//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 | Introductions to a Unknown Past // Story: Legends of Equestria: The Elementals // by Grey Pen //------------------------------// The blackness seemed infinite as I floated there, finally stars or something along those lines began appearing. "What the, how is this even possible?", I asked my self while I floated there in disbelieve. I looked around more a bit, finally I started seeing planets poping up into existence along with blackholes and more. "He said it was just a report from a olden kingdom, not this! How did he think this is normal writing?!", I asked my self once more wanting a answer. Though no answer of such came, only more questions came forward as I zoomed through space. For example: How is this even possible, am I dead, am I in heaven or tartarus, and most of all how did Trot think this was a normal book that would give answers? So far I saw that I was probably not gonna get a answer back sadly, but something else was finally happening other then me zooming through space. I seemed to be heading for a planet up ahead, it was a planet kinda like Earth but it was a bit different. The planet seemed to have many biomes and regions unique to it, but it did have some similar attachments. I inclosed and time seemed to slow finally as it seemed what ever was doing this was now making me orbit the planet. I looked down at it, and indeed it was a sight probably no pony else but Luna her self kinda saw when looking at a planet from above. Though something did begin to happen as I orbited. "Oh what now? Wait am I, oh nope I am not ready to go into a fired crisp!", I began panicking even if I knew that I should've been dead long ago in realistic terms. The planet at this rate was beginning to increase size, or well I was getting nearer. At this rate it looked like I was going to burn up then I was going hit the ground in a pile of ashes. But something else indeed did happen, and all of the sudden I went straight down quicker then the blink of a eye. Everything went blank once more to me. The next time I opened my eyes I seemed to be on the ground finally but I was not in the lab anymore. I was in what looked to be a small hut made of ice and packed up snow. But this was not really crudely made like most ice or snow huts, it actuality looked sturdy like it could take a straight hit from a pegasus running into it at sonic speeds. Which added even more questions to my ever growing list of "What in Celestia's name is happening.". Though I finally also realized something else, I was in a mare's body it seemed as. I was not going to complain but it was cold and also felt very strange. So far to my view this looked like a much more advanced version of the memory spell, and that was at its self a even bigger confusion gift. But that also meant that this was a memory from a very old pony from long ago. I got hit in the head with realization of what I had found, but I knew something was not right. For one why did Trot not mention the part that this was like a memory spell? But those questions were put aside for now since everything seemed to un pause and I began watching through this pony's eyes. I gotten up from my bed and looked around in my hut, I was expecting company soon so I was glad the place was as clean as well it could get. A knock echoed into the hut from the door finally after a few moments of waiting. "Come in please.",I told to the one knocking on the door. The door opened and a white and grey stallion of sort walked in. He had a cutiemark of sort that looked like a collection of mountains with snow over them. He spoke finally after closing the door. "I see your doing you self well my daughter, but is it really necessary to leave the capital palace like this? I know you want to gain the up most experience of our subjects, but you have much else to learn as well.", the stallion told me. I gave a deep sigh before responding to him. "Father I know I have to learn other things, I plan to learn them out here along with the villagers.", I said as I stood up. My father was not happy with the answer but he showed respect of it, and replied to it soon anothe. "Yes I know Cyia, but still you could learn much more in the palace then out here. At least know that your allowed back anytime of place.", My father finally replied. "And I thank you father for your kindness to me, but even so I would not go back in a while. Maybe when I am done living the life style of my ponies I will finally come back and learn the arts of ruling.", I told him. He hesitated for a second, but finally he nodded and left through the door. I looked back down at the snowy ground wondering if I made the right choice. I felt it was my duty to know the status of my soon to be subjects, so I agreed mentally with my self that I have choice right. I headed out the door into the snowy storms of the northern region. To a different elemental it would feel like hell being up here, but to the Icues and my subjects it was paradise. I looked over as I exited the hut and watched my father leave on a sky chariot. "You will see father, my choices are well.", I told my self. I finished looking finally and headed out for a walk through the snow and blizzard. The villagers bowed to me as I walked by, I knew I was royalty but I still did not like it. I looked over and saw one of the fillies from the crowd began trotting towards me, but she was stopped by her mother. "Festive you can't just walk up to a royal like that!", her mother told Festive. Festive the filly, looked sad at this fact from her mother. I was not good with fillies and children, but it was heart breaking to watch this. "Please it is fine, and you little one what is it you need?", I asked the filly. The mother looked shocked at the fact I just spoke to them, but she quickly let the filly go to me not wanting any trouble that would not even come. The filly came up to me and spoke. "Um hello miss, ca-n I ask a question.", the filly asked nervously as she and her mother followed along with me. I gave the best kind smile I could to encourage her to speak on. "Please little one, go ahead.", I told to the filly. "How did you become a princess miss? My mother told me that I can't ever be such a thing, but there has to be a way right?", the filly asked with a little hope in her eyes. "Well that is a unique question little one, but I shall answer. You must work hard and be wise to become one.", I lied to the filly. I felt sorrowful as the filly gave a bright smile and walk away with her mother. "See mommy I can become one!", the filly said to her mother in a very excited mood. The mother gave a wavering smile to the filly, but gave me a stern look due to the fact every pony knew that you could not do that at all. I sighed and went back to my walk through the town. I finally reached the outskirts of the town and kept trotting through the snowy landscape. I found it relaxing to walk alone in this weather, I was told it was unwise to do so but still it is nice. Though as I walked I noticed a difference in the distance, a black color that sticked out in the snow like a sore hoof was ahead. I began trotting quickly towards the figure and finally reached it. When I arrived my eyes went wide at what I saw. A Shadowuis lied there with the mark of royalty, but this was not the emperor of the Shadowuisian kingdom though. It must've been a prince I was coming to the collusion of. He seemed weakened and looked as if he was about to die due to the cold. I quickly acted and picked him up with my magic, and then set him on my back. "Don't worry we will get you some help, just hang in there ok?", I told the prince. There was no sign of movement from the dark prince, but I could feel his heart beat on my back and the fading warmth aura on his body. Finally we reached a cave, and I quickly ran in and set him down. I then found some brambles in the cave and began trying to make a fire for warmth for the pony. It would hurt me to cause a fire, but if it was to safe another I could take the risk. I already had my cape on him to warm him but it would not be anothe to keep him fully warm in Iceusian weather. Finally though with a lot of luck I managed to make the fire. I then waited there by his side keeping near to him to add more warmth that I could. After a while he awoke near night time. "Where am I, and who are you?", the shadowuis said weakly. "Don't worry, I am no threat to thee. I am a friend who found you lain in the snow outside.", I responded. The stallion chuckled a bit and spoke once more. "You know i mean't your name so I don't have to keep calling you stranger or miss.", the shadowuis spoke to me. I gave light laugh to this and replied finally. "Cyia, an if I may ask who are you?", I asked him. "I am Shaded, nice to meet you Cyia. Now where am I to be exact, and why do you have a mark as well.", Shaded asked. "Well your in Icuesian territory, and right now we are in a cave near the town of Black Ice. Then as for the mark, I am the daughter of King Articais.", I answered back to him. He nodded and lied down there still trying to warm up a bit more. We sat like that for a few more minutes until he broke the silence. "So what is a beautiful mare as such your self doing all the way out here?", he asked grinning. I rolled my eyes and replied. "I decided that I wanted to find out what the life style of my future subjects is like so I could relate.", I replied to Shaded. "Thats a bit risky for you, how did your father even allow you to do that?", Shaded asked curiously. "Why did your father allow you to come out all the way out here?", I countered. "Well I kinda was testing out a teleportation spell, and it kinda sent me here. So yeah my father is probably sending search parties.", Shaded told me. "Well that explains why your here, and also how are you feeling now?", I asked. "I am feeling better then I was, and mostly because I have such a kind and beautiful mare helping me.", Shaded replied. I was lightly blushing but I was not interested in him in that way, nor was I in the mood to find some pony. "Alrighty then, well rest up. We got a long walk ahead of us tomorrow.", I told Shaded. He nodded and sighed as he saw that he failed to gain my interest. I lied down next to him to keep him warm and finally fell asleep after a while. Then everything went black again.