Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Rekindling Love

Tyrannosaurus slowly woke from his slumber as the sun rose. He noticed that Indominus and Rainbow were snuggled so closely together and that their tails had been intertwined. Rainbow was even holding one of Indominus's hands close to her chest, like she never wanted to let go of him again.

"They look so good together, I think I'll give my brother some much needed rekindling with his girl," Tyrannosaurus said softly under his breath.

He carefully got up from the bed and silently walked over to the raptors and tried to nudge them awake. Blue was the first one to stir and before she could say anything, T-Rex gestured to the sleeping lovers being held in each other's embrace. Blue instantly understood what Tyrannosaurus was trying to do for his brother, and silently got up herself.

"You're a good brother T-Rex, you know that," Blue whispered.

"I know, he really deserves this. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Rainbow will be pulling him into the gold room every night to make him feel alive again."

"I'm positive that he'll do the same for her as well."

"Right. Now wake up your girls and I'll get Scootaloo. We'll take her to school this morning so the lovebirds can have some quality time together."

Blue nodded and got to work on waking up her sisters while T-Rex nudged Scootaloo to wake her. The orange filly felt herself being stirred from her slumber and her eyes opened just enough to see T-Rex smiling at her.

"Morning T-Rex, is it time to get up already?"

"Yes Scootaloo, but first turn around. You've gotta see this cute moment behind you."

Scootaloo turned over on her side and her eyes widened when she saw Rainbow and Indominus holding each other so lovingly. She had to cover her mouth to keep from squealing and waking up the lovebirds, especially when she heard Indominus talk so sweetly in his sleep.

"Mmm......oh're so beautiful and smooth. I'll love you til the end of eternity, my fantastic pegasus."

"Aw, that's so romantic," Scootaloo whispered while struggling to contain her excitement.

"It really is beautiful, which is why we're going to give them some time to rekindle their love. After everything Indominus has been through, he could use some of Rainbow's love. So let's get going Scoots, and let the lovebirds have some more time together."

"I hope that one day, you and me can be just like them Tyrannosaurus," Scootaloo said as she kissed T-Rex while getting up. The kind gesture left the tyrant lizard speechless for awhile.

"That's a day I look forward to Scootaloo."

The dinosaurs began making their way out of the bedroom. Scootaloo had just followed the raptors out when T-Rex heard Indominus stirring from his slumber. He walked over and stood over Indominus as he finally woke up.

"Brother.....where's Scootaloo?"

"We're taking her to school for you Indominus. After all that's happened, you deserve some much needed time with Rainbow Dash."

"But T-Rex, I have my responsi-" Indominus was cut off by Tyrannosaurus before he could finish.

"Your responsibilities can be put on hold for awhile. Me and the raptor squad can keep an eye on her while you rekindle your bond with your fantastic wife. Besides, look at her. Do you really want to leave such a wonderful position?"

Indominus took notice of how Rainbow was holding his hand so close to her body and how she was snuggled so close to him as well.

"It's been too long since I've held Rainbow this close before."

"See what I mean? Now don't worry about Scootaloo, we'll take care of her while you enjoy Rainbow for part of the morning. After you're done making love to each other, we'll meet you in the forest, agreed?"

"Agreed. Thanks for doing this for me T-Rex."

"That's what family does Indominus, we look out for each other," Tyrannosaurus said before closing the door and leaving the lovers alone.

Indominus just took in Rainbow's whole body as he laid on the bed holding her so close. He then leaned over and gently licked the side of her face affectionately. When he pulled away Indominus had a content smile on his face, which grew into a sheepish grin when Rainbow spoke up.

"Look who's becoming the perverted one now. I didn't think that a hybrid dinosaur could have such naughty thoughts."

"You're one to talk my Dashie, you did the same thing on our honeymoon, I'm merely trying it for myself. Either way, I'm happy to be in your embrace again."

"So am I Indominus, I missed having your body so close to me," said Rainbow as she held Indominus's face in her hooves and began kissing him.

The hybrid dinosaur felt his body relax as he accepted Rainbow's hot kisses and the feeling of her lips against him. He could feel every sensation pulsing through his body as Rainbow rolled him over and laid on top of Indominus's body. She broke away from the kiss only to then lick the hybrid's neck, which Indominus couldn't resist. He just held Rainbow as she licked his scales and kissed him with so much love that steam was starting to pour out of his nostrils.

"Ohhhhh, I've missed this feeling. It's so wonderful and hot."

"It's about to get even warmer for you big boy," Rainbow said as she began inching her way down Indominus's body.

Indominus's eyes bulged when he saw Rainbow was positioning her flank right in-between his legs. He knew what Rainbow had in mind, and it was going to fill his body with pleasure like she had promised.

"Here we go," Rainbow said as she lowered her flank and inserted herself into Indominus. She then towered over the engaged hybrid with the same seductive eyes from their honeymoon. "I promised you pleasure, and know you're going to receive it." Rainbow ran her tongue along the length of Indominus's neck before she looked him in the eye and said some familiar words he had used once. "I hope it's everything you're expecting."

Both lovers felt their bodies being flooded with pleasure as Rainbow began thrusting on top of Indominus. He was used to being the one on top during their mating sessions, but this time Rainbow was the one dominating him. With every thrust Indominus felt his body getting hotter and being overtaken by the sheer joy that came with it. He was so overtaken with the pleasure and seeing Rainbow in all her splendor on top of him that he reached up and kissed her. Rainbow wrapped her hooves around Indominus and returned the white hot kiss as she continued to thrust on top of the hybrid's body. They stayed with their mouths intertwined like the rest of their bodies for ten whole minutes until they finally broke away for a breath.

Both pegasus and dinosaur were breathing hard and sweating from the heat of the moment. Indominus was holding onto Rainbow's shoulders to keep from falling over from the effort he was still putting into the mating. They each had a deep red blush on their faces and were giving one another beautiful seductive stares.

"You've really missed me a lot, haven't you Indominus?"

"Babe, you don't know the half of it," Indominus said while struggling to catch his breath.

He could feel the pressure building within his lower portion as he and Rainbow kissed again and knew the time was close.

"R-Rainbow....I'm so c-close."

"Do what you want Indominus, don't be afraid."

At those words, Indominus and Rainbow gave their best efforts into the thrusts. Their breathing was becoming more erratic as the pleasure reached the climax, and the explosion of joy and warmth that burst within them both. Rainbow and Indominus roared into the heavens as the pleasure flowed in their bodies. Their roars could be heard outside of the clouddominium and across most of Ponyville, which the Mane Five all heard. Which told them that Indominus had definitely rekindled his love with his amazing wife.

Tyrannosaurus and the raptor squad even heard the roars over at the school house just as they had dropped Scootaloo off. T-Rex could even pick a familiar and powerful scent all the way from the school house, which gave him a good idea of what they were doing.

"That is the sign that Indominus has experienced the joy and happiness from his honeymoon and that reward from Rainbow," said Tyrannosaurus as he heard his brother's roars.

"He sure sounds like he's having the time of his life," said Delta.

"Just think, we'll be hearing that every night for the next few weeks," said Blue.

"I'm just glad that Indominus is back home and that he and Rainbow are still together," said Scootaloo.

"They love each other far too much to lose sight of their relationship Scootaloo. In fact, I think Rainbow might love Indominus more than she loved being a Wonderbolt. Now go on Scootaloo, and we'll see you afterwards for more crusades, alright?"

"Ok T-Rex," Scootaloo said while sharing a family nuzzle with him and the raptor squad and then heading into the school house.

"Alright girls, let's go and find our breakfast. Indominus will be joining us after he and Rainbow finish having their fun."

The group of carnivores left the school and headed into the Everfree Forest to hunt for prey. They would wait for their hybrid brother later.

Back in the clouddominium, Indominus was laying on the bed breathing slowly after the effort he had put into his mating with Rainbow. While the hybrid tried to catch his breath, Rainbow laid on top of him giving Indominus gentle kisses on the side of his face and stroking it with a free hoof. She felt so happy and satisfied after her experience with Indominus, and each time always felt as wonderful as their first time in the cave over a year ago.

"Rainbow," Indominus said after catching enough breath to speak. Rainbow lowered her head until they were eye to eye.

"Yes my scaly stud?"

"I can't thank you enough for the wonderful experience. It was so beautiful."

"You're welcome Indominus, you're always in my heart each time." Indominus wrapped his arms around Rainbow and held her in a hug as they stared happily at each other.

"You are also nice and kind with me every time. Plus we always turn red when we kiss in the heat of the moment. "

"Yeah we do. Oh by the way, make sure to give T-Rex and the raptors my regards for getting Scootaloo to school this morning."

"Will do Rainbow." The lovers nuzzled each other softly as they held each other. Rainbow could hear Indominus's steady heartbeat from being so close to him.

"You've got a strong heart Indominus. Even after all the excitement, it's beating so strong and calm."

"Really now? What does it sound like it's saying with those beats?"

"It's saying Rain-Bow, Rain-Bow, Rain-bow."

"Cute, real cute."

"I've never loved any stallion as much as you Indominus. I can promise you that I will never betray you for those wretched Wonderbolts again."

"I know Rainbow, I'm just sorry that you had to give up your lifelong dream."

"Hey, even if I did become a true Wonderbolt, it wouldn't be complete without you." The lovers rolled onto their sides and Indominus coiled his tail around Rainbow in a loving embrace before kissing her on the cheek.

"Because we're too good together."

"Exactly. You're so unique," Rainbow got up and moved on the bed until she was staring down at Indominus's face while he looked up at hers. "Devilishly attractive, and you excite me in ways no stallion ever could."

"Just for curiosity Rainbow, what about me is so exciting? I don't believe I have anything that truly stands out."

"Well there is your strong scaly hide and those massive biceps that seem to get bigger. Your chest is so smooth to rest on, but, if you really want to, we could talk about your-"

"Whoa Rainbow!! I know where that is going."

"Now your turn," Rainbow said as she stared at Indominus seductively. "Which part of me do you find most attractive?" Indominus actually got a little nervous from Rainbow's intimate question.

"I don't have a particular preference of what I like most about you, really I don't."

"Oh you say that now, but sooner or later I will find out what you like most about me and you know what will happen then?"


Rainbow leaned down and gave Indominus a sweet upside down kiss before she whispered her answer to him.

"I will make a fire in your core so hot that you will feel eternal bliss."

She gave one final kiss on Indominus's nose before she got up and made her way to the door. Even though she wasn't a Wonderbolt anymore, Rainbow still had her job as weather manager. Before she left, she turned back towards Indominus, who was getting ready to head out the window and told him.

"Remember my scaly stud, everything we just did this morning will be waiting for you tonight in the gold room. I still have plenty of love and pleasure to bestow upon you." She then gave Indominus a wink before she left the bedroom.

Indominus chuckled as he took off out the window and said to himself.

"I look forward to it."

Over in the Everfree Forest, Tyrannosaurus and the raptors were feasting on a pack of Manticores when they heard Indominus's footsteps approaching. They pulled their jaws out of the bodies when their hybrid brother came into view.

"Tell me brother, did you enjoy your time with Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh I had such a wondrous time with her, T-Rex. She can give pleasure just as much as she can enjoy the kind I give her. These next few weeks will be the most exhilarating time of my life. But for now, I could really use a good meal."

"There's a few Manticores hiding around here somewhere," said Echo. "Maybe they can satisfy your appetite."

Indominus began searching the area for any signs of movement or heat signatures, then suddenly took off into a group of trees. The other dinosaurs lost sight of him, but they heard painful shrieks and savage roars in the distance. Then after a minute, everything went dead silent with no indication of life. But after a moment, Indominus's footsteps were heard along with him coming back towards his family with two manticore bodies in his hands.

"You're still an effective hunting machine Indominus," said Blue.

"I always will be," Indominus said as he began digging into his kills and devouring the flesh.

The six dinosaurs ate away at their kills as a family, all while enjoying the brief time of peace that Indominus and Rainbow had bought them by beating Soarin into a pulp.