//------------------------------// // Chapter 5. The end // Story: All I want is a friend // by burdockwing //------------------------------// Ch. 5 Pinkie was sleeping peacefully. The hard wood floor softened by the heavy blankets underneath her and her lover…friend. It had gotten hard to distinguish which category Rainbow fell under. Pinkie was certain Rainbow Dash was nothing more than a friend, maybe a sister. But lately Pinkie didn’t try fighting against Dash's feelings or any of her own urges. The comfort Dash gave her and the care she showed made Pinkie think…maybe this is love? Pinkie shook the thought away. What does it matter? All she wanted was to enjoy her peaceful sleep. Being comforted in an embrace by the one pony who would do anything for her. Dash's warm breath on Pinkies head, her soft fur. So gentle. Her warm body pressing against Pinkie. Dash's heart beat, so soft, then picking up its pace. Pinkie felt herself being held tighter and tighter. Then an intense ringing in her ears…what the buck? Pinkie jolted awake. Dash was screaming inaudible and franticly. Pinkie shook her awake. "Dash!" Dash opened her eyes and stopped screaming. She looked around the pitch black room realizing she was home. "What's wrong Dash?" Pinkie's ears were still ringing. "Huh?" Dash panted furiously and tried to regain her composer. "I…it was that thing...I don’t….what…I can't remember." Dash tried to control her breathing. Pinkie wrapped her foreleg around Dash trying to calm her down. Dash scanned the room in fear as if each dark corner concealed a freakish monster ready to rip flesh and break bones. Pinkie hugged Dash tighter until she laid her head down. Dash buried her face into Pinkies chest and sighed. Pinkie knew something was happening. The knives, the constant nightmares and how she can't remember some things. 'She is going to start blacking out eventually but that shouldn’t be happening yet. How did this happen anyway.' Pinkie thought it was best to deal with this…thing later. She noticed that Rainbow was already calm and falling asleep. 'Well this can't end well.' after that the night was rather uneventful. Aside from Rainbow twitching and crying. Rainbow finished chopping firewood and decided to check on Pinkie and Scout. Scout was staring at his destroyed house and Pinkie was sitting beside him, both lost while reflecting on the destruction and life shattering event's that have occured. Dash stopped and sat down with them. "So was there anything in there that was majorly valuable?" Scout sighed. "No…a few pictures and some supplies…but we might be able to recover some things." Rainbow stood up and helped scout up as well. "Well we should go into town and make sure every pony knows your fine…and you Pinkie, should try and see if there is anything salvageable in scouts house…and make sure no pony sees you!" Pinkie got up and gave a salute. "Yes captain!" Pinkie tipped over but saved herself at the last second. She was skilled at being handicapped already. Rainbow rolled her eyes, she was happy to see Pinkie start to become happy. "Jeez it's all clutter…and jars." Aside from several medical kits and a few other supplies everything was gone. "Wait…what's this?" Pinkie pulled out a thin stack of papers from underneath a support beam. "Evaluation…mental report. It’s the mental report!" Pinkie flicked away the ash and began to read. "Central cortex…brain waves…irregular stimulation. There's nothing here!" Pinkie threw the papers away, they were going to be no help with the medical mumbo jumbo. Pinkie continued through the remains and gathered a few things. She then continued on the trail back to her house. "Pinkie!" She turned around to see Rainbow and scout galloping towards her. "Wha-" Rainbow collided into Pinkie and dragged her towards their house. "Shit! Run!" Pinkie scrambled to get back to her legs but Rainbow carried her the rest of the way with scout running right behind them. Scout was the first to reach the house and dive in followed by Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. "What!" "Applejack was in the fucking bar!" Pinkie was shocked. "What!" Rainbow closed the curtains and locked the door. "We went to tell some of the other ponies that scout is fine and Applejack was in there!" Pinkie looked around for scout. "Did she see you!?" "No! I have a fricken Rainbow mane and I blended right in, of course she saw me!" Pinkie looked around the room again. "Where's scout!" Both ponies ran in and out of rooms franticly. "Over here!" Rainbow ran into the bedroom and found Pinkie with her head under the bed. Scout was huddled underneath the bed bawling. "She's gunna kill me!" Pinkie tried to extend a hoof to comfort scout. "It's okay but we need to go." Rainbow tried to inch closer but was greeted with screams and flailing hooves. "We're gunna die!!!" Rainbow Grabbed scout from underneath the bed. "Calm down. We need to go!" Rainbow said trying to keep a calm voice. Scout calmed down enough for Rainbow to get out some orders. "We need to get out now. grab some things and lets go." They all spread out across the house Pinkie grabbed the essentials and limped over to dash. "Are…are we going to be okay." Dash nuzzled Pinkie caringly. "Don’t worry I won't let anything happen to you." Then Dash turned to the drawers and starts rummaging through them. "Umm…what are you doing? I already went through those." Dash pulled out a butchers knife. "Ahh! Here we go!" Pinkie flinched. "Wh…why do you need that?" Dash put the knife into her satchel. "Protection." Pinkie decided it was best to get scout and get out of here. "Hey scout you okay?" Scout nodded as he put some of the things Pinkie brought back into his satchel. "Did you actually see Applejack in the bar?" Scout nodded then thought for a second and shook his head. "I never saw her but when Rainbow started to push me, she told me Applejack was in there. I looked around for them but..." Pinkie stared at the colt for a second. "It's just…I think you would be able to see Applejack with a large hat and her huge stallion brother." Pinkie and scout walked out of the room and were ready to go. Rainbow Dash was stuffing the entire contents of the knife drawer into her satchel. "Rainbow?" Dash didn’t notice Pinkie and scout standing next to her. "RAINBOW!!!" Rainbow turned around nearly in tears. "Dash are you alright?" scout tried to make sense of the situation. "I…I can beat this. I'm fine. It can't make me…me." Pinkie inched back but scout grabbed Dash and began to walk out the door. "We need to go!" Pinkie tried to grab scout away from her but they were already out the door. Pinkie followed anyway. Scout was already trotting down a path going in the opposite direction of the town, with Rainbow right beside him. Pinkie caught up with them. "Scout you need to get away from he-." Rainbow interrupted her. "I know a perfect place for us to hide." Dash turned and stared at Pinkie angrily then continued down the path. Pinkie tried to keep up with scout and Rainbow but Rainbow sped up whenever she tried to warn scout. They walked into a forest and continued on the path. Finally the forest opened into a small field, completely covered by the top of the forest. The sun began to go down, causing the black forest to grow darker. Pinkie could barely see the ponies in front of her. "Here we are! Beautiful aint it?" Even though it was hard to see, Pinkie could still make out a grin on Dash's face. Scout started a fire and put down a large blanket. "There. Very comfy!" Rainbow chuckled. "Hey scout. Can you help me get some firewood?" Rainbow said as she rummaged through her satchel. Scout tried to get up but Pinkie quickly pushed him back down. "I'll go!" Rainbow pulled out a large butcher knife. "Fine by me." They both walked towards the edge of the forest. "What's with the knife?" Dash clenched the large knife between her teeth. "So we can cut some branches off." Pinkie continued walking to what was a sure death with her head held low. "You can't cut a branch off with that." Rainbow smiled with the blade still in her teeth. "You'd be surprised how far you can go with a big knife." Rainbow Dash and Pinkie stood alone in the dark forest. The tree's seemed to remain silent. The forest gloomed with fear and held its breath in anticipation."We had a good thing going! I was there for you and you were there for me!" Dash said, pushing Pinkie to sit. "How are you still here?" Pinkie was looking for an escape route but she wouldn’t be able to run faster than dash even if she didn’t trip in the dark. "Oh…I don't know…magic. I've been living in you for a long…long time, and it hurt when you made me leave! I couldn’t cope, and then like a blessing your friend showed up, so full of hate! Not for you which is surprising, but hate is hate." Dash circled around Pinkie. "So what are you going t-" Dash slammed Pinkie into the ground and held the knife to her throat. She had a sinister look on her face. "I'm going to make you hurt! I'm going to put you through the pain you put me through! And there's no pony better to make you suffer than your lover! Scouts next and after that I'm going to turn myself in and watch this Rainbow cunt be thrown in the dungeons and then killed!!! OH! I’M GOING TO ENJOY THIS!" Pinkie squirmed under the blade but Dash kept her pinned to the ground. Dash began to twitch and the blade shook in her hoof. Dash grunted and tried to force the knife into Pinkies throat but only shook harder. "AUUUUGGGHHH!!!" Scouts scream rang through the silent forest. Pinkie and Dash turned to look towards the campground. "What did you do to scout!?" Rainbow gave Pinkie a hateful look. "Nothing yet!" Pinkie raced back to the campsite followed by Rainbow Dash. They both halted when they got to the edge of their camp sight. "Im gunna tell ya one more time! Scream louder!" Apple jack was standing next her brother as he twisted scouts foreleg leg harder and harder. Pinkie ran for Scout but hit the ground when she was tripped by Rainbow Dash. "I'm the one to kill you…Stay down." Rainbow walked towards the farm ponies and the colt with the blade still in her teeth. "W...what are you doing?" Rainbow went from a walk to a run. "I'm gunna kill this bitch." Rainbow didn’t get far before Big mac and Applejack noticed her. Startled by the galloping mare Big mac slipped and snapped scouts foreleg. "AUUGGHH!!!!" Scout blacked out immediately as Big mac slammed into Rainbow knocking the knife out of her mouth. "Rainbow! Wh…what are you doing?" Rainbow got up and smiled. "I'm fine, thanks for asking, How are you Mac And Applejack?" Applejack was getting ready for a fight but Rainbow knew better than to charge her and get bucked in the face. "Rainbow…ah don’t want no trouble now. Just Pinkie." Dash began to circle around the siblings towards her satchel full of knives. "Don't worry she is going to die, but you have been calling me some awful names and been treating me awfully rude! Me and your sister were best friends too! How is she by the w- oh that’s right! DEAD! THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS THERE WERENT THEY!?!? and you…you just sat there and watched her get executed, you all just watched her die! Too bad…she was my favorite apprentice." Applejack stepped back in horror. Scout was bleeding pretty bad. "Rainbow…you…you BITCH!" Rainbow laughed then reached down into the bag and drew a long knife. "ONCE A BLADE IS DRAWN I CAN NOT REST UNTIL IT DRAWS SCARLET, THE CRIMSON WILL RUN AND THE RED WILL FLY!!!" Rainbow fought the urge to dive at the ponies. Rainbow heard the cruel voice. "Don't fight Rainbow dear or else I will prolong it." Rainbow dug the knife into her chest then fell to her knee's. "Rainbow…you need my help." Pinkie dove in and wrestled the knife away from Dash. "Pinkie! What did you do to her!?!?" Pinkie got back up only to be slammed to the ground by Mac. Rainbow was clearly in pain. "You can't…*cough* stop me." She rolled around in a puddle of blood. Macintosh was holding Pinkie down when Applejack threw him off. "I've been waiting for this!" Pinkie got up and tried to run but Applejack bucked one of Pinkies back legs, it snapped with a loud crack. Pinkie let out a scream of sheer pain and horror, but she died down to a whimper when she fell back to the ground. The bone stuck out of her leg but you couldn’t see it through the immense amount of blood spilling onto the ground. Applejack grabbed a red hot rock out of the fire and stuck it to Pinkies leg. "Stay with me. It'll be fun." Applejack positioned herself over the mare and grasped her neck with both hooves and pinned her down. Pinkie couldn’t manage a scream so she flailed what remained of her limbs around furiously. Macintosh wasn’t so sure of the whole situation. "Applejack this is a little much don't ya thi- *CRACK!*" Rainbow Dash smashed a branch against the stallions head with enough force to ensure a serious head injury. Applejack decided to let go of her chance at revenge and help the little family she still had. She tried to grab rainbow but got a hoof to the face. Rainbow inched towards the lifeless remains of Pinkie with pure horror on her face. "Look what they did! She's gooooone! What do they deserve?" Rainbow turned to face Applejack who just shook her brother awake. Applejack and Macintosh looked on in horror as Rainbow walked closer to them with that…insane look on her face. Rainbow reached down for the knife at her hooves, blood poured out of her like a waterfall as she winced in pain. Mac stood between of Rainbow and Applejack. "You aint gunna lay a hoof on my sister!" Mac jabbed his hind legs but Rainbow dodged them easily. Rainbow was at his right side and quickly dug the knife into his shoulder, then his stomach, then his spine. She was jabbing him furiously over and over with quick, precise, fatal stabs. Applejack was learning firsthand what brutality was. Rainbow finally slid the knife across sections of his body. Macintosh was still standing, his strength and moral was overwhelming, He just wouldn’t die. Rainbow grabbed the flesh on his back and ripped it all off, completely exposing his rib cage and the few remaining muscles. Mac hit the ground and began to finally die, but not before Rainbow had some more fun with him. She grabbed one of his front legs. She hacked and tore until it ripped off completely. The cuts earlier helped to sever the most troublesome bone and flesh. The stallion flailed around the ground like a fish and wanted nothing more than for it to end. "YES!!! GUT HIM!!!" Rainbow had no control so of course she obeyed. First to go were the ribs, snapping them off one by one was easy and fun. She peered into the ribcage to notice a non beating heart and other organs, gushing blood as if they were crying crimson tears. Then she flipped him over and ripped his spine out. The muscles made it awfully difficult. Rainbow looked over to the bawling, scared, poor little Applejack. Too scared to move she was easy prey. Rainbow didn't care what she did, these ponies deserve to suffer. Dash felt like she was in a haze. The one pony that meant more than life to her was dead. Her entire life was gone. nothing to live for. She gave up her life to pursue another life with Pinkie but it was torn apart so she gave what little there was to this other pony inside her head without regret or remorse. Rainbow walked towards Applejack slowly with the red thick liquid dripping of her mane. "Watch me work with this one, watch…you know you want her to suffer more than me… in fact I'll let you do it. Dooo what you want, let your anger out…something horrible….make it slow….make it loud….MAKE IT MESSY!!!" Rainbow smiled as she realized it was her time for revenge. She was going to have fun with this. "Crack bones! Tear flesh! Gut her!" "yes…" "Make her suffer!" "yes!" "Then finish the job with her brother!" "YES!!!" "THEN GUT PINKIE!" Rainbow stopped. "What?" "AHAHAHA!!! C'MON! WE'VE COME TO FAR TO DO THIS HALF ASS!" "Get the hell out" "What? YOU CAN'T J-" Rainbow dropped the knife and walked towards Pinkie. "Yes I can it's my god damn mind." Rainbow looked back at Applejack and sighed. She was once a friend…and in a way still is. Big Macintosh was…gone, as was Pinkie, scout and well…I'm pretty sure Applejack is gone, at least mentally. Rainbow sat beside Pinkie. Rainbow winced when she remembered that she was injured. The knife really only made it into muscle and didn't go past the bone. Too bad…Dash was looking forward to ending this misery. Rainbow looked around at the several corpses and the one mentally broken down Applejack. She was in the fetal position and crying about family and loss or something. Rainbow Kissed Pinkie on the head and got up. She walked through the extremely large puddle of blood and sat down beside Applejack. Rainbow turned her around so she wouldn’t face the remains of her brother then she rubbed her back soothingly. "It's okay…it's okay." Applejack began to calm down, she had to be suffering. Applejack had been through a lot and just didn't know the right way to deal with her problems, so she suffered more. Dash felt rather bad for her. Rainbow continued rubbing her back until she finally fell asleep. "Damn conscious." Rainbow got up and went back to Pinkie but hit the ground three feet away from her. "Damn blood loss." Rainbow inched towards Pinkie and grabbed her hoof. Rainbow reflected on the shit that happened over the past months and how it all was worth the pain to spend the time she could with Pinkie. No matter what Pinkie made it worthwhile. "Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow woke up to see Pinkie standing over her as well as the white curtains of their bedroom. Rainbow jumped up and grabbed Pinkie. "You're alive!" Pinkie wrapped her foreleg around Dash and nuzzled into her. Pinkie stared at Dash as if examining her. Dash looked away with a frown. "Don't worry its gone." Rainbow looked around and saw that scout and Pinkie both had casts, as well as Applejack who was still in the fetal position. "Where are we?"The morning air wafted into the room peacefully. "We were found by some ponies and scout walked them through the medical procedures. He was really amazing!" Scout smiled and stood proud. "We were going to die for sure." Rainbow got up and winced at the pain of her deep wound. Scout sat by Applejack and tried to talk to her but she only cried and buried her face in her hooves. Pinkie tried to get up but having only a foreleg and a back leg to made it extremely difficult, Dash helped her up. "Rainbow, we should get going. They found Mac and I'm pretty sure they sent for the royal guards." Rainbow looked for the essentials. "We don’t have anything to live on." Pinkie smiled. "Don't worry we have survived off of less. Hey Scout how is Applejack doing?" Scout helped AJ up. "She is damaged but we can find a spell…I know someone who can help, and may be willing to hide us for a little." Pinkie turned back to Rainbow Dash and smiled. "Things have been horrible but it can only get better." Rainbow smiled when she realized that Pinkie was right. Scout helped Applejack out of the house. Rainbow carried Pinkie. "Scout what are you going to do now?" Pinkie smiled. "He's coming with us." Rainbow looked confused. One thing Rainbow learned from all this was that no matter what family and friends helped you through anything. She was blessed with Pinkie and Scout. Life could only get better "okay then what are we going to do with Applejack?" Rainbow Dash flew out of the house with Pinkie still in her hooves. "She's a friend in need. We can't just leave her." Rainbow sighed and admitted that it was the right choice. "Their part of the family now!" Rainbow blushed a little. Pinkie nuzzled into Dash's blue fur and smiled. "Our family." So the family of ponies had gone through the most difficult ordeal. nothing else can get worse. So they went down the path towards Halsburg, the only things that were certain, was an adventure and the unconditional love of each other. Happy ending =)