//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: The Nightmare Begins // Story: The Villain: Darkness Unbound // by Gear Spring //------------------------------// Two little claws hug a brown mug as emerald eyes gaze down into a pool of an orangey liquid. In the cider is the reflection of the tiny prince who continues to gaze into the drink with a curious look. He looks up to see Ember who has taken a similar drink and has dove her snout into it. Cider froths around her mouth as she guzzles it down. When finished, the blue dragoness slams it down. She smacks her lips with a smile. “My little princeling,” she says, noticing the young dragon’s stare, “What is the matter?” “This, this muddied water,” the princeling stares down into the drink with an ever-growing frown, “It is considered unhealthy to drink in our kingdom. And yet these ponies consider it a treat?” “This isn’t water, my prince,” Ember says, putting a claw over her mouth to muffle a laugh, “It is called cider. It is a sweet drink that the ponies make by mashing up apples.” “You mean those fruits we saw hanging from the trees?” “The very same,” she answers. “Go on, young one, drink up.” The tiny dragon lifts up the drink to his snout and lets it slip past the row of miniature fangs as he gulps it down. He starts to drink faster, reaching the same pace as Ember before putting the cup down. A great big smile crosses his mouth before his cheeks puff out. A small burp slithers past his lips, making him blush. “It is sweet and tangy,” he says, licking his lips. “I will make sure to ask the ponies for a tree to take us back home with.” “Oh, Thorn,” Ember giggles, “Apple Trees won’t be able to grow in the Dragon Lands. The earth is too tough. Besides, we are just fine with the gems growing in caves.” “Then our next priority is tilling the lands,” Thorn says in a serious tone. “In the past, our kind would feast on the riches of the lands besides the precious gems of the earth. I told you that I will restore our home to a glory not seen in a thousand years.” “Thorn,” she says, moved by his words. “Spike?” Realizing that the words are being thrown his way, Prince Thorn turns to see a white unicorn gawking at him from afar. Her dazzling blue eyes seem to swell, sparking like the three diamonds that make her cutie mark. Before she can speak she is slowly making her way up to him, not a word spoken. Ember narrows her eyes as she watches Rarity with a sort of contempt. The pony proceeds up to the prince, and looks him in his large emerald eyes. Suddenly, she presses her nose against his snout, an angry expression overtakes her. “You have a lot of nerve coming here after what you did,” she scowls. “Rarity,” Ember has risen from her seat, both sets of claws placed firmly against the table. A dark look has come over the dragonesses face, “Do not address my liege in such a manner.” “Your liege?” Rarity is thrown back. “You addressing the future king of the Dragon Lands. Prince Thorn.” “Thorn,” Rarity’s anger seems to only burn brighter as her horn glows. “Thorn!” Pointing the tip of her horn at the little dragon, the seething Rarity unleashes a flash from a powerful spell. It creates a burst of blinding white light that swallows the area. When it fades, Rarity is on the ground, panting heavily as she appears slightly worse for wear. However, despite her powerful spell, the little dragon is left unscathed. His twilight scales glisten. The unicorn grits her teeth, but ends up collapsing. Looking up with weary eyes, she is shocked to see a friendly claw reaching out for her. “Are you okay?” Thorn asks. She hesitates to accept the talons, looking up at him with disdain. Yet when their eyes meet, she can read the innocence in his. Something inside her compels her to accept his claw. Wrapping his fingers around her hoof, he helps her back up. Once she is back on her hooves, she shies away from the prince and his dragoness guard. “I-I’m sorry,” Rarity hangs her head, “I acted rashly.” “Rashly?” Ember steps forward, bearing her fangs. “You attacked the crowned prince of the Dragon Lands. This is no short than an act of war…” Before she reaches Rarity, Thorn throws up a claw, blocking his blue mentor. “Ember, there is no need for such hostility,” the young prince smiles. “We are here as guests. I came here wanted to learn the ways of the ponies. Miss Rarity has quite the explosive method of greeting other ponies, but it was pleasant nonetheless.” “Your majesty,” Rarity is left in awe. “Please, Thorn is fine.” “Y-Yes, well, Thorn,” the pony blushes and giggles to herself. “If you would like, I can show you more of Ponyville.” “That would be—” The young dragon is silenced by the abrupt trembling of the ground beneath his feet. He stumbles off his seat, falling flat on his stomach. Ponies let out horrified screams Many of them are looking off in the distance of the Everfree Forest. Thorn’s emerald eyes follow them to see a plume of fire rising over the tree tops out in the distance. A cross look decorates his face. “Your highness?”: Ember looks at the young dragon. “I need you to keep this pony safe,” he orders. “What? What do you plan on doing?” Rarity asks. “I am protecting the home of my new friend.” Before Rarity can speak, Thorn is hunched over with a small pained look. At his shoulder blades, two points jet out, breaking the scales. Covered in a black ooze, they slowly morph open to be two large wings nearly the size of the little dragon they are attached to. One flap sends the dragon upwards into the clouds. From below Rarity watches as the small purple dot that is Thorn suddenly speed off in the direction of the Everfree Forest. *** Deep in the Everfree Forest, the undead behemoth Knight Mare swings his mighty claymore, cleaving the tops of trees with a single cut. Creatures of the forest, small and tall, flee for their lives. The skeletal horse-head hangs its jaw open to let loose a stream of fire that torches what is left of the trees. Smoke billows into the sky. Once the path is clear, the monstrous knight marches forward. Earth turns to jagged violet rock. The beast’s eyes flare like twin fireballs as it falls upon the image of a crystal tree set in the maze of stone. Rather than take the stairs nearby, Knight Mare charges down the slope, only to dig its hooves into the ground as it skids to the bottom. Before he crashes, he digs his claymore into the rock, slowing his descent. Landing, he rips his sword free and marches for the Tree of Harmony. Without resistance, Knight Mare holds his sword up over his head. Silently, he brings it down upon the top of the tree. The Tree of Harmony is shattered upon impact, the force blasting the crystal to bits. Blue shards scatter on the ground, and a sapphire dust cloud meets the smoke in the sky. Once the dust settles, Knight Mare sees that at the root of the former tree is a sigil etched in the dirt. A snake-like creature with the horn of a goat and antelope wraps itself in the shape of a circle. The image appears to be biting its own snake-like tail, a large tusk jetting out from its bottom jaw to bite down onto its feathered tip. Knight Mare picks his sword up again, the skulled knight lets steam ooze from its mouth. The steed that is a part of its being snorts as the abomination readies to attack again. Just as it attempts to stab the odd insignia, a small violet ball careens out of the sky, and smashes the beast in the chest. It tosses Knight Mare backwards until his hooves dig into the edge of the sloping hill. Thorn stands between the creature and the circle, unaware that he is defending it. The little dragon plants his feet firmly and snorts a small stream of smoke. The great wings at his back stay fanned outwards, making the little creature appear more intimidating. Sadly, it is not to deter the colossal beast that towers over him. Knight Mare tightens its bony grip on the claymore. Its steed body rears back, the stallion letting out a stream of fire as it cries out in battle. He charges the little dragon, its sword held out like a lance. The tip of the blade reaches the small dragon, who holds up his hands to meet it. His talons dig into the bone weapon, and he is immediately sent flying backwards, unable to get a footing from the monstrous momentum of the charging knight. Knight Mare thrusts the sword upwards, sending Thorn up into the air where he spirals down to the ground, landing with a painful thud. The stallion continues its charge, slamming its front hoof into the ground to swing about and make for a second pass at its prey. This time, Knight Mare holds the sword out at his side. Flames erupt in its skeletal form, cloaking him in a hellish armor. The inferno travels down to the sword, setting it ablaze. Thorn gets up in a slight daze as he catches sight of the sword barreling toward him. *** Rarity looks nervously at the growing smoke from the Everfree Forest. “Will he really be okay?” Ember smiles, “Of course. Our Prince can handle anything.” “How can you be so calm?” the unicorn bites her bottom lip. “He is just a baby dragon.” “Thorn is unique,” Ember explains. “What do you mean?” “When a dragon is overcome with greed, he will grow big and strong,” Ember says. “But Thorn…” *** The flames burn bright. Smoke sizzles against the deep purple scales. Thorn has a hold of the fiery blade, his claws sending cracks sprawling across the weapon. Piercing green eyes look upon Knight Mare, as the little prince has grown into a dragon twice the size of his escort, Ember. The stout, round body has become long and slender. The Eclipse Dragon will grow stronger in order to defeat his foe… The mature Dragon Prince closes his palm, crushing a section of the towering claymore. Stamping his foot into the ground, Thorn twists his head in the direction of Knight Mare, sending a stream of black fire at him. It seems to swallow the fire armor, wrapping the undead behemoth in a blanket of agony. It lets out a unnerving screech as it flails. Using the opportunity, Thorn takes blasts off the ground at a booming speed. He rips through the armed side of Knight Mare. The skeletal hand and claymore crash to the ground, and the beast again shrieks in pain. A cone of air forms about Thorn as he dives for another attack. The beast moves, but not enough as the horse head is obliterated. Knight Mare pants heavily as the flames finally die from its body, leaving charred bone in its wake. Realizing that it is no match for the dragon, it turns and instead runs for the insignia. Thorn watches it flee, and instead grabs the claymore off the ground. The beast charges with all its might for the strange marker, but topples to the ground as its back legs are sliced off with its own weapon. It screams as it claws its way. Thorn soars up in the air, and ignites the sword again, but in his black flames. On the ground, Knight Mare swings its lanky arm and digs four long fingertips into the marker of the snake. The stone cracks, and a hiss of smoke rises from it. Knight Mare lets out one last battle cry as it rakes its talons across. Its triumphant scream is cut short as the claymore is thrust through the back of its skeletal head, splitting the skull down the middle. Thorn stands victorious over the remains of the beast. The flames that jet from the blade lick at the rest of the fallen skeleton. Thorn looks at the destroyed marker, watching as the strange steam leaks out onto the ground, rolling like a fog. He narrows his gaze, even as the mist disappears. *** From afar, a dark figure has sat and watched the events transpire. Djinn floats on a cliffside that a former dragon once used to gaze upon Ponyville. The creature of darkness has its bottom arms folded together, and his top right hanging at his side. The last he holds out in front of him, a large smile on his featureless face. At his wrist, a golden cuff shows signs of cracks webbing across its shimmering surface. Djinn squeezes his hand into a fist, and the muscles bulge, breaking apart the cuff. His glowing red eyes follow the pieces tumbling to the ground. Opening his mouth, a long, black tongue slithers out as he licks his non-existent lips. “Useful, you were,” he chuckles, “But brute force no longer good. The Eclipse Dragon will prove too difficult to overpower. Must use other tricks. Yes, it must be done to break the other three.”