//------------------------------// // Connection // Story: The New Beginning // by Another Average Brony //------------------------------// Connection She stood on her bedroom balcony, the deep blue of her coat was outmatched only by the necklace she wore and her cutie-mark, both bore the symbol of the Princess of the night. She was in her Time of day by preference and ruling and she couldn’t have any other way. Here she could think without being objected for it, here she could admire her beautiful night sky. She couldn't even put to words how beautiful it was, not to mention useful. Scientists could look at it seeking knowledge of past times, but people with imagination just sat and stared. Admired really is a better word than stared but they did both. And that is what Luna found herself doing right now. She knew it would seem like she was just preening her vanity, but to her she was just doing what few ponies did even now: admired the beauty of the sky during this time of year. It was the next night after she had sent Twilight to the arcane disturbance that had caught her attention a few days past. Now that it was being investigated by what she would call a professional, Luna had to admit she had nothing to do. She had no friends to speak of, just servants, and loyal subjects, that agreed with her on anything because she was a princess. She wasn’t interested in any of the guard’s happenings, she already knew all of them. She talked with her sister of course but she was her sister, she knew everything there was to know. She enjoyed whatever time she spent with Twilight and the other elements after all they had done for her, but they lived in Ponyville, and Luna belonged in Canterlot. With the Disappearance of Applejack, the other elements had been a dreary state. Fluttershy couldn’t talk without bursting into tears, Rarity went about her day normally but sulked in wine for her missing friend, RainbowDash took care of the clouds and but on a façade of optimism for the return of the cowpony, Even PinkiePie, whose joyful craziness brought joy to the face of everyone who met her, had not come out of Sugar Cube Corner for what seemed like ever. Twilight just buried her head in her books and tried to wait for the day When Applejack would come back to them. It had yet to come. Luna knew what had made her run away, she had been at the rodeo, she was attempting to learn what ponies were up to after a thousand years and even though it helped and was a lot of fun to watch. She had seen the look of shame that had clouded the poor mare’s face. She had tried to talk to her but she had been halted by the annoying reporters that seemed to follow her every time she left the castle. After she had been rid of the reporters she found that Applejack had been lost to the crowd. She could have easily told the other five what had bothered their friend so much but Luna knew her place in the matter, it was not her information to give freely. Applejack would have to come back from wherever she was and tell them herself. But Luna did hate to see them worrying so much. But they would never give up on Applejack, not now and not ever. If a thousand years were to pass and Applejack would still not arrive home, her friends would wait as if she was just to return from a vacation. Luna just wished the friends she had before she was banished could have waited that long. I lost the right to call them friends after I became Nightmare Moon she thought to herself. Another stupid mistake from Princess Luna no wonder I don’t have any friends. She could already feel tears welling into her eyes and was just turning to go back inside when a blast of light illuminated the white marble walls of the balcony. She looked about the area, sniffing, wondering what on earth could have made such a light when a dark shape hit the edge of her balcony. It bounced and rolled into her bedroom without a sound, with the exception of the royal red carpet that adorned the floor of her room rubbing against the floor as the object dragged across the ground. Luna smothered a scream with her hoof, the thing had barely missed her as it rolled into the room. She put her head through the doorway and looked at the object that sat in the middle of her bedroom. It was pitch black in the room so she flipped the switch. As the lights came on she gasped, laying in the middle of the room was a black Alicorn. She walked towards him cautiously, remembering the trouble that had been caused by other Alicorns before. Namely me she thought. She stood about five feet away from him and from there she could see the various injuries that covered his body. She could also see dark rings under his eyes, one of which had a large slice running from his brow to his cheekbone, and that one of his large wings was curled up as if holding something. He appeared to be breathing still and when she placed a hoof on his chest she could feel a very powerful heartbeat behind it. Despite the injuries and the obviously haggard exterior she could feel the life force of this Alicorn, and it was very strong. There was an odd distortion beneath his left eye, a sort of mark or something. Looking at his body she realized he was covered in the strange distortions. When she moved in closer to look at it his left eye shot open and a ragged gasp escaped his throat. The other one stayed shut. Luna was suddenly very aware how close her face was to his and she blushed as his eye met hers. She also noticed that their eyes were the same color although his had an abyssal look to them, like a pit. The first thing she saw in his eye was a look of surprise he seemed totally off guard. Then his face hardened. “Well hello Princess.” He said in a calm voice “Care to explain why you sent a young unicorn to a warzone?” “W-what?” she stammered. She had no idea what he was talking about. As far as she could recall she hadn’t sent anyone to a warzone. “From what I can tell you sent Twilight Sparkle into the fray, whether you did so knowingly or not I cannot say but I believe that you owe her an apology and, if you are capable of it, healing.” He said it as calmly as he had before but there was a slight edge to his voice as if his behavior would depend on how she reacted to this news. “What do you mean by healing?” she asked scared by what the answer might be. He didn’t say anything but he nodded towards his curled wing. She looked towards it and it moved towards her. It slowly unwrapped itself. The frayed feathers giving way to a flash of lavender that slowly took form as the wing undid itself. The wing finally folded flat and laying on top of it was Twilight Sparkle. Luna gasped as she saw the damage that had been done to the unicorn. She had numerous cuts and bruises she also appeared to have broken some ribs, judging from the ragged breathing, and her hind left leg was bent at an unnatural angle. “What happened to her?!” she turned onto him “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” His face darkened and Luna suddenly became very conscious of what she had just said “Excuse me?” he said darkly. “I have given up everything I own, lost everything I have gained over the course of my life. I have saved the only friend I have ever known in full knowledge that I would most likely die in the act, and I have traveled for a whole day without rest while fighting my worst nightmare and yet you accuse me of having harmed an innocent unicorn who you sent blundering into a battleground while you sat in your throne and twiddled your hooves.” He paused then looked at the ground. “I may not be perfect but I am not this… monster you make me out to be.” He looked back up with her with eyes that were filled with so much sadness it almost made Luna cry. A roar split the silence, one that made Luna jump. The other Alicorn just seemed to sigh. His face returned to a look of calm. “You were wondering who did this to Twilight?" He made a gesture towards the open balcony That would be him” “What is he?” He shrugged. “A Dragon… not a normal one but a Dragon nonetheless.” Luna just stared at the Alicorn in front of her, he had clearly been through quite an ordeal to get Twilight here but Luna thought she saw something else behind that. She didn't know what but it seemed he was being abashed at something. But he seemed like a good person. “I’m sorry I accused you of hurting Twilight”. She said very sincerely “I’m sorry that I got so mad at you”. He said in response. “You had every right to be mad”. He shook his head. “My opinion might always be slightly prejudiced when it comes to you Princess.” “And why is that?” “I don’t think you want to know”. “Why not?” “Because right now I’m about to go fight a dragon and possibly die, and despite everything that has happened here… you seem like a nice pony, and I wouldn’t want to leave this world with the trouble that information is, weighing down on you.” Luna was a little bit shocked by the change of heart in this Alicorn. He had seemed pretty hostile when she had begun this conversation, now he seemed edgy, almost like he was uncomfortable in his own skin, and his eyesight was drifting around the room. Luna again had the feeling something was off about him when, suddenly he began to shake. "Whats happening?!" Luna cried out as she rushed forward to stop him from completely collapsing. He gently pushed her away and steadied himself as blood began to drip from his mouth. "N-nothing of concern P-princess" he stumbled out as he actively began to cough blood. He closed his eyes, Luna heard a distinct crackle of magic as the distorted areas on his face and,as Luna learned, the ones that covered his body began to glow with a piercing white that made Luna cover her eyes. From what she could see the entire room was practically bursting white from the bright light this Alicorn generated. Then as quickly as it had come the brightness was gone. When Luna lowered her hoof she gasped at what had happened to the other Alicorn. He stood with his head down panting. Steam rolled off his body and the thick musk of intense exertion hung over the room like a blanket, though the wind from the open balcony door swept it away as quickly as it had come. He slowly lifted his head to meet her horrified gaze and she gasped. His once blue eyes were now black and white, his right eye (the black one) had sealed up and was now clear to see with the exception of a scar that ran thinly wear the gash used to be. His body was alit with lines of white that seemed almost alive as they grew brighter and dimmer at random intervals. They eventually settled into a light glow and the other Alicorn stepped forward. "Look you have questions and that perfectly reasonable, but right now we have bigger problems." with that another roar shook the castle and the chandelier in the room shook gently. He continued "That only proved my point further," he glanced at Twilight, then back at Luna "Help her if you can, then get out of here." He looked around the room "This whole castle is about to become a battleground" "What about you?" "Like I said, fight the dragon". "But you said you would die!" He glanced at her with a questioning look on his face. "I could die, and I probably will die. Does that clear up your mind?" Luna was completely astonished. He... he really doesn't care about what happens to him. "Why would you fight that thing in full knowledge of the consequences?" His gaze had drifted to Twilight curled up on his wing, but now directly at Luna. "My nightmare, My fault, My responsibility, like I said before I don't have time to answer all your questions. All I can offer is this: If I don't die we can sit down and have a nice little chat is that good enough right now?" "Can I convince you to not do this?" "You could try, IF we had enough time." "I-I could fight with you..." It was now his turn to be surprised. He had a quizzical look on his face that quickly turned into a softer, kinder expression. "Luna that is...brave of you, but I can't accept that offer. I'll not have the princess of the night harmed on my behalf." "Why is that? I can fight!" A look that Luna had never seen in anyone except her big sister's eyes was directed at her from this strange stallion. Then he spoke. "I would not have the only thing that has kept me alive, and somewhat sane during the past millennia, die on behalf of my own idiotic mistake. You are a princess of Equestria and, more importantly to me, designated queen of the night. If you were to even get a scratch due to me I would never forgive myself. Do you understand?" "But you said earlier-" "I know but I also know just by looking at you that you had no knowledge of what would happen to her." He gestured to Twilight "Or..." He said, gesturing to himself this time. "To me". "W-what do you mean?" He opened his mouth but whatever words were to be said were drowned by a roar that reverberated through the room, causing pictures of Luna and her sister to fall off the walls. His head turned to the open window and when he talked next he didn't look at her. "Answers will have to wait. Take care of Twilight, tell the guards to leave the dragon be, they are hopeless against it". He turned back to her. "Make sure you and your sister find a good hiding pla-" "MY sister will not let Canterlot, Ponyville, or any other area under our ruling be pillaged by a dragon and neither will I! We will not idle by while our kingdom is threatened". She marched up and put her face right up to his. "Do you have a problem with that?" Luna was outraged that this Alicorn had the gall to tell her to hide while her kingdom was to be attacked. Does he think we are princesses as an image?! "I am only concerned for your safety Luna. The same can be said for your sister". He looked her straight in the eye with an unwavering gaze and Luna backed up a bit for space. The Alicorn looked relieved somewhat. "Tell you what. You heal Twilight, finder her a safe place and then go get your sister and meet me where I am with the dragon". Luna thought about it and agreed with him. "Be far away and use ranged magic or something else alright? don't get in close quarters with it, only I know how to fight it like that". Luna hesitated but he looked firm and unwavering and she knew she wasn't getting any more of a deal with him. So she agreed with a simple "yes" and he turned to leave. "Wait!" she called to him. He stopped and looked back at her. "I don't even know your name". "My name is Stargazer, lets hope I live long enough to answer those questions". He lightly dropped Twilight on Luna's bed, turned walk to the balcony, propped himself on the balcony fence, gave a nod, and leaned backward propelling himself over the edge and into the night. Leaving Luna speechless with her mind afire with thoughts and questions. She looked at The poor mare who lay upon her bed. Step one: Twilight She moved towards her, her stomach clenched in anticipation for the coming battle, and in fear for the young pony's life. She stood next to her bed peering at Twilight's various injuries. Luna winced at the sight. It looked incredibly painful.C'mon, standing here won't help. Luna had a vast knowledge of magic and set to work on the complex spell in order to seal up the many cuts that covered her body. Luna closed her eyes and focused on her horn and in the back of her mind something clicked. Slowly the room began to glow from her magic discharge. The walls swam with the dark night sky of Luna's mane as her power increased. Finally at the height of the charge, Luna lay her horn against Twilight's cuts and bruises, instantly healing them. As she sealed each cut and fixed each patch of bruised skin, the light from her horn and mane diminished. Once she had healed all the lacerations, she looked at Twilight's busted hind leg. She wanted to leave her at that but if her leg healed before it had been set they would have to break it again. The way her leg looked... This is going to hurt. Luna thought grimly. I can't fix that without her biting her own tongue clean through. she looked around for something Twilight could bite down on. She looked around her room. It was pretty barren aside from the door for the balcony and the door, across from it that led to the corridors of the castle. she had a wardrobe next to her bed filled with the fancy clothes she hated. She smiled inwardly as she took her least favorite out. It was a dark shade of blue to match her own coat. Embroidered with gold thread on the sleeves and dress hem. It was beautiful, she had to admit it. But Twilight needed it more and she was glad to be rid of it. She ripped off a sleeve with her mouth and looked at its thickness. It seemed thick enough so she carefully placed it inside Twilight's mouth. Luna could fix her leg with magic but it would be more efficient and easier to do it with her own hooves. She softly placed a hoof on Twilight's upper thigh and another on the lower part of the leg so she could push them into position. Even doing this Twilight moaned in pain. Luna would need more help and she knew where to get it. "GUARDS!" she yelled at the door. ...No response. "Guards?" Luna confusedly added....No response. She walked to the door and opened it. The guards normally stationed outside her room were gone. Meanwhile panicked subjects ran through the hallways screaming. At that, the castle rumbled like an earthquake. Luna pitched forward and landed on her face. As she picked herself up, she was met with the bright face of her sister looking down at her with a sense of urgency. "Sister we have a problem" Celestia said "Yes, the dragon I'm aware of his-" Another roar and quake shook the castle causing both princesses to stagger. "...arrival" she finished as soon as she was steady. "That, and reports of a new Alicorn follow with that. We believe he may have brought it here". "No Tia, I just talked to him and-" "You talked to this Alicorn? What does he want? Did he threaten you?" "Yes I did, he's here to help us not destroy us, and no, in fact he did the opposite". "Fill me in on the details" "First help me with Twilight". Celestia bristled. "Why? What happened to Twilight?" she asked. So many questions that need answering. Luna rubbed her head. "I don't really know for sure but we can find out later, Her leg is broken and I need help setting it". Celestia looked horrified but nodded her head. Luna walked into the room, her sister close behind her. When they got to the bed Celestia was silent. She nuzzled Twilights head. "Oh Twilight... What has happened to you?" Celestia whispered. Luna began to explain what she had to do. "Hold her leg here, and here". Moving her sisters hooves to the broken leg and positioning them. "I know what to do Luna. I've healed injuries such as this before". Luna nodded. "Do it". Luna said. Celestia pushed the two parts of Twilight's leg together. As she did Twilight began to scream, Celestia's face only became more stressed. She had to rotate the lower half a little causing Twilight's voice to crack and then only a light buzz could be heard. Finally the leg popped together resulting in Twilight to squeak. Luna released a held breath and put her horn to Twilight's leg. The room glowed again. When Luna pulled her horn away Twilight's leg was covered in a dark blue cast. Celestia gently stroked Twilight's mane. Luna walked to her sister and hugged her. "Don't worry sister, she'll be alright now". Celestia nodded. "We should leave sister, our kingdom needs us". Celestia nodded again and left the room. Luna followed her but stopped at the door. She turned to Twilight, still unconscious but looking better, on the bed. "Stay safe Twilight". She whispered. She left the room and joined her sister.