Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Time of Relief

After the dinosaurs had finished their feasting on the manticores, all eyes were on Indominus. They had heard his delighted roar when he and Rainbow had made blissful love that morning, and they wanted to know what their hybrid brother had thought of the experience.

"So tell me Indominus," Blue said. "What did you think of your time with Rainbow Dash?"

"It was so hot Blue, and I swear that she's going to make it even hotter when I get back home tonight. Despite all that I did while the Devil and the Immortal Phoenix were affecting my mind and body, she still loves me. I never imagined to have somepony as dedicated as her in my life."

"Well, she does represent the Element of Loyalty brother," said Tyrannosaurus. "She's the most loyal pony you'll ever meet after all, that's what her friends have told us. Plus, you've been the only one that has defended her in her most vulnerable moments. That kind of returned loyalty definitely leaves a good impression on the ones you love."

"She even went out of her way to bring you back home Indominus, you're not going to lose her anytime soon," said Delta.

Indominus remembered all the kind things Rainbow had told him that night. She confirmed to him that he would always take priority over the Wonderbolts. They had even shared some wonderful, romantic kisses under the light of the moon. To top it off, Indominus had received powerful wisdom from a true god and was willing to take the journey to conquer his rage and beat the Devil. There was no denying that he was on the path to cleansing his heart and finding peace with his family again.

"By the way everyone, Rainbow wanted me to say thanks to all of you for getting Scootaloo to school this morning."

"Don't mention it brother," said Echo. "It was our way of giving you more time with your girl after all the pain you both went through."

"We're keeping our word to you and Rainbow like we promised," Charlie added. "That includes taking care of Scootaloo, and helping you and Rainbow out when there's trouble."

Indominus walked over and began nuzzling the raptors, who gladly accepted the comfort from their hybrid sibling. Tyrannosaurus joined them by nuzzling his brother in the midst of the comfort.

"Thank you guys, I knew that I could trust all of you to take care of Scootaloo. I know you'll have a great future with her when she's old enough brother."

"Thanks Indominus, I'm just trying to model myself after the most caring dinosaur I've ever met: you."

"So what are you gonna do today Indominus," Blue asked.

"I was actually thinking of paying our friends a visit and see if they have any advice for me in dealing with my inner anger. Plus I could use some personal advice from Rarity in making my nights with Rainbow even more hot."

"That's good to hear," said Delta." "For once you're not going off to the Wonderbolt or planning to attack them again."

"There won't be any need for that Delta. Me and Rainbow did a serious number on Soarin last night, and he won't be back on his hooves for a few weeks. I have no reason to attack them with the threat of the Devil lurking in my heart.

The dinosaurs were glad that Indominus was taking the matter very seriously, he wasn't going to risk hurting Rainbow or himself again. Attacking her as the Immortal Phoenix had hurt Indominus too much to just pass it off, so the hybrid was willing to turn to his friends and family for help.

"We know you'll be able to beat this Devil and the Wonderbolts, brother. All of us have faith in you," said T-Rex.

"Thanks brother, and thanks for not giving up on me guys." Indominus bid his farewells to his brother and sisters as he made his way over to Twilight's library.

He chose to visit Twilight first because of her expertise in spells and vast knowledge of everything in magic. He hoped that she had found something that could help him in dealing with the Devil. Indominus decreased his size as he got to the library and gently knocked on the door. He heard hoofsteps rushing to the door and in a matter of minutes, Twilight opened the door and was delighted to see Indominus looking more lively. Indominus found himself being hugged by the alicorn the moment she saw him.

"Twilight, were you and your friends really this worried for me since that battle?"

"Of course Indominus, hearing you talking about giving up on life and letting the Wonderbolts win was painful for all of us. I'm relieved to see you fully healed and back with your family, especially with what we heard this morning."

"T-Rex and the raptors gave me and Rainbow some 'quality time' this morning, and I was really in need of it. She's even promised to give me more of that love tonight when we get back home."

"Sounds to me like Rainbow really wants to make you feel loved again. Rarity could definitely give you some serious pointers on that subject, but I doubt that's why you're here."

"That's correct Twilight, I was actually hoping that you had some spells that could help me with my, inner monster."

"Inner monster? What are you talking about Indominus?" Upon seeing the disheartened look in Indominus's eyes told Twilight that it was something serious. Without any hesitation, she invited the hybrid dinosaur into her home.

Twilight asked Spike to prepare some drinks and snacks for Indominus to make him feel more at peace. Once he felt comfortable, Indominus began telling Twilight and Spike everything he had gone through in that fight against the Wonderbolts and Rainbow. From the moment that the Devil appeared within his mind, to his horrific nightmare about it trying to take control of him. Spike was holding Twilight from hearing about the Devil because it was too much for him to handle. Twilight was shaken herself, because she had never heard of such a deadly manifestation before.

"So this Devil creature, he wants to take over your mind and control you?"

"He wants to use the destructive power of the Immortal Phoenix to destroy everything I love. This isn't any ordinary creature Twilight, he's a manifestation of all the rage I've felt over the last twenty years. He took over my body and mind during that fight, and because of it I ended up hurting Rainbow Dash."

"Oh Indominus, no wonder you were so distraught after that fight. But that wasn't your fault," said Twilight.

"That's what Rainbow told me as well, but how can't it be my fault if that beast is a part of who I am?"

"That's just it Indominus, that monster is not a part of you. He's nothing but a physical form of an emotion that every living creature possesses. You aren't responsible for all that destruction, especially when Soarin was the one who provoked you in the first place."

"We'd never see you as a monster Indominus," Spike added. "You've been looking after Scootaloo for too long to be a monster in our eyes."

"Thank you guys," Indominus said as Twilight and Spike gave him warm hugs. "Just out of curiosity Twilight, have you ever heard of the Winged Dragon of Ra?"

"Winged Dragon of Ra? I've never heard of such a dragon before. Why do you ask?"

"Because, this dragon appeared to me a few nights ago and gave me the wisdom to want to beat the monster in my heart. He told me to look past all my rage towards the Wonderbolts, and to have Rainbow Dash close to me. Ra even told me that once I beat the Devil, I will have the power to bring down the Wonderbolts once and for all."

"Whoa, that's pretty deep Indominus. I can write a letter to the Princesses and see if either of them have any info about this mysterious dragon."

"I appreciate this Twilight, and thanks for giving your support."

Later in the afternoon, Indominus had bid his farewells to Twilight and Spike and began making his way over to Fluttershy's cottage. He decided to visit her next because the hybrid wanted to have some peace and serenity, and he wanted to save the hot peace for the nights with Rainbow. Plus, he could arrange to spend time with a friend that both he and Fluttershy knew. When he got to Fluttershy's cottage and knocked on the door, he shrunk himself down again and prepared himself for another hug. He couldn't have been more right, for once the door opened and Fluttershy saw him, she flew over and hugged the hybrid dinosaur.

"Indominus, I'm glad that you're back with us again. You must've had a pretty nice morning with Rainbow Dash for your roar to be heard from here."

"Well my family took Scootaloo to school this morning so I could have time to rekindle my love with her. She's even promised to give that same kind of love until Soarin heals from his injuries."

"What did you do to him Indominus?"

"Well, I'll have to tell you everything that happened for you to understand. Would it be alright if I told you in your backyard Fluttershy? I could really use some peace and quiet after all that I went through with the Wonderbolts."

"Why of course Indominus, I'll meet you out back."

Indominus increased his size, walked around the cottage and got comfy as he waited for Fluttershy. When Fluttershy walked out, she was joined by some of her animal friends who all went to Indominus and laid down around him. The hybrid was a little surprised that all of Fluttershy's critters were so close to him.

"I might've told them about what you went through, and they've been wanting to give their support to you."

Indominus looked down at all the animals that had gathered around him as they looked up at him.

"I'm so glad that everyone in this world is so concerned for me, even the animals. But I'm back with Rainbow again, and I'm not going to lose her again."

"Judging by how happy you two sounded earlier, I doubt that'll happen anytime soon. Anyway, why did you say that Soarin will be out until he recovers?"

Indominus told Fluttershy everything from how Soarin had tried to kill him, to his meeting with Ra and reuniting with Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was a little concerned when Indominus talked about facing Soarin again, but was pleased when she heard that Rainbow had helped him beat down the Wonderbolt. After hearing how brutally the lovers had slashed and pounded Soarin, Fluttershy now had a good idea of how long it would take for the Wonderbolt to recover.

"So tell me Indominus, how much love did Rainbow give you this morning?" Indominus was a little surprised by the teasing tone in Fluttershy's voice. He never expected her to be as teasing as her friends, but he still answered her.

"She gave me enough to where I felt so much joy and happiness, I haven't received that much love since she gave me my reward for trashing the compound."

"Did she per chance, tell you what she wants to do with you?"

"She wants to know what I find most attractive in a mare, and when she does, she plans on making me a fire that'll fill me with eternal bliss." Fluttershy turned red once those words escaped Indominus's mouth.

She had known Rainbow Dash since they were fillies and not once did she see Rainbow showing a romantic side. She had assumed that Rainbow would always be tough and cool, and never think about love. But ever since she met Indominus, Fluttershy had seen sides of Rainbow she didn't know even existed. That night when Rainbow had 'rewarded' Indominus had certainly shown a very passionate and hot side of her. But hearing what Rainbow planned to do to Indominus, made Fluttershy realize that her feelings for the hybrid were even hotter than she thought.

"You and Rainbow sure are on a whole new level of relationship. Rarity could definitely tell you what to do to make her love you even more."

"Twilight told me the exact same thing. But I think I'll ask her and Applejack in a few days, right now I just want to enjoy my time with my Dashie.
Oh and Fluttershy, I was wondering if I could ask you a favor."

"Anything Indominus, just name it."

"Is there a day where you could invite Discord over? I'd like to let him know about all that's happened, because I believe that he might be able to help me with my 'Phoenix problems.' Also, I don't know where he lives."

"Actually Indominus, Discord will be joining me next Tuesday for our regular tea parties. You could come over then and I'm sure he'd be more than willing to help you."

"Thank you Fluttershy," said Indominus as he gently nuzzled the yellow pegasus. He had chosen not to tell Fluttershy about his inner Devil because he didn't want to worry her too much.

Indominus got back up on his feet as he heard the school bell off in the distance and knew it was time to pick up Scootaloo. He gave his thanks to Fluttershy and her critters for taking the time to listen to him and made his way towards the school house.

That evening, after the dinosaurs had picked Scootaloo up and spent a day of crusading with her friends, the family was enjoying a nice dinner. After everything that had happened in the last few weeks, they were dinning and enjoying each others company as if nothing had happened. Indominus could see a small bit of sadness in Rainbow's eyes and had a good idea of what could be bugging her. So when the plates were all cleaned and the dinosaurs were relaxing in the living room with Scootaloo, they could hear Indominus and Rainbow in the kitchen.

"Rainbow, what's troubling you?"

"Why would anything be troubling me? I have you back in my life, everything is just as I want it." Indominus held Rainbow's face in one of his hands and stared gently into her eyes.

"Rainbow, I've been with you for almost a year and a half now. I've seen plenty of looks in your eyes, and I can tell when something is troubling you. I even promised your friends that I would be there for you, and that includes when you're upset. So please tell me, what's on your mind?"

Rainbow buried her face against Indominus's face as she told him.

"I...I miss being with the Wonderbolts. I know that I should hate them after what they've tried to do to us, but I still miss being able to fly with them."

"I understand Rainbow, you looked up to them for so long and finally got your dream achieved, only to have them crush it." Indominus gently stroked Rainbow's mane as he motioned for everyone to join him.

Scootaloo and the dinosaurs got up from the couch, walked into the kitchen and gave Rainbow a group hug. Rainbow held Scootaloo in her embrace for all the love she was getting.

"We're sorry that things happened this way Rainbow," said T-Rex.

"You guys didn't do anything wrong, Soarin was the one that attacked our family."

"He's also managed to manipulate the other Wonderbolts into going after us, said Blue.

"But we still think you're the best pony there is Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo added.

"Don't you mean super ultra-extreme-awesome-mazing?" Scootaloo's face beamed at hearing Rainbow's response and the sisters nuzzled each other.

"No matter what anypony says, you'll always be a Wonderbolt to all of us."

"Thanks Scootaloo, I'm so grateful that we've become such a strong and caring family."

That night, Scootaloo was sound asleep in bed while T-Rex and the raptors could hear Indominus and Rainbow loving each other in the gold room. Rainbow had kept her promise to the hybrid and was giving him love that was making his roars being slightly heard, even with the noise cancelling bubble he had cast. If the dinosaurs were able to hear Indominus's roars and Rainbow's delighted moans despite that bubble, they clearly had no control over their voices in their love sessions.

"How long have they been going at it T-Rex," said Delta. Tyrannosaurus glanced over at the clock on the bedside table.

"They been doing it for over an hour."

"How can Indominus have that kind of endurance," asked Echo.

They didn't have to wait long, for at that moment the dinosaurs heard the couple giving a combined roar that although it was muffled, was still heard from the bedroom. A few minutes later, both Rainbow and Indominus walked into the bedroom with satisfied expressions on their faces.

"You're getting even better at kissing, Indominus," Rainbow said as she climbed into bed and waited for her husband to follow.

"The many times I've made love with you have certainly helped improve my performance, Dashie" Indominus said as he crawled into bed and held his wife close.

"I've missed having you so," Rainbow said as sleep took hold and she passed out snuggled against Indominus.

"These next few weeks..are going to," was what Indominus said before he too fell into the comfort of sleep. The other dinosaurs eventually fell asleep too, glad to see their hybrid brother so at peace and loving his beloved Rainbow Dash again.

In the week leading up to Indominus's day with Discord, the hybrid kept himself busy by focusing on keeping his mind occupied from the bitter memories. He paid Smaug a visit in the dragon lands to hone his fighting skills more, and to inform him of all the peace he was experiencing. He even paid Pinkie a visit to ask for advice on how he could make Rainbow feel more happy after finding out that she missed being a Wonderbolt. His day of telling Rarity and Applejack about his secret desires, what Rainbow planned to do to him, and his own personal cravings was one that would give him plenty to do with Rainbow once the Wonderbolts were dealt with. Luna made sure to visit Indominus in his dreams and was pleased to see the hybrid dinosaur in much better spirits. But the best part of the week and all the others that followed, was the hot love and mating sessions that Rainbow and Indominus shared every night.

Smaug was pleased to hear that Indominus was following Ra's advice, and letting his family be close to him. The dragon lord gave Indominus his training as requested and tried to get Indominus to focus his mind on what he loved most. It was a means of not thinking about his rage so he wouldn't trigger the Immortal Phoenix. It was tough for Indominus, but the training gave him even more combat experience so his fighting skills would be more prepared for when he would face the Wonderbolts again. Indominus was becoming a more skilled warrior and also being prepared for the day when he would also face his inner Devil.

Asking for advice from Pinkie of all ponies was something Indominus never thought he'd be doing. Thankfully, Pinkie knew plenty about Rainbow to pass on the right kind of advice to Indominus.

"So what can I do to make Rainbow feel better, Pinkie?"

"Indominus, I'll tell you that Rainbow really loves a pony that can be as awesome as her in flights, and can pulls pranks with her. You could read Daring Do books with her, she's really into reading stories."

"I'm a dinosaur Pinkie, I don't pull pranks, I pull scares. If I were to even try to prank anypony, I would surely scare them."

"Oh, right. Sorry for making the suggestion."

"No, don't be sorry Pinkie, you're just giving me ideas. Though I think hearing some of these Daring Do stories might make her feel better."

"You could even take her out for a romantic dinner, it would definitely make her feel more happy. Maybe to where she'll want to keep kissing you until dawn."

"Ok. Are all of you really so eager to help me keep my relationship with Rainbow Dash?"

"All of us just want to make sure that you two stay happy together Indominus. You're the first one that Rainbow has shown any love for, and we've seen the pain that you've gone through. Everypony wants to see you and Rainbow keeping your strong bond with each other. The kind of love you two share is so lovely that I don't want to see you lose it."

Indominus licked her face after hearing her kind words. "Thank you so much Pinkie Pie."

As great as Pinkie's advice was, it was nothing compared to what Applejack and Rarity gave to the hybrid dinosaur. They met Indominus at the boutique one afternoon, and when Indominus told them what Rainbow promised him, their mouths were hanging open in shock.

"She wants ta do WHAT!?" Applejack could hardly believe what she had heard from Indominus. It sounded waaay too passionate to be coming from Rainbow Dash.

"I never knew that Rainbow had such a strong, romantic side to her. You've really opened a whole new side to her Indominus," said Rarity

"I never imagined that she would ever want to do something so amazing to me."

"Then tell me," Rarity's tone suddenly got very seductive, which surprised both Indominus and Applejack. "Have you told her which part of her body that you really like the most?"

"Rarity! Ah can't believe what you're sayin'."

"Oh come now Applejack, you've seen the way he stares at her. You should know what part he likes most, be honest with me."

"Well, it is a part that Ah didn't think that he would stare at."

"Wait a minute, do both of you know what I like most about Rainbow?"

Rarity and Applejack nodded simultaneously, and they actually saw a blush forming on Indominus's face. It was so rare to see the hybrid dinosaur who stared death and threats in the face, blushing over something like what part of Rainbow he liked most.

"We've seen it a couple of times during your first year of bonding with Rainbow, and it was peculiar how you weren't attracted by the 'you-know-what,' like most stallions are."

"Ah truly didn't think you would have anything that you considered most attractive on Rainbow. Then again, Ah didn't think a hybrid dinosaur had such personal likes."

"D-Do either of you think it's too embarrassing? I haven't told Rainbow about it, but I'm nervous about what she'll think."

"In my honest opinion Indominus, if you like somethin' then you shouldn't hide it. You like somethin' about Rainbow then don't deny it."

"Applejack's right darling, don't hide what you like from your girl. But if you're nervous, then let her figure it out on her own. She'll be trying many different ways to have 'fun' with you, and when she figures it out, I'm sure you'll feel that great fire and eternal bliss."

'I'm actually really looking forward to that day, and I'd really like to receive that fire from her."

"So, even you have some personal cravings of your own huh," said Applejack.

"Yeah Applejack, even a hybrid dinosaur can have cravings"

"This is a good thing darling, it will make your bond with Rainbow stronger," said Rarity. "We won't tell her about any of this, but promise that you'll keep us updated when she starts to get closer to figuring it out."

"I will Rarity, I swear I will."

Princess Luna had started visiting Indominus more frequently in his dreams ever since the battle. She had become somewhat of a motherly figure to Indominus where Smaug was like a father figure to him. Indominus told her everything that he had told the others and about the tranquility he was having. Luna gave him plenty of support and told the hybrid that Celestia wanted to see him next week in regards to Twilight's letter.

"Does she have info on Ra for me?"

"Well she definitely has some news for you in regards to this dragon. But I'd rather be there with her when she tells it to you."

"I really appreciate you taking all this time to look after me Luna."

"I'm happy to Indominus. I've seen most of your pain ever since the day I first met you. A great creature like you doesn't deserve to be tormented, you deserve the best that life can offer. That's why I want to be there to help you through this."

"Thanks for looking after me Luna," Indominus said as he and Luna shared a hug. However, everything else paled in comparison to the magical love he shared with Rainbow every night.

If anything had become more wonderful and amazing since Indominus's battle with the Wonderbolts, it was his love and mating experiences with Rainbow Dash. She had become far more loving towards Indominus, giving him the same great love and kisses from their honeymoon that were super hot. Indominus let Rainbow completely dominate him during most of the hot kisses and licking, which would cause his scales to turn a fine shade of red. When the final release came each time, Rainbow and Indominus reveled in the bliss and would stay interlocked for a while and give a few more hot kisses.

"I'll figure out what you like of me soon enough Indominus, and I'll light that fire in your soul."

"When that day does come Rainbow, I'll make sure to fill your heart with the same bliss." Indominus and Rainbow gave one hot kiss before saying together.

"It's a promise."

Then the day finally arrived and Indominus made his way to Fluttershy's cottage. He was slightly concerned of what Discord would think after hearing about what the Wonderbolts had tried to do to him and the Devil within him. When he got to the cottage, he heard laughter coming from inside. He had a pretty good idea of what was going on as he shrunk down and knocked on the door. When the door opened, it wasn't Fluttershy that greeted him but his good old chaotic friend.

"Why Indominus, how nice to see you today. I didn't know that you were stopping by on this fine day."

"Actually Discord, Fluttershy said I could drop by and I was looking forward to seeing you today."

"Oh, well in that case, please come in my good friend."

Discord followed Indominus into the living room and got comfy on the couch with his snacks while the hybrid got comfortable on the floor.

"Care for any snacks Indominus?"

"No thanks Fluttershy, I already had my fill this morning."

"So Indominus, Fluttershy did mention that there was something you wanted to tell me, what is it?"

Indominus swallowed his concern and began telling Discord all that had happened to him in the last few weeks. The Lord of Chaos didn't say anything for the longest time, so as not to interrupt his hybrid friend. Discord had a shocked expression on his face when Indominus finally brought up the Devil, and Fluttershy was horribly terrified when she heard the truth herself. After Indominus had told Discord about how he and Rainbow had put Soarin out of commission, the draconequess had heard all he needed to know.

"I can't believe they tried to kill you Indominus," Discord said as he teleported off the couch and reappeared in front of the hybrid dinosaur. "Had I known this sooner, I would've put those scoundrels in a hospital for months. But you've already beat me to the punch. However, is it really true that you have a Devil inside you?"

"Yes Indominus, is that really true? Did he really make you attack the Wonderbolts like that?"

The hybrid dinosaur hung his head as he sadly said, "it's true my friends, I know have a monster living within my heart."

For the first time in his life, Discord was at a loss for words as he held Fluttershy after hearing such a sad response. To think that his first hybrid friend was being hunted by the Wonderbolts and tormented by an inner demon was unthinkable.

"Indominus, I promise that I will do everything I can to help you get through this ordeal. In fact, if it's not too much, I'd like to bring you and Fluttershy to my realm because there is something I'd like to try."

"Certainly Discord, you don't mind, right Fluttershy?"

"Not at all, in fact I'd like to see where you live Discord."

"Splendid! Now let's be off, and we can continue our tea party after we've tried this." Discord snapped his fingers and all three of them disappeared in a flash.

The group found themselves in Discord's realm and Indominus could see all their monster friends roaming about. When they spotted the trio, they all flew over to greet them.

"Boys, you're going to see something that you haven't seen since the Ultimate Obedient Fiend was born."

"Wait, what are you talking about Discord?"

"Indominus, I know this might sound crazy, but it's the only way I can figure out to help you."

Fluttershy, Indominus, and the monsters held their breath as Discord gave his answer.

"You and I are going to brawl Indominus, and I'm going to use my chaotic power to try and stop you while you are the Immortal Phoenix."


