The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

The Rescue Part 2

We're in the throne room of the Crystal Empire with Cadence and Shining sitting on the thrones. Cadence looks tired and nearly falls asleep a few times. Must be tired from keeping the barrier up. Me, Twilight, Gilda, and Celestia try and explain what had been happening outside the Crystal Empire lately. I told them about what happened when I first arrived here and my short fight with the real killer, my battle against both the unversed and the corrupt nobles and crime lords, and my survival of the slaughter known as Core. Twilight explained what happened the few times we met and what happened, what happened to ponyville and the rest of Equestria after Cores and Hollows battle, how she and Applejack survived, and what happened to the Princesses when they tried to stop Core. Gilda explained what the land was like after the battle, how she survived, and how she has been helping me save other ponies from the chaos. And Celestia explained what happened to her, her sister, the girls, and Blue blood. When she mentioned what Blue Blood did both Cadence and Shining had a look of fury while I tried to forget what happened to I don't loose control again. She also explained my battle with blue blood and what happened after words.

Shining was processing all of this when he looked at me. He looked into my eyes for a few moments, then bowed his head to ground along with Cadence.

“Mr. Corvo. Thank you for everything you have done for my sister and the princesses. Thank you for saving them from more suffering at his hoofs, and I'm sorry for thinking you were nothing but a criminal all this time.” Shining said with tears in his eyes.

“I apologize on behalf of the Crystal Empire for not recognizing how you managed to save a lot of abducted ponies over these past few months. Several citizens were taken due to the crystal sheen some of them have. They were considered… priceless commodities.” Cadence spat the last few words in disgust.

“It's ok. You don't have to apologize or thank me. I was just trying to help. There is still a lot of work to do. There are still ponies and other races out there that need help. Not to mention there is old smokey outside the barrier.” I said. “Do any of you know where the crystal heart is? We need it soon. I don't think Cadence can keep the barrier up forever.”

“Rightly we don’t know. There hasn’t been much luck finding where the heart is. All we can tell is that this castle was important to him and it might be within the palace.” Shining furrowed his brow in concentration trying to think where it could possibly be.

“If it is here then he wouldn't have it in an easy to get to place. Probably traps leading to it and everything. Dark magic too if I had to guess. Twilight, you, me, and Celestia will look for the heart. Gilda, you and Shining will try and keep the crystal ponies calm. We need them to not be afraid if their love is to power the heart. Cadence. Try and keep the barrier up for as long as you can. We need to find the heart soon. Can you do this? If not Celestia can take your place if she can?” I asked.

“I was chosen to protect my ponies. I can still hold on.” Cadence

“Ok. Let's move.” With that we split up. Gilda and Shining went to the town while me, twilight, and Celestia went to the Castle library to search for clues. Cadence stayed in the throne room to keep the barrier up. I hope Vanitas is having more luck than us.

Vanitas' POV.

I stared at the werewolf in front of me. That must be the Ventral Core sent here. This is going to suck. “A werewolf huh. Where is the dang silver when you need it?”

The werewolf chuckled. “Heh, got a mouth on you. I can tell.”

“Well, does the mutt have name? Or should I just call you poochy?” I said.

He chuckled again. “Names Jerico. So, what's yours?”

“Vanitas. What did Core send you here for?”

“Search for this world's keyhole. A job he did now he has us do it.”

“The keyhole? Well sorry to say but I can't let that happen.” I said. I stanced up ready to fight.

“Heheh. Well then, guess I'll have to deal with you the hard way.” There was a dark haze as Jericho vanished. I got sideswiped, but managed to catch myself before hitting the ground. I did notice something when I looked back at Jericho… he had some red and black metal in his mouth.

“Did you visit a dentist or something before coming here, or did you get replace all the teeth that got knocked out?”

He chuckled. He took out the metal, showing me a familiar blue eye on it. I looked at my Keyblade… the top part was bitten clean off. “Core does good work don't he?”

He bit a chunk of my keyblade off...crap! “What da heck did Core do to your teeth?”

He tapped one of his tooths. “Had the old ones ripped out, replaced with the metal of keyblades he took from some graveyard. Added some darkness for extra effect.”

Core desecrated the keyblade graveyard! The son of a bitch! “So your teeth are basically Keyblades.” I stated.

“just the metal. Core took the Keychains from them for something else.”

“Well. This just means I don't have to hold back anymore. Your dead Ventral!!” I said in rage from what they did to the graveyard. I surrounded myself in darkness and entered a command style I've seen Terra enter before. “Dark drive!”

As I charged at Jericho he was dodging at what seemed like equal speed. We were both dark hazes to anything not keen enough to see the details. “So tell me, do you know what it's like to lose something you hold dear?” Jericho said, side swiping me off to the side.

“In a way I do.” I said sending some clones of darkness at him that he countered as best he could. After he dispatched the last one I hit him with a dark raid sending him back a bit. He shook it off and attacked again.

“I've heard about you, had a nephew that played a game with you as the bad guy. I lost him, my in-laws, my wife, and both my daughters to you freaks.” Jerico slashed at me. “After I lost Jenny I told Core to do what it took so I could make you Keyblade swinging freaks extinct!”

I blocked as best I could then sent him back a bit with a dark blitz. “You guys should have know something like this would have happened the second you joined Core. While I'm sorry your family is dead. You shouldn't have went so far.” I said then used dark thundarga on him shocking him.

Despite I could tell it didn't do much to him, Jericho just stood there. “You're right, I’ll give you that. Yet at the same time, hasn't your side done the same? My eldest daughter was pregnant when she died, my wife heartbroken over our loss of child and kin… and Jenny… was just ten years old… how hypocritical. You call yourselves heroes yet when it comes down to it, you'll slay whoever is in your path as well, no matter if they're old, young or with child.”

“From what I know of your daughter shouldn't have fought while pregnant. Your wife mostly gave the other guy no choice either. It's true they call themselves heroes but kill as well…against people like Core and you Ventrals who are professional killers they can't afford to hesitate I guess.” I said shrugging. I then dodged an attack the almost hit my head. I then hit him back then used dark firaga and it caused an explosion. Then I'm hit with a...a wagon?! It sent me flying a few meters. A bit of my helmet fell off on my right side showing my black hair and yellow eye.

“You know the one thing that makes us different?” Jericho asked as he was walking towards me. “I have lost all reason to keep fighting… even this fight… i have already lost interest.”

“You know. I noticed that even with my dark drive your still a bit faster than me. So...i'll try something I haven't before.” I said pulling out a black wayfinder.

“Go ahead. But answer me this, have you actually killed yet?”

“Yes… I have.” I said.

“Was it someone you knew, or a stranger?”

“Didn't know him really. Just some scum from this world trying to force himself on a filly on her way home from school.”

“I remember my first kill. Was sixteen, walked into a trap set by cops and I reacted. Deputy Sam, father of three kids, happily married… they say that first kill that triggers the killing mood you forget everything else after that first kill. It's true, I still remember his face. Only thing I hate about the killing was after I became a father, realizing how many kids are now growing up without dads of their own. Like you said though, we had no choice. Back on earth if you're Ventral by blood or marriage you're a shoot to kill, no arrests.”

“How many of you took advantage of the chaos of the Mayan chaos to do what you want? Like killing for fun?” I asked remembering Jonathan.

“Honestly… Only three. My nephew Dillen, father in law, and Josh, but he was making sure Dillen and dad didn't get killed. The rest of us mostly either spent time with family, or, even with the chaos, went out and walked around the towns and cities. I had a picnic with my family that day, we only killed those who ran up with guns. Idiots really. Our family is branded monsters yet on that day doctors and even cops were killing left and right.”

“What about Jonathan Ventral? From what I heard he drove around hitting people like it was GTA real life edition. He even kill one of the survivors who is here. He also killed his parents.” I said.

“Jonathan? Kid I do believe the driving part but mainly because I remember he said he'd get piss drunk that day, as for the family thing from what I heard he was picked up by Josh after his car crashed. He spent the rest of that day in the “E.R.” so to speak. When he came too he said he broke into a family owned restaurant but they were all dead when he got there so he just raided the wine.”

“What? But why would he tell John that he wasn't drunk and that he personally killed them?” I asked. That doesn't make sense.

“Reputation likely. He or our family would have likely been blamed anyway so he likely made up the story, got drunk and ended up thinking it actually happened.”

“From what John told me he and his family wouldn't care that your Ventrals. They still would have treated you like regular customers. Although Jonathan really shouldn't have lied to John's face like that. Never a smart idea pissing off someone who is connected to the Void. Jonathan learned that the hard way with a huge mallet smashing him into the ground repeatedly.” I said remembering that day.

“Sadly I agree. Jonathan was an Idiot. He wasn't the sharpest knife, but he was the bluntest hammer. Kid couldn't even add past fifty… dumb drunk…”

“Well. We put this battle on hold long enough you agree?” I said preparing the wayfinder.

“If you say so. Frankly I’m still not interested or caring at this point.” Jerico started to walk away. “If you still wanna fight for whatever then I’ll be napping in a cave.” With that, he walked into the woods… Leaving me very, very confused.

“Ok…wasn't expecting him to just leave? Although he did lose his family. Dang, was really hoping to test this out.” I said putting the wayfinder up. “Applejack and the others must have made it back by now. Better catch up with them.”

With that I summoned my glider and headed back home. Wonder how John is doing.

John's POV

We had been searching for about ten minutes. Well I have. Celestia and Twilight found the hidden door to the Crystal Heart about three minutes ago. I'm just looking for extra info on Sombra. While I was looking I saw Shining run into the room with a panic look on his face. That can't be good.

“What happened?” I asked.

“We got a lot of problems here. A few moments ago something pierced the shield. It’s still holding but something is creating dark crystals in the courtyards. Large titanic heartless are pouring in through those crystals. They’re all bipedal and have a large heart shaped opening in their chests!” Shining exclaimed.

“Darksides! Crap. Gilda has some good training and experience and could probably handle one, but more than one and she'll be overwhelmed. I'll go and help her. Twilight and Celestia are getting close to the heart. Go to Cadence. Protect her.” I said.

“Don’t have to tell me twice…” Shining ran off barreling through the halls towards the throne room.

I made my way outside and saw there were four darksides. They seemed to be forming a dark fricken spirit bomb! I saw Gilda fly towards me.

“Hey Corvo! What the Heck are those thing and what are they doing!?”

“They’re Darksides. Massive pureblood heartless. They’re pretty strong. You could take on one of them, but this many is way too much for you alone. I'll take the other three. We can't let them finish what their doing. Keep out of reach of them if you can. They can also summon shadow heartless when they slam their fist into the ground and shoot dark energy blast from the holes in them. Let's go!” I said. She went after the one on the far right. I went after the one on my left first.

I calmly flung myself towards the first Darkside in sight deflecting the fist before it could hit the ground. As it was flung back I tossed a few bombs at the others before they could get to their knees and fire homing shots at me. It would only stop me from slicing the first’s head off. Clinging to the arm I let my keyblade dance around slicing through whatever the darkness thought muscle was made of until I reached the shoulder and tore the arm off.

It stumbled back shaking wildly forcing me to plunge the blade into its head. Any other creature in the world would have been done with… this was not one of them. When it stopped lunging around I aimed four bullets into one of it’s eyes. I didn’t know if I could blind it but it was worth the shot. As I fired a few more rounds the free fist came up flying fast for me forcing me to jump over to the other shoulder as it slugged itself in the face dazing itself. I took the opportunity to race in slashing wildly until it fell over, collapsing under it’s own weight before dissolving back into darkness.

In my haste I forgot the other two were even there and was forced to dodge the projectiles they managed to fire off. Focusing my energy I formed a blade of void energy and slashed the projectiles back towards their casters. Each ball of darkness that hit created a mini explosion that forced them back onto their feet. While I could get up to their shoulder easily enough I wanted to practice my powers a bit more. Aiming carefully I shot one of the Nova Blasts at the closest Darkside’s head. I put more power into it than I thought as I skid back from the force and saw the head dissolve into darkness before the body followed suit.

The third Darkside wasted no time and immediately shot forth rushing after me. I summoned up my bubble shield just as the fist impacted. It bounced off but quickly readjusted thrashing wildly at the shield in the way. I aimed my arm once again charging up the Nova Blast once again. The shield would only last a few seconds more.

When the shield fell it immediately went in with a right hook. I calmly waited for the perfect opportunity and fired a blast off forcing me to skid out of the way of the still travelling fist of the now decapitated body. It dissolved as well back to the darkness.

I looked over at Gilda and saw her making her way here. When she landed I saw her beat up a bit. I didn't expect her to get out of that unscathed anyway. At least she was alive. “You ok Gilda?”

“Yeah. Nothing I can't walk off, but dang. You took on three and didn't get a scratch. You sure you're not a master?” Gilda asked.

I chuckled. “No I'm not a master yet. Still have much to learn myself. Come on. Let's keep searching. There are bound to be other heartless here somewhere.” I said.

We started looking around for any heartless that are still roaming. The citizens are coming out again realizing the danger has passed...for now.

All of a sudden the barrier started flickering. Then disappeared completely.

“The barrier! You don't think-” Gilda tried to say worrying.

“No. She probably just couldn't hold it anymore. Where are Twilight and Celestia with the Heart?” I questioned.

I looked around and saw that old smokey was surrounding the Empire and was closing in. I turned towards Gilda. “Gilda. Head back to Cadence and Shining armor. Neither have a keyblade so protect them from any heartless. I'll hold off Sombra.” I told her. She looked like she wanted to argue but decided against it. She headed off towards the castle while I looked at Sombra who just appeared as she left.

As we were about to fight I heard Celestia shout. “I HAVE THE HEART!!” I looked up at the castle on a balcony and saw she did have it. She summoned her glider and was making her way down when some air pirate heartless attacked her knocking the heart away from her.

Sombra saw this and made his way towards it as fast as he could. He started to gain his physical form again and was getting close. I then saw that Cadence, who Shining armor had thrown like a Javelin, was about to grab the heart. When a huge heartless appeared out of nowhere and punched her away from it and grabbed the heart. It then went to Sombra and gave it to him. He grinned an evil grin and then...ate the heart!?

Suddenly he lit up and when I looked back. The heart had appeared on his armor and he seemed to be even stronger than before. He also had a black scythe with him floating with his magic. The heartless from before was with him to. It was the guardian heartless that Ansem had. Only for some reason this one was on fire.

"Ah. To have a real form again after so long. The power is magnificent.” Sombra said. He then started laughing evilly. Great. As if thinks weren't bad enough.

He turned towards me. “I think it's time for a test run. Wouldn't you say?”He said looking at me. I summoned Fenrir and put Void slayer in my left hand.

As soon as he looked at me I summoned a void blade just as the blade of the scythe came for my neck. Sombra wasted no time in his assault forcing me to backpedal from his vicious blows. Raising my other arms I shot off a Nova Blast pushing him far back yet he barely looked like he took any damage. The Crystal Heart seemed to take most of the blow and redirect it away. I rushed in pulling out Azul Tonitrua and allowed the electricity to jolt around as blade met blade. Sparks were sent flying while we kept circling each other. The electricity was doing enough to stun him slightly but the glow of the Crystal Heart kept him from being stunned for long.

As I was about to swing for his exposed flesh the Guardian burst out in a torrent of flames socking me in the jaw and creating scorch marks on my mask and heating it up slightly. Blinking away from another blow causing the Guardian’s fist to impact on the ground. I looked back up and charged forward firing several Nova Blasts into the Guardian which flowed back into the ground dodging the attacks.

Groaning that the Guardian got out of the way I charged back at Sombra pulling out void blades and tossing them at Sombra’s head. He was distracted enough for me to get in close and stab with the Azul Tonitrua sending electricity throughout his body… only to find that the Guardian had switched places with him. It immediately grabbed me by the neck and bear hugged me in place. Sombra laughed sending a cacophonous echo throughout the streets. Instead of coming directly at me several heartless wielding wave like swords and looking like real demons. I recognized them as Invisibles. The most dangerous pureblood heartless before Birth by Sleep came out. He coldly raised his hoof up allowing them to go first in what was likely my torture.

Enraged I began punching the Guardian in the face. I could only let a little out as the electricity was also helping. My fist kept slamming against the face before it was forced to let go and slink back to Sombra. I fell to the ground as the first Invisible charged in thrusting the sword where I was rather than where I fell. I was forced to roll away as several of them tried to slice me apart with their weirdly shaped blades. The entire time Sombra was watching me with this sickening smile. He was enjoying this, watching me struggle against all of them.

I jumped back up Fenrir at the ready parrying the first blade strike and using Nova Blast to clear some space. As I lifted my left hand up to fire another blast the world went cold… Sombra had come in with his scythe and let the blade tear through my limb. I had left most of the Invisibles in the dust but my arm was gone. I grabbed the stump with my free arm screaming the entire time as Sombra came in with another swing. Instead of backing away I charged right in knocking Sombra in the jaw with a headbutt knocking him off center. I was struggling trying to force myself to keep moving but it was getting to me.

Sombra shook his muzzle while I pulled out a pistol firing it into his body, and neck. Five shots each and only one managed to get through the protection of the Crystal Heart. I couldn’t waste time though. I had to go with a desperation plan as I threw myself into Sombra grabbing the Crystal Heart and digging my hand into his flesh and tearing into it. Sombra bucked around wildly while the heart kept slipping out of the hole he created to hold the heart. The guardian tried to stop me only for me to kick it off of me while I continued my job. I needed to keep calm it was frustrating but my work paid off as the heart slipped out of Sombra’s body clinking away from the two of us. Sombra’s body couldn’t hold form as he turned back into the shadow he was. I was tired but I couldn’t stop. I pulled Fenrir back up and stumbled in. The Guardian came in only for Fenrir to slice through the head killing it off as it dispersed back into darkness. Sombra backed away but never stopped fighting back.

Several dark crystals fired off at me only to be stopped by an impromptu bubble shield. I rushed in the blood loss was starting to get unbearable. Sombra kept firing only for me to calmly rush in and shoved the keyblade straight down his throat so he could choke on it. I made sure he wouldn’t laugh ever again.

I then focused Void energy to completely destroy him. I watched as his shadow form was destroyed. It's finally over. I looked at the crystal heart and walked over to it. I inspected it and it was thankful fully intact.

“Better get this back to where it belongs. I'd i don't pass out from blood loss that is.” I said making my way towards the palace. As I walked with blood dripping out of my stump I saw the crystal ponies coming out of their hiding places looking at me. They saw the heart in my hand and started smiling. A few then noticed my condition and came to help. A few trotted near me in case I passed out from blood loss.

I saw Gilda, Twilight, Celestia, Shining Armor, and Cadence standing near the crystal heart pedestal. They saw I had the crystal heart and came over. When they got close enough they noticed my injuries.

“Dang! You ok Corvo?” Gilda ask looking worried.

“I'm ok, don't worry. Get the heart to its place now.” I said handing it to them. Shining took it and nodded at me. He ran towards the pedestal and placed the heart there. The crystal ponies noticed it and started bowing. The ground beneath them glowing as they did. The light shined on the Empire and heart started glowing and spinning. Then a wave of light traveled throughout the entire Empire. Pushing away the heartless and healing most of the injured. My arm was still missing and I was still about to pass out from blood loss,but everything is over now.

I started falling to the ground. I think I heard the others call my name. Next thing I know I'm unconscious. Then I'm somewhere else.

“Well haven't we been busy lately.”

I looked over and saw Hollow standing there. He was mostly healed up with a few scars here and there. “Hello Hollow. It's been awhile.” I said.

"That it has my friend. So, I see you defeated King Sombra."

“Just barely. I didn't think he would be this strong. I almost died fighting him. I need to get stronger fast.”

“Sombra was powered up by the heart and had some powerful heartless with him. So don't beat yourself up over it. Anyway, keep getting stronger. Because like I said. Once you're strong enough I'll bring you here to give you your mark of mastery test myself.”Hollow told me.

I nodded my head. I then looked at my severed arm. If I replaced my hand with void energy. Why not my arm? I focused a bit. It took a minute but I was able to make a Void arm. Although while the hand looked like a hand. My Void arm looked like it was purple ethereal armor.

“Not bad. Now , I believe it's time you...WAKE UP!”

When he yelled that last bit I heard over voices with it. I suddenly wake up in a bed at what I believe to be the Everfree Castle. They must have brought me back after I passed out.

“Well look who finally woke up” I heard someone saw sarcastically. I looked over at my door and saw Vanitas.

“Hey Van. How did your mission go?” I asked.

“Again don't call me that. Also it went well. Mission was complete. And from what I've been told so was yours.” Vanitas said.

I got up and got my gear on. I than form my Void arm and looked it over. “Let's go. I'll debrief my side of what happened.” I said. We then walked towards the war room. Man, once this was over I'm taking a vacation or something.