiddo being a primary one. It seems to like that one alot. However, unless it is to chat or learn, I tend to tune him out like that one friend who never shuts up.”

It chuckled. “John is different than most mortals. Even you Tenno can't come close to his potential. I'm actually hiding his presence from other void beings. So they won't try and kill him before he is ready.”

“I can tell that much. Despite his powerful syphon to pure Void energy, the Void dragon barely took notice of him, instead focusing on me until he stabbed it with his sword.”

“Oh the dragon noticed him before.” It smirked. “It's instincts just told it to avoid him till your gone. To you John might be a man with great potential, but to the dragon and the Void beings...he is something else entirely. In fact he will one day surpass even me.”

“Interesting. Why tell me this?”

“Because until he is ready he won't stand a chance and I can't keep him hidden forever. The others will notice him eventually and come for him. I'm strong but as long as I'm in him I can't help much. I need you to help him. Advance his training more. He’ll also need to learn more weapons and skills. Every weapon he buffs with Void he unintentionally scans with Void so he could make a void version of it. He’ll need more scans for an attack I'll teach him.” It said.

“So, break out my armory?” Aileen said as her armory appeared behind her.

“He’ll still need to learn how to use them and that will take time. If his doppelgangers were like shadow clones it would be easier but their not. Although their part of the move I'll teach him. Take your time with each weapon. Time runs differently here remember.”

“I remember.” Aileen said before letting herself chuckle “First the Outsider, now you. It is strange meeting void beings besides my own not attempting to kill me or possess me.”

“Well I can't kill you since I'm in John. Also I'm not some blood thirsty savage. I want you to take my hand.”

Aileen sighed. “If this is a trick you of all people should know Oro’s don’t die as easily as the body.” Aileen said as she took his hand.

It smirked. “Don't worry. I just want to show you what you're really dealing with.”

Suddenly Aileen sensed its powers...and saw an image of a demon behind John. She has fought in wars and seen things that would make most terrified, but what she was seeing...she couldn't describe the power it had. She couldn't move nor look away. It's eyes stared right through her. She knew that even if she was an Oro now. It could still kill her. For the first time in a while...she was scared. It released her hand and she had to breathe. Not realizing she had stopped.

“What….are you exactly.” Aileen said, trying to control her heart rate.

It signed. “I am something that was once a ruler. Till betrayed. My power is greater than most in the Void. While there are Void Lords. There are three kinds of beings beyond them. The Void Kings, The Embodiment of Void, and...the Emperor of Void.”

Aileen let herself laugh as she shook her head. “And here I am, just the other day stating the fact that I am the most powerful Tenno outside a Warframe. The Tenno are barely a blip on that radar.”

“No. You Tenno at have been noticed. Your control and versatile nature is worth noting. Your numbers are great as well, but not even the Lords see you as a threat. Be glad or else you Tenno would be extinct now.”

“It is not like most of us can reproduce anyways.” Aileen slips out before her mood becomes somber, looking down at her tea.

“That is the only reason why the Lords haven't done anything.” It said.

“You appear male, you don’t know what it is like having a piece of you, the piece that no matter how much blood is on your hands, can give life, removed to mercilessly. All out of fear and hatred.”

“Do you know what it's be ripped apart molecule by find yourself in something or someone else entirely and not be able to be free. While you know everything you had is destroyed?”

Aileen looked up at it. “You and I have both suffered in our own way, let us not argue over who has suffered more than the other.”

“You at least can make connections that will help heal. My only freedom is death. Once John has reached a certain point. I'll drag him into his subconscious and fight him. If he kills me he will have full access to my power, but if I kill him we both die.”

“I simply don't believe that. I myself and proof there is always another way if you look hard enough.”

“It's not that simple. John and I need to battle in order to fulfill his potential. Once he kills me and takes my power he will be able to face...Him.” It said.

“If that is the fate you seal yourself to, then very well. I will not dishonor one such as yourself by convincing you otherwise.”

“Thanks. I'll let John awake so you can train him now. Just remember what I've said. Oh and, don't tell him of me or his potential. The less he knows for now the better.” It said.

Aileen nods before bowing in respect to a superior. The aura around John changed. He closed his eyes than opened them again showing they were back to normal.

“Afternoon, enjoy your nap?”

John let out a small shout of surprise. “Aileen? When did you get here?”

“Your meditation was well, but you did it a bit too well. Try not to lose your mind to the void while meditating, it can prove dangerous the more powerful you are.”

“Ok. Sorry about that. So. Ready to begin?” John asked.

“Yes. I have decided however to push your training to be harder. You will be forced to learn faster and more material than before, and if by the end of this you can not beat me at full power, you will have failed my training regiment.”

“What brought this up? I know we haven't known each other that long but you wouldn't do something like this out of nowhere unless something happened?” John asked.

“It dawned on me last night what kind of opponent you are facing. It would be dishonorable if you had the chance to fight him at full power, but were unable to do so because of a lack of training.” Aileen lied, her poker face unreadable.

John studied her carefully, but figured she must have a reason not telling him. “Ok, I might not know why you won't tell me the truth, but I'll just accept it. You wouldn't do this without a good reason. Ok. Let's do this.”

After many days of the same grueling training, from all manner of weapons, to ways of using them, and even a battle between wills. All of these trainings, boiled down to a short week. Aileen stepped into the void once again, hiding how exhausting it’s been training him nonstop whenever she wasn’t at school or planning a date between John and Roseluck. “Today marks the final day of your training. I have taught you all I know of the void, and have taught you the ways of gun and blade with my entire arsenal of weapons. Now, it is time for your final test. Defeat me in a battle. I expect you to treat it like a life or death scenario. I have temporarily modified the area around us in this Void pocket to make all attacks linked you our Void signatures be nonlethal to each other, so even if I bleed, I expect you to keep fighting until either I am forced to utilize my Oro, or I submit. Questions?”

“You know. This entire week I still haven't met your friends yet. Just pointing that out. Also I won't use my Demon forms. If I need to rely on those to beat you then I haven't progressed at all.” John said.

“You will have another day or two after today left before you must return. One of those days can be used to meet my friends. Now, with the rules of engagement set, I will set a timer above your head. When it hits zero the battle has begun.” Aileen said as the area around them changed, adding more pillars, pitfalls, ramps and making it look like an actual battlefield. “Let us start.” The timer appeared above John as Aileen turned invisible, moving deftly across the arena to somewhere randomly on the other side. She decided to keep her armory in the center so either can pick up any weapon they please, but at the cost of being seen.

John blinked to a pillar and overlooked the area. Mesmerizing the pillar locations and the pitfalls. He looked for any sign of Aileen but couldn't see her. She must still be invisible. He looked at the armory in the center. If he went for it she will know so he'll keep his distance for now. The timer was almost out.

Aileen turned off her invisibility as soon as it was impossible to be seen directly by John, taking a deep breath to clear her mind and focus, washing away all doubt and exhaustion from her mind as she took a quick glance to the timer on her wrist, reading the same amount of time John had.

John knows that a frontal assault would cost him dearly. While he has mastered what she taught she not only has trained him but has way more experience with the weapons and skills. A head to head battle would be one sided. He’ll need a plan. Not much time left.

Aileen opened her mind, seeing the layout of the battlefield before thinking of every scenario and returning to reality. She had once chance to get this right, as as much as she would want to go easy on him, it would shame both of them for her not going 100%. Treat him like a target, not a student. she thought as the timer had five seconds left.

‘She won't go easy on me. I'll give it my all to’ John thought. The timer ran out. John then blinked to a pillar farther away from the armory. Keeping it in sight. He also made two Doppelgangers that he made go invisible and scout the area.

As soon as the timer ran out, Aileen turned invisible herself and decided to play cat and mouse. She started to set up invisible traps as she snuck from pillar to pillar, always making sure they are out of site from the armory so if it’s a doppelganger the trap gets, no one is there to see the smoke. With a quick formation of a void bow, Aileen shot a noise arrow on the opposite pillar she was at.

John heard a noise from a distant pillar. He sent a doppelgänger over to check it out. He than blinked away to a pillar even farther away. He wouldn't put it pass Aileen to set a trap for either him or his doppelgängers.

Aileen noticed the small shadow from the base of the blink, but was unable to see the end location as the trap took out the doppelganger, not killing him to alert anyone, but muting and trapping him against the pillar. With a series of quick shots, ziplines between pillars started to appear as Aileen continued to fire the void arrows, making all the pillars connected by a thin piece of void wire. Satisfied, she unsummoned the Void bow for now to see the next move of her quarry.

John saw the zip lines connecting the pillars. Must be part of her plan. John figures that their either to help locate him or help her travel. John placed about two mines on his pillar, razor wire and stun mines. He then blinked to about five other pillars doing the same to them. He made the razor mines exposed but made the stun mines invisible.

After jumping up to one of the zip lines and seeing the mines, Aileen knows he controlled the high ground in this fight unless something was done. Setting a few more of her own mines on pillars without the razor mines, all invisible, Aileen summoned the bow again and fired a single arrow, controlling it to fly quickly over every pillar she wasing on to chase him off the pillars.

John saw the arrow and quickly made a shield to block it. The arrow hit the shield, notifying Aileen of his position as he remembers that the arrow is controlled by the user’s mind.

John quickly used a smokescreen and turns invisible. He than blinks to another pillar and continued till he was on the opposite side.

Sending out a void pulse, Aileen decides to lure out her prey by becoming a easy target, Placing the void to hopefully knock John off the pillars, or draw him to her.

John saw the pulse coming and quickly hanged from the edge to avoid it. She was probably trying to bait him. He made two doppelgängers and sent them out.

Aileen uncloaked, summoning her Exalted blade as she sent slashes in all directions in quick succession. Being reckless on purpose to confuse her enemy.

John saw the slashes coming and dropped down. Multiple pillars were cut down and so were his doppelgängers. John smirked. All this debri might come in handy.

The traps on said pillars were still hidden as aileen only targeted ones she had put traps on, making the floor a minefield to her opponent as she used radical blind to stun any who could see her.

John saw her lift her sword and quickly looked away. She used radical blind. She had to have a reason. It's probably to hide any traps here. John just sent a powerful wind blast where he last saw her hoping to send her flying.

Aileen saw the blast but pretended not to as she was sent off. She used her own wind abilities to track where it came from as she was sent off out of sight. SHe recast her invisibility after she landed, looking at where her powers told her John was.

John quickly entered shadow walk and became a living shadow. Went to the ground and quickly moved around. Avoiding the traps she had and was hiding under some debri. Seeing the shadow move, Aileen on the other hand magnetized all the debri, causing them all to glow as all traps and debri were lifted.

John rematerialized and stood about ten feet from her. He did a quick survey of the area and saw the debri and mines. His plan was already in motion. Now to draw her in. With a glow all the traps and debri were crushed before they were dropped. Aileen sent a beam of void lightning at John who quickly summoned Azul and absorbed the lightning.

Aileen magnetized one of her glaves as she threw it at John with lightning speed. John had been using bend time so he was able to dodge it. He than combined it with the speed boost from Volts ability. He increased his speed even further and charged at Aileen with both Azul and Fenrir in his hands.

Aileen stood there and smirked in slow motion as John got close in blinding speed. As he brought his blades down on her she switched places with him and magnetised one of her blades to slice at his back, boosted by Volt’s speed.

Ailed so blade cut into him, only for it to be revealed as a doppelgänger instead of John. Aileen smiled at that turn of events as she prepared to switch again if John was behind her.

Suddenly from in front of her a shadow tendril attacked trying to skewer her. She guarded with her great sword at the tendril came close. While she was blocking the tendril an arrow suddenly pierces her right leg. Not even wincing as it does she quickly pulls it out before channeling her pain and letting out a scream, claws covering her hands as her wound healed.

The shadow turned into John as he slammed Azul into the ground sending out a shockwave of lightning. Creating a shield to absorb the Lightning in front of her, Aileen sent out a wave of fire after the lightning had passed.

John was already gone the time the lightning was over. He had turned invisible and was in shadow form about ten feet from her hiding under enough debri to shield him. He also had four doppelgängers hiding out in shadow forms to.

Aileen magnetized the debri again and this time pulled it all away as to remove the hiding spots. While the doppelgängers were revealed John had hidden in a pit near by in shadow form. Two doppelgängers revealed themselves and attack with their own Exalted blades. Aileen sent two bolts of psychic energy at the two, controlling them to fight each other.

John saw what she did and dispelled them. Creating a small smokescreen. He then used wormhole to get to a lone pillar that was somehow still standing. He then sent a blast of electricity from his hand at her.

Aileen smiled as she took the blast, burns singing her skin as she backflipped onto one of the broken pillars, looking up at John. John looked down as a booby trap Aileen placed earlier went off, lifting John off the ground.

John suddenly found hims in the air as the trap went off. He quickly corrected himself mid air and blinked to a broken pillar. He then threw a trap grenade which turned into a black hole. Pulling in everything around it from traps to debri. He then used pull to Aileen to try and pull her to the black hole.

Aileen does the same to John, both of them being sucked towards the hole as she summons her Exalted blade again. John summons his own Exalted blade as they drew near. When they were just a few feet from the black hole it vanished. Then the momentum from the black hole sent them at each other blades ready.

With the sound of pure energy hitting pure energy, the blades clashed, both of the combatants floating in mid air for a second. Aileen keeps hold of the blade as her other hand forms a claw and goes to gouge out John’s innards.

John dodged the claws and summoned a Reaper scythe and attacked. Catching her Exalted blade and sending it flying from her hands. Aileen, caught of guard tries to use a pulse of energy to fling John back. John anchors himself with Reaper by impaling the ground then send a void cut straight at her. Aileen cry’s out as she gets a gash across her chest. Bleeding she tries to focus and work on a healing spell, trying to complete it in time. Only for two Exalted blades to pierce her from behind. She looked back and saw two doppelgängers behind her with an Exalted blade each.

“Well played.” Aileen chuckles as she falls over, A sign saying Victory appearing in front of John and defeat for Aileen. John let out a sigh as he dispelled the doppelgängers and weapons. Aileen finished the Blessing with a cough, the injuries both received vanishing as Aileen stood up shakily. “And so the student becomes the master.”

“I doubt I'm a master. I just got the drop on you once. I doubt if we had a rematch I would win.” John said.

“On the contrary, you continued to improve even as we fought. Next time we fight, I might not even stand a chance.” Aileen admitted.

John chuckled. “As if you're going to get lazy after this. You'll most likely train harder than before when you find the time. Getting much better as time goes on.”

“Unless I learn something I haven't ever before, I am afraid my training will never get me to reach your potential. Anyways, we have been fighting for quite some time. I’m sure Rose has something she wishes to tell you when we get back.”

John raised his eyebrow in confusion. Than just shrugged and started to head back. When they both awoke, Rose and Chrysi were both waiting.

Rose smiled at both of them. “Welcome back you two. What happened?”

“The student has become the master.” Aileen answered.

“I managed to win. Barely. So I completed my training.” John said.

“Barely? I didn’t even touch you, only your Doppelgangers.”

“I would be dead if I didn't send them because of your traps and skills.” John answered.

“It wasn't that you sent them, it was how you used them that won the fight for you.”

“Those last two got the drop on you because I was the decoy and they were hiding in the cracks of the ground in shadow form. I was almost out of stamina anyway. If you had saw them and destroyed them I would have been finished.” John said.

“What's done is done. You have completed your training, enjoy the rest of your day.” Aileen said with a smile.

Rose clapped her hands. “Congrats John. I was also wondering something?” Rose asked while blushing a bit.

“What?” John asked.

“We should celebrate. How bout a day at the park then dinner?” Rose asked.

“Like a date? Sure.” John said making Rose blush even more.

“Ok, I'll go get ready. Be back soon.” Rose said. Quickly leaving with a pep to her step.

“Good luck my friend, you’ll need it.” Aileen says with a chuckle as she grabs her clothes and goes to her room to change.

“Well. This is going to be great day.” John said as he waited for Roseluck.

Later that night Aileen, Roseluck and John all stood in front of the portal back. “Remember, the dojo keys won’t work until I’m done, but once they are go ahead and use the void signature on it to create a portal to the Dojo. It can be a safe house of sorts for your side of Equestria.” Aileen said as the moon rose in the distance.

“We will. It's going to come in handy that's for sure. Thanks for everything Aileen.” John said.

“Yes. Thanks for everything. Tell Chrysi bye for me.” Rose said.

“That reminds me, if you two some how find another Kubrow egg, tell me. I’ll go ahead and hatch it into any of the three species you want Rose.” Aileen said with a smile.

“Will do.” Rose said as she went up to Aileen and hugged her. She then whispered. “Thanks again for helping me with John. I willing needed to move on from what happened to my family.”

Aileen hugged the woman back and said “Any time. Make sure that dense bakka understands will you?”

“Got it.” Rose said winking. She then walked towards the portal and waited for John.

“Now, Do not hesitate to come back. Hopefully by the time you do I will have established contact with the other Tenno and we would all gladly help you out.”

“Will do. You take care now. Don't rush on our account.” John said holding out his hand.

Aileen took the offered hand. “Be safe friend, and keep in practice.”

“Will do. We'll be seeing you.” John said. He then headed towards the portal and Rose. “Ready Rose?”

“Ready.” Roseluck. They both then went into the portal.

Aileen watch them go as she groaned. Now that they were gone, she had to teach the others as promised. There ain't no rest for the wicked.