Suffering: My Story

by 4ooves

Diary Entry: Who am I?

"Dear reader,

You may be wondering who am I?

I'm your normal male Pegasus who just wants to live his life in peace, I just want to settle down with my wife and not worry about anything that happens in our daily lives. For me... That’s a rather profound task, so simple yet littered with complex paths with cryptic endings.

When I was a; young, bright colt I used to get physically beaten up a lot by family members and students at school, however, this was mostly psychological. This led to my anxiety around others and why I can get extremely uncomfortable and nervous upon being around other ponies. This, as you could imagine, also played an integral role in my depression. The constant barrage of; insults, pranks that went too far and dehumanizing - well, deponizing comments just sent me into a whole world of fright. It didn't help where my alcoholic mother just told me to "grow up" and did next-to-nothing in an attempt to help me. I was always thrown aside and forced to eat the dirt while my abusive dad and entitled brother just laughed an me.

Anyway, this also was the source for many aggressive events that later occurred upon school grounds. I was shortly kicked out of that school due ‘Misbehaviour in the corridor’. By kicked I mean 'was-given-detention-but-never-turned-up-to-detention nor-school-the-following-months'. I was deemed missing shortly after this incident. My memory of this day is hazy, to put it best. All I can recall now that I think of it is I was about to talk to my two year crush, Vapour. Light blue body, large brown mane that drops down her face as some goddess, two-toned, wings with the colour of white to accommodate the contrast from her stunning blue body to her white little highlights sprinkled across all four of her hooves. Her eyes, crystal cyan. I say crystal cyan because from a distance they sparkle in the sun. Its so attractive.

So, I started approaching Vapour, who's located by her locker putting what I think were books an till this bodybuilder looking motherfucker, strolls up with his partners-in-crime, proceeded chatting Vapour up, but he soon got a bit forceful and it was clear that Vapour was super uncomfortable that this large fella, who probably was jacked up on steroids and who smelt like he hasn't had a shower in a good minute, towering over her, meanwhile, trying to seduce her in the middle of a hallway, in school. He had screws missing that's for sure. Now as I mentioned earlier by "My memory of this day is hazy" because what happens next, its all for speculation. But I'm fairly confident that what happens next is I intervened in an attempt of being the hero and rescue Vapour from this; vile, disgusting creature that was forcing himself onto her.

From this point on my memory goes blank, probably that fuckers stench that knocked me out. He had a reputation with coursing ponies to pass-out in the middle of class. If you ask me I would of had him removed from the school an till he had at least a nice shower."