My Little Space Pirate

by GokaiKnight501

Chapter 1

Author's note: This is my first attempt at a crossover fic so a little pardon the grammar.

The planet of Equis has gone through some of the greatest dangers in history. The great armadas of the Space Empire Zangyack, who are trying to conquer the whole universe, decide to devote its power to its destruction and show ponykind the very depths of fear. But on Equis, there were warriors who stood up against this great evil. They were the 34 Super Sentai teams who have continued to protect the love, dreams, peace, and the smiles of all ponies. This battle is now known to the world as the Legendary Great War. Though the warriors fought valiantly, their efforts were nothing compared to the might of the Zangyack armada. In a last ditch effort the leader of these teams Akaranger pulled together all the powers of the 34 teams to attempt one last attack. Thus, Equis’future was saved but not without a cost. The warriors lost their powers to fight and became only mere legends.

And so time passed…

Chapter 1
“The Space Pirates appear”
A ship approaches the moon of Equestria –
“I felt it! I felt it!” proclaimed Navi .
“Whats wrong Navi?” said Luka.
“It’s Equis, the universe’s greatest treasure!”
“For real?!” Don said in excitement.
Don then proceeded to fiddle with the control panel of the Gokaigalleon to get a better view of Equis on the main monitor. He pulled up an amazing view which provoked everyone in the room to marvel at the sight.
“What a beautiful planet! It looks like a great place to live.” Replied Ahim, as she took another sip from her tea.
“That sure sounds like an observation from you, Ahim. It looks more like a huge jewel to me.”
“Is that all you think about Luka?”
“I don’t give a damn about that. Joe said groggily as he walked in to the main cabin of the Gokaigalleon.
“Our trophy, the greatest treasure in the universe is waiting for us on that planet.”
Trying to act cool again Joe? “We all know you’re just as excited as us to explore the planet.” Luka said giggling as she did.
“Is a treasure like this really on this rural planet? “
“Of course it is Don.” Replied Marvelous as he sat in the back searching through his treasure chest of ranger keys.
Everybody looked to each other nodding in agreement just as something hit the hull of the ship
“What was that?”
“It looks like the Zangyack Space fleet .”
“Oh no they found us already! What do we do now?!”
“We do what we always do; we wreck them, since that’s what pirates do.” Marvelous said as he pulled out his ranger key.
Instinctively they all pulled out their own ranger keys, ready to transform. All right lets make a show of this! Gokai Change! They all yelled as their morphers activated upon the insertion of their individual ranger keys. In a split second they were suited and ready to go. “All right everyone to your stations!” Everyone then rushed to each of their individual vehicles, Don with the Gokai racer, Joe and the Gokai jet, Luka with the Gokai trailer, and finally Ahim with the Gokai marine. As the gokaigalleon neared the fleet, the ships fired sending green laser shots flying through space at the galleon. The shots did nothing as the galleon rushed headlong into the center of the fleet crashing through one unlucky ship and destroying one to the port side with the built in cannons. All right lets finish this quickly guys. Pirate combination now! At that moment all the vehicles merged into one becoming a giant pirate mecha . “Gokai-oh ready! Full sail ahead!” The mecha then proceeded to decimate the Zangyack fleet with its two giant cutlass swords. “Alright that was the last ship guys, onward to Equis now!” The mecha then disassembled into the individual vehicles and docked back inside the gokaigalleon as it flew into Equis’ atmosphere.

Down in Ponyville……
It was another normal day in the town. The sun was shining brightly in the sky as the ponies of the town walked around some running their daily errands and some just enjoying yet another peaceful day. This was interrupted as the Gokaigalleon flew over the town coming to a stop right on the top of the city hall. With the anchors dropped, the pirates descended onto the roof of the town hall to greet the residents of Ponyville.
“pardon our entrance ponies.” Said Marvelous from his megaphone he pulled seemingly out of nowhere.
“We are Pirate Sentai, Gokaiger. I’m Captain Marvelous and this is my crew. We’ve heard that the greatest treasure in the universe is here on this planet…. So why don’t you cooperate and tell us where it is?.”
“There’s no use in hiding it!” Yelled Luka as she grabbed the megaphone.
“Really Luka, you shouldn’t be so hasty like that. That’s not going to get us anywhere.” Ahim said as she stopped Luka.
“well met everypony! Now then….you there, the tan pony with the horseshoe cutie mark.” Yes you. Have you heard anything about this treasure?
“No I’ve never heard of anything like that and I’m pretty sure nobody on this planet knows what it is. Right everyone?” Everyone nodded in agreement.
“oh dear.”
“See I told you guys it was waste of time to come here.” Don said as he freaked out causing Luka to elbow him in the stomach.
“So what do we do now Marvelous?” asked Luka.
“hmmmm…lets go eat.
“Wait how are we supposed to do that? We don’t have any of this planet’s currency.”
“Luka, your ring.” Replied Marvelous.
“What?” In an instant she realized what his intent was.

Back up in the atmosphere the Zangyack empire was preparing their initial attack.
“Barizorg, Insarn! Are the preparations complete? Yelled Walz Gil
“Yes Boss. all the preparations have been completed to all your specifications. “Said Barizorg
“Now let us give them a taste of Zangyack Space Empire’s might!”

Back in Ponyville……
The pirates had found a small jewelry store near the town hall where they could pawn one of Luka’s ring for some money.
“This is amazing! This diamond is easily worth at least 100,000 bits. Will that be enough for you?”
“Sounds good to me.” Marvelous remarked in confidence.
“Remember Marvelous this is only a loan, got it! I want it back with interest.” Luka was already more than mad having to part with one of her precious rings.
With that done they proceeded to wander through Ponyville looking for a restaurant to eat lunch.
“This planet isn’t half bad actually” said Marvelous as he looked around.
“The food on planets like this are usually pretty decent.”
“Then why not go all out and find a fancy gourmet restaurant!?” Don suggested as they stopped to think things over.
Instead of taking this suggestion Marvelous chose a small sweets store called Sugercube Corner.
“Why here?” Don and Luka said grudgingly as they looked around.
“This stuff smells amazing, These cupcakes look so good.
“That’s great but….” Don trailed off as he slumped onto the counter.
“I think this is great, experiencing the life of the common people like this.”
“You would say Ahim. This might be interesting for you but for us it’s pretty common.”
“Hiya! What would you like, Oh wait you guys are new in town aren’t you!? We need to throw you guys, A PARTY!
“no that’s quite alright, we just wanted to grab something to eat before we begin our search for the Greatest treasure in the Universe. “
“Ohhh, what’s that? Is it some kind of super awesome looking jewel or maybe it could be a lifetime supply of chocolate!”
“So anyway, can we get a few cupcakes for the road please?”
“Sure, that will be 10 bits for all five of you.”
“Alright let’s eat guys!
Before they could even take a small bite, a huge explosion sent the front of the store flying through the counter, sending all of their cupcakes into the wall.
“Is it possible to get some more cupcakes? “
“I don’t think that’s possible since the oven just exploded. Maybe later.”
“Really!? Damn I was really looking forward to trying one.”
“Besides that take a look outside Marvelous!”
The skies of Ponyville were littered with Zangyack ships already deploying ground troops. Many were already firing on all the buildings reducing a few to smoldering ashes as they passed over. Among them was the flagship holding Walz Gil
“Isnt that the flagship of the fleet the Gigant Horse? That means the group we dealt with before was just an advance force.”
“Whats that mean?” Luka asked Don
“Well if that ships here, it means they’re serious about conquering the planet.”
Suddenly a ship fired on them sending debris flying everywhere and the crew ducking for cover. Marvelous surprisingly was the only one unphased by this attack, not even moving a muscle to dodge the blast.
“Now what do we do!? This no time to be treasure hunting!” Don screamed as he hid behind a sign.
“Let’s head back to the Gokaigalleon for now.”

Elsewhere the Zangyack had already begun their invasion. Hundreds of Gormin troops were dropped into Ponyville, panic spread through the town as buildings were burned and blown to pieces and even the mane 6 who fought back valiantly couldn’t stop their advance through the town. They instead decided to focus their efforts to evacuating the town with Rainbow Dash leading the ponies out of town towards Fluttershy’s place which had yet to be attacked while Applejack and Twilight stayed behind to search for survivors. While searching they found a small group of fillies hiding in the ruins of downtown and managed to convince them to leave until suddenly the Force commander of the invasion appeared.
“hahahahaha! There’s no use in running.”
Suddenly he grabbed Twilight by the neck
“leave the fillies alone! “
“what fun would that be then? Ahahahahaha! He said as he threw Twilight to ground planting his hoof into her face.
All while this was transpiring the pirates had been rushing through the wreckage back to the ship until they saw this scene from afar…
“What’s wrong Ahim?”
Ahim pointed towards the force commander brutally attacking the innocent ponies.
“Guy’s we need to get going before they notice us.” Don said
“They do have my sympathy , this planet looks like its done. Luka spoke sadily.
“Their gonna probably turn this place into an imperial colony.”
“just like our home……”
All of them looked at the scene with almost callous looks when suddenly the force commander pointed his arm cannon at the fillies
“ahahahahaha, show me more of that fear! It really gets me going.
I don’t like it. Marvelous suddenly remarked.
“Its been fun, but I have to destroy you now.” The commander said as he raised his cannon charged to fire. Twilight and Applejack could only watch as he was about to fire when suddenly a shot was fired from afar. The Zangyack troops turned to find five ponies trotting towards them from across the street.
Well if it isn’t the wanted pirates! What do you think you’re doing here?!
“Who knows?”
“Probably another one of your so called treasure hunts,. If you leave now I might just overlooked what you did.”
“Shut up, idiot!” Luka yelled in response to the force commander’s threat
“You’ll be the ones getting lost.” Joe said
“We have no intention of listening to the words of the corrupt empire you serve.” Said Ahim.
“Me too, Guys like you make me sick.” ?Don yelled as well.
“Do you know who your talking to?! We are the Zangyack empire! We number in the hundreds compared to your tiny group.”
“We sure do, but when we don’t like something we wreck it.”
All of the crew then pulled out their ranger keys in ready to fight
“That’s what it means to be a pirate isn’t that right?” Marvelous remarked.
At that moment it was time to transform so all of them pulled out their morphers and yelled Gokai Change! With that they slid in their individual ranger keys hearing the morphers yell GOKAIGER! Signifying that the keys had activated the transformation sequence. Within a split second they were suited up and ready to fight.
Gokai Red.
Gokai Blue.
Gokai Yellow.
Gokai Green.
Gokai Pink
Pirate Sentai, Gokaiger!
“Alright let’s make a show of this!’ Marvelous said right before he fired a few rounds at the force commander.

to be continued....