Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom


As they made their way back through the forest after receiving Ra's wisdom, Rainbow couldn't keep her eyes off of Indominus. Despite the fact that he was using his Guardian power to light the way for them, Rainbow was amazed by all she had heard. Indominus had been putting her before himself the whole time, even when he had been tormenting the Wonderbolts. Even though he wanted to kill them, he restrained himself all because he knew what Rainbow Dash would think. Hearing that reason from both Ra and Princess Luna made Indominus seem so much more stronger and more admirable in Rainbow's eyes.

"Indominus, thank you for not forgetting me."

"How could I forget you Rainbow? Especially after I hurt you with the Immortal Phoenix." Indominus was starting to turn his head away from her as he recalled that horrible incident, but Rainbow pulled his head towards her so he was looking into her eyes.

"That wasn't your fault Indominus, and I don't want to hear you blame yourself again. Now that I know the truth behind that rampage, I want to help you get through this. Ra told you that keeping me close will help you in this struggle, and that's what I intend to do." Rainbow kissed Indominus on the side of the face and stared lovingly into his eyes. "We're one body and soul after all of our times of mating, and I'm not going to let some Devil or the Wonderbolts take you away. I will help you through this and together we will beat the anger in your heart."

Indominus felt so touched by Rainbow's determination to help him. He leaned forward and gently kissed her nose, which caused Rainbow to blush.

"I'm so lucky to have a great and amazing pegasus like you as my soulmate."

"I'm more lucky to have a gentle hybrid that treats me so well, and has a true heart of gold," Rainbow said as she nuzzled Indominus for his cute display of affection. The lovers continued down the path after their lovely moment.

As the forest became more bright, Indominus returned to normal so as to not use up anymore energy. They could see the entrance to where they had entered the forest, which meant they were getting close to familiar territory. The lovers were about to exit the forest when Indominus stopped Rainbow right before the last row of trees. She could see an alert look in his eyes and he was scanning the night sky as if searching for an attack from above.

"What's going on Indominus?"

"Shhh. Quiet Rainbow," Indominus whispered. "He's still in the area waiting for me."

"Who's still here?"

"Soarin. Before you got here, he ambushed me while I was still weak and tried to kill me. Luckily Smaug showed up or he might've gotten me for good. I know that Smaug sent him away, but he's up there in the clouds just waiting for me to walk out of the forest."

Indominus was using a unique trait he had been born with to spot Soarin in the night: thermal detection from pit vipers. With it, Indominus found Soarin's heat signature perched on top of a cloud above the worn area where they had fought. He could see the Wonderbolt just eyeing the entrance of the forest for any sign of movement, but this time Indominus had all his strength back. Along with Rainbow being beside him, he now had the strength and determination to fight Soarin and get back home.

"I'm going to draw him out and pound him so hard that it'll take him a few weeks to recover, even with that formula of his."

"If you're going to beat him again, then I want in on this one Indominus."

"You really want to fight him alongside me Rainbow? I thought that he was one of your idols."

"He is no idol to me Indominus, you're more of an idol than all of the Wonderbolts put together. Besides, he's the one who started all of this drama in the first place, and i want to make him pay for all that he's done to you."

"Rainbow Dash, I love when you get as devious as me," Indominus said as he kissed Rainbow's cheek. "Then this is how we'll make him pay."

Indominus began whispering his plan of attack to Rainbow while keeping one eye on the heat signature in the sky to make sure Soarin wasn't going to swoop in. Thankfully the stubborn Wonderbolt wasn't even aware of the hybrid's presence. When Indominus finished explaining his plan, Rainbow was having difficulty keeping her giggles muffled.

"Indominus, you are definitely the strongest and the most clever creature I've ever met. Soarin won't even know what hit him."

"Yeah, and this way he'll be out of commission for a couple weeks at the most."

"Which will give me enough time to rekindle my love with you, and make both of us feel so hot again." Indominus felt his heart beat a little faster at hearing the seductive tone in Rainbow's voice.

"Once he's beaten so badly, I promise that I'll give "it" to you every single night Dashie. I'll make sure that you feel so much heat and pleasure," Indominus said in his own seductive tone as he kissed Rainbow again and then walked out of the forest.

He still had his eyes on Soarin and saw the heat signature starting to move. From up above, Soarin had spotted Indominus but didn't realize that the hybrid was completely healed.

"Finally, it took him long enough to get out of that blasted forest. Now to finish the job."

Soarin took off from his cloud, still giant since the formula hadn't worn off despite all the time Indominus had spent in the forest. The Wonderbolt charged towards the hybrid from a steep dive, gaining speed and closing fast. Indominus saw the attack coming and prepared himself for the impact. As Soarin charged up his hoof for a punch, Indominus did the same with his fist. When both attacks collided, the collision sent out a wide shock-wave in all directions. Soarin was stunned to see that his punch hadn't budged Indominus at all, and that the hybrid was able to match his strength again.

"H-How is this possible? You had no strength left before, how can you possibly match me now?"

"Because unlike you Soarin, I have friends that are looking out for me.
I get my strength from more than just my anger, the support of my family and loved ones makes me strong too." Indominus seized Soarin's front hooves in his claws. "Plus you forgot one important person, Wondernothing: my loyal, loving and insanely hot wife." Indominus then threw Soarin's whole body behind him as he called out, "NOW RAINBOW!!"

Rainbow came speeding out of the forest in her transformed state as soon as she heard Indominus. She came flying in so fast that Soarin had no time to react as Rainbow nailed him with a punch to the face. The force of the punch sent Soarin right into the dirt and sent him skidding across the ground. Rainbow touched down beside Indominus, ready to beat the living crap out of the cruel Wonderbolt that had tried to destroy their relationship.

"Ready to make Soarin suffer for what he's put us through Indominus?"

"I'm ready to break his bones, Rainbow. He can take as many formulas as he'd like, but it won't help his body against the two of us. Let's do this Dashie."

Soarin barely managed to get his bearings after the sneak attack as he heard the rumble of giant footsteps heading for him. He exploded off the ground and charged for Rainbow Dash first, both pegasi swung their hooves back and collided with each other. Soarin hadn't counted on Rainbow's strength being greater than the formula as her punch overwhelmed his and left him open for Indominus to punch him right in the dead center of the chest. Soarin felt all the air leave his lungs as he doubled over with Indominus's fist still lodged in his chest.

"H-How....did you...get..strong again," Soarin choked out.

"You shouldn't have tried to destroy my bond with Rainbow Dash. I'm strong because of her love for me, and we'll always be there for each other. By trying to hurt us, you've only made us stronger."

"Also, you don't have anypony around to save your hide Soarin. Now we're going to pay you back for trying to kill our love."

Rainbow nailed Soarin across the face with a left hook, and the Wonderbolt was sent tumbling across the dirt. Her attack left Soarin slightly stunned because of the strength she had received from Indominus. He tried to shake away the stun as he squared off with Indominus, who was already charging towards him. The dinosaur and Wonderbolt rammed their heads against each other, with Soarin being really lucky that the horns on Indominus's head missed piercing his skull. He followed up with a punch to Indominus's head, but the hybrid retaliated with a slash across Soarin's face.

Both blows drew blood on their faces, but Indominus's attack had more strength behind it. Rainbow took advantage of the situation and clamped down on the back of Soarin's neck, immobilizing him.

"Nice going Rainbow, now I can show Soarin the real reason why he'll never beat me."

"J-Just what a-are you talking about," Soarin said while dealing with Rainbow's teeth digging into his neck.

"This, you poor fool."

Soarin eyes went bug eyed as he watched the marks on Indominus's face heal with his guardian power. In a matter of seconds, the hybrid had no marks on his face, leaving no trace that Soarin had even attacked him.

"WHAT IS THIS THING!?" Soarin was in complete disbelief upon seeing Indominus's healing ability.

"He's a guardian you idiot, something you will never be," Rainbow said after releasing her bite grip and smacking Soarin from behind.

He didn't have time to retaliate as Indominus seized him by the throat and held him in his claws. Rainbow walked next to him and stared at Soarin with the look of a predator in her eyes.

"Now you're gonna know what it feels like to be double-teamed Soarin. You're going to endure all the pain that I felt when you attacked Rainbow Dash in front of me."

Rainbow and Indominus unleashed a relentless assault upon Soarin, throwing punches and slashes that just tore up his body. Indominus focused on marking up Soarin's face with his claws, or smashing it against trees with his fists. Rainbow used her claws to slash all over Soarin's body, dealt powerful kicks to his sides and gut, and chomped down on his neck with Indominus. The ruthless attacks kept Soarin from striking back or even getting enough time to make a break for the clouds. He was now at the mercy of the very lovers he had tried to tear apart, and they had no ounce of mercy in them.

"We're going to break you like a Timberwolf," Indominus bellowed as he slammed both fists down upon Soarin's head.

The Wonderbolt's head was hit with such force that Soarin couldn't bring it back up. Indominus followed up with an uppercut that exposed Soarin's underside. Rainbow saw a beautiful opportunity and used the moment to deliver a kick right to the 'area where the sun didn't shine' part of Soarin's body. That attack sent crippling shock waves of pain coursing throughout the Wonderbolt's very being, and it brought him to his knees with no chance of standing back up.

"Prepare to cry Wonderbolt."

The lovers attacked the paralyzed Wonderbolt with great ferocity, smashing away at his body and wrecking it with every blow. While Rainbow took her turn to punch away at Soarin's face, Indominus was punching the Wonderbolt's body with enough force to break bones. The battered Wonderbolt could feel his bones shattering each time Indominus smashed his fists against him. After Rainbow and Indominus had dealt their bone breaking blows, they finished the job by dealing one final combined punch to Soarin's head. The bleeding, bruised and absolutely demolished Wonderbolt rolled along the ground until he came to a stop and laid in a crumpled heap.

Soarin's hopes of pounding Indominus had gone against him and now he was a mere shadow his former self. Nearly every bone in his body felt like it had been crushed, and he didn't even have enough strength to fly away from the area. With his strength gone, Soarin could only watch as Indominus and Rainbow advanced towards him. They stopped in front of their handiwork and glared down at the battered excuse of a Wonderbolt.

"I warned you that this would happen Soarin, but you're too stubborn to listen to anypony but your teammates. Now look at you, you're so destroyed and torn up that you can't even fly."

"Don't worry, we don't intend to kill you here. That time will come later when I can beat you on my own. For now, we're going to give you a warning to relay to the rest of the Wonderbolts." The lovers seized Soarin by the throat and pulled him in until he was staring at both of them.

"We're gonna say this one time Soarin, it's over."

"Whatever vendetta you have against us is dead. Even with the formula that you and your teammates have, it will never be enough to bring us down."

Rainbow and Indominus finished with saying the same line together. "You come after us, and we'll crush you, got it?" Soarin weakly nodded his head in response, and the lovers decided to send him on his way.

Rainbow aimed him in the direction of the Wonderbolt Academy, then she and Indominus began charging up energy in their mouths. Soarin couldn't do anything to stop them as the lovers fired their blasts that sent him flying in the direction of the compound. Once Soarin was out of sight, Rainbow and Indominus took flight and made their way back to the cloudominium. Indominus was relieved that he finally got the chance to pound the heck out of Soarin at last, even better, he got to do it with Rainbow fighting alongside him. Now he couldn't wait to get a good sleep with his family again.

The lovers touched down outside the cloud mansion, and after everything that had happened, Rainbow couldn't help but gaze at her hybrid husband. There was just something about seeing him fight and getting to fight alongside him that felt so special to her.

"You look so awesome when you fight Indominus."

"Now Rainbow, flattery won't get you everywhere," Indominus said as he nuzzled Rainbow's face. "You know, this feels like the first time we fought together, only this time I get to go to bed with you."

"Yeah, and I'm really glad to have you back Indominus. Now you go up the stairs and I'll wake Scootaloo. I'm sure she'll be just as glad to see you home too."

Rainbow flew up to the bedroom window while Indominus made his way through the house and up the stairs. When she got to the window, she was pleased to see Tyrannosaurus had coiled himself around Scootaloo, just like Indominus had done for her. Rainbow glided over to the bed and gently stirred Scootaloo from her sleep.

"Scootaloo. Scootaloo, wake up."

"Ungh, Rainbow's at least two in the morning. Why are you waking me up now?"

"Because, there's someone that I think you'll love to see." At that moment the door to the bedroom opened and every dinosaur jerked awake.

Their faces lit up when they saw Indominus enter the room, and Scootaloo was ready to shed happy tears. Her drowsiness had vanished as she bolted off the bed and hugged Indominus. It warmed the hybrid's heart to see his little girl so happy again.

"You're really back Dad. You kept your promise to all of us."

"Yes I did Scootaloo," Indominus said as he held Scootaloo and stroked her mane. "I'm sorry for worrying you, Rainbow and everyone else so much."

"We're glad to have you back Indominus," said Delta as she and her sisters got up and nuzzled their hybrid brother.

"You really had us worried," said Charlie.

"Promise you'll let us help you out next time the Wonderbolts decide to do something like this," said Blue.

"Yeah, we don't want to worry about losing you again brother," Echo added.

"I promise girls, next time I run into trouble I'll turn to my family for support. But for now, I'd like to get some decent sleep."

The raptors made way as Indominus carried Scootaloo back to the bed. They made themselves comfy and started to drift back to sleep as Indominus climbed into the bed and laid Scootaloo down by T-Rex. Rainbow joined him and the two couples snuggled together like before.

"You did a fine job taking care of them brother."

"I made a promise to you Indominus, and I swore I would keep it," said T-Rex. "What finally got you to see that it wasn't your fault?"

"Well, I received some much needed wisdom from a dragon god and Rainbow herself. They got me to realize that I wasn't at fault for all that damage, it was Soarin's fault after all. But we made sure to pay him back, didn't we Rainbow?"

"We sure did Indominus, and after that encounter he'll be out of action for a few weeks. Now how's about we finally get some rest huh? It's been a long night for all of us."


Tyrannosaurus and Scootaloo went back to sleep for the last time that night. Indominus was about to as well, but Rainbow had one last thing for him. She snuggled close against him and whispered to him.

"I look forward to having my way with you again, my scaly stud. During these next few weeks, I'm gonna fill your body with so much pleasure you won't even remember what anger feels like." Rainbow kissed Indominus before she drifted off to sleep herself.

Indominus slowly closed his eyes with a content smile on his face, and before he finally got his peaceful sleep he said.

"I can't wait to feel your warm love again, my sweet, loyal and devoted Dashie."

Meanwhile, back at the compound Spitfire was pacing the runway looking for any signs of Soarin. He had been gone for far too long to just deal out some punishment. She thought that something had gone wrong after hours had gone by and he hadn't returned from his errand. The lead Wonderbolt was about to head back inside when she spotted two orbs of energy streaking towards the compound. She didn't know what was happening until she saw the helpless and battered Wonderbolt that was on the receiving side of both blasts.

Soarin was slowly returning to his normal size as the blasts got closer and closer to the runway. Being slashed and pounded by Rainbow and Indominus had drained him of so much blood and strength that the formula was wearing off faster than expected. Before Soarin reached the runway, both blasts exploded and the combined force sent him slamming into the island. Spitfire rushed over and used her wings to dissipate the smoke to see how badly hurt Soarin was. She was absolutely horrified at all the marks and gashes that covered his body. It was almost as bad as the nightmare where she had watched his eyes get impaled and his head torn in half by Indominus.

Fortunately, she saw that Soarin was still breathing and was relieved when he managed to open his eyes.

" I?"

"You're back Soarin. Now just relax, we're going to get you some help."

Spitfire carefully carried Soarin back inside the compound, and to the medical room. After examining all of the damage dealt to his body, the doctors deduced that Soarin would have to remain in bed for a few weeks in order to make a full recovery. Soarin was appalled at having to be confined to his bed for so long, but they reminded him that he was lucky to be alive. If it wasn't for that formula, he could've been killed. So Soarin reluctantly accepted the choice and let Spitfire take him back to the sleeping quarters.

Once he was laid down, Spitfire had to ask the obvious question.

"What happened to making that monster pay Soarin? You should've been able to take him on given how weak he is."

"You mean how weak he WAS, That monster somehow got all his strength back and the worst part, he had Rainbow Crash with him and they double teamed me. She knew how to fight just like him and with their combined might, they overwhelmed and nearly killed me."

"I promise you Soarin, we'll get them back for this. That monster has killed too many of our team already, and Crash has chosen him over us. They've sealed their fate with these foolish decisions, and they'll be sorry in the end. While you recover Soarin, we'll call in all the reserves and get as many new cadets that have already tried out. By the time you are fully healed, we'll have enough Wonderbolts to take on that monster and his whole wretched family."

"Make sure my special formula is ready by then Spitfire, because I intend to kill that monster and Rainbow Crash with it."

"Will do Soarin, now get some sleep. You have a long recovery ahead of yourself."

"I know," Soarin said as Spitfire went to her bed and as he tried to fall asleep.

Preparations were on the way, round 2 was approaching, and Indominus would soon find himself facing off against the Wonderbolts again. Only this time, he wouldn't be facing them alone.