The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456


We gathered at the war room to go over what happened on our separate missions. Sans and the Monster Buster Force was here as well so they could tell us what happened while we were gone.

“I'll start. Me, Applejack, and Zecora made it to the town then split up. They were attacked by heartless and the other creatures as well. Not many survivors. We found Smokey Apple and I had Applejack and Zecora take them back here while I took care of the Ventral there. We fought for about half an hour, but he decided to leave. He said after losing his wife and daughters he just lost interest in everything. I then made my way back here.” Vanitas said. So he fought the Werewolf Ventral. Glad he is alive though.

“I'm just glad you all made it. I just wish there were more survivors.” I said. “Anyway. Me and the others were on our way to the Crystal Empire when we had to stop and go by foot, or hoof in the others case. The storm was too strong to fly safely through. We encountered Sombra in a giant shadow/smoke form. I fought him for a bit while the others made it to the barrier. The battle was short and he retreated. I made my way in and started looking for the others. I ended up meeting Shining Armor first and he, well, attacked me thinking I was there to cause harm. Still believing I was the serial killer from before.”

“I said I was sorry for that.” Shining Armor casually rubbed the back of his head.

“I know. Just informing what happened. Anyway. After the others along with Cadence appeared and stopped him we explained everything that happened. Afterwards we went looking for the Crystal Heart so it could power the barrier there and keep the heartless out. I went to the library and researched on both the heart and Sombra. Twilight and Celestia looked for the heart themselves, and Gilda and Shining tried to keep the crystal ponies happy so their love could power the heart when found.” I said.

“It was during that time that things became more hectic. I… Well I couldn’t hold the barrier anymore and that was when the shadows fully enveloped the city. Sombra had broken in and waltzed straight up to the castle raining destruction wherever he went.” Cadence peered down hiding her eyes due to losing the strength to hold the barrier.

I took off my mask and looked at her. “Hey, don't beat yourself up for that. You held on for as long as you could. Sombra had powerful heartless with him most likely pounding on the barrier to put more strain on you. You did your best. If you hadn't have held that long we probably would have lost.” I said.

“I could’ve done better…” Cadence growled out frustrated rather than sad.

“I understand that feeling. When Core invaded I always wonder what I could have done differently that could have prevented all of the destruction and pain that followed. It's my fault that all that happened.” I said. “He caused all of this destruction...just so he could get a hold of the power I had.” I looked at my void arm remembering how he acted when he realized I had Void and what he did after.

Shining Armor took a step forward to me and did something unexpected. He slugged me in the gut. “Stop talking about your Celestia damned guilt. You are making up for it now act like it and stop being apologetic. You’ve done a lot for us. Don’t treat it like it’s making up for past mistakes that were out of your control.”

I chuckled holding my gut. “Dang. How many times are people going to hit me for that haha?”

“How many times do you think you can take?” Cadence smirked while holding a hoof to her mouth.

“Good point I guess, and your right. You're all right. I should doing that. All I can do now. Is try and help this world get back on its feet, or hooves. I also have to get much, much stronger. I hope all of you will help me protect this world.” I said looking at everyone.

“John would you please explain what happened after Sombra got to the castle base. Unfortunately I was knocked out when that… monster smacked me out of the air.” Cadence took a grim stance while Twilight and Celestia looked on in wonder.

“Right.” I said looking serious. “After Sombra got in I confronted him. Then we heard Celestia shout that she has the heart. She was on her glider trying to deliver it when she was attacked by air born heartless. They knocked the heart away from her and it started falling. Sombra made a beeline for it and started to gain his physical form the closer he got. Then I see Cadence, who Shining had thrown like a Javelin.” I said looking at Shining.

“Right… How far did I throw you honey?” Shining smiled over to Cadence.

“At least fifty trots dear.” Cadence rolled her eyes. “He’s still psyched about how far he threw me. Continue please.”

I raised my eyebrow at shining but continued anyway. “Well Cadence was about to grab the heart before Sombra...When a strong heartless appeared and smacked her away.” I said wincing when I remembered that hit.

“Yeah… thanks for reminding me. Not like I needed to sleep tonight. Great…” Cadence grumbled.

“I will dump ice cold water on you if you don't quit that!” I said.

“Then I’ll lock you in my shield and have a round of hamster ball.” Shining took a serious tone with me.

“I can break your barriers Shining. And I'm basically a Demon Assassin. Good luck getting the drop on me. Also after this meeting you and Twilight and Celestia please help Cadence get over what happened.”

“Already planning to. Now continue please.” Shining intoned.

“Ok, sorry for the interruptions everyone. Anyway. Sombra managed to get the heart...than he ate it. Gaining not only his physical form back, but increased his powers as well. We fought for a bit and let me tell you he was powerful. His personal heartless was annoying as well. He then summoned a group of powerful heartless called Invisibles. I ended up losing half my arm fighting all of them, at once. I managed to rip the crystal heart out of his armor with my only hand left and make him lose his physical form as well as a bit of his power. I than ended him with my keyblade and used my Void magic to destroy the rest of him permanently. I than took the heart and placed it on the pedestal. I than passed out from blood loss from both the cuts I suffered and my arm being cut off. Gilda and the others took me back here. And that's what happened on our part.” I said finishing my side.

“I guess we're next.” Gilda said. “When Sombra invaded and Corvo told me to head back I ran into the others here with a knocked out Cadence in the throne room. Then one heartless after another started showing up. Me, Twilight, and Celestia summoned our Keyblades and started fighting them. Shining Armor made a shield for him and Cadence. Twilight attacked anything that tried getting close to the shield, Celestia was attacking those on the ground, and I was sticking to the air attacking those that either also fought in the air or picking at those on the ground to help keep them from swarming the other two. Then about a few minutes later they disappeared, and the Crystal Heart’s barrier appeared. We headed outside towards where the Crystal Heart is supposed to be and saw Corvo. He looked fine from a distance but as we got closer we saw the injuries he had.”

“I kept the shield up strengthening it in the places that it started to falter. I managed to give any excess magic over to Cadence so she could get back onto her hooves. It was… challenging but for her it was worth it.” Shining took a step towards her placing his hoof on the armrest of her chair where she met his hoof.

“And I’m glad you did Shiny.” Cadance smiled back.

“Shiny?” I said smirking a bit.

“Shut up. Only she can use it.” Shining growled out.

“Whoa. Calm down there Shining.” I said laughing a bit. Shining was just grumbling while waiting for the story to continue.

“When we got to him he suddenly collapsed on the ground. Looking him over we saw multiple lacerations and he was missing half of his left arm. He also had multiple broken or fractured bones and burn marks.” Gilda said remembering the state they found me in.

“We healed what we could and brought him to some of the doctors that the crystal ponies had. They were able to help with the cuts, although he lost his arm. He was stable enough to transfer here so he could finish healing. That's about what happened.” Gilda said.

Sans then stepped up. “Not much happened here while you guys were gone. The guards patrolled everywhere and reported nothing going on.”

“Ok. So that's everything that happened from everyone. There are a few things left before we're done. Shining, the guards want to join as keyblade wielders, but wanted you to join first since you're the captain. I can give both you and Cadence a Keyblade through a ritual that will let you eventually get one soon. You two will be able to help fight off the heartless and other creatures attacking. Don't worry about accidentally killing with them or anything. They only actually cut beings when you actually want to hurt or kill someone. So. What do you say?” I said hold my hand out.

Cadence looked over to Shining who nodded and the two held out their hooves waiting for me to perform the ritual. “Whenever you’re ready.”

I smiled and performed the ritual for both of them. “The won't come immediately most of the time. So just be patient. Now. Smokey. From what your cousins told me you're a blacksmith. We need a good blacksmith to help with not only building, but armor and weapons as well. I hope you can help us?” I asked. He looked at me and nodded with a smile.

“Ok, I believe that is all. Dismissed.” I said. I then saw Twilight, Celestia, and Shining take Cadence away. The other went to other parts of the town as well. I then headed to room.

Better get my Journal. Need to record what happened.