Equestria Girls - The Friendship Club

by Kaos4EQ



The night sky over the town of Canterlot was a beautiful violet blue. Numerous white stars flickered across its vastness while down below the lights in windows of shops and homes began to turn off one by one. At this hour of the night, the people of Canterlot were fast asleep in their cozy beds, waiting for the trials and events of the following day. That night, all was quiet.

Suddenly, ominous black clouds began to form, covering the glittering night sky. A small burst from within the clouds shattered the silent night as, what appeared to be, a small, screaming comet raced out of the clouds and hurled toward the ground. The impact with the ground was not so grandiose as it could only have been heard from a short distance.

What soon arose from the settling smoke, however, was truly shocking…