Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Plagued By Nightmares

Indominus found himself in a green field lit up by sunlight, and he had no clue how he got there in the first place. He was sure that it was night when he passed out after his horrific fight with the Wonderbolts.

"I don't understand, what am I doing here? More importantly, why isn't my body marked up?" Indominus wasn't aware that he was dreaming and that his healed body was part of the dream.

He then spotted a pony in the distance that was heading towards him. He couldn't make out much on her, except for a particular rainbow colored mane that he recognized instantly.

"No, it can't be her." Indominus was in denial at first, but there was no mistaking the cyan fur, rainbow mane and tail of the pony that was heading towards him. Despite how he had hurt her before, part of him just wanted to hold Rainbow Dash in his arms again.

Blinded by the thought of holding his girl again, Indominus began running towards Rainbow Dash. The closer they got, the more Indominus just wanted to hold Rainbow and say sorry for everything that he had done to her. Just when Indominus was within arms reach of Rainbow Dash, everything turned into a nightmare. A giant column of black fire erupted under Rainbow, engulfing her and sending cold fear into Indominus's heart. Within the black flames he could see a pair of sinister, glowing red eyes staring back at him.

"So, the big shot hybrid finally sees his inner monster for the first time," said a deep and deadly voice from inside the flames.

Indominus was rooted to the spot as he watched something evil walk out of the column, completely covered in the black fire. It was bigger than Indominus himself, and looked like some sort of demonic dragon. His body was a dark shade of black, comparable to Black Death's body, only with more muscle and five curving horns behind his head like some sort of crown. This monster declared his presence to the hybrid dinosaur with a roar that caused the sky to turn black. Indominus was face to face with the living embodiment of all the rage he had created over the last twenty years: his own Devil.

"Now, don't be afraid Indominus. Beasts aren't supposed to fear, what they will become." The hybrid met the monster's gaze with his own, completely unfazed by the sinister glow.

"I don't fear anything, I'm a Guardian of my home! I've never been afraid of anything, especially someone that calls himself the Devil!" His inner Devil just gave an amused smile and laugh at the dinosaur's response.

"Oh I'm much more than you think. I was born out of your rage, your hatred towards every last living creature in existence. As I told you before, I'm your inevitable conclusion. The more rage you draw from your power will bring me closer to taking over your body and mind. This conflict with the Wonderbolts is bringing out the most pure savage anger I've felt in a long time. You may be a weak domesticated dinosaur, but you still wield the destructive brutal force of a monster."

"I'm not a monster!" Indominus lashed out at the demonic entity, but the monster just took the attack without even flinching. The hybrid watched in shock as the claw marks on the Devil's body just disappeared.

"HA! For claiming to be the strongest, you're not the smartest. You can't kill something that is part of who you are. I am part of you no matter how hard you try to deny it, and it was because of me that you killed the Wonderbolts!" The Devil made a single gesture with his hand, and Indominus saw all the devastation he had created from before.

The destroyed environment, lightning bolts raining down from the sky and the three Wonderbolts he had slaughtered.

"Now this is pure devastation, and it was all because Soarin attacked that pitiful pony you call a wife. You do fear one thing despite how you claim to be fearless: that pony's useless existence. You fear for her so much that you would destroy everything and awaken so much rage and power to do so. With this kind of proof, there's no denying that you're a real monster Indominus. Monsters always cause destruction, and you've done far worse."

"SHUT UP!!" Indominus fired a blast at his dark counterpart, who stopped it with a single hand and crushed it. He then seized Indominus by the neck and glared into his eyes.

"Ever since you awakened the power of the Immortal Phoenix, you've become more destructive than you were before. Smaug was convinced that you could master that power and become a great Guardian, yet you've only used it to destroy anything that looks at your precious Rainbow. If you don't believe me just look around and see all the havoc you've caused. See what you did to all the creatures that crossed you? At one time you were just a hybrid dinosaur, but now you've become an evil shadow creature!!"

As Indominus was forced to look around by the Devil, all the memories of every time he had used the Immortal Phoenix were displayed before him. His battle with Smaug, when he slaughtered the Ultimate Obedient Fiend, his rampage after seeing the Wonderbolts bully Rainbow Dash, and even his latest battle with them. Looking at himself from the outside, Indominus could see the brutal rage reflected in his golden form. The insane rage and hatred displayed each time and how savagely he had killed most of his victims.

"Did I really do all of this?" Indominus took notice of the rampage he had gone through. His family had stepped in to try and calm him down, yet he was savagely attacking them, trying to tear them apart. "My own brother and sisters," Indominus said as he stared into the evil red eyes of his Immortal Phoenix state. The hybrid collapsed from seeing what he had done to his family, and how he had nearly killed them. "No, what have I become?"

"You chose to give into your anger and destroy everything around you, even at the cost of hurting Rainbow Dash." The Devil focused on Indominus's fight with Rainbow Dash, after he had gotten so close to killing the Wonderbolts. "You brought this on her, when you let your rage take control and almost killed the one you had been trying so hard to protect. Only a truly dark and twisted monster would viciously attack the one he loved so much. Now look into the eyes of your precious pegasus."

Indominus saw Rainbow stare directly at him after she had been stabbed by the Immortal Phoenix. There was pure scorn and hatred in her eyes as she seemed to glare into the hybrid's soul. Indominus felt tears rolling down the side of his face from seeing the anger in his girl's eyes.

"Please forgive me for what I've done to you!" Indominus sank to the ground in complete sadness and destroyed emotionally.

The Devil laughed down at the weeping hybrid dinosaur and began to sink his claws into Indominus's body.

"You should just let me take over and destroy all that has caused you pain." The monster used his claws to begin forcing his evil essence into Indominus. He was trying to take over the hybrid's body and mind so Indominus would no longer exist.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM INDOMINUS, YOU DEMENTED ANIMAL!!" Both the Devil and Indominus looked up as an enormous blast of magic flowed over the monster and forced him back.

Indominus watched in shock as the painful memories began fading away and the Devil was being destroyed by the magic.

"You haven't seen the last of me Indominus. I'll be back to destroy everything! After all, you can't kill something that is part of what you are," the demon bellowed before he was destroyed by the blast. Indominus found the source of the attack walking towards him, looking extremely worried.

"Indominus, are you alright?" The hybrid was face to face with Princess Luna, and she was exactly the same height as him. Indominus was so relieved that he almost collapsed from everything he had already experienced. Luckily, Luna caught him and held the dinosaur in a much needed hug. She could feel the pain in his voice as Indominus let out his pain and sadness.

"Oh Luna, that was horrifying. I've never been traumatized like that or gone through such a turmoil before. That demon made me watch all the pain I've brought upon Equestria."

"What was that, Indominus? I've never seen such a creature since Black Death invaded Scootaloo's monster," Luna said while still hugging Indominus, trying to calm him down.

"That was all the rage I've built up over the last twenty years, and has manifested itself into a monster that intends to take over my body and destroy all that I love. He says that I will ultimately become him as long as I continue to fight the Wonderbolts and use the Immortal Phoenix." This horrified Luna deeply, knowing that a Guardian's hatred wanted to destroy everything he cared about. That included Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

"Indominus, I'm going to ask you something personal and I need you to answer me honestly." Luna pulled away from the hug and looked Indominus in the eyes. The hybrid dinosaur collected himself and was ready for what Luna was going to ask him. "Do you really want the Wonderbolts dead, or does the monster within you want it?"

Indominus couldn't lie to Luna, especially since he didn't know how to do it. So he came clean and answered the Princess's question.

"Yes, I've wanted to kill them ever since I saw them harassing and bullying Rainbow Dash. However, I know how much Rainbow idolizes them, and I know she would never forgive me if I did carry that out. So I've had to restrain from doing so, until the point where Soarin attacked her in front of me and I lost control entirely. I gave into my rage and killed three of them without any restraints, but despite my attempts, I actually hurt Rainbow Dash. The monster within me wanted me to kill her, but I stopped myself after I realized that I had hurt the pony I love."

Luna was touched by Indominus's response. Despite how he wanted to kill them to keep Rainbow safe, he was fighting his own urges because he was putting his girl before himself. But in the process, it was building up his rage and making his attacks and rampages more destructive. By trying to keep his anger from getting out and killing the enemies he hated, Indominus was actually making things worse for himself. Luna knew exactly how to make things better for him, and make the Wonderbolts pay even more, now that she knew they had caused Indominus to go berserk.

"Indominus, I think I have a way to make you feel better. What would you say if I told you that I could make it so you could kill the Wonderbolts, and not kill them at the same time?"

The hybrid dinosaur was confused by Luna's proposal, he didn't know what she was talking about. Seeing the puzzled look on Indominus's face, Luna clarified for him.

"What I mean is, I could mix your dream with the Wonderbolts so you could kill them in their dream, and have it haunt them in the real world."

"That does sound like a good idea, but Luna, why are you doing all of this for me? I didn't think you would want ponies to suffer like this."

"Let's just say I know what it feels like to suffer internally because of something I did that was out of hate." Indominus's eyes widened, he didn't think Luna had a tragic past like his too.

"You've felt guilt and remorse over something painful that you did to someone you care about?"

"Of course I do. I once nearly caused Equestria to suffer from eternal darkness. Once Twilight and her friends saved me from the darkness in my heart, I thought it was all over. But I tormented myself every night with a dark nightmare so I could never forgive myself over how much Equestria suffered because of me. However, it was thanks to Twilight, her friends and everypony else that I was finally able to forgive myself. That's also why I know that you and Rainbow will be back together, once you can forgive yourself."

Luna was caught off-guard as Indominus embraced her in another hug. His new world was more understanding than he thought, and the ponies were always there to help him through his pain.

"Thank you Luna."

"You're quite welcome Indominus, now let's get you into their dream to make them pay."

"I'll make sure that Soarin gets a very painful death," said Indominus as Luna lit up the dream, sending him into the dreams of the Wonderbolts.

Meanwhile, the Wonderbolts were performing an air show over Ponyville, with everypony cheering them on. In their dream, Rainbow was stuck sitting on the sidelines while they got to be the center of attention. They had no problems to deal with, no dinosaurs trying to kill them. All they had to do was showboat and look like the stars of the world. Out of nowhere, a thunderous voice echoed across the skies, causing the great flyers to freeze in panic.

"You ponies have caused a filly's family and loved ones too much pain. Now you will see what kind of justice awaits your wretched souls!"

The sky turned pitch black, the crowds of ponies from below faded, and a massive circle of fire erupted from the ground. The Wonderbolts didn't have time to process the changing dark area when their wings suddenly disappeared and they all fell to the ground.

"Spitfire, what's going on," said Fleetfoot.

"Why is everything becoming so dark and evil?"

"I-I don't know what's happening."

"This is payback for you idiots attacking and hurting an innocent couple," said the dark voice from above, which was Luna masking her voice so the Wonderbolts wouldn't recognize her. "Now, time to meet the one who will pass down your judgement."

A red column of light descended from the sky, and the Wonderbolts watched as a massive creature glided down with it. The massive beast was hard to see at first, but as the light faded, the Wonderbolts' hearts dropped at the creature that towered over them. Indominus stared down at them with a great gleam in his eyes. He was glad that Luna could make his wish a reality, and he wouldn't hurt Rainbow in the process.

"Oh no, not him," said Spitfire in terror. "He's supposed to be weak and groveling in the dirt."

"WRONG!! He will be the one to torment you monsters, after all that the pain and agony you've brought on him." Luna cast down a spell that rooted the Wonderbolts to the ground so they couldn't escape. With his victims trapped and unable to escape, Indominus had the perfect opportunity to finally ease his mind and heart of some of his rage. "Go Indominus, let them feel the pain of your heart."

Indominus charged forward and began slashing his way through each of the Wonderbolts. Tearing their bodies to pieces and spilling their blood everywhere. He was finally getting the vengeance he wanted, and could feel his inner rage being quelled with each kill. The hybrid slaughtered and dismembered the Wonderbolts until he was down to Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot. He decided to have some fun tormenting the Wonderbolts that had harassed Rainbow the most.

I wanna make you broken
Come on pony time to die
I wanna rip you open
Throw my claws deep inside

Indominus pinned Fleetfoot and placed his claws on her stomach.

Let me mount you gently,
Love with a fist
Intruding front entry
You're gonna like this

(Indominus tearing out Fleetfoot's organs while singing)
I'm gonna shred you hardcore
Gonna kill you more
Ramming up the exit door
I'm gonna shred you hardcore
Stretch your body into a hall
'Til I'm getting bored

Spitfire and Soarin tried to run away, but to no avail. Indominus crushed Fleetfoot's face under his foot before giving chase and catching up to them instantly. He knocked Spitfire aside and focused his attention on Soarin, since he had wanted to inflict true pain on the bullying Wonderbolt. He knocked Soarin about before slamming him into the ground.

Ride the Hershey Highway
Tight it for the monster truck
Face down! Ass up!
Here we come, we wish you luck

Indominus pierced Soarin's eyes with his claws and towered over him as the Wonderbolt screamed.

Let me mount you harshly,
Claw in your eye
My dear Soarin
This is how you die
I'm gonna shred you hardcore

Indominus pulled Soarin's face apart with great force, sending the Wonderbolt's blood flying everywhere. Spitfire was shocked and truly mortified by the traumatic experience. Watching Soarin's blood flying over everything and seeing Indominus enjoying every moment of it was too much to handle. All she could do was run away from the gruesome carnage, towards the walls of fire. She could hear Indominus gaining on her, but she stopped when she saw six figures walk out of the fire. Indominus stopped too when he saw the six ponies standing before Spitfire.

"Oh thank goodness it's you Crash. You've gotta do something to stop this behemoth. He's gonna kill me if you do-" Spitfire was cut off as the dream Rainbow Dash smacked her across the face.

"I don't have to do anything for self-absorbed rats like you. As far as I'm concerned, you are only good to Equestria as a decaying corpse."

Spitfire stumbled back in disbelief as the Mane Six advanced towards her.

"You are a menace to this world."

"Ya don't deserve yer lives for hurtin' our Rainbow."

"You'd make a better cupcake than a Wonderbolt."

Spitfire continued to back up until she felt Indominus behind her. In one swift motion, the hybrid dinosaur picked up the Wonderbolt and slammed her into the dirt. The Mane Six joined him and they sang a demented tune together.

Let me mount you gently,
Love with a fist
Intruding rear entry
You're gonna like this

(Indominus tearing Spitfire apart while the Mane Six sing)
I'm gonna shred you hardcore
(Now kill her hardcore)
Gonna kill you more
Tearing up your door
I'm gonna shred you hardcore
(Now kill her hardcore)
Stretch your body into a hall
'Til I'm getting bored

I'm gonna shred you hardcore
(Now kill her hardcore)
Gonna kill you more
Tearing up your exit door
I'm gonna shred you hardcore

Indominus loomed over Spitfire as the others finished their tune. The Wonderbolt screamed in sheer fear as the hybrid opened his jaws and closed in on her. Thankfully all the screaming ended as Indominus silenced the Wonderbolt with a single bite that crushed her skull. Afterwards, the flames, ponies and all the blood and bodies began fading. Indominus looked up as Luna began flying into the sky.

"Thank you Luna."

"You're welcome Indominus, and remember, don't give up hope. You will be with Rainbow Dash again!"

Indominus awoke, still covered with the marks and wounds from his battle, but was glad to see the giant blanket that looked like the night sky covering his body. He looked up at the moon, smiling at the great favor Luna had given him, before pulling the blanket over himself more and going back to sleep.

Over at the compound, the Wonderbolts were all waking up in a cold sweat. Luna had made them feel every single attack Indominus had inflicted upon them. Spitfire was shaking in fear from being crushed by Indominus's mouth, and Soarin was checking his face to make sure that he was still in one piece. They had all been traumatized and had their spirits shaken by a single nightmare, that had been created.

From outside, Luna marveled at hearing the nervous whispers and horrified shock rubbish coming from the Wonderbolts.

"Maybe that'll convince you ponies to not mess with the Guardians of Equestria," Luna said to herself before disappearing into the moon.

The Wonderbolts may have been scared, traumatized and killed within a nightmare, but it wasn't enough to deter Soarin from carrying out his vendetta against Indominus. Indominus was going to face the Wonderbolts again, and this time, he would have much more to worry about than just saving Rainbow Dash.