//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Balloon Bouquets // by BubblegumBeats //------------------------------// Finally, my shift was done. It was time to see Rarity. Of course, though, I couldn't show up empty hooved! I needed to get her a gift of some sort. What kind of stuff pleases ladies? How would I know? Hm... My little sister always liked it when I gave her a balloon sword, but I don't think Rarity would like that very much. I know that her friend, Pinkie Pie (who buys balloons from me for her parties) likes cakes and parties, but Rarity probably wouldn't like that very much either. Rarity is a lady. She needs a gift suited for a sophisticated pony, something she'd admire forever and ever. But what? I sighed and sat down on the rim of the fountain. The weather for the day was sunny, maybe I could get her a sunhat and ask her to take a walk with me? But I was still in uniform, whoops. I'd need to take a trip home to change. After I thought of a gift for her. Flowers would be nice, but where would I get any nice ones on such short notice? One cannot just pick a flower off the road and claim that it's nice, ponies stomp all over them, like weeds! I'd need something romantic and sweet, just like Rarity. Or, I suppose I could send her a balloon bouquet, but that would probably be a little juvenile. What would Rarity appreciate? Dresses? I can't sew, and she's the best designer there is...I could always ask her yellow ex-model friend for help, right? I thought I saw her sewing once? I could be wrong. What I needed, what I really, really needed, was a bouquet of exotic flowers. That I'm certain she'd appreciate. But what kind? There had to be a book on exotic flowers, right? Maybe in Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle? Of course! And I'm sure the Princess would let me borrow a book if I asked - especially considering the fact that Rarity is one of her best friends... Wouldn't hurt asking, right? I sprung up from the fountain's edge, and galloped through the streets. The castle was pretty big, I'd be able to find it easy. Hopefully, Princess Twilight would be home...