Gilded Tome, the hero of knowledge

by Golden Tomb

Main Character info

Gilded Tomb[img]

Knowldge replication
Power replication
Entity creation
Age empowerment

Powers of final form:(lasts a few hours)
Satellite creation
Portal creation
Concealed weapon proficiency
Peak human condition
Cosmic fire embodiment
Hope embodiment
Perfect memory
Temporary immortality

Items in posession:
Sword-one handed longsword
Gun-infinite ammo, modifiable
Dagger-enchanted, can fight spirits
Viral dagger-enchanted, can cause spontaneous disease
Machete- unbreakable, razor sharp
Gauntlets- communication device
Mask-gas mask, can withstand space, night vision
Cloak-magic,fire,and water proof, pocket dimension
Magic Tome- holds record of information obtained, token(when I get to that part)

Gilded Tomb is calm, calculating, and, kind. Will only attack when attacked, or when he is treated like an underling. When he gets his mind set, it is stone. Nothing will change it except a kind, caring, polite approach.