My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season I

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 16: The Great Army Showdown: Part 1


Several days had passed since the second star stone was obtained, and Lightning and his friends had already absorbed its power, making them stronger and swifter than ever, especially with all the extra training they had been doing for any upcoming battles or quests.

However, Lightning hadn’t been able to sleep very well, nor was he able to concentrate. Ever since he heard about Serpentari, he couldn’t get that demon out of his mind and all the destruction she had already caused in her search for the star stones, and above all… was she really the one who destroyed his home planet and killed his family? If she was, felt nothing would make him happier than to thrash, pound, and disintegrate that horrible beast and avenge his people. Lately he would have recurring nightmares and daydreams of that terrible day.

He could see it. He could feel it! The fires, the quakes, the explosions, the evil creature slaughtering all his fellow ponies from Harmonious, and how he, a mere colt of five was totally powerless to help them.

He would then wake up all sweaty, shaken, and finding it difficult to fall asleep again. He was starting to grow large bags under his eyes, and half the time found it hard to perform his duties, study his books, or train due to his lack of sleep and his traumatization holding him back.

Krysta was getting worried about Lightning that she made him an appointment with Dr. Penny for both a physical exam, and psychological therapy.

Penny had never seen anyone so agitated and insomniac, and though Penny was a civilian, she knew the Starfleet code said that officers had to be fit both physically and mentally. Lightning knew this as well, too well even, and feared he’d be useless in his current state. “Penny, what am I going to do?”

“Well, what you need to do is get some much needed rest.” Penny answered, and she prepared a shot. “I’m sorry Lightning, but I’m going to have to sedate you.”

Lightning stiffened “Sedate… Me?”

“It’s a special drug I mixed up myself. It’ll help you sleep better at night and it’ll calm you down a bit during the day. This is for your own good, Lightning.”

Lightning reluctantly agreed and took the shot. He didn’t feel any calmer or sleepy, as Penny told him it would take a while for the drug to kick it, “But it will work. Trust me; I know what it’s like to be stressed. That’s why I became a doctor in the first place.” and she began to tell her story.

When she was just a filly, she and her older sister loved to visit their grandmother in the country. They always such good times and their grandmother were so sweet and caring, but one day, their grandmother got really sick. The doctors found that she had come down with a fatal disease, and that it was too late for her to be treated. Her grandmother died, and Penny was broken-hearted, but she wasn’t the only one who felt like this. Some of her friends had other relatives or close friends that also got sick. Most of them made it through, but a few of them weren’t so lucky and passed away.

Penny’s sister decided to join Starfleet in a crusade to save lives, as a means of avenging her grandmother’s death, and young Penny began to dedicate her life to the study medicine. She spent all her free time studying, and she took first-aid courses. As she got older, she aced her medical studies with top marks all around and made her way to college, and medical school ahead of most students in her field. While even witnessing a real surgery being performed as part of her studies, she butted in verbally when the doctor was about to do something very wrong due to a miscalculation, and instructed the surgeons one what they were really supposed to do.

Finally after complete graduation and earning her licenses to practice and perform. Penny dedicated her life only to helping others as a doctor, vet, surgeon, psychologist-- she wished only promote and maintain good health and stability with all her patients in memory of her grandmother and all those that couldn’t be saved.

Of course, there were those tragic times in which others counted on her, and no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t save some patients and they ended up dying. Of course it really wasn’t her fault, but deep down it felt like it.

Penny sighed softly “I’ve never forgotten a single patient whom I helped, or tried to help but failed, but I always remember that I did my best, and I feel proud that I can provide such help to those in need.”

Lightning and Krysta were amazed and impressed by Penny’s dedication. She had the heart of a real Starfleet fighter, even though she wasn’t on the force. “You’re a good pony Penny.” Krysta said.

“You really do understand.” added Lightning. Penny turned to face them and nodded. “And I do it because I care, just like I care about you two. Now, I mean it Lightning, you get some rest, and try not to let your past get to you, and even if you do end up avenging your folks, it won’t bring them back.”

Lightning nodded “I’ll try, but I’m not promising.”

Meanwhile, Titan’s minions had been training hard to master their knight powers for a long while, and they were getting stronger and better all the time, and finally they were starting to feel as though they had it done!

“Wow! I’ve never felt so strong since… well… ever.” chuckled Rep-Stallion as he smashed a solid rock to pieces with one swing of his double-bladed scythe.

They had also learned new projectile attacks, and Dementia was having a fun with those. “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest and strongest of all?” she kept on saying to her reflection whenever she saw it.

“We are ready. The time has come.” hissed Mysterious. “The others nodded in agreement. “Starfleet has made fools of us one too many times.” growled Dementia. Rep-Stallion ran his fingers across his scythe blades, “But what goes around… is about to about to come around.”

All three of them laughed manically.

Lightning spent the day at home relaxing, reading, or catching up on his studies. “Feel any better yet?” Krysta asked. “Well I do feel less agitated.” Lightning answered “But I still don’t feel tired. If anything, I’m bored.” Krysta rolled her eyes.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was Starla. “Hi, Lightning.” she said. “Starla…” Lightning said shyly. “Um…hey… what brings you here?”

“I heard you weren’t feeling to great today, and thought I’d check up on you.” Starla said “I mean… I’m sorry if I disturbed you but.”

“No, no, you didn’t.” Lightning quickly said.

They were suddenly gazing into each other’s eyes, and both turned away giggling and blushing softly. Krysta resisted the urge to laugh at how typical they were acting. “Why don’t they just go for it already?” she said, but she said it to herself.

After Starla left and promised to check up on Lightning after work. Krysta couldn’t help but say “Lightning, don’t you think you and Starla should stop kidding yourselves?”

Lightning was confused. “What do you mean?”

Krysta gawked at him awkwardly “Come on, you two are crazy for each other. I know it, you both know it and everyone knows it. So what are you waiting for?”

Lightning’s face turned red and he almost felt stressed out but Penny’s medicine helped him not panic. However, he decided not to deny it. He had been thinking about it for a while, but kept on deciding against it. Not just because he was nervous and things like that, but also because of the dangers! Life in Starfleet was always pretty rough for the both of them. Always having to fend off against evil forces and risking their lives in so many ways, and many Starfleet members had lost friends or family were part of the force, which was part of the reason why some of them wanted to join. “I just don’t know.” Lightning said “Starla’s a great fighter, and so am I, but all I’m saying is what if something happens to one of us. We both lost our loved ones, and I know I couldn’t stand it if I lost anyone else dear to me. Imagine how Starla would feel.”

Krysta felt touched by how much Lightning showed his concern, but she implied that he was overreacting. “I’m sure Starla understands that. She’s already pretty concerned about you when she just checked up on you.”

Lightning realized maybe that was true, but he was still feeling rather shy. “I just don’t think I’m ready to ask her yet.” Krysta understood and promised she wouldn’t try to force him this time. Lightning smiled at her. “Thanks, Krysta.”

Suddenly, the sounds of wicked evil laugher echoed from above as the skies went dark. “What now?” grumbled Lightning as he and Krysta looked way up. There, in the skies above the kingdom, were images of Titan’s minions, all in their evil knight forms.

“Attention Lightning Dawn!” Mysterious hissed “We know that you can hear us. So listen carefully.” The minions had challenged Lightning and his unit to a duel. “Meet us by the shrine at the top of Blacktop Mountain after sundown tonight!” said Rep-Stallion. “We’ve prepared an extra special battlefield just for this occasion.” Dementia stepped forward “…And believe us when we say that refusal to accept our challenge is highly unacceptable.” She waved her hand and the images faded into images of the whole kingdom in grave peril. Fires, storms, eruptions, and other sorts of hazards!

Lightning and Krysta couldn’t blink. What a horrible sight it was! Soon, the images soon faded and the minions promised that if Lightning and friends didn’t show up they would do just as they had seen to the kingdom. This time, for real! “Sundown, Starfleet!” snapped Mysterious “Think it over, but not too long.” The images faded, and the skies were clear. So many ponies had already fallen into panic and were preparing for an obvious lockdown at sunset.

Lightning gazed at Krysta. “Let’s go round up the guys.


The minions snickered wickedly, and had a feeling that Lightning and friends would accept the challenge. “Once everything falls into place, we can unleash the next part of our master plan.” hissed Mysterious.

“Yeah, they won’t even know what hit ‘em.” added Rep-Stallion

Behind them all, hiding in the shadows, were hundreds of red glowing eyes followed by hissing and growling of an obvious army of creatures eager to fight. Dementia motioned to them all “Patience pets, patience. You’ll get your chance.”

Before long, Lightning and his entire unit met at his house. They all had seen and heard the threat from the minions, and were willing to accept the challenge.

“It’s a chance that we must not miss,
They’ll destroy our planet as per their promise.” said Rhymey.

Still, many of the others tried to persuade Lightning to sit this one out as they were well-aware of his recent restlessness. Lightning was growing quite annoyed “I appreciate everyone’s concern but we’ve got a greater threat on our hands here!” he barked. He apologized quickly for snapping and pointed out that minions wanted them all to come. “I’m going with you all and as team commander, that’s an order.”

The others were forced to obey and agree. “I wonder though…” said Dyno “How do we know this isn’t another trick?” asked Dyno, and Myte agreed “What if they just turned around and blow up the planet anyway?” added Myte.

“I’ve already thought of that.” said Lightning “I wrote to the Grand Ruler almost immediately before our meeting and I got an immediate response from him.” He showed them all and read the letter from his mentor…


No doubt in my mind you and your friends are eager to accept the minions’ challenge, however, you mustn’t fear for the safety of the kingdom. If the minions dare to try anything, I shall be ready for them along with my vast legion of well-trained guards. I have also sent messages to other Starfleet forces out in space to standby in case of calling for reinforcements.

My only regret is that I will not be able to assist you in your part of the battle, but know that I have faith in you and your friends. I always have, and always will. Just remember what you are fighting for, and keep your wits about you.

We are all counting on you, my faithful student. You and your friends will make us proud, I know it, and feel it.

Good luck to you all!

Your caring mentor: The Grand Ruler.

So that was it then! At least a part of their worries were eased, but some of them were very concerned about the battle. After all, it seemed obvious that the minions had mastered their new powers and it wasn’t known just how much stronger they had become. “Our visors weren’t able to read their powers, and we barely stood a chance against them before” Buddy Rose pointed out “Who knows what new tricks they’ve got now.”

“Yeah, but we’ve all gotten stronger too.” said Starla. “We’ve trained a lot. We have the power of two star stones, and we’ve mastered new moves.”

“She’s got a point.” said Artie “Besides, we don’t have any other choice at this time, and even without the other two star stones we can’t risk the planet’s safety.”

“That’s it then.” Lightning said. “We go.” he put his hand in center of the table, and everyone else put their hand on top of one another’s, and Krysta stood on the very top.

By sunset that evening, many of the ponies across the planet were ordered back into their homes and remain there; ready for the second the Grand Ruler would raise the barriers. All other Starfleet ponies were on standby, and most the royal guard army had left the floating palace to take their positions below. While Lightning and his friends all donned their battle suits, and were now flying for Blacktop Mountain. Along the way, Starla looked pretty nervous about something other than the upcoming battle, or rather someone-- Lightning. “Starla, are you okay?” asked Lightning. Starla seemed really nervous something. “Lightning… I…” she choked on her words and then decided “Never mind.” and she sped a little on ahead almost as if she were trying not to give something away to him, but Lightning actually felt that he knew what she was trying to say, if only he were sure.

Krysta couldn’t help but sigh in dismay for them both.

It was getting dark out as the sun continued to sink below the horizon by the power of Grand Ruler’s magic. Titan’s minions, in the regular forms, were already at the peak of Blacktop Mountain and patiently awaiting the arrival of their enemies. “It won’t be much longer now.” hissed Mysterious. “Well I wish they’d hurry.” groaned Rep-Stallion “I want to have at these little pests and teach them a lesson they won’t soon forget.”

“And don’t forget the other part of our plan.” said Dementia “As soon as we have them all in our sights, we’ll unleash the--”

“Yes, yes, we know.” Mysterious interrupted. Dementia hated it when others interrupted her, but then she noticed “Look, here they come.”

The team were already soaring over Violet Swamp and could see the black mountain region up ahead. One by one they landed near the shrine on Blacktop Peak.

The gang all looked around. “Where are they?” asked Dyno. “They better not have set us up.” snapped Myte. That’s when the sound of the minions’ laughter was heard. “Well, well-- right on time.” hissed Mysterious. Then, the area began to warp around everyone. “Hey! What’s going on?” called Buddy-Rose.

“This is like some scary book!
I don’t think that I can look!” cried Rhymey.

In a quick flash, they all had vanished from sight and suddenly found themselves soaring across space on a pathway, and suddenly landed with a thud in a dark and eerie place. Dark grounds, dark skies. It was all dark! Bits and pieces and mounts of rubble, and corpses and skeletons. Small fog layers, eerie winds, a large castle! Lightning and thunder shaking the skies!

“What is this place?” cried Starla.

Lightning gazed all around. “You don’t think this could be--”

The minions’ were heard laughing again! The gang turned round and there they were standing on a tall pile of rocks. “You have entered a world where our master, Titan spent centuries in prison, a world of surrounding chaotic darkness. This is that world. This is the Dark Planet.” hissed Mysterious.

The fighters exchanged looks of shock and took another look around the desolated planet. They had heard of it, and studied, but to actually be standing on it now up-close, there was no matching it as the single-most frightening place they had ever seen, and that Titan was sealed in this place for a millennium.

“Feel free to have a look around.” sniggered Dementia “This will be the last place you’ll ever see… alive!”

The team huddled close together and stood ready. “We don’t care what tricks you’re up to!” snapped Lightning “We’ll take you down and then find our way back home.”

The minions exchanged looks at each other and then laughed hysterically. “What are they laughing about now?” Buddy Rose wanted to know.

“Nothing, really…” said Rep-Stallion “It’s just that even if you survive-- which you won’t-- you won’t really have a home to go back to.”

The fighters gasped in confusion. “What are you talking about?” sneered Starla.

The minions explained that they had discovered Lord Titan’s secret of conjuring puppet clones, and had combined that with their newly mastered knight powers to conjure hundreds, thousands even of clones of themselves. Impossible to believe, they created a vast army of clones, almost over ten-thousand, and even as they spoke, those clones were blasting the planet to bits.

Just as promised, the vast armada of puppet clones had already began to materialize in the kingdom and made their way towards the major villages and towns. The alarms were sounded, the force fields were raised around the shelters, and Grand Ruler sent his guards and fighters into action. He himself decided to attend the battle this time in the absence of Lightning’s team.

“…CHARGE!!” Grand Ruler shouted. Captain Shaina dashed forth leading her army of guards behind her “On to battle!” and the swarms of fighters dashed for the battle-grounds. Until not a corner in the areas around them could be seen without there being fights and brawls.

They all did their best, but for each puppet they managed to destroy, two more appeared, but the brave ponies wouldn’t give in.

Mysterious snickered and informed the fighters “Try all they like, your friends won’t be able to hold our army back forever. As long as we are standing, our forces will never cease.”

“Face it, punks, your good luck has just clean run out.” said Rep-Stallion.

“There’s no running away this time.” said Dementia “This is a fight to the end. Only one side will be left standing, and it’s going to be us.”

Lightning clenched his fists tighter than ever. “Enough of this!” he growled “…Let’s brawl!”

The others and the minions all stood fiercely at opposite ends of the field, and suddenly Lightning’s team dashed ahead, straight for the minions. The minions stood where they were, not even moving and the gang seemingly jumped on them and began to attack full force, but when the dust had settled. “Huh?” all they had done was hacked away at the pile of rocks, and the minions were nowhere to be seen.

“Where’d they go?” asked Starla.

“I don’t know.” rhymed Rhymey.

Mysterious waited while hiding in the shadows, thanks to mastering his powers, he could blend in with the darkness around him and hide easier, and then, with almost no warning, he leapt forth just in time for everyone to see him emerge and…


…He fired powerful blasts of smoky dark magic straight at them creating small yet strong explosions knocking everyone down.

Lightning groaned softly as he got back up. “As Professor Brain would say, “Well; now who’s a fool?”

The other two minions appeared suddenly near Lightning snickering. “Did you miss us?” Dementia mocked. The gang went at them again only to miss and be shot by Rep-Stallion’s new attack, “BOLT OF THUNDER!” an attack that let him fire electrified-pulses from his scythe. Everyone jumped out of the way just in time.

So far, the fighters were getting nowhere. Every time they tried to even find the minions to even try and attack them the same thing happened. “I say we split up.” suggested Lightning.

Some of the other didn’t like that idea. “Split up, are you mad?” asked Dyno. “We have to stick together, and form a plan.” added Myte. Krysta hovered right up to the twins and snarled, “Oh, sure, this is a great plan-- staying in one place to make an easier target for them!” So the team scattered around a bit.

Lightning felt a little tired and yawned softly. “Are you okay?” asked Krysta.

“I’m fine.”

“They’ve split up.” hissed Mysterious.

“Just like we hoped.” chuckled Rep.

“And now the real fun begins.” Dementia said. Then all three of them slit up. Dementia went after Starla and the twins, and Rep went after Rhymey, Buddy, and Artie, leaving Mysterious to handle Lightning and Krysta. “This might be over sooner than we thought.” hissed Mysterious.

“Not as soon as you think!” snapped Krysta “Ready, Lightning?” Lightning yawned again, but answered “You bet!” and he dashed forth, only to have Mysterious kick him hard in his armor and sent him skidding along the ground, colliding into a rotted tree.

“Lightning!” shrieked Krysta. Mysterious laughed wicked as he approached the seemingly unconscious Lightning. “You once were strong, and now I am stronger.” He prepared to deliver a fatal attack to Lightning and finish him off, but at the last second Lightning bolted upright and punched Mysterious hard sending him back hard. “I know you’re stronger. That’s why we got stronger too.” Then he dashed forward faster than ever. Mysterious thrust his fist forward to intercept, but Lightning zipped out of the way so suddenly and Krysta kicked Mysterious hard from behind.

Lightning smiled, but he yawned yet again and was feeling more tired already.

“Very impressive.” hissed Mysterious “Perhaps I underestimated you… AND I WILL NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN!!”

Meanwhile, Rep-Stallion was showing off his new and improved swiftness by parrying his scythe against Rhymey’s sword and Artie’s staff. Two against one and he made the odds look equal. Even when a struggle was engaged, and Rep managed kick the both of them aside.

“Hey! “No one does that to my friends!” snarled Buddy Rose, and using his whip, he yanked the scythe out of Rep-Stallion’s hands and grabbed it himself. “Ha-Ha! Looks the tables have turned! I got your weapon now.” but Rep-Stallion didn’t seem the least bit concerned. “Who has what?” he growled as he stuck out his arms and his hands glowed bright. The scythe began sparking and shocking Buddy hard that he was forced to let go, and the weapon returned to Rep. “It looks like the tables have turned again, and my weapon is back with me. I’d never let it fall into the hands of anyone else, especially to the likes of you!”

Buddy got back up after his shocking, and Rhymey and Artie came to his side. “That was a dirty trick!” growled Artie.

“Well, we, too, can be slick!” rhymed Rhymey. Rep growled like bull.

Meanwhile, Starla and the twins weren’t having much luck either. So many times they had launched their attacks, but Dementia’s swiftness and defences proved to be a bit much. Most of the attacks just missed her and those that hit her only made her angrier. “Do you know how long I spent shinning my armor?!” she scolded, and she fired her newest projectiles in outrage, “COLDNESS OF DESTRUCTION!” a swarm of ice shards which she launched the straight at the fighters. “Jump!” cried Starla as she and the twins leapt out of the way as the ice flew past them and completely froze a pile of fallen trees and rubble. “Ay’! Ay’! Ay’! Hace Frio!” cried Dyno.

Starla quickly armed her bow and fired her “STARLIGHT ARROW!” but Dementia just zipped, out of the way, and appeared right before Starla, punching her hard across the face and knocking her down!

Lightning saw it all. “Starla!” he shouted! Then he got hit from behind by Mysterious’ blasts. He fell to the ground but hardly struggled to get back up. “Lightning! What’s wrong?” cried Krysta. “I… I don’t know!” Lightning said through a yawn “I feel so… dopey-- drow….sy!” Then he drifted off into a deep, deep sleep “Lightning! Lightning!” cried Krysta.

Everyone else could see him. Lightning was just lying flat on the ground, hardly moving at all!

While back on Unicornicopia, the clones were appearing faster and in larger numbers than the guards could take them out, but just as the minions had promised, the clones never seemed to stay down. Grand Ruler had just sent word for the standby Starfleet forces to come and help, but it would take a while for them to all get there, and the clones were getting rougher than ever, and worse, the shields around the buildings were starting to weaker.

Captain Shaina and her guards saw this and dashed over to battle a swarm of clones trying to get into several, now, unprotected buildings with frightened civilians inside. More clones began to march toward them in great numbers.

“SIRE…!” Shaina hollered. Grand Ruler gazed down from way up high and saw all the commotion and heard the guards crying out for help.

“The shields are coming down!”

“We can’t hold them back!”


Grand Ruler leapt down form up high and hollered for more guards and fighters nearby. “Seal off the perimeter! A-Team, assist B-Team! Get those clones away from the buildings!” he and the guards reached Shaina’s team and fought to ward off the clones. Grand Ruler helped Shaina back onto her feet “Don’t give up, Captain. We’ll get it together somehow. We’ve got to hang on.”

“Your highness! The shields!” shouted one of the other fighters. “All right, stand back!” Grand Ruler hollered and struggled hard to conjure more magic from his golden horns. The shields were reenergized, but Grand Ruler was beginning to feel tired. “Sire, are you hurt?!” asked Shaina.

“I… can’t keep this up… much longer.” cried Grand Ruler. “My power will run low. If those reinforcements don’t get here soon, we may have had it!”

To Be Continued…


In our next episode, with Lightning temporarily out of action, the friends seek refuge inside Titan’s castle and begin to have their suspicions about the minions’ source of powers. Meanwhile, the Grand Ruler and his forces are becoming vastly overpowered by the onslaught of clones, and the minions seem to be in the verge of total victory.

Will the clones destroy Unicornicopia? Will Lightning and friends succeed in outwitting the minions?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “The Great Army Showdown: Part 2”)