The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Meet the Tenno

Aileen looked at the man Dressed similar to Corvo and the woman before turning to Luna. “I take it that they don’t belong in this world?” She says bluntly while Luna looks surprised.

“I didn’t know you knew about the other Equestria.” The Blue lady says as Aileen looked at the ‘Corvo’. hmm...I sense some Void in him, but not enough to be a Tenno. Plus it seems to be siphoned from Void itself, not inside him. This could either be a possible ally, or a great enemy.

“So, Who are you?” Celestia asks the ‘Corvo’ “We haven't seen anyone come through the portal since Twilight dealt with the sirens.”

“Wait Twilight? I thought she hasn't been the portal at all. Heck she's back in Equestria talking to her brother. Oh, and the names John. John Corvo.” John said.

“I called it.” Aileen thinks out loud as she looks over John with her glowing eyes. “So, what are you doing here?”

“A being from the Void called The Outsider sent me here to find a Tenno. They are connected to Void, and seeing as I can sense void in you, you're a Tenno right?” John said while looking at her through his mask. “Oh almost forgot. This is Roseluck.” He pointed to the girl next to him.

Aileen nods to Roseluck before sighing “I’ll explain later about all this.” She said to Luna before turning back to John. “Come on, I don't want to shout to everyone look, here's a alien from another system entirely.”

John shrugs. “Ok. Let's go.”

Aileen lead John through town and into the everfree forest, much to Luna’s confusion as her and Celestia headed home. Eventually, they reach the site where Aileen’s orbiter is. “Welcome to my ship.” AIleen says as they enter.

John whistles.”Nice place.”

“Not really.” Aileen says before adopting a more serious demeanor. “So, why were you sent to look for me and my brethren?”

Even if she can't see his face with the mask she could tell he was serious as well. “The Outsider told me that you and the other Tenno could be allies, and given what me and some others are fighting, We need all the help we can get. One more question. Are you a survivor of the Mayan Apocalypse?”

“ was 2017 when I went to bed, heard the Lotus in my sleep and woke up a kid with the other Tenno.” Aileen says, her composure breaking for a split second before it recovers. “Why do you ask?”

“So you're from Earth. I am too. Although it was 2012 when I was taken by God. Yes I said God. He gave me Corvo's powers and sent me to Equestria. Not even ten minutes later I'm Equestria’s most wanted for killing. Although I killed the real killer I got the blame.”

“Try being forced to be a child soldier, then we’ll talk.” Aileen says coldly before taking a breath. “Any other reason you went looking for me? Your Void seems too weak to be a Tenno’s, but I can tell you can easily siphon more void from the source.”

“Three reasons actually. One, if you see a man in a purple cloak with a plain mask. Run. Don't even think about fighting him.”

“Sorry, but I’d most likely use a Warframe to fight him instead. Anyways, continue.” Aileen said

“You fight him and this whole world is Gone!” John yelled.

“Inanis, how long do you say I have to survive based off his reactions?” Aileen asks the ship.

“I’d say about three minutes Operator, more than enough time to lead the fight elsewhere.”

“That's if he is just bored. He can destroy this whole Universe if he wants to. Heck he and his men have destroyed whole Reflections out of boredom!”

“Look, I get it. But it is a honor thing. I don't act, I am not only dishonoring myself and the Tenno, but I am dishonoring him by saying he isn’t worthy.” Aileen said with a eerie calm. “Now, your other two reasons?”

John sighed. “I was hoping you or the other Tenno could help me master Void. I can draw a lot out, but my control isn't that good. And if I'm pissed off enough I...become a demon in a way. One that can destroy worlds if left unchecked.”

“Not the worst that could happen.” Aileen said with a shrug. “Better to become a Demon than to have all the Void inside you break down your body at a molecular level before exploding with the force equivalent to a supernova….took the rest of us to weaken that explosion….”

John just pointed to his left arm. Which if his shirt was off you could see the cracks forming on his shoulder. “I think I'm going through that already.”

Aileen sighed and rubbed her temples. “Fine, I’ll try to teach you more about Void. And the last thing?”

“Well it comes in two parts. I wanted to Ally with you and the Tenno. You really don't want Core getting a hold of you guys. Also, do you know what a keyblade is?”

“If Core comes here, he will be able to directly assess lower portions of the void. And trust me when I say, Unless he gets the rouge Warframes to Join him, The Tenno are too honorable and too loyal to one another to join with him if he is how you say.”

“He can already access Void. He ripped my hand off to do it”. John interrupted

“Well then, you better be thankful that the void bows to no one.” Aileen said. “I am the closest there is to a grandmaster amongst the Tenno, and the Void only lets us do what we do. We do not simply master the void, we master ourselves and our potential with it.” Aileen explained before continuing. “Now for your other question, yes I know of the keyblades. I have never seen one, but I have played one of the kingdom hearts games back before I left home.”

John held out his right hand and summoned Fenrir. “Do you want one?”

Aileen thought about it. “ would be a new weapon to master...And I already mastered all my weapons I have available, guns included...but what is the catch?” Aileen asked.

“Well I'll need to do the ceremony and it could take a while for your keyblade to come. Also these ain't just some random weapons you know. Their sentient.”

“So is my ship. I am not saying they are not, after all the games did say they choose their wielders.” Aileen explains “How does this ceremony work.”

“I hold out my keyblade and then you hold it. I then say the oath, and that's pretty much it. Just need to wait for your keyblade to come. You'll need it because once core learns about you he’ll send either Heartless, Unversed, or even a fusion of the two after you.” John said.

“I’ve dealt with the Infested, I think I can handle the heartless.” Aileen said as she took a step in front of John

John held out Fenrir for her to grab. Once she had it he said the oath. Afterwards he took Fenrir back and unsummoned him. “And that's it.”

“Now, for your training. Roseluck, I sense your magic in you. For your safety, could you please head down below. Inanis will cater to your needs until we are done.” Aileen says as she gets into a meditative stance, literally floating above the ground.

“Cool. Since we're about to begin let's reintroduce ourselves.” John then took his mask and gave a small smile. “I'm John. John Corvo.”

“I am Aileen. Now, I’ll need you to get into a relaxed state. Allow the Void to flow through you as if it is blood flowing through your veins. We are going to go someplace we Tenno go to train without affecting reality.”

“Ok, Seems pretty easy to do. I've meditated before to help control it.” John then relaxes and enters a similar stance to her’s. Except he is on the floor and not floating. Before long, he awakes to see Aileen, only they are in a place John could tell was the Void, but not a part of it he had ever seen before.

“Here we are. This place is normally reserved for mastery Tests, but I think it is best to use this place to practice your powers.” Aileen said. “Now, show me what you have mastered to far, and we will work from there.”

“Didn't think we would enter the Void. Although I should have seen it coming I guess. Ok here we go.” John said.

John then began using his powers that he has learned. He blinked from one spot to another. He slowed time down to downright stopping it. He then used Far Reach to pull himself to a nearby pillar. He then entered Shadow Walk and became a quick moving shadow on the ground. He sent a blast of powerful wind away from him. He than began his other moves.

He sent a Nova blast at a pillar destroying it. He made a bubble shield around him. He finally summoned a few dozen swords made of Void around him with two in his hands.

“I can even possess someone but I need a living being to show you. What do you think?” John asked after sending the swords away.

“Not bad. Some of those I haven't thought of. However, I could tell that was it.” Aileen said. “Also, with those swords. Other than being made of void, is there anything special about them?”

“Other than I could never run out unless I'm out of power no. Although I can make them explode on contact if I make them fly like arrows at my target.”

Aileen sighed before summoning her Exalted Blade. “This is my void blade.” She said before taking a swing. A slice of void energy flowed from it , cutting another pillar in half from a distance. “This is one of the easier abilities if you know the trick behind all void abilities.”

John looked at the cleaved pillar, then at the sword, and then hung his head down while face palming. “Dang. I am weak aren't I ?”

“You're not weak, not in the slightest. You just lack what makes the Tenno so terrifying.”

“Control and technique. What I lack severely.”

“Wrong!” Aileen said harshly. “You lack imagination. Void is just that. A Void. Limitless possibility and potential, for both bad and good. I can summon all the elements, raise the dead, heal my companions, all because I am writing on the metaphorical piece of paper. But the void does harbor dangers. It may be blank, but it is not empty. I accept the void, but I don't enjoy it’s presence not do I push it out. It simply is.” Aileen said

“Uh quick question?” John said suddenly looking panicked.

“What is it?” Aileen asked

“By dangers do you mean that big DRAGON HEADING FOR US!?” John yelled pointing behind her.

Aileen sighed and rubbed her temples again. “How many times has that beast kept coming for beating?” She said before realizing one detail. “Awe crap...Forgot that the other Tenno are in cryo sleep…Hey John, ready to learn hit and run tactics?”

“Sure, although I know that already. I'm basically called a demon assassin back on Equestria.”

“Great, because we are going to annoy the piss out of a dragon.” Aineen replied

“I need better guns” John said. Aileen summoned her entire arsenal of weapons matrix style. “Choose your weapon and let's get going. She said, grabbing a shotgun, a blade and whip combination, and what looks like some sort of throwing knifes.

John looked though the weapons. He saw a bow that caught his eye as well as a twin set of pistols. The bow was mostly blue and the pistols were white with a bone like design.

“Good choices. Now, let's see how this dragon likes fleas.: Aileen said before her eyes went cold and lifeless. She turned to the dragon before turning invisible, a faint outline of her being seen running up a vertical wall.

John blinked to the top of a pillar and aimed with the bow. Aileen reappeared on top of the pillar before using Radical Blind, a flash of light that blinded the dragon for a few seconds before she Jumped onto the back of the dragon. SHe started to hack at it’s wings with her blade, tearing large holes in it as the dragon roars.

John charged void into the arrow and sent it towards the dragon’s neck. It pierced the flesh as with a roar it shook Aileen off. Before she could hit the ground however, she used the hook on her blade and whip to hook onto the arrow and swing back under the dragon, sinking a void claw into his soft under flesh.

John then blinked once to get near the dragon then again to get on it. He took out the pistols and charged them with void as well. He started firing at the dragon's wings. The Dragon roared and tried to swipe at John while Aileen climbed up his underbelly, sticking claws in as she clawed her way up.

John then put the guns away and then took out his blue sword Azul. He charged up its lightning with Void and then stabbed it into the dragon’s back sending void empowered lightning into it. The dragon let out a roar of pain as it tried to shake John off. John stumbled off the dragon and used Far reach to get to the ground safe.

Aileen climbs up its face before digging a claw into one of it’s eyes and jumping off gracefully. The dragon flayed around before flying off, leaving only a large residue of void and a large amount of blood in it’s wake. Aileen’s eyes slowly regain life as she sits down. “Damn...we got lucky none of us were hurt.”

John sat down beside her. “You ok?”

“Not really no. Physically I’m perfect. Mentally...I haven't been sane since I left earth. My earth I should say.”

“We both been through crap I guess. Although what I went through is probably puppies and rainbows compared to what you went through.” John said scratching the back of his head.

“I...I’ll show you later of what happened. It’s not something I just tell anybody.” Aileen said as she stood up. “Now back to training. Do you remember what I said before our interruption?”

“Ya, I apparently lack imagination. Right?”

“In a blunt way yes. You need to not think in black and white, but of every color ever imagined, and use that imaginations to do nearly anything. You can even use music in Void powers if you know how.” Aileen explained.

John thought or a moment. Then summoned another void sword, but it looked brighter and felt different. He swung it at a pillar and sent a wave of void energy at it cutting It in two.

“Nice Exalted Blade. That is what we Tenno call that particular Void power. Very stable, mine usually have a little too much power inside them to keep a steady shape.” Aileen comments, looking over the blade.

John let's the blade fade away. “There is still a lot to do before I can become anywhere near as good as you Tenno.”

“Not as long as you think. You have Potential to master many powers, but your mind thinks on a limited scale. We will work on mastering all your current abilities and take it slow. I may know many abilities, but I am a Jack of all Trades, a master of none. With luck, you will master your abilities, making you better than even me with them.” Aileen said, trying to sound encouraging.

John chuckled. “Thanks. So how long are we going to stay here? Anything you might need to do back in our bodies? Any friends you might have to meet?”

“We can stay here as long as you need it. For us, it has been about a hour, back in our bodies, it has been 10 minutes. So don’t worry about the time.”

“Hm, have anything else you can show me?” John asked.

“Hehe, what don't I have to show you? The question is, what do you want to learn?” Aileen said with a smile.

“Whatever I can!” John said with a smile while pumping his right arm.

“That so narrows it down...Music, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, Mind, Healing, Rage, Shadow, Earth, Sound, Sand, knowledge, Madness, Gun, Death, poison….the list goes on. Name what you are most interested in.”

“Hm, I'll start with Healing. The best healing spell I got is Cura. I'll need more Healing abilities so I can help those injured.” John said.

“ is a bit more advanced but I’ll try to teach you the Blessing ability. It will restore the Health and Shields, if available, to all allies and yourself while also increasing how much damage they can take.” Aileen said as she channeled Void into her hands before releasing it in a pulse, healing the two of them back to perfect health. “Now you try.”

“Ok.” John channeled Void into his hands as well, but when he sent out the pulse he sent both him and Aileen a few feet back by accident. “Uh oops. Sorry.”

“Uhg….What were you thinking of when you used that?” Aileen asked as she stood back up.

“Uh, just sending the pulse out...I should have thought about trying to heal instead right?” John said scratching the back of his head.

“Yes...Think of a healing wave next time.” Aileen said. “It won't be that good at first, but the more you use it, the more the void in you will be willing to accept that form.”

John channeled Void into his hands again. This time he thought about sending a healing wave. He also remembered some of the injured from Core attack. When he sent out the healing was bigger than he thought it was supposed to be. The wave went out for miles, even reaching the dragon that flew away as it went.

“What were you thinking of?!” Aileen nearly shouts as her headache even disapeared.

“Of it healing like you said. I also thought of all the injured from Cores attack, and how I wasn't able to do much with their injuries.” John said looking down.

“That would explain it, though your syphon to the void added with being in it probably amplified it. Emotion can affect Void, though having a cool head helps keep control of the void inside your body unless you are actively using that emotion at the time.” Aileen says clinically.

“Ok, thanks for the tip, and is that dragon heading back here?” John said. Seeing something in the distance.

“No, it is just stoped, confused as to what the hell healed it.” Aileen sighs out. “Let's head back for now, maybe you can use Blessing to heal those who need it. It won’t repair missing limbs, but things like organ damage, including eyes, can be healed.”

“Figures. Guess I'll go with a arm for a while longer.” John chuckled while making his void arm disappear.

“I can have Inanis try to make you a prosthetic. It’ll attach to the nerves similar to Automail from Fullmetal alchemist, only more sleek instead of steel.”

“That's ok. This Void arm seems more useful. If a prosthetic breaks no arm. I can at least keep replacing the void one.” John said while bringing his arm back.

Before they could head back a clapping noise entered the area. “I swear if that's Core i'll eat my own eyeball.” John said annoyed. When they looked to wear the clapping was coming from they saw The Outsider standing there.

"You've made nice progress John, and nice to meet you Aileen.” Hollow said.

Aileen bows. “It is a honor to meet a Void being that isn’t out to kill me.”

“Good to see you Hollow, but what brings you here?” John asked.

"Just checking in to see how your training is going. Also don't worry about your Equestria John. Stay here for a week or two and learn what you can. Maybe you can even teach Aileen a thing or two.”Hollow said.

John sighs. “Ok, I'll master what I can. Just hope nothing bad happens while I'm here.”

“It does complicate things though.” Aileen said. “After all, I planed on limiting the amount of people in this world to know of me to just be Sunset and her friends, but now I will have to explain to my soon to be adopted mother and aunt as well.”

“Sorry. My bad. Didn't mean to put you in that situation.” John said. “Anything else you could teach me for today?”

“hmm...Let's practice what you’ve learned so far. We will learn a few more tomorrow, I have a idea on what to teach you for now.” Aileen responded after thinking a moment.

“Ok, so practice the Exalted Blade and the Blessing ability more till I get a better hang on them? Ok.” John said.

“We’ll start with the blade.” Aileen said, summoning her own again. “I will teach you not only how to make it last, but also how to sword fight properly.”

“Finally learning a sword style. Thank god. So far I've been stuck to swing and hope you hit something. I would question your age since you seem young, but I'll just roll with it.” John said.

“I have mastered four different stances. Crimson Dervish, Iron Phoenix, Vengeful Revenant and Rising Steel. Choose one and we’ll start there.” Aileen said as she ignored the age comment.

John thought for a moment. “Hm, I'll go with Iron Phoenix. I'll think about the others later.”

“A nice basic stance to first learn. This stance deals in fast cutting attacks and a puncturing finish.” Aileen said as she summoned a sword and demonstrated the stance with a few different combos. (Insert video link to someone using the stance) “Now you try.”

“Ok.” John brought out Void Slayer and tried to copy the style, but feels like he looks like a crippled blind old man trying to do yoga mid air. “I'm failing horribly at this aren't I?”

“You are definitely learning for the first time. What sort of training did you have previous to me?”

“Other than basic martial arts like Karate, none. I've basically been using the ‘Swing and hope you hit something’ style.” John said.

“Hmm...Iron Phoenix it the easiest to learn, so I would keep at this at first until you master it. It is a rather simple stance, watch.” Aileen said, repeating the stance more slowly other than the small flip she does in one of the combos.

After watching her closely John tried to copy it. He feels like he was doing better, till he tried the flip and landed on his face. “Ow. Ok that hurt a little.” John said rubbing his face a little.

“You shouldn’t hesitate. Last moment you seemed reluctant to try the flip, and it threw off all momentum you hand. Try to not think too much about it, simply let it happen.” Aileen said, offering a hand to help John up.

John took the hand and tried again. He almost had the flip but his footing somehow slipped and he landed on his but. “Ok, one more time.”

“One more time, and then you will try it on me.” Aileen said simply as she watched the assassin.

He tried again and managed to land the flip. Once he did he tried it two more times to get the timing and feeling of it down. He then turn towards Aileen and got into the stance.

“You have learned quick, but remember: I’ve learned many stances and even some abilities other tenno are still discovering. None of the less, let us begin.” Aileen said, bowing before summoning Prisma Skana and getting into a similar stance to John.

John charged at her and she easily mirrored his movements. Aileen parried every strike John sent and pushed him back with ease. “Come on, think. Think outside the box!” Aileen shouted as she swiped John, forcing his back against a pillar from the force.

John breathed for a moment then used an ability he hasn't shown her yet. He made a few Doppelgangers, about four of them. They each got into the stance and charged at her. John even used bend time to slow down his perception while increasing his speed.

Aileen got a brief smile before her eyes turned cold again. Electricity covered her as she speed up, negating the slow time as she took her hand, void fire creating a ball in it before slamming it into the floor, causing a ring of fire to expand outward from where she stood. The ring was too high that John doubted he could jump it in a single jump as it quickly rushed toward him and the Doppelgangers.

Thinking quickly John jumped as high as he could and then used blink to head over the fire. Two Doppelgangers were able to do the same but the rest got caught. He and the remaining clones used far reach to pull themselves to the ground safely.

Aileen wasted no time and rushed into the fray, still in the stance they were practicing mere moments ago. John made a few Void swords appear and sent them towards her while the clones sent out Void cuts at her.

With grace Aileen bullet jumped above the cuts, swiping the blades out of her way in midair as she remained, gaining ground on the assassin and his clones.

John then sent a Wind blast at her while the clones followed behind to intercept her. Aileen Teleported as one of the clones tried to swipe at her, the other clone being replaced with her as the first clone cut his comrade in half. She continued to charge at john, her cold emotionless eyes bearing down at him.

He saw her coming with that look in her eye. He feared a little she could have gotten too into this for a bit, but shrugged it off. He sent a few Void cuts at her and prepared for her to get close.

She dodged them before nearing striking ranged, the other clone trying to intercept to protect the original. When she got close enough John smirked a little and then switched with the clone. She cut the clone in half letting a small smokescreen to cover the area. When it cleared she looked down to notice a few mines armed and about to go off.

She crouched and void enhanced her jump to jump straight up, trying to escape their blasts. John then used Far Reach to grab her mid-air by her foot and slammed her into a pillar. A yell sounded from the smoky crater as Aileen shot out the crater, her hands surrounded by void claws as her eyes remained emotionless.

John now thinks she is too into this. He quickly tapped into Void and drew it into him. He didn't expect to draw so much though. A small shock wave was sent off him while he was powering up. Aileen’s eyes focused harder as emotion returned, the void puss shrugging off the chains on her mind mostly as she landed near the now towering beast that was John.

John looked over himself. He had a pair of ethereal bat wings and demon horns. He knows this form isn't as powerful as the one he used against Blue Blood, but he could control it. “You ok?” John asked. His voice sounding a little deeper.

“When my adrenaline starts to flow, I lose all emotion and focus on the mission and the mission alone. In this case, the mission was to duel you and push you to your limit, but not kill you.” Aileen responded clinically.

Chuckling a little. John said. “Well that explains the war cry of ‘I’M GOING TO FRICKEN TEAR YOU APART!’ I heard a few seconds ago.”

“That was a part of the Rage element of void. The Warframe that specializes in it is named Valkyr.” Aileen explains.

“I think I tapped into Rage once. I once entered a form similar to this only more demonic. Although I held back the transformation about half way and held back half the power so I don't destroy the world I was on by accident” John said.

“Makes sense. Your void lacks form, control. It is untamed in a sense. You shouldn’t even using your void correctly with how it acts, but you do anyways. You need to know more about your inner void to have control, and through this fight and thanks to us being inside the void, it has helped tame your void.” AIleen tried to explain. “Next time you meditate, try focusing on the void in your Oro. Look at it and chose: Embrace it, Control it, or Hate it. One way or another, it is yours to control and tame.”

“I have a feeling that my Void will look like what this form would at full power, and I'm pretty scared to be honest.” John said.

“Don't be. The moment you give into Fear, the void WILL consume you. It is the same with complete despair, and other negative emotions other than Rage.” Aileen said hardly.

“I know. I sometimes feel it in the back of my mind. Trying to claw for control. I know in terms of power it's far stronger than me, but I won't let it win.” John said, powering down back into his base form.

“Don’t be afraid of it. A way to think of it is a dream. Dream not of what you are, but what you want to be.”

“Tenno saying right?” John asked. “Thanks for the advice though. So are going to continue, or are we heading back now?”

“For now let us head back. We have both had a mental workout and I think your companion is starting to worry that you are not responding.” Aileen said as she kneels down and begins to fade.

John also started to fade. When he came to he suddenly fell on his but. “Ow. Was I floating?”

“Happens when you begin to tune into the void.” Aileen says, simply standing up as if she had been sitting on a solid surface.

“Ok. So what now?” John asks.

“Now, I believe your rose haired companion would like to make sure you are alright.” Aileen said with a smirk before side stepping out of the way of Roseluck.

“Hey Roseluck. I'm ok. Just some training. Don't worry.” John said.

“You sure? You started floating after a minute, then you suddenly were surrounded by some purple aura and grew wings and horns.” Rose said looking worried.

“My body showed the changes?”

“Tell me Roseluck, did you notice anything about me besides the floating?” Aileen asked, curious about the answer.

“Well at one point you were covered in electricity while at another you had some kind of claws.” Rose said.

“ are a interesting one. You were able to see into the void by just looking at our Oro’s. Perhaps your exposure to Void thanks to John here has intertwined with you magic, allowing that possibility.” Aileen theorised.

“Maybe. So how did training go?” Rose asked.

“John has potential. He was even able to keep up and with me going about thirty percent effort, which is no easy feat. By the end of the week I’d say he can handle seventyfive percent before I pull out the stops.” Aileen told Rose.

“That was thirty percent? Dang.” John said wide eyed.

“Note I didn’t combine attacks, I simply used them separately. The moment I start combining, you’ll know I reached fifty.” Aileen said as she walked down stairs.

John walked up to Rose. “So, anything happen while we were training?”

Rose shook her head. “Not much. The AI here is really nice.”

“I have catered to Ms. Roseluck’s every wish as you desired Operator. She has also requested we create a Dojo after I had explained to her what the entailed, and has even crafted keys and blueprints to make more for herself and Mr. Corvo.” Inanis said.

John just looked at her for a second before putting his hands on her shoulders. “You are awesome Rose. You know that?”

Rose blushed a bit before saying. “Thanks. Just thought it would be handy?”

“Hehe. Well let's head to bed. Which reminds.” John then runs after Aileen while dragging Rose by her hand with her blushing the whole way. “Hey Aileen. Where am I sleeping?”

Aileen rubbed her temples before straightening up at the question. “You two will have to share a room. It is also made for one person until I have the resources to expand it. Follow me” She said before heading down stairs, muttering just loud enough for John to hear. “Of course...a why didn’t I think of that? Two where am I going to get the resources...maybe the nearby planets will have some….hopefully...”

“You ok?” John asked, hearing what she mumbled.

“Yes, I’m just pressed for resources right now. Do not worry Rose, I will have that Dojo up and running though it may take some time. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have an appropriate estimate on how long it will take.” Aileen responded before opening a hidden hatch on the wall, revealing a not claustrophobic room, but definitely not a room made to expect guests. It was spartan with the only thing other than the bed and a lamp were a few books on the head stand written in a language unknown to the two guests. “Sorry, it is here or the cryo pod, and I do not thing you two want to sleep in that.”

“Ok. Rose you take the bed. I'll take the floor.” John said, not knowing that Rose had a small look of disappointment on her before it vanished quickly.

“You are blind to women huh?” Aileen asked John with a small smirk and a quick unseen wink to Rose.

“What?” John asked confused. Rose saw the wink and blushed knowing Aileen knows. “Well I never had much interaction or even dated before back on Earth. Why?”

“Oh nothing, just don't be so focused that you miss details is all I’m saying.” Aileen responded before starting to walk off. “Sleep tight you two.”

“You to. Ok Rose let's-” Was all John got out before a wave of exhaustion hit him like Core did and he passed out on the bed. Rose got a little worried till she saw he was just sleeping. She sighed with relief before laying next him. She fell asleep soon with a small smile.
