Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A dragon, a brony?

Chapter 9

We began to near Canterlot, the wind flying past us. David had an excited look on his face, and so did I. Even Louie, who was in a saddlebag on David, had a sort of smile on his face.

We had woken up early and headed out as soon as we were ready to fly. We had been making great time. Ten minutes and we're already almost there.

David looked over to me and yelled over the wind, "Lance, do you even know where your house is?"

I looked over and yelled, "Yes, I'll take us straight there, just keep following me."

David nodded and looked ahead. 

I hope this house is big enough. It better not be one of those small one pony houses.

A few minutes later, we landed in front of a nice looking building.

David looked it over, "Is that it? Because if it is, it's better than I thought."

I shrugged, "I think it is." I had to admit, it looked better than I thought it would.

Louie jumped out of David's saddlebag and looked around. He nodded as if he was happy at what he saw.

"If this key works, it's our house." I walked forwards and pulled a key out of my saddlebag. I pushed it into the keyhole and turned it with my mouth. The key fit perfectly and the nob turned. The door opened to reveal a comfortable looking living room on the other side.

David whistled, "It is a nice place."

I smiled despite myself, "I agree."

Louie barked happily and walked inside.

I turned to David, "I think there's enough for all of us to stay here for a while."

David nodded and smiled, "I can't wait to get a study set up inside."

Yeah, me too. 

Two ponies, a stallion and mare, walked up to us.

The stallion was wearing a fancy suit and the mare was wearing an elegant dress.

The stallion's suit consisted of a black dress jacket and tie. He had a spectacle over one eye.  There was a small mustache over his lip.

The mare's dress consisted of a long sleeve blouse and skirt. She wore a bonnet with a feather stuck to the top. 

I could only think of three words to describe them, high class fancy. 

The mare looked us over and looked directly at me, "I do say. What is THAT you're wearing?"

I gave them an obvious answer, "Clothes."

She snared, "I knew that! I mean, why are you wearing them?"

Another obvious answer, "Because I like them."

The stallion looked at me, "He looks like a troublemaker if you ask me."

Offensive, "My good sir, I am no troublemaker."

The mare looked at the stallion, "At least he has manners."

The stallion looked me and David over again, "Why are you two here in the royal city of Canterlot?"

David spoke up first, "We live here now."

The couple looked shocked, "Live here? How could a couple of low class ponies such as yourselves earn the right to live here?"

Low class? Rude, "The Princess gave me this house, so we are now moving in."

They looked even more shocked, "The princess gave you this house? How could you, a low class, get such an honor as to meet the Princess."

I smiled, "It's a secret."

Louie walked out of the house and barked happily.

The mare looked at him in disgust, "A dog! Why would you bring that flea ridden thing to Canterlot?!"

David stepped forward, "Don't you call him flea ridden! I think he has more class than you two will ever have."

They both laughed, "A dog?! With more class than us?! How obscure."

David smiled, "Show them Louie."

Louie smiled miscellaneously and walked towards them with a small stride in his steps.

What's he up to?

He walked beside the mare and raised his left leg.

That little genius. I thought while smiling.

Louie relieved himself right now in the mare's skirt.

The mare screamed in disgust and started stomping her hoofs, having a fit.

"OWW! That mutt just urinated on my favorite skirt!'

David and I broke out laughing.

The stallion looked at us in anger, "You foals! Your dog is.."

I interrupted him, "Now now, don't say something about Louie." I reached up to my goggles, "Now, please leave."

I removed the goggles and the two high class ponies looked at me in horror.

The mare's eyes were large, "What are you?"

I smirked, "Leave now."

They turned and left, muttering to each other.

David laughed again, "Those eyes do come in handy." He walked over to Louie, who stood proud. He petted his head, "Great job Louie."

Louie shook his head away from David's hoof, and began to paw at the ground. 'I'm not your pet.'

He walked past us and back into the house.

David walked past me and smiled, "He'll come around sooner or later."

David walked into the house and I followed. 

Upon entering, I was surprised to see that the house was fully furnished. A living room, kitchen, four bed rooms, two bathrooms, a study, a second living room, and best of all, a small library like room.

David went straight to the home library. "I'm going to love this place."

I smiled, "Me too. And I think Louie loves it too."

Louie had already claimed a chair as his own. His name was already scratched into the side, 'Louie.' 

I walked up to the second floor, where the bedrooms were. I walked into one and smiled. This one is mine.

The room was medium sized, with a king sized bed, desk, bookshelf, night stand, closet, and a great view of the palace.

I walked over to the desk and placed my saddlebag on it. I reached into it and pulled out a small knife, given to me by David. He bought it last night. After I went to, he took all my cash and bought himself a few things. At least he bought me something, with my own cash.

I walked up to the outside of the door and cut my name into the door. 'Girokon's room.'

David walked up behind me, "Oh, so you get first pick at the rooms?"

I turned and smirked, "Yep. First come first serve my friend."

He laughed and walked to another room. "Never mind about that, I'll take this one." He walked in and closed the door.

I walked to the stairs and yelled down to them, "Louie, there's two more rooms if you want one."

I heard a scraping sound like nails against wood. Then I saw Louie running up the stairs. 

He ran up to a door and looked back at me. 

What does he want? "Oh, sorry Louie. Forgot you didn't have hands... or hoofs." I pushed the door open for him.

He ran in and looked around, then ran out and to the next door. I opened it for him. He walked in and barked. 

Louie walked out of the room and used his nails to scratch his name into the bottom of the door. 

I smiled, "Don't scratch your name into everything you own."

He looked up at me and put on a sort of troll face.

I laughed at him. 

David walked out, "We need to go buy some things for this place."

I turned towards him, "I know that, but we can't."

He frowned, "Why not?"

"Because you spent all our money."

He smiled, "Oh yeah."

Wait a minute, I just remembered something. "David, are you late for something?"

He thought for a minute, "No, I don't think so. Why?"

He forgot, "Rainbow Dash."

David looked up, "Oh shit, I forgot all about here. I have to go like right now."

He turned and ran down the stairs, then a door slammed shut.

I laughed and looked at Louie, "Do you want to explore Canterlot?"

Louie parked happily and started heading down the stairs.

I'll take that as a yes then. 

Me and Louie walked out of the door, and started walking down the street.

Louie was walking, his head held high and tail wagging. 

I held in my laugh, a Brony dog that acts like a real dog. 

I looked around us as we walked. I then noticed something. Every pony here was high class!

I feel so out of place. I should have put on my suit, that way I would look a little better than I do right now.

The ponies around us were looking at me like a strange creature. 

As we walked by a table, I heard a mare tell another mare, "What a sight! That thing should leave town as soon as possible. It has no place among us high class ponies."

Typical. All high class people are the same, even here.

We continued walking down the street, getting strange looks from all the ponies along the way.

I looked down at Louie, "I'm starting to get uncomfortable about all of them watching us."

Louie looked up at me and smiled, as if saying, "Suck it up."

We kept walking till we arrived at the Palace.

Two guards stood guard outside of the gate. Looking straight ahead.

Louie jumped up and down with excitement. 

I looked down at him, "Calm down there Louie. I don't even know if we could even get in."

He looked up at me and made a gesture for me to try.

I sighed, "Fine." I walked up to the guards and put on a smile, "Hello, I am wanting to know if you would allow us to enter the courtyard of the palace?"

They didn't say anything.

"Okay. We're just going to head on it." I started to walk past, but their wings stopped me.

"Nopony is allowed to enter unless invited."

Damn it. I wanted to see the garden. Wait, I wonder if this would work. "I am a retired Royal Guard and I need to enter."

One looked me over, "I've never seen you before. What's your name?"


They looked at each other, "Girokon? Did you say your name is Girokon?"

What's going on, "Yeah. Why?"

The one on the left looked at me, "The Princess sent a message to Ponyville requesting your presents over an hour ago."

To Ponyville? We must have just missed it. "Then can we enter?"

"Yes, but one of us is going to have to escort you. Follow me"

The one on the right turned and headed into the gate. Me and Louie followed behind him.

He led us into the Palace, through the lobby, up the main staircase, through many halls, through double doors, and into the Princess court. 

She sat on her royal throne and smiled down at me and Louie. She looked at the Guard, "You are dismissed."

He bowed, "Yes Princess." With that, he left.

Princess Celestia smiled, "I see you found one of the bronies."

I looked at Louie, who's mouth hung open, "Yeah, he kind of surprised me. But what did you need, they said you requested my presents here?"

She nodded, "Yes. I sent some guards into the Everfree forest to find a human dragon."

A human dragon? "A what?"

"It's a dragon that was a human. Apparently, one of the humans chose to be a dragon, and they caused trouble. They have already devastated a small village. I sent some guards to take care of it, but they haven't returned."

Well that's not good. "What can I do? I can't fight a dragon! I'm too damn weak for that."

"I don't expect you to fight it. I just want you to go and see what you can do, and find out what happened to my Guards."

Really? I don't have a death wish. 

"I'm sure if you tell the dragon that you're human and want to help. He may let you, it's not a real dragon, just a human who wants to destroy everything."

That doesn't help anything! "Why can't you send more Guards to do this?"

"Because none of them will volunteer to go."

What can I do that the Guards can't? I don't want to die!

"You won't die, I can promise that. And you can do something my Guards can't."

I hate the mind reading thing, "What's that? Your Guards are trained, and me and my friends are not."

"True, but they can't talk to it. You on the other hand can, since you're a human like it was."

"Okay, we'll try to. But if we die..."

"You won't die. I promise."

"Alright. Do we get a reward for this?"

She smiled, "We'll see."

Fine, I'll do it. "We'll do it, but not until David gets back. He's at Rainbow Dash's house."

She laughed and smirked, "Oh, he was at her house. But she left him to go to Cloudsdale. He's on his way back."

A small grin appeared on my face. Turned down for a trip to Cloudsdale, sad. "Well, we'll leave when he gets back to my house."

Celestia smiled, "How about now?" Her horn glowed and a flash of light emitted from it. Then, in the middle of the room stood David, a confused look on his face.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Teleportation spell." Said the Princess.

David looked around, "Why am I here?"

I quickly told him what the Princess wanted us to do.

"WHAT! I'm not going to die on my fourth day here!'

"Don't worry dude, you won't die. It's human, remember?"

"Yeah, a pissed off human that's a dragon!"

"Dude, if something goes wrong. I'll buy you some books."

David shook his head, "Fine, but only because I know something is going to go wrong."

I looked at the Princess. "Well, we're off to the Everfree forest, it should be an hour."

She smiled, "Or two seconds."

What does she... The room filled with light and me, David and Louie stood at the edge of the Everfree forest.

David frowned, "I hate that spell already.'

I smirked, "I hated it the first time." I looked to the forest, "Let's get this over with."

We headed into the forest, taking in the uneasy feeling of the forest put out. 

The forest was dark, which is weird because it's mid afternoon and the sun is high in the sky. It feels like something is watching your every move and ever so often something moves in the bushes just out of sight.

David looked uneasy, "This place is creepy. I think we should go back, you know, for Louie's safety."

But Louie had his head held high and a smirk on his face, as if to say, "I'm not afraid."

I looked from Louie to David, "He looks okay to me."

David smirked, "Oh yeah." He reached over and touched Louie's back with his hoof.

Louie jumped in the air and let out a loud yelp of surprise. He turned and glared at David.

I turned and looked at them, "Stop it you two. We're not going back until we find the dragon."

David looked up from Louie and at me. His face became one of shock and horror.

What's his problem? "What is it David? What, you shocked to see me take charge or something?"

David shook his head and pointed above me, "No, that."

What's he talking about? I turned and almost jumped back. My head trailed the large thing in front me all the way up to its head. The dragon!

It was red with a black under belly. It looked like the one out of the episode 'Dragonshy.'

It smiled, "Am I the one you're looking for?"

Damn, it's bigger than I thought it did.

David spoke up, "What the hell! I thought he would be smaller!"

I kept looking up in shock.

The dragon smiled bigger, "The names Malbatorus. Why are you searching for me."

Damn that voice is scary, I gulped, "We came here to tell you to stop destroying everything just because you're a pony hater."

David yelled behind me, "Haters gonna hate."

I turned, "Quite David. Let me talk." I turned back to the dragon, who had a confused look on its face, "I know you're a human, and so are we."

Its shock turned to happiness, "Finally! Humans!"

Why the excitement? "Why are you destroying everything?"

He looked down, sad. "I'm not. I didn't mean to destroy that village, I just sneezed and flames came out."

What's going on here? "Wait, are you a brony?"


"Then why the dragon? Why not a pony?"

He looked around sadly, "I was picked on back on earth. I thought if I became the biggest thing here, I wouldn't be picked on anymore."

Now things are becoming complicated, "Well, the ponies here wouldn't have picked on you. Unless you went to Canterlot or looked like me."

He smiled, "Yeah, well I'm stuck with this body now."

Wait, the Guards. "Where are the Guards that came here after you?"

He frowned, "Back there. I didn't hurt them, just scared them off."

Good, they're still alive. "So, you're not trying to destroy everything."

He smiled, which seemed more like an evil grin, "Nope, I just wanted to be friends with the ponies. Now, I'm going to be alone, just like back on earth."

He's making me feel bad. "We can be your friends, just as long as you don't destroy anything else."

Malbatorus smiled bigger, creepily I might add, "Thank you! I promise I won't destroy anything."

David turned and ran back the way we came, followed by Louie. 

What's their problem? "Sorry about them."

Malbatorus hung his head, "It's okay. Just leave me alone for a while."

Today just keeps getting weirder, "Alright, I'm out of here."

I turned and half ran and half flew out of the forest. When I flew out, I saw David and Rainbow dash talking. That must be why he ran out, must have seen her flying overhead.

She looked at me and glared, "Why are you here?!"

I walked up to them, "Because I was sent here by the Princess, so were they."

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She turned back to David and kept talking.

I reached back into my saddlebag and pulled out the notebook that Twilight gave me before I left for Canterlot. It has the words, 'Love Twilight,' written across the top. It may only have a few notes from her written inside, but it's special to me.

I opened it to a page, intent on reading one of the notes she had written. I smiled as I read her notes.

Suddenly, a cyan colored hoof grabbed it and flew straight up.

I looked up and became angry. Rainbow Dash held the notebook in her hoofs, smirking, "Is this special to you?"

I glared up at her, "Yes! Give it back."

She smirked again, "Want it, come get it." She turned and flew away, at a slow speed, waiting for me to chase.

I looked at David, "Meet me back at the house."

"Alright. Just don't hurt her dude."

I smirked, "I have no intention in hurting her." With that, I flew straight up towards her.

She looked behind her and smirked, she held the notebook tightly in her hoofs. She picked up speed and started ascending.

Damn, if she goes too high, I may not be able to keep up.

She ascended up till it was hard to breath, but she kept going. Finally she stopped and turned towards me.

I slowly flew in front of her, "Give it to me." I said, trying to breathe.

She pointed down.

I looked down to see that we were above a large lake. I looked back at her and she had a smug look on her face, "What? It's just water."

She waited a few seconds and held her hoofs out. But there was no notebook!

My eyes went big, "Where is it?!"

"Dropped it ten seconds ago." She said finally laughing.

I looked back down and could barely see a small dot falling. Damn.

I angled downwards and flew straight down, the wind slamming painfully into my face. I was picking up speed, but not enough speed to catch the notebook.

Damn it! I need to go faster! I pushed myself to the limit. I could still see that it was going faster than I was. 

The thought of losing it and losing Twilight's trust sent me over the edge. 

A scream of rage erupted from my lips and I felt the air around me start to bend. I felt myself pick up speed, a lot of speed. 

I could feel the wind going past me, picking up speed and my skin felt like it was peeling off my muscles.

Then, something unexpected happened. I felt myself spring forward, like I was shot out of a cannon, and pick up an impossible speed. A loud boom was heard behind me.

I saw the notebook quickly nearing me, and I barely had time to reach out and grab it. I held it tightly in my mouth, it felt like my teeth were breaking from the pressure I was putting on the notebook.

The water was quickly approaching, too quickly. I pulled up as hard as I could and slowly began to tilt back up. 

Seconds before impact, I pulled up and began heading back into the sky. 

I looked behind me and saw that I was leaving a trail of red and black. Farther back and higher in the sky was a shock wave of red and black. 

What the.... Did I just do a sonic boom?!

I looked ahead and started to try and slow myself down. But it was almost impossible at this speed.

I pulled back as hard as I could, feeling myself slow down slowly. 

A gust of wind hit me in the under belly, sending me spinning in the air. 

As I spun out of control, I had a thought. This is going to hurt, like hell.

Seconds later, I was able to regain enough control to steer myself into a tree and through the branches. Definitely not the smartest idea I've ever had. 

I felt myself slow down. I looked ahead to see a pond coming up, perfect.

I looked down at the pasting ground and dropped the notebook into a patch of bushes.

Moments later, I angled down and hit the water. I skipped a few times on the surface before flying out and slamming into the hard earth, where I slid for about twenty feet before coming to a complete stop.

Pain. That's all I felt, my whole body was screaming in pain. I let out a pained breath, and inhaled. It felt like I had just swallowed broken glass and it was now in my lungs. 

I looked at my hooves, still there. I raised it to my face, and felt something wet. I pulled it back to see blood. Shit!

Something was walking up to me. I turned my head too fast. My head began to spin out of control, my vision blurred. Something was standing over me. I forced my eyes to focus. 

My vision was clear for a second, but it was enough time to see a pony in a purple suit and hat and a light black cape on. The pony had a mask pulled down over its face.

I felt something lay on my chest, I raised my hoof to feel paper, my notebook. 

I forced out the only word that came to mind, "Hospital!"

My body went limp and my mind began to blacken.

One last thought came to my mind. What the hell is wrong with Rainbow Dash?

With that, everything stopped working and I passed out.