Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 3 - Can I Get a Light! - edited

Strange Town 003 - edit

Chapter 3 - Can I get a light!

Today I don't wake up to the sound of a car pulling out of the driveway. No, today I woke an hour earlier than usual. With the recent runaway mystery on my mind and the possibility of solving it, (or at least with this big lead on my mind) I found myself waking up early for once.

(Even with this lead I'll have to wait until after school before seeing if it actually leads anywhere or not. Maybe I could just skip school today... Wouldn't be the first time.) I thought as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

After a few minutes of washing up I leave the bathroom. (Actually, if I miss my counselings session Principle Celestia will force me to repeat... I guess as long as I show up for that there won't be any problems. Also, Blueblood might need my help looking like a hero again.) I though as I headed back to my room to get dressed for today.

I put on a pair of black slacks and a white t-shirt with the letters CMX printed on it.
CMX was another musician I listened to... Not that anyone would see it under my signature jacket that I put on afterwards. I also made sure to place my Grandfather's lighter as well as the missing teens poster in the pocket on the inside of the jacket.

Looking at the clock next to my bed I saw that it would have been half an hour before I would usually get up. I made my way downstairs and saw something that surprised me. Sitting at the table was my mother... And she looked like a wreck.

My mother, Charity Ball, has white skin and long orange hair that curls upwards at the end... Usually, as right now it was frazzled and all over the place. She wore a yellow summer dress that ran down her body.
She was currently slouching over the table, her arms keeping her head elevated. She looked like she might collapse at any second. Her face had large dark bags under her eyes which normally wouldn't be there either. She looked exhausted.

Hearing me come down the stairs mum looked my way with what could pass as a smile. "Oh... Morning Drifting..." she lazily said.

It's a bit odd hearing someone besides Principal Celestia use my actual name. While it might feel odd it's not unwelcome... At least when it comes from someone I care about.

"Mum... You don't look too good, have you been to bed yet?" I asked worried for her.

"No... I was at city hall all night finishing the paper work for Har-Fest. Even though it's not for a few more days were really behind schedule... So I'm just gonna get to the point. Can you do me a favour?" She asked with her tired smile and unfocused eyes.

"Sure?... Depending on what it is." I answered.

"Well... I promised to deliver some of the decorations and equipment to city hall this morning... But it's not safe for me to be behind the wheel of a car as I em right now. So would you be able to do it for me?" She asked as she laid her head on the table.

"You just want me to make a delivery? Sure... Sounds simple enough. As long as it doesn't take too long. Where are the things that need to be delivered?" I answered looking around for any boxes.

"Weeeeellll... Actually. You would need to go to Sweet Apple Acres to get them." She said sheepishly.

"You mean that rundown old farm on the outskirts of town? ...You realise I got school today right?" I asked.

"pfft... I know you ditch school every so often, so what do you care? what's one more time gonna do?" she said with little care.

"You do understand as a parent your not supposed to encourage my bad behaviour? ...I'm just gonna ignore what you said as clearly your too tired to understand what your saying... But fine, I'll do it. Also, because of all my waging, and some other unimportant incidents. They put me in counselling sessions, so I do care as Principle Celestia could force me to repeat if I miss them". I said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll write you a note" Mum said as she slowly got up. After she gave me the note she made her way to her room.
"sorry to hear your crazy. You probably got that from your grandfather."

"What?... I'm not crazy! I just told you why I'm getting counseling!... just go get some sleep" I replied.

(alright this task could help kill some time... Wait a second) I thought as I looked towards my parent's room.
"What time should I go? also shouldn't dad be up by now?" I called down to mum.

"Now... But have some breakfast first, I made some toast for you. And it's your dad's day off so he's sleeping in." mum called back.

I looked around to find the toast mum talked about and saw what looked to be charred remains of bread on a plate with mayo smeared on it. (I'm gonna chop that up to mum being tired). I thought as I dumped the breakfast abomination in the bin.

After making and eating a proper breakfast I grabbed my keys before getting into my car and making my way towards Sweet Apple Acres.
(Mum really wares herself out for these charity events. She's probably gonna call on me for more favours over the next 2 days). I thought as I looked at the clock in my car. (I would have gotten up around 10 minutes ago usually. It's gonna take 25-30 minutes to get to Sweet Apple Acres and then another 50-60 just to get to city hall, plus however long it takes to load up my car with any of the equipment... This could take awhile, meaning I could miss the first two periods which are English and Science. If I'm not careful I could miss my counselings as well and I don't want to cause trouble for Mr Freerights.)

I turned on the car radio to help pass the time as I drove to my destination, the local news was on air which I wasn't too interested in hearing, but the only other station was country... So news it was.
"Good morning Listener's! you are tuned into 74.7 Caster in the morning, and I've got all the local news stories to keep you listeners informed." the over cheery Radio host, Caster announced. clearly he was a better morning person than me... Although that wasn't hard to do.
"if you've been following the recent runaway stories then you would know that so far 8 teens have gone missing... Well it seems since yesterday we got another kid to add to the list. 16 year old Short Stick ran away from home to follow his dreams just like every teen before him in the past few months, if only more aspiring teens dreamed of being local radio hosts we wouldn't have a runaway problem... As there dreams would be crushed being unable to compete with such an amazing host as myself... Sound Caster."

I was annoyed at how Sound Caster acted, he was self absorbed and obnoxious... Like me. But he was still better than country music so I stayed tuned in.
"Why are these kids getting so much attention anyway!?... They keep in touch with there family's so what's the problem? Police have even stated it's not a big issue... Suspicious maybe, but more likely a coincidence if you ask me." Caster said his voice full of attitude... And truthfully I hoped he was right, that this was just some teenagers making dumb decisions story and not some weird cult or crazy conspiracy.
"You know who suffers the most from this? Real missing persons... My neighbours friends cousins big sister's hairdresser's neighbour disappeared and I never saw any mention of him in the news... Although he might have just moved. My sources tell me there have been adults going missing as well although they've all been loners who don't socialise much, so it could just be they never told anyone they were leaving or skipping town.
The point is, stories like runaway kids takes focus away from real news!" Caster was clearly annoyed, probably from having to talk about this for the past month or two.

"But hey... No point getting upset over kids doing dumb things, they'll show up eventually, so moving right along to something that is back... Golden Oaks Library! That's right Golden Oaks Library is opening back up tomorrow and just in time for Har-Fest. For those of you who didn't know, Golden Oaks was closed when the former librarian quit her job and moved towns after winning the lottery, and with no one to fill her role Golden Oaks was closed until a replacement could be found... There Probably hoping some of that librarian luck will rub off on them.
So for those out there who would like to read up on the history of our town go on down to Golden Oaks Library... Or you know... Google it like a normal person."

"huh... maybe this Sound Caster guy isn't so bad after all" I said as I listened to his snarky comments.

"Now to help get you guys ready for Har-Fest, how about some old school country tunes for the rest of this morning" he said as the sound of a banjo began to play

"I spoke too soon" I quickly corrected myself as I turned off the radio. For the rest of the trip I drove in silence.

I was in the outskirts of town when Sweet Apple Acres came into view. The farm sat on the boarder of our town, placing it between a whole lot of nothing and the middle of nowhere. There was a sign welcoming me to Sweet Apple Acres that hung above a wooden arch at the entrance of the farm. I also realised that at some point the gravel road had stooped as all I could see was a dirt road.
Besides rows of apple trees there was also a big red barn, a pig pen, a chicken coop and a large 2 stories house where the farmers must live.

"oh man, did I go back in time or something? ...This place looks like it belongs in a history book... It probably is. I bet these people wouldn't even know what a DVD is... They'll probably call me a witch if I brought my new laptop" I said sarcastically as I drove up to the barn which had a truck parked outside.

"I wonder how many times I'm gonna hear Ye-haa or be called Partna today" I said as I parked, "this place smells like a mix between a zoo and a hobo" I continued as I got out of the car.
It was at that moment I noticed there was a large guy sitting in the truck with his window down who looked annoyed... Probably because he overheard my comments about the farm. Too bad my people skills suck as my next few actions wouldn't help lighten the mood.
"Greetings... I am from the future and I've come to tell you that one day an invention called soap will solve 80% of your problems. Also marrying your cousin becomes frowned upon." I said like a jackass.

...Which he didn't react to, instead he just gave the same grumpy stare that told me more than words could.

"Oh... Your wondering who I em. Well Charity Ball couldn't make it so I'm filling in for her" I said understanding what he said with his stare.

He got out of the truck which gave me a better look at him.
He was taller than me with red skin and blond rugged straight hair, he was wearing a brown flannel chequered shirt which clung to his very muscular and well toned chest and biceps. He also wore a pair of blue jeans and brown work boots.
He was clearly strong, probably due to growing up on a farm... I've fought bigger guys then him but this guy looks like he could easily hold his own.

He walked over to the barn door with me in tow.
"So I was told you needed help getting somethings over to city hall... But honestly a big guy like you should have no problem with a few boxes" I said as he began opening the barn.
When the barn door opened wide so did my eyes, there weren't a few boxes... There were a lot of boxes, more than both my car and his truck could carry in one or two trips.
"This is... Not what was advertised" I said shocked at what i had signed up to do "sigh... This is gonna be an all day thing isn't it?" I asked disheartened at the true task at hand.

"Yup" he responded, pleased at my unhappiness.

For the rest of the morning we would alternate between filling our vehicles with boxes and then dropping them off at city hall, some boxes requiring both of us to carry.
Every time I made a smart ass remark about anything he would cased a glance towards all the work I still had to do before looking back to me with a smirk, which in turn would shut me up. It also didn't help that while we worked he would have his trucks radio tuned to the country music channel... Every time I turned it off he would turn it back on and turn up the volume.

On our second trip as I went to lift a large box, Farm boy rushed ahead of me looking overly pleased as he lifted it to his truck. Now he never said or did anything to me directly, but there was something about his body language that sounded smug... Something like "I'll take that, you can't handle it".
He clearly knew I was going for that one, it was like a silent challenge... One I accept.

This time as Farm boy went to lift a large box I rushed ahead of him. As I lifted the box I turned to him with the same overly smug/pleased look that he had as I took the box to his truck while making it look easier than it was... Which wasn't easy, but I was too stubborn to back down. And I stand by that decision.
From that point on without any words being spoken we tried to out do one another while hiding our exhaustion.
The silent competition was unlike the ones I have with flash, no one was keeping score. And while I was trying to outshine him and prove I'm better, something felt different. I was just trying to out do him without crushing his ego or moral. I believe they called this a.... friendly competition?... that doesn't sound right... Maybe exhaustion was affecting me more than I realized.

Around twelve we took a lunch break on the farm, we were only halfway done at this point. He gave me two apples and we sat in the shade of the barn.

"You know I might have miss judged you... uhhhh, Farm boy!" I said struggling to remember if he said his name or not, "I don't think you ever told me your name... or anything actually. Your not much of a talker are you? That's fine, your names not important anyway... and it's probably something stupid like Gumbo, or Apple Something." I said as I bit into an apple, wincing slightly from the taste which I couldn't decide was too sweet or too bitter.

His response was similar to all the others he gave when I ran my mouth, he gave a stern look that conveyed more than words could, it's like I understood whatever he wanted to say and right now he was saying "right back at ya".

"I guess I never gave my name either... But like I said, names aren't important to getting the job done. Besides, I prefer what we got going now... Also, I'm not much for listening to others anyway." I said taking another bite of the apple, slightly wincing again.

The Farm boy took a bite of his apple before uttering something. "Big Mac!". I froze mid bite and looked his way. "it's not mah name, but that's wha they call me." he continued ignoring my surprise.

After a moment I recovered and gave my own answer. "In that case, you can call me Cross. It's not my name either but that's what they call me."

He responded with another stern look, this time saying he thinks he knows who and why.

"Yeah... as you've probably guessed I'm not everyone's favourite person to be around. The name refers to my attitude, and before you ask it's never bothered me as I prefer only my friends use my real name." was my answer to his unasked question.

This got me another silent question this one being more smug with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm gonna ignore that one, besides... People are too sensitive anyway, when their pushed that's when you can see who they really are..." I said as I got up, finishing my last apple. "come on we've got work to do... Oh, and your family's apples are nasty." I said, tossing the cores over my shoulder.

Big Mac also got up giving me another look which basically said, your welcome, but with some attitude.

We went back to our routine of carrying boxes to our vehicles and driving them to city hall for another 2 hours until we were down to our last delivery. There wasn't much left at that point so we decided to only use my car as I could drop it off then get back to my life.

"You know, for a farmer your not so bad... If you ignore your backwater country accent... And the smell... And your constant need to talk" I said as we carried the last box to my car.

To that he rolled his eyes which was his way of sarcastically saying, and you were such a pleasure to work with.

"Now I would never consider you a friend as I make it a habit of not having any... But you are tolerable, which is the nicest thing you will ever hear me say" I said as we placed the last box down. "It also helped that you never once said yeeha or introduced me to your girlfriend slash cousin". I said as we place the last box in my car.

His stare basically asked if I ever stopped.

"Even if I wasn't helping, you probably would have tolerated me anyway because your a simple honest person" I said as I got into the car, "You never cared much when I insulted you personally, but when I bad mouthed your farm I could see that you really care about it as that's when you were the most annoyed at me" at that Big Macs expression softened.
"Well I'm an honest person too, so I can honestly say if I never come back to this farm I just might die a slightly happier person. The place is dirty and half the time I'm convinced that I've gone back in time by a hundred years due to how everything on this farm belongs in a museum, not to mention even with my bad reputation I would rather not be seen with slack jawed yokels."

That threw his softened expression to one of annoyance... Not hate but annoyance, that honestly made me confused. Maybe even a little annoyed.

(I guess this guy's more tolerant than I assumed) I thought as I began to drive away.
"For the record, don't bother inviting me when you marry your cousin" I called as I drove off. soon Sweet Apple Acres was a dot in my rear view mirror and I was on my way to city hall for the last time today.

My trip to Sweet Apple Acres lasted longer than I expected but was over before I knew it, maybe it was because more hands made lighter work, or maybe it was because time goes faster when your having fun... And I do enjoy being an ass. But one thing was certain, and that was so far today doesn't suck... Although I did miss my counselling session and I really hope that doesn't bite me in the ass.

After a lengthy drive I drop off the last of the boxes to city hall before I see that school has just finished. I immediately head to Sugar Cube Corner hopping to follow up on my lead, I arrive at 3:10pm and park across the road just outside Natures Muse.

(if I'm right, someone will come out of Sugar Cube Corner with a bag of sugar within the next hour... Probably. Mr Cake did say every 2 or 3 days, which could mean I would have to come back tomorrow... Although even if someone does come out of Sugar Cube Corner with a sack of sugar I don't know what it means, but I'll follow them and hope it leads somewhere.) I thought as I got comfortable in my seat and watched the door across the road.

As I sat in my car and waited I thought about why I was doing this. I mean, yeah, destroying Flash's reputation is pretty appealing but I could just be wasting my time. Worst case scenario it's related to either a cult or a gang, but my lead is a stretch at best and is more likely to be me being paranoid and seeing connections where there are none. Even so, my instincts are telling me to go ahead with this.

Time passed While I tried to contemplate my reason, eventually I saw what I was waiting for.
The door to Sugar Cube Corner opened up as a tall man left the store. the man had grey skin and wore a business suit, his hair was short and brown. Besides his glasses he didn't have any noticeable features. But what he did have that grabbed my attention was a bag of sugar.
After leaving the store he began to walk up the street. Deciding that following him by car would stand out to much I got out of the vehicle and began to walk after him. Being cautious I tried to make sure he was always 15 or more meters ahead of me, if he realised he was being followed then I would lose my only lead.

I followed him from street to street, slowly making our way to wherever it was he was going. I noticed we were moving away from the busier area of town and into older empty streets.
when he turned a corner and was out of sight I felt my lighter become warm as I neared the corner, this new development caused me to worry slightly as I remembered the lighter had become warm when Flash and Short Stick had walked passed me outside of Sugar Cube Corner 2 days ago. The lighter has been weird for the last few days though so it could be a coincidence.

As I neared the corner a thought occurred to me. (The lighter might have been acting strange the past few days, but this is the first time it's doing this today, usual it would had warmed up earlier). as I turned the corner I saw the man only a good 3 meters ahead of me talking to a woman with a clipboard.

The woman appeared to be some Eco activist trying to get people's signatures.
"I'm collecting signatures to have North Star industry stop there factories from creating such harmful air pollution, each year th-...", before the woman could finish giving the same speech she has been giving all day the man interrupted her.

"How many times must I tell you! I have no interest in signing up for your meaningless cause. Now get out of my way!" the man interrupted as he pushed her aside.

"What...? But this is the first time I've asked you!" the woman said looking surprised as the man got further away.

I noticed the lighter cool down when he was around 8 or 10 meters away. I also noticed the woman was now hopefully looking at me.
I needed to let him gain some distance so before the woman could begin to give her speech I grabbed her clipboard and began writing on the paper while watching the man in the corner of my eye, after a few seconds I began following him once again.

The woman thankful to have gotten a signature looked my way with a gleeful smile "Thank you very much for your support..." the woman said looking at my signature "I... Don't... Care..." With that her gleeful expression turned to one of defeat. "maybe this is a bad part of town?" the woman said to herself as she left.

Deciding to test a theory of mine I sped up my pace and closed in on the man, once I was maybe 8 or 10 meters away the lighter warmed up once again, I then slowed down and soon the lighter cooled down as he got further than 10 meters away.
I repeated this a few times and the same thing happened again and again. When I was close the lighter would warm up, but when the gap between us grew the lighter cooled down.

Finally I decided to back off and give him some space in case he suddenly stopped again. (My hunch was right! The lighter is reacting to him... But what about the past 2 days? He wasn't at school or at Sugar Cube Corner on Monday, so then what is it specifically that the lighter is reacting to? also right now it's only warming up... During science on Monday it became much hotter, not painfully hot but definitely noticeable.) I thought as I continued to follow him.

Before I knew it we were in a more rundown part of town as stores were abandoned and empty, most looking like they have been for years. A street sign told me this street was called Bullwork street. With less cover and crowds to hide behind I backed off further.
The man soon went down an alley and I followed while ducking behind boxes and trash cans to remain out of sight.

The alley lead to an old house at the back of an abandoned store. Remaining behind a wall I watched as the man approached the old houses front door.

The house was decrepit and worn out, the walls were made of wood which had become mouldy and any metal like the sheet metal roof and tin mailbox were rusty. While Windows were either smashed or boarded up.

The man knocked on the door and waited, soon the door opened but from my hiding spot I couldn't see who answered as the man was in the way of my view, from were I was I could easily hear them speaking though.
"I still have business to take care of so I'm just dropping of the sugar for now, make sure to save me some... I don't know how much we got left" the man said as he handed someone the sugar "I'll be back later." The man Said as the door closed. He then turned around and began walking away.

Luckily he walked in the opposite direction of me. I waited a few minutes then approached the house, listening carefully I determined that there was only one person inside. I looked around carefully and found a broken window that I could use to enter the building.
Walking around the outside of the house carefully I felt the lighter warm up. (I guess it's reacting to whoever's inside the house, I can use it to help avoid them.) I thought, forgetting for a second that I still wasn't sure what exactly the lighter was reacting to.
(I'll sneak in and look for clues, if I'm spotted I should be able to fight my way out even if there is more than one guy.) I overconfidently thought as I double checked my entry point.

When I was sure no one was in the room with the broken window I climbed through. The room was just as wornout as the rest of the house and seemed to had been either a study or a bed room, besides an empty bookshelf the rest of the room was barren.

(I don't know what I was expecting but I thought there would be more than this, it looks like no ones lived here for years.) I thought as I examined the room more carefully. Deciding I wasn't gonna find anything in this room I quietly made my way to door.
listening out I could hear movement in the other side of the house, the lighter wasn't reacting meaning the other person wasn't too close.
I peeked through the door and looked around, On the other side of the door was a hallway. To the left were two doors but was where the sounds were coming from, on the right were 3 other doors.
Wanting to avoid whoever was in the house I made my way to the right, slowly and quietly I moved into the hallway and approached the first door, I slowly opened it and crept through.

This room was just like the last however it's condition was worse, the wooden flooring was completely moulded through in some spots and the ceiling had holes in it.
Similar to the last room, this one was also empty. Deciding that there was nothing of importance to be found here I made my way back into the hallway.

Still on the right side of the hall I approached the second door, as I opened it I quickly found that it did not lead to another room but was instead a closet. (so far I've got nothing of importance, and with only 3 more rooms I'm gonna have to find away to deal with the person here... Hopefully I can find something before it comes to that and leave without being see-). my thoughts were interrupted when I felt the lighter heat up.
I quickly moved into the closet and closed it just as I heard the door on the other side of the hall open, the sound of footsteps echoed through the hallway becoming louder as the person grew nearer.

Not sure if they were aware of me or not I closed my hands into fists and waited, the sound of steps grew closer and just as they approached the door they kept going. I soon heard the sound of a door opening and closing followed by the sound of running water.

(sounds like they entered the third room which judging by the sound of water appears to be the bath room.) I thought as I slowly pocked my head out into the hallway seeing that they had left the door open at the other side of the hall.
(while there occupied I can explore more of the house.) I thought as I made my way to room were the person had just been.

This room was much larger than the others as it contained the kitchen, the dining room, and lounge room. Like the other rooms it was worn out with holes in the roof, however unlike the other rooms there were a few bits of furniture and some evidence of people being here.

There was a table which had an assortment of things on it and a wooden chair on each side of it. In the corner of the room was a bin overflowing with empty sugar sacks, there was also a lounge that was falling apart that faced an old tv that was probably discontinued 20 years ago. On the wall was a pin board with many pictures on it.
I moved through the room slowly examining it as I went. I started with the bin and moved the top layer of trash aside, underneath the empty sacks of sugar were more empty sacks.

(Whoever these guys are they sure like sugar... But why? Mr. Cakes said he sells one whole sack every 2-3 days, but never to the same people. Judging by how many are in this bin alone I would say they all end up in this house. What are they doing with all that sugar?) I thought moving towards the table.

Looking at the many things on the table I noticed the now open bag of sugar that had been bought earlier today. I stuck my fingers into the sugar and took a pinch of it and placed it in my mouth to taste it.
(It tastes normal to me... so then why the sugar addiction?) I thought as I examined the other items on the table.
I next noticed a few glasses on the table, most were empty but one contained half a glass of misty liquid. I dipped a finger into the liquid and brought the finger to my face. The liquid smelt sweet and after licking it I quickly figured out what it was.

(Well now I know what they do with all that sugar... they mix it with water... But why? Do they drink it? And why so many glasses, are there more people involved then the two I've seen? I suppose that would explain how they run out of sugar so fast).

It was then that I noticed a very important piece of evidence on the table... a closed laptop, the same model that our school lends out to students who don't own a computer so that they can do there work. I opened it and found it was already turned on, the person was logged into MyFace and the account was flash sentry.
Checking there chat history I found that they were the same flash sentry that had messaged Short Stick. I took a step back realising I found my connection to Short Stick, but I still lacked a body.

(Alright, I now have proof that these shady people are connected to him... But where is he? I guess there's still one more room to check.) I thought as I was preparing to make my way to the door.

As I was moving to the door the pin board caught my eye, it was covered in photos but the one that caught my eye was a picture of an angry looking boy with black hair who wore a black jacket with white fur on the collar and sleeves... it was a picture of me.
There were two different kinds of pictures, ones that had been crossed out and ones that were circled.
I saw pictures of the smart lavender girl, Flash Sentry, Derpy, Sunset Shimmer, the slack jawed girl and her older sister, Valkyrie and many more that had been crossed out.
But the pictures of the people who were circled seemed familiar... like I had seen them before.
And then it dawned on me. Reaching into my jacket I took out the poster of the runaway students and just as I had thought, everyone on the poster was circled on the pin board, Short Stick, Sunny Funny, Mis Abel, Trail Blazer, and the rest as well as some I didn't know. Mine was also among the circled pictures and even if I didn't know exactly what it meant I had a strong feeling it wasn't good.

(What does this mean? Am I a target? Why are some circled and others crossed out?) I was too distracted by my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed that the lighter had warmed up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" a familiar voice shouted.

Standing in the doorway was Flash Sentry looking more pissed off then ever. I stared back at him feeling anger and confusion. "I knew you were involved in this some how! Whatever shady business your running... It ENDS NOW" I shouted back.

Unfazed Flash looked around the room before looking back at me "did you come alone?... Of course you did, you don't have any friends and your the type of person who acts on his own... Believing yourself to be invincible. I suppose this makes it easier" Flash said with a now much calmer as a sinister smile crept onto his face.

"What was that?... I don't need no ones help! Especially when it comes to kicking your ass." I said as I brought my fists up ready to fight.
Unlike other times me and Flash fought, this felt different. My instincts were telling me not to take my eyes off him for a second, they told me that for once I shouldn't be the first to act. So Instead I waited for him to make the first move.

"I don't know why your here or how you found this place... But let me make this clear. You made a huge mistake coming here!" Flash said as he lunged forwards like a beast.

I moved to the side as he flies past me and into the table, knocking it over. A leg of the table breaks off and the glasses shatter while the laptop hits the ground hard with a crunch. The sugar is now spilt all over the ground.

(I've fought Flash enough to know this savage behaviour isn't his style... Could he be acting rash out of desperation? No... He seems confident, like he's already won no mater what).

Flash turns around and lunges again which I just as easily side step, this time kicking him in the back as he passes me, this sends him crashing to the ground in front of the door we had used to enter the room.

"That's pathetic... I mean your nowhere as good as me at fighting, but that was just horrible." I said as Flash picked himself of the ground. "I want answers! What are you and that other man up to? Where are the missing people? ...Tell me and I'll only break one of your legs."

"I forget how slow and weak you people are. If you really want to see them so bad I can arrange that." Flash said as he picks himself of the ground before pointing an arm my way. "You can spend the rest of your miserable lives together in the basement!... if you survive that is."

My instincts told me to move even though he was not close enough to hit me. it was like that outstretched arm of Flash's was dangerous. Trusting my instincts I jumped to the side just as a green bolt of light the size of a basketball shot from Flash's hand. The bolt flew past me and hit the pin board, reducing it to ashes.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?..." I shouted too surprised to realise he had taken aim again as I looked at what remained of the pin board.

"TOO SLOW!" Flash shouted as another bolt of green light flew from his hand and hit my chest. As soon as it touched me I felt a burning sensation... But not from my chest, Instead it came from my pocket.
Just as quickly as the green bolt of light appeared it disappeared, as if it was never there. I stood there unharmed and confused.
"What... What did you do? You should be dead, or at least gravelly injured." Flash said, shocked that I was fine. He then pointed both his hands at me, a ball of green light appeared between his hands, it began growing in size and was soon as big as a exercise ball. With a push of his arms the ball of light began flying towards me.
I was still off guard and shocked at what was happening before me. Instead of moving out of the way I brought my arms up to block the fast moving projectile. The ball of light crashed into me, this time I feel a gentle warmth passing through me and into my pocket. I can feel the same burning sensation emanating from my pocket as before as the ball of light became smaller and smaller before disappearing.

Flash just stood there, surprised that I was unharmed... He wasn't the only one.
(I don't know what's going on... but that burning sensation in my pocket must be the lighter.) I thought as I took out my lighter and looked at it for a moment. Instinct once again took over, telling me that I should light it. Flipping the lid of the lighter I press the button. A green flame appeared and just as it did something began to happen to Flash.

"HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? ...WHATS WITH THE WEIRD FLAME." Flash impatiently Shouted. Green mist began flying from his body and into the flame. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he repeated as cracks appeared on his skin.
As mist flew from his body he began to change. His clothes disappeared, evaporating into a green mist while his skin became darker and thicker, becoming more like armour then flesh. His teeth became jagged and sharp, two large fangs stuck out of is mouth. His tunge became long and forked like a snakes. holes appeared in his legs and arms. wings sprouted from his back and his fingers became longer and sharper, like claws. And his eyes became glassy, losing the pupil and becoming a vibrant blue shade.

What stood in front of me wasn't human... no it was a monster. Hissing and snarling, the creature looked like some humanoid insect. I was already shocked at what was happening before, now I wasn't even sure how to react. Standing in front of me was something that doesn't exist... Something that shouldn't exist.
It pointed its arm at me again, but this time nothing happened.
"Darm!... I don't know what you did to my magic... but that's fine, like this I'm strong enough to beat you to death anyway." the creature said in a deep voice as it put its arm down. It hissed at me as it's wings spread out and began buzzing as it flew at me faster than before.

Too shocked at what was in front of me to react to its advance, it slammed it's fist into my gut, sending me flying back into the collapsed table. I was winded by the punch and before I could catch my breath or bring myself out of my daze, the monster was standing above me.
It reached down grabbing me by the throat, it effortlessly lifted me high enough that my feet couldn't touch the ground with just one arm. I was panicking as I struggled to get free of its grip, out of breath and still rocked from the hit I had taken I was powerless. I also realised I had dropped the lighter when I got knocked down.

"You humans are so pathetic. You can't do anything on your own and you break so easily... And personally your quite ugly, but you do have some uses. By draining your love and happiness we can use it as a food source... But your different" the monster said with a sinister smile as I hung in the air as the life drained from me.
"You make others miserable and unhappy, instead of working together you push others away and isolate yourself, people like you ruin our perfectly good meals and make it hard to eat. Everyone will be overjoyed when they learn your gone."

I was losing consciousness as I hung in the air, I needed to act fast... I needed to act now!
With the last of my strength I stopped trying to free myself from his grasp and went on the attack, I threw a punch right to the side of his head with all I had.


"Ha...Ha... Hahahaha!" The monster laughed as pain surged through my hand. He was unfazed by my attack, the black armour like skin that covered his body was much harder than I thought.
"Still got some fright left in ya huh? Well I guess I can play with you a little longer" the monster said gleefully as he slammed me into the ground.


The world around me was spinning as I laid on the ground. But my arms instinctively reached out, looking for anything I could use.

"I wonder if anyone would even bother looking for you?" The monster said as he lifted me again, this time by the collar of my jacked. "well, wanna try that again." the monster mocked.

I slowly brought my closed fist up and with much less force than last time slammed it against his face, just bellow his left eye.

"Whats wrong, out of breath?.... Hahahaha!" the monster once again mocked.

While he laughed I unclenched my fist revealing the lighter I had picked up when he slammed me into the ground. I lit the lighter and the flame erupted into his eye before he could react.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The monster screamed, dropping me as he jumped back and began frantically rolling around.

Back when I was slammed into the ground I felt something inside me... Something familiar, it was a hunger... The same hunger that had fuelled me in every fight I have ever had. Every time I competed, every time something stood in my way... I was hungry for a win.
It was at that moment that I stopped panicking and focused on winning.

I caught my breath, stood up and dusted of my jacket. "You surprised me for a second there." I said, now more calmer as I picked up a broken off table leg.
"I made a mistake and dropped my guard... A mistake I won't repeat." I continued as I pointed the table leg at the creature as I gave a hate filled glare.
The monster stopped rolling on the ground and got back up, his left eye was now burnt and useless.

He stared back with his right eye which was filled with enough fury and killing intent for 2. "DARM FILTHY HUMAN!!... I'M GONNA RIP YOU APART PIECE BY PIECE!" He spat back, brandishing his claws.

"You talk big, but at the end of the day... Your nothing more than a bug on my path. And I step on bugs." I said maliciously as I waited for his move.

His wings sprung to life as he quickly lunged toward me readily swinging his claws. But this time I was ready. Seemed he only had one plan of attack, his movements were easy to read and predictable.
I swung the wooden table leg into his chest as he approached knocking him slightly of course, however his claws tore through my left jacket sleeve leaving a wide tear. Luckily he didn't rip my skin.

As the monster turned around I saw his chest was cracked where I had hit him. "The next time you charge at me... I'm gonna smash your head in!" I threatened as I got into a batting stance.

"FILTHY ARROGANT MONKEY! I'M GONNA TEAR YOUR HEART OUT!" He shouted as he flew at me again. Just before reaching me he thrust his right arm out towards me and raised his left arm up to his head to block my swing. Just as I had hoped he would.

Without his left eye he won't see the real target of my swing... His cracked chest. As his claws begin to pierce the left breast of my jacket I swung with all my might.


With a loud crunch his chest exploded. Green liquid erupts from his chest as he flies backwards onto the tables remains.
I walk over to the monster as it vomits green liquid and spasms on the ground, even as it dies it looks smug.

"en-enjoy you-r.... victory while you can 'cough', you'll get... no-thing in the e-nd... No one will believe you... not even the vic-tims..." the monster struggled to say as it coughed green blood.

I stood next to the monster head as I raised the table leg high into the sky, and with all my might swung It down at the creatures head.


A bone chilling crunch sounded through the abandoned house as green blood spattered all over the floor. the monsters body lied there in a pool of green liquid.... lifeless.

"You Must be delusional. with all the evidence here I..." Before I could finish my sentence the monsters body began to glow before lighting on fire. Green flames quickly consumed his body reducing it to ashes, even its splattered blood began evaporating and in just a moment any trace of the monsters existence was gone.
"...So, they don't leave corpses, well even without him I still have his laptop" I said as I looked around for it.

I soon found it... Or what was left of it as it was now a melted mess of plastic and metal. It seems the monster had landed on it before combustion.
"Shit... And the pin board was incinerated at the start of our fight... Wait, the victims are in the basement, they'll give a statement confirming the monsters existence." I said to myself as I dropped the remains of the laptop. I also noticed the lighter had cooled down at some point.

As I made my way to the basement I examined my jacket which had gained quite a few new holes and tears. After making a mental note that I would have to find someone to fix it I decided to ignore it for now. the last door in the hall lead down into the basement.
The basement was dark but luckily the light still worked. There I found three green pods which held something inside them... People. They were a translucent green so I could see inside them.
Taking out the missing persons poster I noted the pods contained Short Stick, Sunny Funny and Trail Blazer.
(wait were are the others... there should be more?
there are definitely more of those monsters judging by the glasses I found on the table, at least 4 or 5 others use this house. one was the man I followed so the others must be out as well. did they store the others some where else?) l was trying to figure out where the others were when a thought occurred to me.
(my lighter was reacting a lot at school, could there be more than the ones who camp here?... just how many more are there? do they have other storage houses were they keep people?)
I was unsettled by the realisation of monsters not only existing, but walking amongst us. I broke the pods open and laid the victims on there sides. Checking there pulses I determined they were fine... Well, alive anyway. I'm not a doctor, I only know how to patch myself up.

The victims were alive but wouldn't wake up no matter how hard I slapped Short Stick, or how loud I yelled... once again, Not a doctor.
"I've done all I can" I thought as made my way up stairs. "I'll call the police and let them take it from here, I should also leave before anymore of those monsters show up... which is a thing apparently. huh... I'm taking this all too well".

I made my way outside the house and through the alley until I was back onto the street to were I had seen a pay phone.
I called the cops and told them I had seen some of the runaway teens hanging in an abandoned house where I was and that they should bring an ambulance. I waited a few minutes on the next street over until they showed up followed by news vans before deciding to leave.

I slowly made my way back to Sugar Cube Corner. The walk took much longer than it had before as I dragged my feet. I wasn't too worn out physically, but mentally I was done. I got into my car and began driving back home.

During the drive home I wasn't to sure how to feel about all this, I did however feel something inside me as I drove home, it was a feeling I was unfamiliar with so I wasn't to sure what to call it. I felt both good and bad.

I soon arrived home and slowly made my way inside.
"Hey Drifting, how did Sweet Apple Aces go?" asked mum who was watching TV

"huh... oh? Place was dirty and smelt like manure, I'm pretty sure they don't own anything more advanced then a calculator... Or a calculator" I replied.

"Well thanks for taking care of it for me anyway, I might have more tasks for you over the next few days so please try not to step on anyone's toes at Sweet Apple Acres." she said with a nervous smile. to which made me raise an eyebrow.

Just then the TV caught my attention.
"We interrupt your regular TV schedule for a news update... Today around 6pm police found Runaway teens Short Stick, Sunny Funny and Trail Blazer inside the basement of an abandoned house. all three seem to suffer from extreme exhaustion but seem to be fine.
While there is no connection among the group of teens All three claim to had runaway to Canterlot where they planned to follow there dreams in various careers.
sending letters and making phone calls they stayed in contact with there loved ones. Having no idea how they arrived in the basement they are glad to be home. Police are calling this a cry for attention among today's kids and are dropping further searches. Perhaps more runaways will return in time. Thank you, and now back to the show."

"kids acting out for attention... I get that." mum said giving a look in my direction.

I didn't respond... in fact I didn't do anything, I stood there as mum went back to watching TV.
(No... No wait that's not... What about the monsters? Why did the three of them give false stories? Wait... The monster said something like "not even the victim's will believe you" what did that mean?
Could it be that they didn't know they were captured by monsters? did they actually believe they've been in Canterlot this whole time? could they had been given false memories by the monsters? He did mention magic during our fight... apparently that's a thing. Or maybe the pods gave them realistic dreams... Wait the pods remains, did the police find them... What if they disintegrated like the monster after I left)
No matter what theory I created or what new questions arose one fact was certain. Any evidence of the monsters were gone, they will continue to go unnoticed and continue to abduct people in this town.

(Today I met something... Something that any sane person would say doesn't exist... A monster. Well it does and not only does it exist but there are more of them... walking around disguised as people and there abducting kids. The police can't do anything about it... No one can and without any evidence no one would believe me anyway.) I thought gazing at the floor. without all the adrenaline running through me any more i started to comprehend all the crazy and bizarre things i had witnessed this afternoon. and for a moment i started to feel disheartened.
(no... NO, that's not right, their not monsters... Their bugs, what we have is an infestation, even if people found out they would panic and become paranoid. The cops can't deal with this but I know who can... Me. I'm one of there targets anyway, probably due to my anti social behaviour. Well I'm not just gonna stand around and wait for them to come to me. My lighter can find and reveal them, while they don't know I'm aware of them. The only one that saw me is dead. Besides... I've never needed anyone's help before. I can do this... I'll exterminate those bugs.) I thought as I raised my gaze to the TV now filled with determination.

"oh right, if your hungry there's some steaks in the fridge, I cooked them just before you got home." mum said interrupting my train of thought.

"huh.. Oh thanks", I replied realising I should probably eat something. Then I had another thought.
(the lighter originally belonged to Grandpa but his no longer around, but maybe he told dad something about it before he died... He did originally leave it and some other things to dad when he past away but dad gave most of his things to me.)
"Hey mum... where's dad, he didn't have work today right" I asked hoping to speak with him about the lighter.

"He was up earlier but since his got work tomorrow he went to bed early, if you get up early you might be able to catch him before he leaves." she replied half paying attention.

With that I decided to have some dinner before calling it a night. (I need to get up early if I want to talk with dad. If I'm gonna squash these bugs I'll need more information).
I had no problem sleeping that night, I guess I was more warn out than I realised... However, I unfortunately had no idea what I was getting involved with.