//------------------------------// // A Foul Phenomenon // Story: The EK // by Magi Tail Welkin //------------------------------// “Triplets!” Both Twilight and Flash stared shocked at Nurse Redheart. She nodded with smiling surprised with the ultrasound “That’s what I’m getting.” Twilight put her hoof to her belly and blinked constantly. She did know how to feel, elated of having so many little foals to cherish or terrified at the massive task ahead of her to not only become a mother for the first time, but also have three times the work, on top of everything else. Flash shaking slightly wrapped his wing around her “It’s okay Twilight, we’ll do it together.”, Twilight glanced at the ultrasound screen at the outline of the foals and her expression softened. Then her eyes narrowed “Wait, Nurse, the middle one.”, Nurse Redheart moved the scanner down to get a better view and their eyes widened, Twilight stuttered “Is, is, that, one an, an Alicorn?” The Nurse moved the scan around to check the others and the shock continued “Yes Princess, their all Alicorns!” Flash fainted. Twilight could not blame her husband. She put her hooves to her bump and whispered to her foals “Please, be good for Mommy and Daddy.”, she felt a stir and her eyes darted to the screen. The three little foals shifted slightly. A tear and smile appeared on her face and she rubbed the bump “Thank you.”