The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Rescue Mission. Part 1

Gathered around me in the war room was all the Keybladers here along with Sans and the others. We looked at the map with both Appleloosa and the Crystal Empire circled. I need to send two teams, I'll be on one while Vanitas will be on another. I head to the Crystal Empire in case of heavy resistance while Vanitas goes to Appleloosa for backup.

“Ok, I'll go with team one to the Crystal Empire while Vanitas goes with team two. Applejack, you and Zecora are on team two. Find your cousin and convince him and any other survivors to head here. Twilight. You, Gilda, and Celestia are on team one. We'll look for Shining Armor and Princess Cadance in the Crystal Empire. From what I've read and the princesses told me we'll definitely come across King Sombra, and I'm sure he won't be the same. Core or one of his lackeys will definitely do something to him. Luna, you and the Monster Buster force will stay here and protect the city. Although if me or Vanitas run into to much trouble we’ll use these bone runes I made to signal for help. Any questions?” I asked.

Sans raised his hand and asked. “Just one thing. What is this city called again? I've been asking for weeks now.”

Oh. We haven't thought of a name yet. Was too busy focusing on other things like training. “Let's call it. The Everfree Village. Because the forest around is known as the Everfree Forest.” I said.

“Ok.” Sans said with a shrug. “You guys stay safe ok. And don't worry about this place. Anyone who tries to attack will have a bad time!” His left eye was glowing when he said that last bit.

“Ok everyone, let's gear up. Be ready in about fifteen minutes. Bring potions and ammo for your non-keyblade weapons. Dismiss.” I said and they went to gather their gear.

I had a bad feeling today. Something was going to happen. I don't know what. But I'll do my best to make sure they all come out alive. I went to gather my things as well. My pistol, my crossbows, my grenades, my blunderbuss, my short swords, my swords, Void Slayer and Azul Tonitrua, my ammo, my potions, and my magic elixir. After collecting what was left we learned how to make more. Now our magic specialist carry an elixir just in case.

After about ten minutes of waiting everyone was ready. Those who joined as assassins have on their gear and outfits. Along with the mask.

“Ok everyone. We leave in less than five. Be prepared for anything. We have heartless, unversed, their fusions, and the Ventrals to watch out for. Not to mention King Sombra himself. No matter what happens. We, will, come back,alive.” I told them. They nodded. Once it was time we headed out. Vanitas and his team heading to Appleloosa on their gliders, and me and my team headed to the Crystal Empire on our gliders.

Vanitas Pov.

We were on our way to Appleloosa. Hopefully Smokey Apple is alive. We need a good blacksmith. Also it would help Applejack. When she is not on missions or training, she is with her sister. Makes sense since they only have eachother now. Hopefully we can find him and get back without any trouble, but knowing our luck that won't happen.

I spotted the town in the distance. “Ok you two. Town is closing in. Keep together always. Watch each other's backs, and don't engage any Ventrals on your own. Call for me and I'll be there as fast as I can. Got that?” I asked.

“Rodger!” They both said. I nodded towards them. Then upped the speed of my glider and headed straight for the center of town. They headed for the Northern side of the town.

This place looks like a ghost town, or haunted ruins given the state. Most of the buildings were either destroyed or greatly damaged. I noticed a small tavern that was still intact enough to enter without fear of it collapsing on itself. I headed inside and saw there were bodies scattered around. They either died from the battle or something got to them after. Wait, some are still losing blood. They were recently killed. Applejack and her sister gave a brief description of what Smoky Apple looks like as well as his Cutie mark. An anvil. I examined the bodies here and didn't see that mark. So it's possible he is still alive. I noticed there were some buffaloes here as well.

I turned to leave when I saw something moving in the shadows. I summoned my keyblade Void Gear and carefully moved towards them. Suddenly a ton of shadow heartless appeared out of the shadows. They bunched up and looked like a tower and f some sort with them piling on top of one another. ‘A demon tower! Why is that pureblood here?’ I thought.

The eyes on the shadow heartless suddenly turned red and attack me. I dodged out of the attack and used strike raid. I took a few out but the tower is still attacking. ‘I have to be careful. Even with my strength one wrong move and it will hit me like a truck. Better stick to long rage spells and shotlocks for now.’

I used spells such as blizzarga, thundarga, firaga, dark firaga, and shotlocks like Dark Volley, Photon shot, and Bio Barrage. I took out most of it but it still kept coming. It then dispersed into a few dozen shadow heartless. Well at least it's a little easier to hit now.

They tried to surround me, but I jumped up in the air and used mega flare. It took out the rest of them and the demon tower was gone. I best keep looking. Wonder how Applejack and Zecora are doing? Wonder if they found Smokey Apple on their end?

As I was thinking this I saw them with a few new members. Two ponies, and a female buffalo from the looks of it. One of the ponies had an anvil cutie mark so I guess they found him. “Hey you two. From the looks of it you found Smokey, and some others.” I said.

Applejack nodded. “Ya, I'm glad we found them. You know who Smokey is already. These other two are Braeburn and Little Strongheart. Braeburn is my cousin as well. Strongheart is from the nearby Buffalo tribe, but...she's all that's left.” She said looking down.

Strongheart looked at me. “Some kind of monster kill them. It was on two legs and covered in fur. Looked like a walking wolf. It was really fast as well.” She said shaking as she remembered what happened.

So the werewolf Ventral is here. Just great. We should escort them back to Everfree Village where it's safe. “Ok, mission complete. Let's head back. If we come across that werewolf let me deal with it. None of you are strong enough yet to fight something like it and I'm more experienced. Let's hurry. The longer we’ here the more chance of running into it.” I said. They nodded. Applejack and Zecora summoned their gliders. Applejack’s was like the Tera’s so she and her cousins were able to ride on it. While Zecora's was like mine and Ven’s so she and Strongheart rode on it.

I was about to summon mine when I felt something. I looked around and saw something moving fast through the shadows. “TAKE OFF NOW!!” I yelled. They took off and I was glad they did. A half a second later and they would have died.

“Woah Nelly! You ok partner?” Applejack yelled.

“I'm fine. Just go. I've got this.”

She looked like she wanted to argue but knew she and the others would have just gotten in the way in this fight, they needed more training before they can come close to this lvl. She and the others took off to Everfree Village while I looked at the werewolf Ventral. I summoned Void Gear and stanced up. Time to see how strong this wolf is.

Fifteen minutes ago.
John’s POV.

Me, Twilight, Gilda, and Celestia were getting close to the Crystal Empire. I can see the blizzard lands already and the temperature was dropping fast. We stopped in a town that was still intact and grabbed some winter gear, though I know if the barrier is up we won't need this stuff once we past it, but better safe than sorry.

Twilight was really nervous. She hopes her brother and Candace are fine. If memory is correct then those two should have been married by now. Because of what's happened the wedding never took place. Maybe once we find them and get them back home then they can plan a proper wedding. Just hope their ok.

We had just entered the snowy lands of the crystal empire and we had to get off our gliders a minute later. This storm is too bad to use our gliders. We'll have to walk from here. “Stay close everyone. It'll be awhile before we hit the barrier protecting the town from the blizzard.” I yelled over the storm.

We trudged through the snow onwards. I led them with Gilda right behind me, followed by Twilight and Celestia. While moving I thought I saw something. I didn't know what it was...and that worries me.

“Keyblades out! There is something here!” I yelled summoning Fenrir. The others did the same as we kept moving.


That doubt about it. Sombra is nearby.

“What was that?” Twilight asked looking around.

“Sombra.” Celestia said narrowing her eyes. We ready out Keyblades in case we have to fight. I saw something ahead of us. It's the barrier!

“The barrier is in front of us! You guys go on. I'll catch up.” I told them

“What! We are not leaving you here with smokey!” Gilda said. Wait how did she know he wa-

I looked behind and saw a thick cloud of black smoke. Then Sombra’s green eyes shown through the smoke along with his head. “Crystals.”

Why is he saying that? Doesn't matter. “Get to the barrier now! That's an order. I'll hold him off.” I yelled. They wanted to argue but Celestia shook her head at them. They reluctantly nodded and ran towards the barrier.

‘Ok, I'll have to use ranged magic attacks. Physical attacks won't work on this form.’ “Blizzara!” I shouted launching the spell. It hit him and made him stumble back a bit. He glared at me and shot a black beam at me. I dodged and the ground it hit was covered in black crystals. Ok not getting hit by that.

I then launched a nova blast from my Void hand and it exploded in a huge blast. I heard him howl in pain from the blast. When the smoke from the blast cleared he was gone. For now. ‘Better get in the barrier while I have a chance.’ I thought.

I made my way through the barrier and saw the Crystal Empire. The grass was visible with no snow and the empire looks ok. I looked around for the others, but didn't see them. They must have went on ahead. Better catch up.

I took out Fenrir and sent him into glider form. I made it into the city in about a minute. Crystal ponies were wondering about looking everywhere nervously. Probably expect Sombra to pop out at any minute. I still didn't see the others. I'll just head to the castle to see if they're there.

I made it to where the heart was supposed to be and saw it missing. So who is putting up the barrier? Before I could ponder on this some more I had to dodge a magic blast that was aiming at my head! I looked to where it came from and saw...Shining Armor! So he and Cadence made it here after all. Although I wouldn't be surprised if he still thought I was evil.

“So you've come here to murder as well huh Blade. Well this time. You're dead!” Shining said with hate in his eyes. The heck I do to him?

Before he could fire though someone shouted. “SHINING ARMOR STAND DOWN!”

We both looked over and saw it was Celestia that spoke. Twilight, Gilda, and Cadence was with her. As soon as he saw Twilight he stopped his spell. Twilight ran up to her brother and hugged him with tears in her eyes. Soon he was hugging her back crying as well. Celestia and the others smiled at the scene of the family reuniting. I stayed back, letting them get it out of their systems. Twilight was worried sick about him hoping he was still alive.

They separated while wiping their tears. Shining then looked at the others then at me. He was confused on what's going. “Ok. Somepony please explain what's going on here.”

“Let's head to the throne room. We'll explain there.” I told him. We then headed towards the throne. Hopefully things don't go wrong.