//------------------------------// // Suprise // Story: Fall of the Fire Kingdom // by Blaze Wings //------------------------------// The door to Blaze's room swung open abruptly and she nearly jumped out of her skin in shock. Her mother barged in breathing heavily. "Prince light is coming!" She gasped collapsing onto the floor. "What! Why didn't no one inform me of this?" Blaze shot up out of bed rushing around the room. Her mother still on the ground gasped for air,"Your ..... Dad." "Well I'll show him! Try to catch me off guard like this I mean what's he trying to prove", Blaze grumbled as she pulled a dress over her head. "Honey honestly I don't know why your father does anything he does anymore but perhaps he wanted light to see the real you?" "Someone like Light would like a rebellious girl because they're fairly easy to manipulate right?" "If they're easy to manipulate most likely", her mother nodded. "So let's show him the most well behaved girl he's ever met" * * * "Wake up Blaze we have a visitor", her father announced as he entered the room. Blaze turned from her homework to her father and smiled. "Oh father who might it be" Her father stared at her in bewilderment before peering around her at the paper on her desk. "Are you doing homework?" "I certainly am, I have to if I want to be a good ruler of this kingdom don't I?" "Yes I suppose so", he said in a cautious manner. Prince Light poked his head in the door a broad smile upon his face before entering. He stood next to Blaze's father who was looking at Blaze with suspicion. "Uh.. Prince Light has organised some activities for the both of you" "Such as?", Blaze said in a narky voice. Blaze's father went to speak but was cut off by Prince Light "A tour of my palace, a stroll in the gardens, luncheon at mid day, a celebration in honour of your visit and then I have arranged a quarters for you so you may stay the night", Light gave her a slight wink after his last point which made her feel sick but she continued to smile to keep up her character. "Well as long as I am able to complete my homework I would be delighted", Blaze was not delighted.