//------------------------------// // Act 9: A Victim of Battle // Story: My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic MOVIE- Human in United Equestria // by DakariKingMykan //------------------------------// ACT NINE Titan approached Lightning, deciding to get him first. “I have many fond memories of all the many lives I have taken, and yours shall be one that I shall treasure dearly after all our many conflicts.” Lightning struggled as hard as he could, as did the others, but the manacles were too tight, and still draining their energy. “Lightning!” cried Starla. “Don’t do it to him!” Celesto shouted to Titan. Titan turned and gave him a small zap, softly cutting his cheek.” “Celesto!” cried Celestia. “You wait for your turn, Earthman.” hissed Titan. I couldn’t stand this at all, but I couldn’t break free from bondage through my own strength. I couldn’t let Lightning be killed. “There’s gotta be a way…” I groaned softly. …Suddenly, my sword began to glow in its sheath behind my back. Titan didn’t notice; He was right before Lightning, pointing his glowing finger directly at his face and stopping at the last few centimeters “Any last words?” Lightning gnashed his teeth furiously, but then something caught the corner of his eye. “Yeah… Look behind you.” “Huh?” Titan looked round just in time as a magical blast struck him and sent him soaring across the room, slamming into the wall, and before he could look up and question where that came from, another blast struck him across his hands, shattering the power linkup through the manacles… causing them to release us all. “WHOO!! We’re free!” squealed Pinkie. “Si, but what happened?” asked Dyno. Myte looked my way and gasped softly. “Dios Mio… Look!” I stood on the floor, and drew out my sword. The blade was still glowing. I felt as though I knew what was going on, while at the same time I sort of didn’t either. “The Sword of Pure Soul…” Lightning said for everyone to hear “It could sense your desire to help me, and all that pureness was generated into the blade and then fired out as pure magic. Something Titan can never conquer no matter what kind of evil he uses.” The sword stopped glowing, and I held it bravely. Suddenly, Titan roared angrily as he stood.  We all stood and glared him down, but Titan’s fury faded into a wicked sneer “I must admit, it was inexcusable for being rather reckless, but if any of you believe I am beaten again, you are sorely… MISTAKEN!!” and as he shouted, his generator began to go crazy as it glowed brightly, and his body began to glow along with it. The light was so bright; everyone had to shield their eyes. When the light had faded, everyone gawked in horror, as Titan now stood in his old, evil appearance, hood, robs, all of it, only now he was three times as large, his head almost reached the ceiling. His voice now was even deeper and more ghastly than ever. “Ah, it feels nice to finally be rid of that humanoid shell.” he hissed. At the end of the room, his generator was still glowing with more power he hadn’t absorbed from it, and more energy was coming through from the slaves working hard up above, and giving their energy. Lightning clenched his fists and looked Titan deep in his evil eyes, and the evil sorcerer glared back at him. All the others and I stood with Lightning ready for a fight. “This is it, everyone get ready.” Lightning said. His friends nodded and got their energizers ready. Titan glared at the heroes “I’ve waited for this for a long, long time.” “Let’s go!” shouted Lightning, and he and the teens all transformed. “STARFLEET MAGIC!!” Then the main five girls transformed “HARMONY HOUR! FRIENDSHIP POWER!!” Finally, Spike transformed. “Dragon Power!” The heroes all stood together proud and tall, and the others stood to the side. Lightning turned to face us. “You all set the hostages free…” then he turned to face Titan “…We’ll deal with this.” The rest of us nodded, and headed for the doorway, but Titan blocked it with a forced field. “I don’t think so. The party’s just about to begin, and you’re all invited.” I tried hitting the barrier with my sword; the shield shocked me and threw me back hard. “Are you alright?” cried Sunset. “Just a little shocked.” I answered. “Now then… who is next?” hissed titan. “Let’s get him!” shouted Lightning, and all the fighters charged at him at once, but Titan merely flicked his arm, unleashing a wave of energy which shot everyone back hard. “Whoa!  Low blow!” groaned Rhymey. “He’s a lot stronger than we thought.” said Fluttershy. Suddenly, their visors bleeped with warning. “Our power levels; their falling!” cried Arite. They had all quite forgotten that while they were bound, their energies had been drained, and that Titan’s generator was absorbing more of their power the longer they stayed in that room. “It is useless to resist this time.” Titan hissed, and he held his hands out, forming a huge energy ball. “Look out!” shouted Spike, and everyone dodged just in time. The blast hit the generator, but rather than getting damaged, it absorbed the blast and reenergized Titan. It was like he was running on a long-lasting battery that never would give out. “Does this mean we can’t attack either?” asked Rainbow Dash. Titan snickered and said “No… you can still attack, but all you’ll do is strengthen my power even more, and make yourselves weaker and all the easier to crush.” He was right; their power levels were dropping faster than ever. Lightning didn’t have enough strength to go Enticorn; the girls couldn’t activate their Valkyrie forms, Spike couldn’t go Majestic Dragon. Sunset was really growing frustrated. “If only I could change into my shining angel form, I could supply them all with more energy, but then that would only help Titan as well.” This worried me a lot. I tried to do what I did before and summon pureness form my heart to energize my sword, but it wasn’t working. Suddenly, I began to feel a little tired. So did all the others. “What’s happening?” I asked wearily. “I feel… faint…” groaned Celestia. “Our energy… it’s running… very low.” said Krysta. The fighters began to look weak as well, and weren’t moving as swiftly. “What’s the matter? Too tired to stand the pressure?” Titan mocked “Here, have some of my energy!” and he fired numerous, thunderous shots from his hands hitting the fighters. Sparks and small explosions flew everywhere as they all got hit, and fell to the floor. “My hair…!” wailed Rarity “It’s... A MESS!!” Some of the others couldn’t believe her, but were too weary at this point to scorn at her. Titan was laughing with glee, enjoying seeing the heroes suffer “I had almost forgotten what this felt like.” he hissed, and zapped them all again. By this point, their super suits were flashing, indicating they were running out of power and about to power down. “What are we… going… to do?” Starla groaned. She felt so exhausted, she could hardly speak. “My…kan…” Lightning groaned “The shield…” I my head was spinning from the weariness, but I could still hear him… barely. “The shield…!” He was referring to my Shield of Righteous Heart that was on my back. “Oh, another one of your little tricks…?” scoffed Titans. He could plainly see the shield, but scoffed again “What possible good can that puny little thing do? I’m even stronger than I was before. The same trick won’t work on me twice.” He then raised his finger and zapped me, clear at my head. Some of the girls screamed, and the boys gasped, yet strangely, when the smoke had cleared, the shield was right in front of me, and it had taken the blast before it got to me, and was now glowing with the same light as the energy that hit it. “What?!” sneered Titan. I also began to feel my strength slowly returning to me, enough, to get me back on my feet. Then, I held the shield against the barrier at the door, and magically, the barrier dissolved along the magic in the shield. The same thing happened to the barrier around the generator as well. “Impossible!” snarled Titan “What is this trickery?!” I could hardly understand it myself, but Lightning, though weary, explained it was the ability of my shield. “If the user truly has courage and righteousness, the shield will not only protect them, but it can be used to absorb small amounts of certain energy or magic.” Titan’s blast that he hit me with was not very strong, and therefore, when my shield absorbed the blast, it not only could transfer some of the energy to me, strengthening me again, but since it was Titan’s magic, it was the only thing to break down the force-fields. “Looks like things are turning around now.” I said, and I drew out my sword like a brave knight about to strike the giant down, but really, I spun round hard, and threw my sword like a javelin straight at the unprotected generator. “Oh, no you dont!” shouted Titan, and he tried to zap the sword with his magic to halt it in midair, but I quickly dashed forth and jumped in the way, causing Titan to hit me instead, letting my sword smash into the generator, shorting it out, and causing it to explode softly as the energy all faded away. “NO!!” shouted Titan. With the generator destroyed, all the energy everyone had lost returned to them instantly. Their suits and physical strengths were now at full power. “You’ve lost, Titan. It’s over!” snarled Lightning. Titan growled loud and angrily as he clenched his fists. “This is far from over, and he began to glow brightly, and he shot through the ceiling like a rocket, smashing his way through. “After him!” shouted Lightning, and he and the other fighters took off through the hole after him, leaving me and the others behind. I walked over to the dead generator and pulled my sword out. I looked at it preciously. “I think I like this hero stuff.” “Come on, let’s go.” cried Sunset “Remember, the hostages?” I snapped back to reality and followed her and the others back into the base, but Titan’s guards began to rush us. “This way!” shouted Celesto, and he lead us all through the base as he knew it. Once we were all safely a safe distance away, he opened a secret panel, he remembered, along the wall, and hit a red button, causing a huge steel plate to seal the hallway, cutting the guards off from following us. We continued dashing down the corridors, running into more guards, and sealing them off as well. Finally we managed to get to the main ops where the hostages were still being drilled. Apparently, though I had destroyed the main generator, the giant crystal inside the room was still intact and holding power drained from the people as well. Worse than that, more guards were all gathered around the entrance as well as inside and began to shove us all back. At first we were all hesitant to hit the people, belonging they were brainwashed by Titan, but as we continued to struggle against them. “Let go of me!” growled Celestia as she struggled and fussed, but then she noticed something was rubbing off on her fingers, and a small chunk was missing out of the guard’s hand. “Hey! These guys aren’t even human. They’re made of mud.” “If that’s so… let’s get ‘em!” shouted Sunset, and we all began to go crazy, attacking the guards and breaking them to pieces. Even Krysta took out a few… She wasn’t very strong in her robin form, but she was swift and clever, and flew out of the way as guards attacked her, causing them to strike each other instead. “The bigger they are, the smarter they aren’t.” she teased. Finally, we managed to bust into the chamber, after dealing with the rest of the guards. Irons and chains that held the people were regular, and the keys to release them were hanging on a hook near the door.  I used my sword to cut the chains off, and it was obvious whom I freed first. I rushed over to the zap-table. “Michelle…” I cried. She looked in really bad shape after having so much energy drained from her.  I hastily cut the wires to free her, but even though her weariness, she gazed at me strangely. “Who are you…?” she asked “And… how do you know my name?” I stopped, and it felt awkward to tell her, not knowing how she’d react. “Michelle… it’s me. It’s Mykan.” Her eyes bulged, but she compared my voice, and looked into my pony eyes, but she realized, only I ever looked at her that way. Her eyes brimmed with tears. Then my folks came up to me, having overheard. “Mykan…? You’re alive?” cried my mother. My siblings gathered near, all of them gawking at me like I was a creature from outer-space; which was pretty much what I looked like. My mom fainted, either from shock, or due to her weariness, my father caught her. Sarah and Jane could hardly believe it, and raised their hands to feel my muzzle, but they just couldn’t. “It’s okay, I understand.” I said. My brother, Neville was stammering “Bro… how is-- what’s going-- It’s really you? We thought you were long gone.” “It’s a long a story.” I said “I’ll try and explain it later…” That’s when the whole place began to shake. “…If I there is a later!” The big crystal was pulsating wildly as more tremors shook the place. We tried to lead the hostages out, but more of Titan’s drones came at us. Even the ones we had just defeated reformed like magic. Those that we sealed up had just made it to the main ops as well. Now there were enough guards to fill practically a quarter of the base, badly outnumbering us. Celestia and Sunset nodded at one another, and transformed. Celestia was now the Valkyrie of Magic, and Sunset had donned her Shining Angel form. “I wish I could that.” said Celesto. “Never mind that now…” said Sunset. “It’s time to rumble!” I drew out my sword “I was hoping you’d say that.” *POV Ends* Outside, Titan was harnessing more energy from the crystal, and preparing to open his portal gateway; sending the magic high up into orbit where it would combine with the energies of space, thus creating a stable warp hole into the dimensional universe. “Yes!” he thundered with wicked glee “YES!! It’s all coming together!” Suddenly, a few small blasts hit him from behind. Titan whirled round to see all the fighters staring him down. “Party’s over, Titan!” snapped Lightning. “For once, I actually agree.” said Pinkie “No party’s worth having an evil creep like you around!” Titan merely sighed and shrugged. “Must we go through all this again?” Still, as it would take time for his portal to fully open, he decided to kill the time by brawling with the heroes. “Bring it on…” Lightning said, and he concentrated hard, until he changed into an Enticorn, much to Titan’s delight. “So, the rumor’s I’ve heard were true. You really can use the legendary power. A pity it will avail you naught.” “Really…?” said Spike “Well how about… THIS!!” and he changed into his Majestic Dragon form. Titan was still not impressed “Are you about finished yet?” The main five girls then smirked, and all stood together and shouted “VALKYRIA!!” and they changed into their Valkyrie forms. Now that the gang was all charged up and ready, they all stood together, with Lightning at the head of the group. “Take a good look at our team, Titan.” he said deeply “You’re dark magic will not stand against all we have assembled against you.” Titan folded his arms and hissed “We shall see…” and then he motioned for them to come at him. “Go!” shouted Lightning. They all charged at him, and he zipped out of the way. “Where’d he go?” cried Dyno. “Keep your eyes peeled.” said Myte. Spike sniffed the air as he hovered around. “He’s here somewhere.” he said softly. Suddenly, without much warning, he got punched hard from above, sending him crashing to the ground. “Spike!” cried Rarity. She rushed over to help him, only for Titan to appear before her and punch her hard too. “Too slow…” Titan scolded playfully. Rarity and Spike weren’t hurt too bad, and got up again, and everyone charged at Titan. The Starfleet fighters each grabbed their weapons, and slashed, whipped, and struck at him, only for him to skillfully dodge their every attack and blast. Then the Valkyries stepped up, and faired not so well either. “My turn.” Hissed Titan, and get began to punch, and blast at all the heroes, sending them skidding along the ground, but then, Spike and Lightning dashed forth. Spike swung his huge dragon tail at Titan, who dodged it, and aimed a powerful blast at his face. Spike dodged it, and Lightning managed to get through and strike Titan hard in the face with his fist, sending him crashing through several busted buildings. “Ye-Haw! That teaches him.” cheered Applejack. “Save the cheers for later.” said Lightning “We’ve not won yet.” Titan blasted his way back through all the wreckage, and was glowing furiously, but he spoke rather cold and deeply. “So, you do have the power to stand up to me. Perhaps this won’t be such an easy battle as I thought.” “Glad you think that way.” said Lightning. And the fight continued… With Lightning and Spike backing up the others, and the others know getting more used to Titan’s battle style. The fight began to tip in balance… “STAR SHOWER!” shouted Starla as she unleashed her barrage of stars at him. Titan protected himself with a small shield of energy emitted from his hand. As the stars burned up, they created a soft patch of smoke. Buddy Rose and Rhymey went next. “LEAF SWARM!” “DRILL QUILL!” Titan raised his other hand and blasted the leaves and feathers into ashes. This stirred up even more smoke. Artie and the twins stepped up. “PAINT BOMB!” “BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!!” Titan didn’t even have to try and block them this time, for the boys had aimed their shots so they colored into one-another, making even more smoke than ever. “You think I can’t see you through all this?!” shouted Titan, and he lunged forth, aiming his glowing fists at the fighters, and they all jumped out of the way. “Get him, girls!” shouted Rainbow, and all the Valkyries soared at him like jets, and swung their swords at him. Titan smashed, and parried their ever attack at him, one after the other. Then the Starfleet fighters joined in the rush and began to attack him swiftly as well. Yet, Titan still managed to parry their attacks and swerve out of harm’s way. “Pitiful fools!” he growled “I have destroyed whole star-systems!” ZAP!! POW!! He punched Applejack and Buddy Rose. “What you represent hardly amounts to even ants in their hills!” With a thunderous blast, he knocked four more fighters down. Suddenly, Lightning jumped into the fight and was able to move much more swiftly than the others, and he socked Titan hard in his gut. Titan Raised his arm to attack back, but Rhymey and Fluttershy slashed at him with their swords, and Spike came in and gave him a good whack with his tail, sending him crashing through more buildings and making a huge crater in the ground where he fell. “GET HIM!” shouted Lightning, and everyone flew directly above the crater and fired their strongest attacks straight at the crater so not a single shot had missed. Practically that entire patch of area had been leveled by such a power. Thank goodness there were no people nearby, and it really seemed as if Titan was gone. “Did we beat him?” asked Fluttershy. Everyone gazed forth, looking down the crater and the big piled of small rocks and dust at the bottom, when suddenly, the rocks began to rumble and glowing light emitted through the cracks. “Oh, no..!” It isn’t so?!” cried Rhymey. Titan emerged from the crater, slightly bruised on his arms and hands, and his robes and hood only slightly tattered, but he didn’t look at all exhausted. “This can’t be happening!” cried Spike. “How could he have survived such an attack?” added Lightning. Titan laughed wickedly “You just don’t get it, do you? I’ve been absorbing energy non-stop from the humans. My power never decreases.” This reminded everyone of the large gem that was still inside the base. *Mykan’s POV* It was very difficult to fight all those guards in such a closed in space, especially watching out for the hostages and trying to keep them safe. Krysta couldn’t even fight this time, and had to keep well out of harm’s way along with the hostages, but those guards just kept right on coming. Sunset blasted a good row of guards down, and Celestia and I used our swords to slash more of them down. Celesto fought valiantly as well, despite not having any super powers of his own, and using his great martial arts skills, he knocked many guards down too, but more guards just kept right on coming after us, and those that had been knocked down were soon regenerated. “They won’t stay down!” I cried. “They must be connected to Titan’s power.” said Sunset “As long as he’s around, they just keep coming.” There was worse yet, as the large gem was glowing brighter than ever. “It’s absorbing our energy.” cried Celestia. “The more we fight, the more power is absorbed.” added Celesto. All we were doing was making Titan and his forces even more powerful. “Not anymore!” I shouted, and I dashed at the gem, gripping my sword, and I swung at the gem hard, but it didn’t even get scratched, and I ricocheted away from it hard. “Mykan!” screamed Michelle. “That’s it!” snarled my Father “I’m going in there!” “Honey, No!” my mom shouted, but my dad had already leapt into the fight and began to sock it to those guards. “Dad, stop!” shouted Neville, and he tried to run out to help get Dad out of there, but the guards rushed him. “Oh, you wanna go!” Neville growled, and he was soon fighting too. This inspired more of the hostages to fight back for their freedom as well. Despite that it was giving the gem more energy; it helped a great deal to get past all the guards and evening out the odds and would help us get out easier. “All together…!” shouted Celesto “ATTACK!!” In a huge suddenly move, WHAMM!! All the guards were thrown out and laid all along the floor. “Let’s hurry before they regenerate!” cried Krysta. In a big stampede we all rushed down the corridors. Celestia, Celesto, Sunset and I stood at the corners of every corridor, guiding all the hostages which way to go. Suddenly, as Michelle passed by me, she turned her head softly to see one last guard sneaking up on me from behind, and ready to slice me in two with a fire-axe. “Mykan, look out!” she cried as she shoved me aside just in time. “Michelle!” I cried, but when I looked up… the most horrible thing I ever saw…! “MICHELLE…!!!!!!” She was hurt very bad, and her blood was gushing forth. Sunset and Celestia heard my scream, and arrived to blast the guard to ashes with their powers… …but Michelle! I scooped her up in my arms, but she felt so cold and remained so still. She had no pulse, she wasn’t breathing, and it was too late for even Sunset to give her any energy. My eyes were flooding with tears as I felt my heart shatter to pieces. “NOOOOOOOOOOO…!!!”