Littlest Equestria

by BubblegumBeats


Recently, some interesting things have been going on in the Littlest Pet Shop. A new day camper has joined in, and so much more has started...oh, boy, would I be surprised if you knew of it.

Regardless, you may want to know what’s been going on, so I will tell you.
After Littlest Pet Street’s opening, everything was quiet and peaceful...too peaceful.

Although, something had been on Roger Baxter’s mind: he wanted to give his daughter, Blythe, a pet. So after a few days of researching breeders, he made his decision.

He surprised Blythe with the news, oh, man, he did, and took her to a breeder’s home after school, one fateful day. That day, a reluctant Blythe chose a gray kitten, took her back to the pet shop, and named her Diamond (after, of course, introducing her to the day campers of Littlest Pet Shop.)

Diamond, not much older than a kitten, started hanging out more and more with the pets, and she soon was welcomed into their group, more than before.

But a little girl petnapped Vinnie, Diamond, and Sunil, three of the day campers, so I guess the friendships didn’t last long.

That same girl played with her “pets” a while, she had her fun, but she also made them be a family. Vinnie the child, Sunil the father, and as the only present female (animal, anyways) Diamond, the mother.

Not that they went along with that, of course.

After Vinnie revealed a little secret to Sunil (something we’ll get back to briefly) Diamond found an escape, and the three returned to Littlest Pet Shop: a worried Sunil, an annoyed Vinnie, and a chipper Diamond.

What else? Oh, we’re only getting started! But don’t worry, we’re almost to the real story.

Anyways, Sunil woke up from a dream, that night, so scared. Why? Because of what Vinnie had told him. It scared the mongoose, clearly, and he couldn’t get it off of his mind.

So what did he do? He went to Zoe Trent! In the middle of the night.

Sunil spoke with the tired spaniel, and told her of how he felt. He admitted he had a romance problem, and of course Zoe decided to help him with it.

Oh? Do you want me to tell you of the secret Vincent told his best friend? A few more minutes, if you will.

After performing with There’s Note Stopping Us Meow (well, sort of) he didn’t quite solve his problem. Which makes sense. He was supposed to win over a certain someone’s heart by singing a love song, but he kind of failed when the choreography got complex and they all fell into a pile.

So what next? Jealousy!

Zoe had Sunil and Pepper act as a couple in front of his love interest, to see if he could get ‘em jealous, but that didn’t work either, considering the fact how neither of them are very good actors. Sunil is a terrible liar, after all!

As the last attempt to win someone’s heart over, the mongoose had to write her poetry. This failed, as well, since apparently sneaking into a night owl’s apartment to hide something isn’t a very good idea.

No, we aren’t at the secret part yet!

Anyways, since a certain someone had shooed Sunil away the previous night, she went to him in the day camp the next morning to apologize. For what? For not taking the time to figure out what he wanted.

How did that story end? It ended with the mongoose starting to say “I love you”, the female cutting him off, and Zoe and Pepper secretly recording the scene from the corner of the room.

Who was Sunil’s love interest? If you haven’t figured it out already, it was Diamond.

And now, so you may stop asking, I will tell of Vinnie’s secret.

The words whispered into Sunil’s furry blue ears? Here they are: “You and Diamond,” Vinnie had said. “Ever since she got here, you two both treated each other in a unique way.”

No, we’re not quite done yet! We have a little more before we move on to Equestria. Besides, this next part’s pretty short and sweet.

So, after that romance thing, you’d think that those two would start hanging out more, right? Correct!

Anyways, Sunil set up a bunch of activities for the two to do that day, so that he could hopefully ask her to be his girlfriend by the end of the day. You know, hopefully.

Which could’ve gone better, since Delilah showed up and totally threw everything off.

After some jealousy stuff and a song, Delilah reveals what most everyone knew: she was humoring Sunil, and not being serious.

Short and sweet.

And this is the last before where we really take off, so I promise, I’m not going to ramble on forever.

To start it off, things were all okay. Yeah, this sounds dangerous.

Shortly after, though, the day campers are forced to spend time at The Pawza, due to Mrs. Twombly being on another clean fever, this time, worse than before. But who on Earth would decline spending time getting pampered? Mrs. T was the one paying for their stay, after all.

But to make it simple, Diamond overheard the boys talking about something, and, of course, jumped to a conclusion, starting a fight with Sunil.

So, after a song, what do they do? Hiss and make up. Ah, feline puns, they do my heart good.

Great. Now you’re all caught up, and we can enter the next chapter of their lives...

Let’s start with the Sirens, shall we? Those three hungry, hungry teenagers, and how they cross between not two, but three worlds.

This will be fun, won’t it? Of course, of course.

But before we move on, one question...

Are you ready to witness one of the most scarring magical feats ponies know of?

Are you ready to watch the universe shrink into a tiny speck and float away, leaving Zoe Trent in the abyss of irritation?

Are you ready to see the death of Twilight Sparkle?

Good, because this won’t be that bad.

Now, then, where to start...

Oh, yes, the whiny Sirens.

Let’s go on a little trip, shall we?