Balloon Bouquets

by BubblegumBeats

Chapter 1

I rolled around on my bed, replaying the scene through my mind.

Sweat rolled down my head, was I really going to do it? Rarity's the love of my life, I had to let her know that I liked her somehow.
Rarity looked like she needed somepony's comfort. I was just the pony to do that, I'm a gentlecolt.
So, what did I do? Blew up a balloon to the shape of a heart and handed it to her.
She walked away. it broke my heart - literally, the heart shaped balloon deflated - even if she did thank me.

Ah, well. I'd earn her love somehow. I just had to.

I got up from my bed, and paced around the room. How was I going to please the love of my life? I wasn't gonna just go up and ask her if she liked me, that would be weird. Then again, Rarity would never ask me, either. I'd have to be bold. Prove I'm a gentlecolt.

But there wasn't enough time, at the moment, I had a job to get to. Selling balloon animals and balloon bouquets isn't a very good job, but it works for me. Maybe Rarity would be nearby.


Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Flurry Heart were in line. Wonder what they were up to.
I've blown a few things up for Flurry Heart before. It was normally a dog she asked for.
The next lady in line, Derpy, smiled as I twisted the balloons. She asked if I could make her a muffin balloon, but I didn't think I could. She always asks for a muffin, and I usually try, but I just can't get it right.

Rarity's boutique was nearby. Score. I could walk over and bring her some flowers or something. After I finished up my job.

"I, uh, I don't think I can make this a muffin," I said as I stretched the balloon out. Like I said, Derpy always asks for a muffin, but I can't make it.
The gray pegasus scowled at me. She always did that when I told her I couldn't turn it into a muffin.
I sighed, and shaped the balloon into a dog. Muffins don't have to be shaped like cupcakes, right?
The mare grabbed the balloon and happily trotted off.

I looked at the line. Still, so many ponies left...

I looked down at my next customer. I recognized her, but my memory of her was a little foggy. I think her name was Scootaloo?

"Mr. Twisty Pop," she waved a hoof, "Can I get a Rainbow Dash shaped balloon?"

My head drooped. I hate my job.