Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 1 - my week starts on a Monday - edited

Strange Town 001

Chapter 1 - My week starts on a Monday

"VRRRRrrrrrrr"... That was the sound that woke me almost every morning. The sound of a car pulling out of the driveway, it signalled that it was time for me to get up.

I'm not much of a morning person and would have preferred to stay where I was, in a comfortable and warm bed. And perhaps I would had the sun not been blaring in through the window directly at my face. I could just simply rollover and try to ignore it but I have trouble falling to sleep when there's too much light in the room so instead I stretch out my limbs before getting out of bed.

The house is quiet as usual I'm the only person here as both my parent's are way to busy at work all the time. Dad's a doctor that I see Maybe two times a week while my mother is always off helping with community functions and charity events. While mums home more often than dad she always locks herself away in the study, planning the next event or a new way to raise money for charity.
I don't think I've spoken to either of my parents all week and that's not because I'm a moody teen who hates authority figures (which I em). And it's not because I'm embarrassed by my parent's, it's because there always running all over town never slowing down, they've been like that for as long as I can remember, which isn't a bad thing since I've learned to be self reliant over the years but they could wake me for school or at least say goodbye before going off to work, although in their case it would be hello.

I walk out of my room located on the second storey of the house and down the hall to the bath room. I grab my toothbrush and after applying a bit of toothpaste I begin brushing my teeth, scrubbing any plaque and gunk off my teeth and hopefully getting rid of any morning breath as well. I look into the bathroom mirror to see my own reflection starring back. I'm quite tall with a muscular figure, dark grey skin and on my head sits shoulder length black hair that most would consider a mess... Except that would imply that at some point my hair was neat.

Using some gel I slick my hair hair back so that it's out of my face. My tired and somewhat grumpy red eyes watch me while I complete my morning ritual. Once I'm done I do one more cheek in the mirror noticing my usual grumpy scowl that most people avoid me for... And may or may not have caused weak minded children to cry.

Leaving the bathroom I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I make some toast and and take it to the lounge room to eat in front of the TV, the local news is on and the weather girl is telling me how bright and perfect today is in our small town of Ponyville... I know, it's an odd name and one you would never here me say out loud.
For as long as I can remember I've lived in this town and so did my parents and there parents before them. It's a quiet place where nothing really happens, and what little we're known for is a small apple orchid on the outskirts of town.

"Our next story is on the increase of teenagers running away from home in the small town of ponyville. Within the past three months eight teens have left home leaving only a letter saying they've gone to follow there dreams and occasionally calling home to let there parents know there safe. Could something be encouraging today's youth to leave or is it just coincidence that there all running away in such a manner?".

(They probability just took a look around and realised they live in a backwater town) I thought.

"On to some brighter news. Har-Fest is just days away, so show your support for local farmers by showing up" the news anchor continued, by this point I lost what little interest in the news I had.

(Har-Fest? ...I guess they had to shorten the full title from "Harvest Festival" for those uneducated backwater farmers) I thought cynically.

Finishing my breakfast I look at the time realising I should get dressed and go to school. Making my way back up stairs I head towards my room to get changed. I put on a plain white T-shirt and a pair of dark blue tracksuit pants with a silver line running down both side's, I then put on my favourite black jacket with white fur around the collar and ends of the sleeves. The design on the back is a white cross with arrow points at the each end of the cross, after putting on my shoes I grab my car keys and head back down stairs and outside.

My car is a black 1969 Dodge Charger that I inherited from my grandfather 4 years ago, he had bought it a year just before passing on. My father didn't want it as he already had a car that he claims is reliable and "up-to-date", so he gave it me and while I may have owned it for so long I only gained my licence a few months back. Besides the car I also gained a box of his old junk that I keep in my cupboard. The only other thing I liked of his was an old flip top lighter, I don't smoke and I'm no arsonist I just liked flipping the lid of it. I couldn't use it even if I wanted to as it had no fuel in it, couldn't even get a spark. It appeared to be gold plated with the symbol of a eye engraved onto both sides of it.

I get into the car and start it up. After checking for traffic I pull out of the drive way and head towards Ponyville High were I attend school. along the way I pass a few of the local businesses.

There's sugar cube corner, which is a small overly cutesy mom and pop bakery. Barn's and Noble, which is a book store unrelated to the chain of stores with a similar name. Golden Oaks library, which has been closed for the past few years as they haven't found a new librarian yet. and Natures Muse which is a fancy health food cafe.

I eventually arrive at school which took about 25 minutes if you don't include traffic. I have no problem finding a parking space as only a few other students drive and cars are expensive so it's reserved for those students that are either rich or are lucky enough to have both a dead relative and parents who aren't to concerned with the well being of there child... Yay me...

From the Car I can already see the shifty looks on the faces of some of the other students as I park. During my time here I seem to have gained a bit of a reputation as a trouble maker. It could have been because of the countless fights I've been in, my disregard for the rules, or even my bad attitude. Well whatever it was I wasn't very liked by the other students or teachers, which was fine by me as I wasn't too fond of there dumb ass's either.

I could see Flash Sentry drinking an energy drink and giving his girlfriend dumb lovable looks.
Me and him have never gotten along. He's the captain of the football team while I do my best to avoid all clubs and after school activities. he has yellow skin and spike blue hair, his quite fit and has a dumb smile that you might see in a toothpaste commercial. Being the captain of the football team he wears the schools sports jacket all the time.

His girlfriend is Sunset Shimmer. She used to be the most popular girl in school despite being a bitch, which I find odd as I'm an ass to just about everyone and that never made me popular. At some point she turned over a new leaf and became a decent person. When I asked another student what happened they told me some BS story about magic and her Turing into a demon before she was stopped by six other students who used the power of friendship. One was apparently a pony princess from another world... Well that will teach me for trying to socialise.

It didn't end there either, every school event I missed/ditched they made up some fantasy story to go with it. Like musical demons at the school concert, the new girl who became a power hungry demon during the cross school sports festival, or my favourite the monster of camp Everfree attacking students at camp.

while he puts his drink down and is distracted with what ever him and his girlfriend are talking about, I quickly walk past and snatch his drink without alerting him. (If I'm gonna get through today I need this more than you).
I only make it to the front door before it swings open and a young girl runs out not paying attention to the world around her and runs right into me. While she falls over backwards I remain upright but drop my new drink. the girl is much shorter than me with light yellow skin and long red hair tied with a ribbon. She has freckles and wears blue overalls with a white top. she looks around confused before she realises whats happened.

"Ahh geez sorey 'bout th-" after looking up to see who she bumped into she stops mid sentence and any looks of confusions and shame are replaced with fear. Her accent made her hard to understand as she sounded like she was from either a old western film or some backwater town.

At this point we had gained a bit of an audience, most onlookers giving worried looks but none actually willing to get involved. I could hear some whispers coming from them.

"Oh no, Cross is gonna kill her!"

"Run Applebloom! Before Cross gets you!".

(My name isn't Cross by the way, that's just a nickname I picked up that both references the cross on the back of my signature jacked and my attitude which seems to all ways be cross.)

"Darn it you little Backwater Brat! You made me spill Flash's drink!" I spoke in a loud angry tone. This caused her to give a quizzical look.

"err, dont ya mean ya made me spill mah drink?" she replied.

"I know what I said, and no... I would never say whatever it was that you said, because my parents aren't related" I spoke down to her while my facial expression changed from slightly angry to angry and annoyed.

"Hang on, wait... WHAT?" I heard come from behind me. Turning my head slightly I could see flash starting to piece it together. The suddenly missing drink, me coincidentally having the same drink, my confession. The gears in his head were starting to turn.
"HEY! YOU STOLE MY DRINK" he called from about 15 meters behind me. now giving him my full attention I turn to see him walking towards me in an angry huff, getting close to my face. "What did I say was gonna happen if you stole my stuff again!"

With a sarcastic tone I replied. " That you would get YOUR ass kicked in front of everyone again".

"WHAT?... I'm the one who won our last fight" he said getting a little closer.

With a smug look I said "Shit, just how hard did I hit you to make you so delusional" just like him I moved a bit closer, we were eye to eye and a fight could breakout at any moment.

We had gathered quite the audience, some chanting for a fight until Flash's girlfriend grabs him by the arm and looks him in the eyes. "His not worth it, just forget about him. We should be getting to class".

Flash's facial expression changes from anger to disappointment, then to a saddened knowing smile. "Your right". he tells her. The crowd begins to disperse before he gives me one more angry scowl and the two of them walk off.

"PANSY" I call after him which he ignores. I look around and spot the slack jawed girl who's now walking away with two others who are probably her friends comforting her. Last I checked she was the one who assaulted me, oh well with nothing left to do here I make my way inside.

As I arrive in homeroom I head straight for my usual seat up the back in the corner. I'm mostly ignored by the other students as I walk past them, some are to busy talking while others do there best to avoid eye contact. Most of them know that if they leave me alone there is a good chance I'll leave them alone. There are only a few people who I regularly seem to clash with, and the biggest dumb-ass of them all is Flash. perfect people like him really seem to tick me off, it was like that during my first year of high school and it'll be like that during this second year too. Were only three months into the year and it was already a reoccurring theme.

I take out my lighter and begin flipping the lid on and off again while I look out the window and into space while I consider my personal choices over the year that gained me a frowned upon reputation. It's not like I'm such a bad person... By my own standards. it's just that I'm a very honest one, I like to speak my feelings and have no trouble doing so. I also seem to escalate situations and tend to act before thinking on most occasions. I also never regret my actions. And sure I have no regards for the lives and wellbeing of others, but who does? ...Maybe I em a bad person?... Nah.
Because of this I've had trouble making friends... or at least I would have if I ever tried. my social life exists somewhere between nonexistent and myth. I just do as i like and don't let others get in my way.

The bell sounds as I take a look around the class while the other students take there seats and have a familiar thought.
(I couldn't name a single student here if my life depended on it). despite being in the same class for over a year with them, when it came to names and faces they all kind of blurred together. Unless I stepped on there toes enough like Flash's then they were nobody.

The teacher entered the class and I put my lighter back into my pocket. the teacher is Mr. Freerights, a tall elderly man with light pink skin. His long grey hair was tied back into a pony tail, he wore glass on the end of his nose and wore a sleeveless denim jacket over a multi-coloured t-shirt. He mostly taught art and was your stereotypical hippy, meaning he was pretty loose with the rules as he was a free spirit. meaning I could get away with a lot in his class. He didn't care whether I showed up or not as his favourite phrase was "life is the real classroom man". meaning my choices are my own, and each one I make means I grow a little with each one... I think?
this worked out for me anyway as I would miss quite a few days and he never hassled me.

"Okay class... as usual I won't bother taking roll as your either here or you not, but as you know life is the real classroom man and you'll always learn something new" Mr. Freeright said as he sat on his desk.

(How he hasn't been fired yet will always confuse me, but I'm pretty sure he probably gets paid less then the other teachers). I think just before he begins to speak again.

"The principle has asked me to remind you that recently some students have runaway from home, if you have any information you should inform her immediately. For more info on the runaway students there is a flyer up on the student billboard just outside the cafeteria. Now on to some brighter news, the school council presidential election is coming up soon so you should really consider who your gonna vote for. The current candidates are Mayor Mare and Blue Blood." with nothing of value left to say he went on to talk about a greener earth for the next 15 minutes before the first period bell rang.

"Before you all go, just a reminder that if you're interested in joining up for the greener town club we meet at the big tree by the foot ball oval every Monday to Wednesday after school. I supervise the club and you can come and go as you please, so if you want to make a difference come on by." Mr. Freeright said as students were leaving.

(the only difference it would make is how I plan to be annoyed today) I thought.

As I left the class I thought about the classes I have today. First was math and science, followed by P.E. and home ecc, than I end the day with history. I'm not very smart, but what I lack in knowledge I make up for in being clever. I'm descent at math but suck at science. P.E. Always turns into a competition between me and Flash, and I had planned to ditch home ecc as my cooking skills are almost non existent. (Good thing I'm not picky about food).
That just left history before I could leave this loser factory and head into town to kill time doing nothing constructive.

I headed for my first real class of the day, math.
taking my usual seat in the back I waited patiently for the teacher to arrive while flicking my lighter. As I sat there I over heard some of the other students talking about somethings that weren't quite true.

"Hey Slow Dancer, did you hear about what happened this morning at the front of the school?" said a long haired blonde boy with braces standing near the desk of another boy who I assume is his friend.

"No Valkyrie, I haven't heard anything of interest about this morning". answered the shoulder length red haired boy who wore a beanie with the pattern of stars and stripes apparently named Slow Dancer to his friend Valkyrie.

"Well apparently within just 30 seconds of being here Cross robbed Flash and beat up some little girl" replied Valkyrie.

(WHAT! ...that's only half true) I thought to myself hoping nothing comes from this latest rumour. at this point Valkyrie noticed me glaring at him which caused him to gain a nervous look before promptly walking to his desk sitting down and shutting up. it didn't take Slows Dancer long to catch on to what caused his friend to lose his talkative nature as he faced forwards and pulled his beanie a little further down his face. Soon after the teacher arrived.

Time flew by without much complication as we went between the teacher explaining how certain formulas work and us answering some questions from our text books. Before I knew it math was finished and I was off to science, ready for a nap. while I get maths science always seems to fly over my head.

I arrived and noticed only two other students were already here. A lavender girl with long dark purple hair with a streak of violet purple, she was at the very front of the class. and a light brown boy with puffy brown hair and a long scarf who sat in the middle. I may not know there names but I know these two love science as mush as I love pissing off Flash.
Their the two smartest students in the class, and probability smarter than most of the staff.

I took a seat in the back and placed my bag on the table to be used as a cushion. My plan was to sleep through science as I felt it was a waste of my time... I may not know what I want to be in the next few years but it definitely won't be a scientist. Soon the class is full and I begin to doze off...


A loud sound wakes me from my sleep as I spring to my feet to see the guy with the scarf running in circles, the end of his scarf is on fire while he's chased by a gray cross eyed girl with long blond messy hair trying to operate a fire extinguisher and failing. She's saying Sorry repeatedly.

That girl is one of a few students I actually know the name of... Well I don't know her personally but I remember hearing others talk about her. Her names Derpy, and besides me, that girl is the most dangerous person at the school. my instincts tell me to avoid her at all cost, she is a walking hazard.

I notice all the other student have moved to the walls of the class to put as much distance between them and the small fire slowly climbing the scarf of the brainiac. Suddenly my upper left leg feels hot and I jump back from the desk in a panic to see if my pants caught fire. I see there isn't any fire and it begins to cool down. The heat seems to have come from my pocket and as I reach in I feel my lighter slightly warm before it cooled to normal.
While I was fumbling around with my hands in my pants the teacher had grabbed the extinguisher off Derpy and had put out the fire.

The class regained order and we learned Derpy had added to much of the wrong chemical which caused some kind of chain reaction. It resulted in a beaker exploding and the Guy who everyone apparently calls Doc (or Doctor) too catch fire.

(If I'm lucky this will get more attention then my morning exercise in dealing with idiots). I thought optimistically.

No on was hurt but Derpy would have to stay and help clean during our break. Doc was sent to the nurse to make sure there wasn't any injury he could sue for.

There were a few rattled students such as the lavender girl who looked more worried than anyone. She was mumbling something about it not working whatever that meant. (probability cause a know it all like her was helpless to do anything). soon the bell sounded and we left for our first break of the day.

I went to the cafeteria and after grabbing a tray and some food I sat at an empty table. I reached into my pocket and took out my lighter. ("I know I felt it get hotter just a few minutes ago... Why?) I thought. As I examined it I noticed it felt a little heavier than usual like it had some fuel in it now, but I couldn't feel or hear anything like liquid swishing from side to side as I moved it around. I thought about trying to get a light but i knew that in the past 4 years of owning it I could never get so much as a spark.

Before I investigate any further I'm distracted the sound of a familiar annoying laugh coming a few tables away. Flash and his football team friends are being overly loud as usual, and while I could go over there and tell them to stop their noise pollution I'd rather save my energy for P.E. and show him up there.

As I continued to eat my lunch in peace. (whenever Flashs body remembered that in order to talk he required oxygen). I looked around noticing how everyone else sat together in groups with there friends and how they couldn't be more different than me if they came from another universe. Flash and his friends were as opposite as you could get. I saw Valkyrie and Slow Dancer sitting with a third boy probability talking about something stupid as Valkyrie kept making dumb faces. there was Doctor who was now sitting with Derpy who looked to be done cleaning and they looked happy, despite one lighting the other on fire not too long ago. even the know it all girl sat with Flash's girlfriend Sunset Shimmer and some others probably talking about the fire from earlier as she still looked worried.

But then I saw someone who reminded me of myself... No that's not right, at first glance we might seem similar on the surface but he radiated a sense of loneliness, a need to fit in but didn't know how unlike me who didn't want any thing to do with those around me. He had dark blue skin and short brown hair. He wore glasses and had a simple white t-shirt with the logo of something I didn't recognise and a pair of jeans. seeing him just annoyed me as I'm allergic to pathetic people... Just ask Flash.

Soon our break is over and I'm off to the gym for P.E. where I'll out shine the class as usual. The class all change into our sports uniforms and soon the P.E. Teacher arrives.

Competitive Play, or Coach Play as his called is my second favourite teacher at this school. he has alabaster skin and his hair is short and dark in the style of a crew cut. he wears a bright red sweat suit that his torn the slaves off to show his muscles. he may be more muscle than brain but he doesn't try to make me and Flash get along, in fact he encourages our competitive nature and always has us on opposite teams.

(why are my favourite teaches always the least qualified?) I caught myself thinking.

"ALRIGHT LADIES! I'm gonna make this short and sweet, today your gonna be playing DODGE BALL! the team captains will be the football teams captain Flash Sentry, and local slayer of little girls... Cross." announced Couch play.

"That's not true... Flash's girlfriend dragged him off before I could kick his ass" I said loudly for Couch play and everyone to hear, which gained a chuckle from him and a glare from Flash.

"Alright flash your up for first pick" said Couch Play with a grin. As expected Flash chose the biggest guy there. He was much taller than the others with huge muscles and alabaster skin, which I considered a poor choice as while his big he's not very mobile. An easy kill.

Since I don't bother memorising people's names I would point at the person and give a brief description of them. I did however recognise Valkyrie and Slow Dancer. Assuming they work well together I made sure to get them on my team, although I planned to do all the work anyway but they can be meat shields for me.

By the end of team picking there was one last guy who was forced onto my team. The loner from lunch.
"DARM IT... fine I guess I'm stuck with loner guy" I said disgruntle.

"My names not loner guy... it's Short Stick" he replied with no real emotion in his voice.

"...Of course it is" I said with all the energy drained from me.

The teams had been picked, 12 people per team and from what I could tell Flash was quite familiar with most of his team by the way they would banter, which was the opposite from how my team was.
Most of them looked like they didn't want to be here but that didn't matter as I had planned to take down the other team by myself from the start. My team mates were nothing more than meat shields that would draw some attention away from me.

Both teams got to there starting positions awaiting the start of the game. From the other side of the gym I locked eyes with my main target, Flash Sentry. But as much as I wanted to get him out I knew I wouldn't be satisfied doing it straight away, no... Instead I would eliminate his team and save him for last, drawing all the spotlight to us before claiming the victory in front on everyone.

Couch play standing just of to the side of the gym, called out loud enough for everyone to hear. "Alright LADIES, just a quick recap of the rules. The game starts when I blow my whistle and ends when all of one teams players are eliminated. At the start of the game both teams must run to the centre of the court to collect a ball, you are eliminated if you are hit by a ball thrown by the other team. however if you catch the ball the thrower is eliminated and you can bring an eliminated team mate back into the game. you can't go past the halfway point and once a ball touches the ground it becomes safe."
Waiting a few seconds to see if any students had anything to say Couch Play brought the whistle to his mouth, "WWWHHIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS".

And like that the game began as both teams made a mad sprint to the centre of the court. Rushing ahead of my team I made it to the balls at the same time as Flash. We both grabbed the ball to our right, not wasting any time Flash hurled his ball at my chest. I jumped back a few feet to get some distance and used my ball to deflect it. Unfortunately this caused it to fly off to my right striking another of my team mates.

(Oh well, it's his own fault for being careless) I thought as I looked for a target. off to my right was the mountain of muscle Flash had chosen for his team at the start heading for a ball in the centre.

Flash could see what I was planning and tried to warn his teammate "lookout to your left Bulk Biceps".
The mountain of muscle apparently called Bulk Biceps hearing his team mate slowed down and looked right instead, watching this fool who's brain must be made out of muscle caused me to grin as I threw the ball at the back of his head for a easy kill.

I ran back further to collect the ball Flash had thrown while dodging another ball thrown by the opposing team. After getting the ball I ran back to centre keeping an eye on Flash while looking for another target. Seeing an opponent coming straight at me with another ball I decided he would be next. he throws the ball straight for me which I duck under before pegging my ball into his left leg as he tries to retreat.

Off to my side i see Flash throw a ball which ricochet off the side of one of my guys right into another gaining a cheer from his team. Slow Dancer tries to take advantage of him high-fiveing himself as he throws a ball at him. but Flash is to quick and grabs the ball before it makes contact eliminating Slow Dancer and bring back an eliminated opponent.

(Useless) I thought to my self as I watch Slow Dancer take a seat on the bench.

As time passes by both teams slowly begin to dwindle until all my team has left is just me and Valkyrie against Flash and two others.
with no balls on our side Both of Flashes team mates target me, one throwing at my left arm which causes me to dash right towards Valkyrie while the other throws at my legs which I jump. as I land I notice a third ball in mid flight coming at my chest thrown by Flash.
As I'm still of balance from just landing and with no ball to deflect the incoming projectile this was it, game over.

Flash's team had figured me out and worked together to back me into a corner.
However what they didn't take into account was my hunger, the hunger for victory that I craved for, and my hunger was much greater than there's.
Instinctively I reached for Valkyries hand and forcefully pulled him in front of me as a shield. Valkyrie caught off guard had no idea what was going on as the ball bounced off his chest and into the ground.

I could hear my benched teammates calling from the side. finally Valkyrie registered what had happened and looked at me with a shocked expression "WHAT THE HELL CROSS" he shouted.

"Shut up and get out of my face, you served your purpose" I replied calmly as I looked past him and straight at Flash.

"That's cold even for you" Flash said as he looked down at me.

"As long as I win I don't care how I do it" I replied with a grin as I got up. I grabbed the three balls that were just thrown.
With three balls I quickly came up with a plan. I tossed one ball high into the air so that they could catch it easily and eliminate me, however that ball was bait to draw there attention. Flash ran away from were the ball would land knowing I was up to something while one got into position to catch the ball, the other stood were he was and watched me.

As the ball started coming down I focused on the guy catching the ball and took a stance to throw a ball at him while he caught it.
figuring out what I was planning the second guy ran to get between me and the catcher. however I tossed another ball into the air between the runner and the catcher that could be easily caught, it would land before the first ball. Not sure what to do the runner changed target for the second ball hoping to get his team the win.

Everything was going according to plan as Flash kept his distance not sure of what I was planning. If he had gotten involved this would of failed but I had planned that his suspicious nature of me would keep him from interfering. even if he figured it out, at this point it was too late. the final step relied on my own ability which I had total confidence in. I was starving and the only thing that would satisfy me was victory.

I thew the final ball as hard as I could at the second ball as it became level with the runner. it zoomed through the air hitting the second ball at an angle causing it to speed up and veer right while the third ball veered left. The second ball now going at the runner caught him by surprise and hit him in the face before bouncing to the ground. The third ball collided with the side of the face of the catcher who was focused on the first ball, knocking him to the ground as the first ball finally landed safely on the ground.

The gym fell silent as I grinned at Flash while he looked at his now eliminated teammates with uncertainty. from the benches some students had jaws dropped while others rubbed there eyes not sure if they had seen that right. in only a few seconds I had evened the playing field.

Finally some of the students spoke up
"he's unstoppable"
"Come on Flash, your the only one who can beat him".

This was it, just the two of us left, whoever hungered for victory more was gonna win... and I was starved.
With the biggest grin I watched Flash as he took in the encouraging words from his team. with determination he faced me.

With a sinister grin I called out to him "Your girlfriend can't save you this time, let's en-"

Interrupted Couch Plays whistle, the gym fell silent again as we all looked over at the couch who had a piece of paper. Next to him was a girl I recognised, to my surprise it was Sunset Shimmer who waved to Flash with a nervous smile.

"Flash... did your girlfriend just come to to save you?" I called out to him confused.

"I... I don't know" he replied voice full of uncertainty.

Couch Play looked between the two of us. "Flash... Looks like your girlfriends come to save you. CROSS... I got a message from the principle that Sunset delivered, guess who wants to see you in the principles office" called Couch Play.

"Your kidding" was my reply "can't it wait 2 minutes?".

"Don't worry, you can sub with your teammate whose next to reenter the game if you caught a ball" said Couch Play as he looked to my teams bench "Seems that would beeee... Short Stick".

"SHORT STICK... I FORGOT HE WAS EVEN HERE, your messing with me aren't you" I said with a shocked and defeated look "I can't believe you had your girlfriend save you again."

Flash had a embarrassed look "That's not... I didn't... Just go already".

"Soooo... I'm just gonna go" said Sunset as she turned and left while everyone focused on her.

"...I'll go get changed" I said as I hung my head in defeat and left for the change room.

I finished changing and was now walking down the hall towards the principles office.
(Darm... I was close to victory. To have it stolen like that at the last second leaves a bad taste) I thought as I approached the Principles office door raising a hand to knock on it.


"Come in" called a gentle and calm voice, almost motherly. I opened the door and walked in, the office was pretty plane filled with paper work that I couldn't even guess what they were for. In front of the window was large office chair facing away from me and out the window. behind that was large office desk filled with papers and on the opposite side of the table were two chairs. Looking around I couldn't see anyone.

"Please, take a seat." Called the motherly voice. I closed the door and moved further into the room, I sat in the chair to the right in front of the desk. after a few seconds the large office chair on the other side of the desk turned around to reveal a figure sitting in it.

It was a tall woman with alabaster skin and beautiful long flowing hair consisting of many light colours you could find in a rainbow. Her expression was one that was kind and knowing. This woman I knew to well as I had been here in this office far too often, this was Principal Celestia.
"Well Mr. Desire, looks like once again you've ended up in my office" Celestia Said in a stern voice.

"I'm not so old as to be referred to as Mr... Cross is fine, and only my friend's call me by my name anyway" I replied in a board tone.

"Yes, well... If that's the case you might forget your own name with how it's never said" Celestia answered me with a smirk. "Although I suppose if you like nicknames I could call you D.D." That one got my attention as I glared at her, she knew I hated her cute nickname.
"Anyhow, that's not the reason I asked to see you today. The recent rumour is that you picked a fight with a young girl today as you entered the school. Applebloom if I'm not mistaken, as well as a another confrontation between you and Flash Sentry" Celestia said in a stern voice.

"Hold on a second! ...I never fought this Applebloom, or Flash. And that's not due to a lack of trying" I replied back sarcastically.

"Sigh... This isn't just about today's incident, it's about all of them. Being anti-social is one thing, but when you repeatedly target other students and harass them that's when I draw the line!" Celestia spoke now scowling.

"So what... Your gonna suspend me again?" I asked with a board tone.

"No..." Celestia replied now calm. "You don't seem to learn when I suspend you... In fact isolating you just worsens your anti-social behaviour. instead you are being assigned compulsory counselling during you first break everyday in homeroom starting tomorrow".

"COUNSELLING! ...You can't be serious" I said shocked at my new punishment.

"Oh, but I em. If you miss even one session without reason you will not pass your current grade and will have to repeat." Celestia answered me as if passing judgement.
Suddenly the bell went signalling the end of third period and the start of the fourth.
"Well, I believe we're done here. Now go off to class and don't forget what I've said" Celestia said as she reached for a pile of papers to her right, grabbing the first paper from the top and began reading it.

With that I left her office annoyed with my latest punishment. (Darm, this is the worst) I thought as I walked to my home ecc class.

As I waked through a sea of students all going to there next class, I felt a warmth coming from my pocket. Reaching into my pocket i felt my lighter was hot, not as hot as it had been during science but differently noticeable. After a few seconds it became cool once again.
(something is definitely weird with my lighter, I'll check it out after school.) I thought as I approached my class.

If there was anything I failed at more than science it would be cooking. So for the next hour I made a complete fool of myself, luckily with my reputation no one said anything. I did receive some looks but they stopped after I gave a glare or two.

After an hour of self torture and destruction of perfectly good ingredients, the bell rang sounding the end of my personal nightmare.
I was the first to leave the class not hesitating for a second. If I forgot something in the class I considered it gone. I headed for the cafeteria desperately needing a break from failure. It doesn't help that I keep thinking about how staring tomorrow I lose my first break as I start counselling.

I grab a tray of food and take a seat somewhere in the far corner of the room. From a few tables away I can hear some of Flash's friends telling the rest of the football team about how today's game of dodge-ball went. No surprise to hear how after I left my team suffered a crushing defeat. I see Flash loving the attention, but right now I don't care.

From almost the other side of the cafeteria I spot loner-guy. No wait his name was Short Stack... Or was it Short Stick... Maybe Short Straw? well whatever it is I see him wallowing in self pity. probably not used to having all the spotlight on him then blowing it, not that anyone would have expected him not to. Guy needs to get more confidence... And some friends, just like the rest of these sheep, because seeing someone as sorry as him just ruins my mood and puts me off my appetite.

As a student walks by they quietly drop something on my tray. I quickly cover it with my elbow already knowing what it is. its a piece of paper that's been folded repeatedly to make it as small as possible.
That might seem shady... and that's cause it is. I unfold the paper and read what's written on it "NM (AS)." To anyone else that would have made no sense, but to me it couldn't have been more clear. It meant meet at Nature's Muse after school. it was a message from Blue Blood.

Blue Blood was a rich kid originally from Canterlot High who transferred to our school during the last semester of last year. Apparently he's related to Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna. (despite how often i'm in trouble I rarely see the Vice Principle).
He's the type of person who likes to let his money and higher standing do the talking. he's also the type of person who employs not so honest methods to get his way.
Whenever it's blackmail, extortion, or bribery. You name it he's done it to get whatever it is he wants at the time... and when he needs some heavy lifting done he calls me in.
Now he's not the type of person to do something himself as he lacks any sort of skills besides his pretty boy looks. But what he lacks in skill he makes up for in cash, which he uses to pay others to do tasks for him.
He keeps these deals secret so besides myself I don't know who else does jobs for him, and while the cash is a good incentive I do it for the excitement, to relieve my boredom for a few minutes.

The jobs he has me do would be considered quite bad by anyone's standards, such as stealing another student's property for him or keeping a student from making it to a test on time. The worst one was when he had me injure the leg of a guy from another school who was on the football team just before they played our school. (He bet on our team to win).
Of course I always make sure I'm not seen, or have it look like its unrelated to whatever Blue Bloods intentions are as our connection must be kept secret. Blue Blood isn't my friend... I just like the excitement.

To be on the safe side, I tear up the note memorising were to meet. Natures Muse is some fancy health food cafe across from Sugar Cube Corner in town. I have to meet him there after school if I want the job.

I finish eating when I notice my pocket warm up again. I reach for my lighter which once again is warm but this time it stays that way. (Alright, I know I was gonna wait until after school before I investigated it but this is weird.) I thought to myself.

Deciding I should find a more quiet place to investigate my lighter I get up and make my way to the door, intent on finding a shady tree outside.
After a few steps before I'm even near the door I notice the heat stops as the lighter cools down. Before I can question why that is I'm distracted by a shout coming behind me.

"HE DID WHAT!!!" called the voice.

The cafeteria became quiet as students stopped what they were doing to find out what the outburst was about.
I turned around to see a girl had suddenly gotten up and was now glaring at me with more anger and hate than I'm used to. Another girl with straight pink hair tried to hide behind her own hair as she backed away. The enraged girl began to storm towards me which gave me a better look at her.

She was quite tall, about the same height as me with orange skin and long blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. she had freckles and large green eyes that were currently filled with anger and looking right at me.
she wore a cowboy hat and a red flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, revealing that her arms had more muscle tone than any other girl in the school. The shirt also showed off the girls well toned abs. her breasts were fairly large but small when compared to her lower Ass-et. she also wore denim shorts which showed off her wide thick hips and equally thick thighs. And to finish it off she wore a pair of cowboy boots.

"WHA'S THIS I HEER 'BOUT YA TRI IN TA CAUSE TROUBLE WITH APPLEBLOOM" the country sounding girl screamed in my face.

"I take it by your slack jawed way of speaking, that you must be that girl from this mornings sister or something" I replied as her shouting began to piss me off.

"Tha's right! Im Applejack, Appleblooms big sista. And if ya go neer Applebloom again ya'll be dealin with ME!" Applejack answered as she moved her face closer to mine, now angrily staring into my eyes.

"Better back off Farm Life Barbie! I'm in a bad mood today so I don't got the patience to be dealing with some like you. Someone's who's so uneducated they struggle to form proper sentences." I replied unfazed by her attempt at intimidation.

"Wh-What did ya call meh ya no good varmint" she said seething with rage.

"varmint?... What century are you from?" I replied back to her not budging.

This only caused the fire in her eyes to grow. It looked like she could throw a punch at any second, but before things could escalate a hand appeared between our faces prying us apart.
it was Sunset Shimmer and another girl who had curly purple hair.

"Why don't we slow down for a second" said Sunset as she tried to play the peace keeper.

"I couldn't agree more" said the curly purple haired girl who sounded much more regal and proper than anyone I know.

"But h-" Began Applejack before she was cut of by Sunset.

"I know, but I was there and nothing happened. Besides it's not worth it" Said Sunset.

"yes, I suggest you don'd act so barbaric on account of this ruffian darling" Agreed the purple haired girl.

"...Fine, but ya betta stay away from meh sista ya hear" said Applejack as she began to back off.

"The less time spent around idiots like you the better" I said as I turned around and headed for the door once again.
(Just when I thought today might get interesting Flash's girlfriend had to interfere again. Not everyday someone besides flash tries to start something with me. that Applejack seems to be some hillbilly country girl... Probably has more cousins than brain cells.) I thought as I made it outside.

after a few moments I found a nice quiet place under a tree and sat down. I took out my lighter and was ready to inspect it.
I noticed it was a little heavier than usual. (What's the deal with this lighter? belonged to my grandfather but now that I think about it, he never smoked so what was he doing with it.) I thought as I turned the object in my hand.

The lighter was gold with what seemed to be an eye design etched into the metal on both sides. I flipped the lid and placed my finger lightly on the switch of the lighter. (I know it won't work... It never has, not even a spark).
I once took it to a speciality store to get fuel for it but the guy working there was unfamiliar with the model, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't figure out how to put more fuel in.

Knowing my past experiences with it, every part of me that's rational is telling me it won't work... But a tiny part is telling me to try, that tiny voice is my instinct... It's telling me something is different, it didn't know what it is... But it is.

"Click" I push my finger down on the switch of the lighter, and to my surprise and for the first time since I was given the lighter it works. But something's not right, the flame isn't red... It's green.

I stare at the flame for a few seconds. (this is... strange? Today the lighter has been warming up at random times throughout the whole day... in fact during science it didn't just warm up it became hot. Now it finally decides to work but the flame is the wrong colour. It should be red, not green.) I think to myself as I try to figure out what's going on. but no matter how long I think about it I can't figure it out. I don't have enough info on the lighter... Or lighters in general.

I spend the rest of my lunchtime under the tree not to sure what to think of this latest development when the bell goes. Getting up I head back into the school and head to my history class when the lighter warms up for a few seconds before cooling down.
(That's really getting on my nerves) I think as I walk into class. I take a seat towards the back and wait for class to start.

It doesn't take long before the class is full of students followed by our teacher for the class Mrs. Rec-, (Wait... Mr.Freeright! what's he doing here?.)

"Afternoon class, unfortunately your usual teacher Mrs.Record is out with food poisoning, so Vice Principle Luna asked me to fill in for the week." Mr.Freeright says as he sits on Mrs.Records desk with his legs crossed.

"um, hello yes, just a quick question and I hope i'm not coming off as rude but... wouldn't it be more efficient and beneficial to our learning if... Oh I don't know let's say, have a more qualified teacher like Mr.learning or Mrs.bright fill in for Mrs.Record" said the smart lavender girl from my science class who had a nervous smile.

"the universe works in mysterious ways" was the only answer he gave as he began to meditate on the desk.

which caused her to look even more nervous before responding. "...That didn't really answer my question"

"according to Mrs.records learning plan your only gonna watch a documentary on the creation of this town anyway. So just sit back and let the knowledge come to you" he said as he got up and set up the TV, completely ignoring the girls passive aggressive protest.

The film turned out to be a VHS, which almost made me face palm. (just how is that still a thing... only hillbilly's still use VHS.)
I quickly fell asleep as the film began, how anyone can stay awake through a documentary will always amaze me. I wake just as class is ending to hear about a history assignment Mr.Freeright makes up on the spot.

"History is being made everyday without you noticing. what I want you all to do is think about what history will remember of you and write a paper on what your gonna do in the future. This exercise will make you all think ahead. Its due whenever your satisfied with your answer" said Mr.Freeright still perched on the desk. And with that the bell rang signalling the end of class.

I got up to leave thinking about this new assignment (what I'll do in the future... I can't even think about what i'll be doing by the end of the week.) I thought as I left class.
I made my way to the front of the school wanting to leave as soon as possible.
(I gotta head to Natures Muse) I thought (hopefully Blue blood will have something fun for me to do).
Although I want to leave right away I need to give Blue Blood a few minuses head start or else i'll be there waiting for him, and I don't want to do that as I never feel welcome at Natures Muse Cafe.

As I enter the car park I decide to kill some time by listening to my car radio... And by listen I mean I turn the radio up loud and sit on the hood of my car while giving other students who are leaving school intimidating looks.
The song on the radio is some punk rock song i'm unfamiliar with. Other students do there best to avoid me by walking in large circles around me, others avoid looking in my general direction. One poor guy to busy on his phone finally looks up from his phone when his only about a meter away from me which causes him to jump away making a yelping sound before he hangs his head in embarrassment. with the way he reacted you would think he saw a monster.

While all this had been going on the lighter had warmed up twice but with the way it's been acting all day i'm just going to ignore it.
By the time the second song on the radio ends I decide I've waited long enough. After getting up and stretching I get into the drivers seat, turn off the radio and start the engine. I pull out of the school parking lot and head into town.

It takes 10 minutes to arrive at Natures Muse were I'm to meet Blue Blood. I park across the road of the cafe, out side a bakery called Sugar cube corner.
Natures muse is a green building with a large window for customers to look out while they eat that tasteless healthy junk they sell there. while Sugar Cube Corner is much more visually appealing as it kinda looks like a ginger bread house. Natures Muse is pretty bland because it has this whole minimalist thing going for it.... Minimal calories, minimal appeal, minimal taste.

I cross the street and push open the door to enter the cafe, looking around the room I spot the person i'm looking for. in the corner is Blueblood, he has long blond straight hair that comes forward over his right shoulder and alabaster skin just like principle Celestia. He is wearing what appears to be a white dress shirt and pants with a red rose attached to the collar of the shirt.
He always likes to dress fancier to better show off his wealth. He's quiet the ladies man and has the manners of royalty... but is a huge dick. Not as bad as me, and not as directly either.

Blueblood appeared to be eating... Art? ...I guess. Whatever it was I didn't recognise it, the food here was too artsy for me... It also tasted like paper.

I took the seat opposite of him.
"Ah... There you are" Blueblood said as he took small bites of... I don't even know. "I hope you don't mind if I finish my meal before we get down to business, I don't like to mix business and pleasure and this cuisine is divine. Why don't you order anything you like, don't worry its on me" he said once again going back to his meal.

"No thanks, I don't mind waiting" I replied (I swear the only reason he makes me meet him here is because he can offer to buy me a meal knowing I'll turn it down. that way he can look like a good guy and doesn't have to spend any cash) I thought to myself.

With a nod he continues eating his meal.
After a few minutes he finished "Mmm... you don't know what your missing out on, ...but anyway, let's get down to business." Blueblood said with a confident smirk. "as you know, the school council presidential election is coming up. I of course em running for the position against some common bred lower class nobody, Mayor Mare. Naturally a position of power like school council president requires a powerful suitor such as I... but unfortunately this matter is to be decided with a vote. while i'm confident that I can win this, I've noticed she has been gaining the trust of students which could be a problem for me".

"So... What do you want me to do about it... Shake her and her friends down until she drops out of the election" I replied.

"Hahaha... No Cross, that's to barbaric. To win this election i will require more tact. your going to help me gain the trust and respect of the students" Blueblood answered.

This caused me to raise an eyebrow as I responded. "You do realise I'm not particularly everyones favourite guy... Right?".

"But of course I do, and I plan to use that to my advantage." Bluegood said with a proud smile. "just be your normal fun loving self while in a populated area in the school... Lets say the cafeteria during lunch or at random locations whenever i'm around. Then i'll appear and defuse the situation".

"I see. I cause trouble then you play peacekeeper and stop me. you'll look like a hero gaining the admiration of the other students. that's pretty well thought out... I honestly thought you would just start some nasty rumours about Mayor Mare" I said quite surprised.

"Oh, I am. But I got other people who can do that." Blueblood responded which cause me to retake my usual expression somewhere between board and angry.
As I was getting up to leave Blueblood began speaking again "before you go I have one more task for you, I'm tired of seeing my competitors face plastered all over the school. I would like you to remove all her posters and anything with her name or face from the school tonight".
With a nod I began leaving until Blueblood stopped me again "Cross... I just want to say out of all the stooges who work for me your my favourite. You never ask how much i'll pay for the job, you just accept what ever I give you. No... It's not about money or trying to get close to more powerful people, you do it cause you want to... for fun." he said with a sinister grin, and with that I left.

I cross the street to get to my car just outside Sugar Cube Corner, as I reach my car the lighter heats up again but at this point i'm ignoring it. I then hear a bell chime as the door to Sugar cube Corner opens as Flash and loner guy (short something) leave the bakery. Seeing that Flash is holding a bag of sugar I decide to make a snarky comment "You ladies looking to do some baking" I say.

Short something looks away not wanting to get involved, but what Flash does catches me off guard... nothing, no smart ass remark, no threatening looks, nothing, he keeps walking without even acknowledging me. Normally without Sunset to hold him back he's always ready to take me.

As he gets further away my lighter cools down and Short something rushes after him. (whatever... I have more important things to do anyway.) I think as I get into my car and head back to school.

(That was odd, I didn't know loner guy was friends with Flash... when did that happen? not during P.E. cause during lunch Short Stack sat by himself... Oh well).
By the time I get back to school clubs should be finishing up, so the school should still be open. Even if it's not I have a key to the school thanks to Blueblood, how he acquired one l don't know or care. He gave it to me a few weeks back for another job and told me I could keep it.

I arrive at the school after a while and head for the front door, as I approach the door it opens. Leaving the school is Sunset Shimmer and with her to my surprise is Flash.
I look at them both with a surprised look on my face. "how did you get here?".

With a raised eyebrow flash reply's "... I walked."

"No... I mean how did you get here so fast?" I asked again.

This time both Flash and Sunset looked at each other with confused looks on there faces then back at me.
This time Sunset answered " ...We used our legs...".

"... No that's... I mean... (Sigh) fine. what are you doing here anyway" I demanded.

"I had football practice" Flash responded.

"and I stayed to watch so we could walk home together" Sunset chimed in. "why are you here?"

"That's none of your business" I said as I stormed past them.

(There is No way he could of gotten back to school before me. He doesn't even drive, so he would of had to walk or take the bus. and what about Short Shirt and the bag of sugar? actually now that I think about it he was heading in the opposite direction of the school at Sugar Cube Corner as well... That was him I saw right?... It looked just like him.
Oh well, right now I have a job to do.) I thought putting those thoughts away for later.

The school was now quiet compared to how it was earlier in the day, as I walked through the school I started thinking. (Without all those dumb ass students and under qualified teachers this place has a different feel to it... it feels... Larger... No That's not right... empty).
I felt uneasy, something about this mood was unsettelingly familiar.

Ignoring the feeling in my stomach I went through the school taking down posters and any propaganda of Mayor Mare while avoiding janitors and teachers who stayed back to mark work. after an hour I've collected everything I could find. I spot a bin that's yet to be emptied so I stuff all the propaganda into it. (the janitor can take it from here.) I think as I dust my hands together for a job well done. I then proceed to leave the school making sure to avoid anyone. I soon find my way outside of school and into my car, I notice the weird feeling in my stomach is gone.

(That was easy but tomorrow is when the real plan begins. I know... I'll start trouble with Loner boy or Short Shorts... Short Shins... whatever his name was. Then Blueblood rides in like a knight to save the day.) I think as I begin to drive off. with no more plans for the day and the sun slowly setting I head home.

I arrive home and from outside I realise that as usual there aren't any lights on in the house. unlocking the door I enter the house and turn some lights on. that unsettling feeling in my stomach returns, I see there are messages on the messaging machine so I play them.

"you have 2 new messages."


"Hello honey, unfortunately were understaffed at the hospital today... again, so looks like i'll be staying late... again."


"Hey Drifting it's mum, were having some scheduling issues for a venue with our local farmers support fundraiser 'Har-Fest'. So it looks like I'll be pulling an all-nighter. There's left overs in the fridge for you and your father, love yooouuu."


"There are no new messages".

The rest of the night was pretty quiet, I had an early dinner and watched some TV. After a few hours I locked up the house and went to my room, I took my lighter out and put it on my desk (What was up with the lighter today? too bad gramps isn't around anymore, he might have known something. Dad probably wouldn't know as the lighter was never his and he rarely spoke to grandpa, I'm sure i'll figure it out eventually.) I think as I get into bed after turning off the lights.

(One day down... Many more to go.) I think as I drift off to sleep.