The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Battle of Demons. Crossover.

“So from how the X-blade looks… things here aren't good…” Zeke said in a monotone voice.

“That's kinda an understatement. Don't believe me look up at the moon.” John said while pointing at the moon.

Zeke looked up, and upon seeing the broken moon and massive Heartless in the sky, walked over to John and suckerpunched him through the nearest wall. “How in the hell did this happen?!”

“One, I deserved that. Two, it was Core. He came here to test me because he could sense me from the realm of darkness. It went downhill from there.” John told while massaging his bruised cheek.

Zeke sighed. “What did you do to piss him off this badly?”

“Two things probably. One, I cut his arm off, and two, because I could use the Void.”

“... First off, congrats you actually damaged that son of a bitch. Second, please tell me he-” Zeke stopped talking when he noticed John's new hand. “... Well… he got some void… Didn't he?”

John signed. “Ya. He did, and he fought Hollow.”


“Hollow, or better known to some as Outsider, who is both God’s and Core’s younger brother who can use the Void.”

“Oh… please tell me Core was damaged by him.”

“If by damaged you mean his mask broke and he grew his arm back after turning it into a keyblade...than yea.” John told them.

Zeke twitched. “So even with the void on his side, Hollow lost?”

“He is alive, and healing. The only reason he lost is because Core has more combat experience than him, but his darkness let him match Hollow blow for blow.”

“Crap. So what do you need, other than a miracle.”

“Some medical help would be nice. We just got blueprints for ponies that lost limbs and help with that would be appreciated. We also only have one doctor, if you can call him that, and one nurse. We got about a dozen foals that'll need treatment. We'll also need more keybladers and trainers to help protect this world. We basically need a lot of help. Not to mention the heartless pirate ship floating in the sky and your family here. The Ventrals I mean.” John explained.

“My family is here? Who?”

“Well one is dead now, Jonathan Ventral, then there are a few others like one who is a bloody werewolf, and a little girl. By the way you have any silver on you?”

Zeke looked down. “So Jonathan is dead now too…”

“I'm sorry...I wasn't myself when I did it to. He was an unversed hybrid of Iron Prisoner. He mentioned he was the one who ran me over back on Earth. He also...killed my parents.” John said looking down.

“Yeah… sounds like him. Funny, he often cared less for people, he mostly cared for good food and cats. My god, he was obsessed with cats. Had a tiger for five years, named it Saber.”

“I figured he would have named it fluffy?”

“That was his cheetah.”

“You have a weird family you know that?”

“Murderers, psychopaths, megalomaniacs, the Ventrals are every bad thing in one vast bloodline. Evil, no question, but they're still just human.”

“Till Core got a hold of them.” John stated.

“you sure? My cos, only dream was to be a mom, finally got pregnant while working with Core, she and her baby died fighting… one of us. Her mom, my aunt, died with her daughter in her thoughts.”

“I meant in the physical aspects. Their still, even if it's very small, human in the head.”

“Yeah. Well, in terms of help, stuff happened back home so help is a bit thin. But I can get you a doctor, instructor and maybe some extra muscle….”

“By the way, while I was exploring a hospital looking for the blueprints I mentioned I ran into a heartless human fusion, I knew her from Earth. She was pregnant while a mugger was mugging her then you're cos Jonathan almost ran them over, but hit me instead. Also...Core is apparently experimenting on her child.”

“So Core took people from earth for that too… honestly I don't know how to help them. As for her child, the realm of darkness is very expansive, finding one person is like finding a specific dust spec on earth.”

“I know. I was just informing you of what I found out. There are also heartless and unversed fusions here.”

“Well that's new. So looks like we got our work cut out for us, huh? Also, this is Luxu, Sweetie Bell, Time Bell, and you know Unum.”

“What's up” John said.

“Let’s see.” Luxu said while scratching his chin. “A big ass Heartless, a broken moon, the smell of a couple thousand dead inhabitants, and a fuck ton of dark residual energy from Core.”

“Has anyone ever punched you for your mouth?”

“Try and I will personally fling you to the moon. Well, what’s left of it.”

“Always wanted to visit the moon.”

“Break it off you two.” Time said, stepping between the two. “We got work to do, and sorry about my boyfriend, we both have been through our own personal hells. I was experimented on my Core and made into a failed replica of a Keyblade, and he watched the Keyblade war and his family die right in front of him.”

“I say sorry for what happened, but you probably don't want pity or anything. Anyway don't worry about Core. I promised that he will fall by either Zeke's X-blade, or mine. And before you say it's impossible for me. Trust me...i'll find a way.”

“ I can tell.” Luxu said. “You got my uncle’s mark on you, well, great uncle? Meh, Something like that.”

“Not even going to question that and just roll with it.”

“So what’s first?” Zeke asked.

“That big heartless in the sky will be a problem. We should probably take it out now. Although I'm betting your family or at least one of them is on it right now. We’ll need our keyblade gliders to get to it. Vanitas, you and Gilda stay here and protect-”.

“I got this.” Luxu cut in. HE walked outside the barrier, and in one leap, jumped over and onto the heartless ship.

“He’ll be fine.” Time said.

“...Ok. Just gonna roll with it.” John deadpanned.

“Well, he is from before the Keyblade war, and a Keyblade master with over a million years experiance.”

“Really need to get my Mark of Mastery.” John said.

“So I guess we should probably find some help here,” Zeke started. “Time, Sweetie, head to Daybreak and ask for the Monster Buster force.” Time saluted and dragged Sweetie with her into a DTL. “So what do we do?”

“Do I even want to know?” John asked about the force Zeke called for.

“You’ll get it when you see them. Now, what should we do first?”

“We’ll need to get a team together to help get the remaining supplies from the hospital over to here.”

“I think I got that.” Zeke said, summoning a Shadow, though, rather than yellow eyes, they were a light blue. “Well that’s different.”

“Oh ya. Forgot you could do that.” John said as Gilda was spooked and took out her Fenrir.

Zeke summoned a small platoon of Invisibals, Soldiers, a Large body, and even a Darkside, all of which had blue eyes. “Get any and all useful supplies you find in town here, don’t draw attention or make it obvious for anyone watching.” With that, the blue eyed heartless nodded and left. “Now what?”

“Come to the war room with me. I'll try and show you the scope of the battle.”

Zeke followed John to the war room, Unum close behind Zeke. When they reached it, they stood over a map of Equestria. “That’s a lot of damage.” Unum said.

“Ponyville is mostly craters, Appleloosa is in ruins, Cloudsdale looks like it never existed, and some mountains are either gone or missing chunks of them selve. Also...only Twilight and Applejack of the elements survived.” John informed.

“Well, there goes the Rainbow beam of happiness to solve some of the problems.” Zeke said. “So our main concerns are the monsters running around, the still living members of my family, and the injured. What’s this reflection Celestia and Luna doing about it?”

“Their...not in good shape. They tried to stop Core...Celestia is missing her wings and Luna lost her legs. Also the nobles and military figures in Canterlot have starting to take over. Making the city more military like and strick. Also a genius named Wise Gear is in the Badlands for some reason. I think Chrysalis is behind it. She may also have my mark as well.”

“So we got corruption and the changelings to possibly deal with. This won’t be easy at all. So, where should we hit first, Badlands, or Canterlot?”

“Good question. Getting the help of the princesses before something worse happens is important. Not to mention their influence can help spread hope to other survivors. On the other hand, Wise gear is a true Genius. Whatever Chrysalis has planed with him can't be good. If she has a mark as well it will be worse. If we go for one. We might lose the other.” John explained.

“Well, maybe Unum and I can handle Chrysalis, you can check on the princesses at the same time.”

“Good idea, but should I be the one who sees the princesses. Remember I was Equestria's most wanted not long ago. Would they even listen to me?”

“You been doing really good since last I saw you?”

“It's not that. After Cores battle they dropped my bounty so they can make more time for...funerals.”

“I think they might listen, they aren’t idiots, and in their position, will take help from almost whoever to keep Equestria stable.”

“They gave a group of slavers I captured a year in the dungeon...and most of their export were foals and fillies.” John deadpanned.

“They’re soft, this experience will change them for the better in the end, trust me, if they don’t change, I’ll come in and take over if they aren’t living up to the public's expectations.”

John signed. “Fine I'll go. I probably have a better chance sneaking in anyway, no offense.”

“None taken. I’m sneaky, but I’m no stealthy assassin like you. Well, let’s head out. If anything happens I’ll fly to Canterlot and tell, alright?”

“Ok. Just be careful if she does have a mark. From what I's possible to make oneself immortal.”


John flew over to Canterlot fast, disbanding his glider and rolling onto the Canterlot castle roof top.

‘Ok, I need to find the princesses and help with what I can. Secondary objective...find Applejack and tell her her sister is ok and safe. Even if she knows already.’ John thought. He used dark vision to scan through the walls look for patrols. There were a lot of guards on patrol. ‘I'll either just sneak on by or if I have to...possess one of them so I can look around easier.’

I stayed invisible most of the time and used blink to get to high up areas when needed. Mostly to take short breaks. I made it to what I'm assuming is Luna’s room, least from the big moon design on the doors. I used Fenrir and it opened without resistance. I walked in and there was no one here. “The heck? Where's Luna?”

I was startled when the windows and door suddenly were covered in magical bars. “So the blade appears.” I turned around and saw Blue Blood standing on the other side of bars. “Don't bother blinking out.”

“Where are the princesses Blood? I need to speak with them. It's urgent.” John said.

“I think you have other matters to attend to first.” Blue Blood’s horn lit up, and over his right eye was the Outsider's mark.

“You're the one he mentioned. Look Blood, I'm one of the only beings here that can fight the unversed and heartless here, but there are bigger threats than them.”

“You think I don’t know.” His horn lit up again, and his other eye was nothing other than a glowing yellow. “Core keeps his word.”

“...So. You’re with Core.” John said.

“Yeah, First Outsider came along when I was a foal, back then I was living like a rat on the streets, he gave me the mark and one day I found myself a preteen stealing from the castle. Celestia found me and rather than incarcerating me, took me in. Used my new life and title to gain power. Not long after your ‘fight’ with Core he found me. We made a deal, my knowledge and experience with void, for power to take over all the worlds he needs.”

“Core wants everything to end. All dimensions and worlds. You ruling will be meaningless to him. He is just using you.”

“You think I don’t know? Sorry, but I share his vision of ending everything. I grew up poor and hated by all, so I did away with my parents since they didn’t care for me and well, you know the rest after that. I’m sick of how no matter how hard every ruler tries, it’s the inhabitants that create the flaws, the darkness that stains creation. I’m not doing this just to rule and say ‘screw you’ as I kill everyone, I’m doing this so finally the endless insanity of life can stop once and for all.”

“There is a lot of bad out there. I know but destroying everything doesn't make it better. You'll just be worse than them.”

“Maybe, but at least it will be frozen, no more moving forward, no more falling backwards, no more or it. Funny, Core told me about the story of light and darkness during our meeting. Did you know it was the light that struck first? Light that fueled hatred towards the unknown, the darkness became what the light was fearing. Good and evil have never been more reserved than they are these days. Fact is, even immortals and gods make the same mistakes casue they refuse to do any different for the unknown outcome. At least with everything gone, nothing worse can happen.”

“Immortals and gods do make lots of mistakes and mostly don't try to fix it.”

“I’ll say, Luna wants attention she’s been neglected, her emotions fuel her conquest for it, rather than talking about it, Celestia banished her to the moon for a thousand years, slavers get a year in the dungeon and it’s all for what? They either break out after a week or walk out and do it over again. It’s time everything ended, stopped in it’s tracks for good. With me or against me, though, you foolishly are against me. Either way, I got something you lack.”

“And I got something you lack. Hope that things will get better. You gave up long ago, but no matter what I see and experience. I'll always hope for the better. Cause that's what mortals do best.”

“Meh, I’ve still got the batter thing.” His horn lit up with void energy as a portal to void opened behind me… what came out was surprising. It was a man, old with both eyes looking blind. He held a katana and wore black and blue robes. “Suprises you find in the void. Take him out Kerta.”

The man nodded. I was about to block when his Katana glowed a dark purple/black. What the? It doesn’t feel like darkness? In my attempt to block, he slashed next to me, cutting clean though my blade and part of my clothing.

Dang it! I can't hold back against him. I summoned Fenrir and coated him in Void energy. He's fast, and powerful. While I can't escape with the Void. Blue Blood isn't powerful enough to cut my connection to the Void. I'm stronger with it than he is. He most likely didn't train it that much.

When he swung again, I tried to block, Fenrir charged with void energy… he grabbed Fenrir by it’s blade. “You think I don’t expect void powers when I was locked in it’s prison?” He said, knee kicking my gut and sending me flying into the wall.

Crap. He is really strong. My current void connection isn't enough. I… I have to remember. That feeling I felt against Jonathan.

My train of thought was cut off when he kicked my face. “How much do you know about what exists within and beyond the void?”

“Not much. Only had Void for about half a year. Probably things that make even you look like an ant in power comparison.” John said.

He nodded. “I was born in a realm other than yours. You see, the void isn’t just what was and what all may end to, it’s the barrier, the walls between realms. Whole other multiverses blocked off from one another by it’s deepest, darkest pits that even the gods fear. Funny, I ended up in a prison built by a man who became a human god. And that was before he even achieved godhood.”

“Who was he? Core?”

“They call him the President, the Human God, the savior… His name though, is Cript.”

“Why were you imprisoned? What did you do?”

“Sliced apart a few thousand galaxies.”

“Why though? Was it boredom, or something else?”

“I needed to call him… not Cript, the first evil, the first sin.”

“The one beyond who changed his fate and protects the multiverse.”

“The one he was born to embody, Psychopath. The first to kill in all the multiverses, a being stronger than anything because he is Fact. Murder is what he exists for, it’s all he is. To become his embodiment… the power would be unimaginable.”

“So you slaughtered uncountable innocents to become an embodiment.”

“I am not the first, nor will I be the-” He was cut off… his head rolled off his shoulders and onto the ground.

Behind him, a man dressed in a brown trench coat, black shirt and blue jeans with something that looked like a pipboy from fallout on his wrist was there, holding a glowing white sword. “How did he get out?” He said, noticing me. “Oh, you alright?”

“Oh ya. I'm alright. As for how he got out. A white unicorn with a blonde mane and the Outsiders mark on his left eye.”

“Kid, I don’t need all the details, but yeah… an outside assistant might have done it… crap, I’m gonna have to rebuild the security from scratch with a flaw like that.”

“He also had help from a being known as Core.”

“Who?” He asked, checking the device on his arm. “Oh, this guy. Meh, not the top or even top ten thousand of my priority list. I’m sure you guys can take him.”

“Ya I figured there were things worse than him but dang. Not even in the top ten thousand. Shows how weak we really are.” John said with a chuckle.

“Hey, you can always get stronger. So what’s up with this place anyway?”

“I'm trying to find the princesses so I can get their help. Core and the outsider fought here and really messed the place up.”

He looked at the device again. “Outsider? Oh, that asshole. Well this realm hasn't even been reached yet in terms of the exploration. So how badly hit was this world?”

“A few mountains missing or missing chunks. A town is in ruins. Another town is mostly craters. Another looks like it never existed, and we got heartless, unversed, fusions of the two, humans that work for Core who he experimented on, oh and the moon is in pieces.” John said.

“Oh, well, given this world I’m gonna leave it to you people for the most part, your story so I’m not gonna piss off the ____, but I can fix your moon.” He said, snapping his fingers. I ran to the nearest window and I couldn’t believe my eyes. The moon was whole again.

“Man, just how weak are we in the multiverse. Under the billions or trillions?”

“Don’t think of it as how weak you are, think of it as, how much stronger you can become.”

“You just fixed a moon by snapping your fingers. I pretty sure you can create galaxies if you wanted.”

“So? I terraformed whole planets and created a universe. No big deal.”

John chuckles and shakes his head. “Well thanks. One of the princesses here has a connection to the moon. Core already cut her legs off so fixing the moon must have been a big help for her to recover.” Hopefully this helps make talking to them easier.

“Ouch. Well, I can’t help much more, other than maybe a few items.” He said, tapping on the screen of the device of his and a blue sword, and a small box appeared out of what looked like lines of code and fell onto the floor. “Sword is electronium, basically a mineral that generates unlimited electricity and is an amazing magic conductor, save the box for when you have a… larger space to open it.”

“Let me guess...a fortress or town of some kind?”

“No, a… generator. Just follow the manual and it'll be fine.” WIth that, he was gone. John managed to sense the magic in him when he vanished. He dropped to his knees and was shaking.

“We...are really weak in the multiverse...haha...hahahahahaha. This just means we need to get much stronger.” John said with a grin.

Before he left, John picked up the sword the man had, the sword, who he guessed was Cript, gave him, and the box. The two swords seemed to react to each other, like the same sides of two magnets facing each other.

“These blades will be useful. I wonder how powerful that generator is. From the way he was will probably destroy the galaxy if used wrong.” John deadpanned.

Tempted by the way Cript described the blue blade, he held it and decided to try and cut the magic bars… it sliced through them like a hot knife to butter, the bars disappearing once cut.

“Dang! I like this sword.” John picked up the remains of the assassin blade and looked at the sword of the blind void prisoner.

The blade was black with a purple tint. It had no guard and its handling was blood red. John picked it up and examined closer. He put a little void energy into it...and it nearly exploded in brightness of a light purple aura. “This enhances void energy. This will definitely be useful. Its history is full of death. Used to only kill. Now, it will be used to protect.”

I looked around and used some cloth I found to make makeshift sheaves for them, and a strap to keep the box/generator on me and I headed off to find wherever the princesses were being kept.

Zeke and Unum had no real trouble finding Chrysalis's hive, it was tall and expansive. When they landed something felt off. “You feel that, right?” Zeke asked.

“Yeah, feels empty.” Unum replied.

The two walked into the hive, finding only a battle scarred cave system. “What happened here?” Zeke asked as they moved in more. THe deeper they went the more broken things became. They finally found what must have been the throne room, where a single pony was resting by a fire in a sleeping bag. “Uh, Wise Gear?”

“Wah, oh hello strangers.” Wise said. He was a middle age stallion with a brown coat, black mane and beard, and brown eyes. “What brings you here to a changeling hive?” He asked.

“You, some people thought you were captured by changelings.” Zeke explained.

“Not exact-”

“Where did you put the oil Wise…” All attention turned on the changeling that entered the room. She was like Crysalis, only smaller, and with brown eyes rather than green. “Uh…”

“Excuse me strangers. This is Hive. She was the Queen's daughter.” Wise said.

“Greetings.” Hive said.

“Uh, hey…” Zeke said as Unum got in close to Zeke’s ear.

“Wow… feeling fatherly~” Unum whispered/teased.

Zeke rolled his eyes. “So, what happened here?”

“Well, a while ago a bunch of the monsters that now run around Equestria invaded here, kidnapped every changeling, then killed my mom.” Hive explained.


“Relax, everyone can agree, she was a bitch. I might be the last changeling if those monsters got the other hives too.”

“Dejavu.” Zeke said.

“Well we have been holding out here while we can. I made a special shield that can keep those things out that's invisible to the naked eye that runs on whale oil. Unfortunately we are running out as Hive was replacing the last one.” Wise gear said.

“Oh, well, There’s a place in the everfree, it’s safe and the barrier doesn’t need the oil, it’s magic based.” Zeke explained.

“Hm, sounds like Zecora's work.”

“It is, Equestria and likely the other nations are very much in turmoil and chaos. We were hoping you could help, there are people who are missing limbs, even the princesses are missing some limbs. We have blueprints to make some artificial ones, but I think it’s best you help make them, and teach how to do it to others. Less work on you.”

“Hm, things have gotten be dire indeed. Ok, I'll help. On one condition. Hive isn't to be locked up or hurt for being a changeling.” Wise said while glaring at Zeke.

“I have a changeling as a wife, and we have kids, I’d never harm her.” Zeke replied to Wise Gears surprise as Unum nodded.

“Well it's not you I worry about. It's the other ponies. They might just see her as a monster, and in times like this ponies are always looking for something to blame. Even an innocent child.” Wise gear stated with a sad look.

“I’m twenty four Wise.” Hive replied. “I’m only a kid too you ya know.”

“Haha, you'll always be a kid to me Hive.” Wise gear said with a fatherly smile.

“If she’s okay with it, we can take her to our world. People there are open to anything and everything. Literally, the diversity back home is unreal.” Zeke said.

Wise thought about this for. A moment. “Fine, but only if she accepts. And if I hear anything about her being mistreated not even all of your wives can protect you.” Wise said with a glare.

“... bruh…”

“I’ll go.” Hive said. “Besides, he said he has a changeling for a wife too Wise, he doesn’t seem like a bigot.”

“Haha. Ok Hive. Well mister. What are we waiting for?” Wise said.

“You to pack up anything necessary?” Zeke joked.

“Hahaha, ok. Come on Hive. Let's start packing. I'll get the clockwork carriers and soldiers.” Wise said

Zeke and Unum gave Wise Gear and Hive a ride while the Clockwork contraptions followed rather quickly underneath. “So, Wise, why did you leave?” Zeke asked.

Wise just sighed. “Because of Hive. Somepony had to take care of her. Her mother was too busy planning a hostile takeover to care. I probably wouldn't have known before hoove about the creatures if my friend ‘outside’ didn't warn me.”

“So you have Outsider’s mark?”

“Hehe, no I don't. He didn't give me one to protect me. I meet him at his shrines.” Wise gear told Zeke.

“Oh. Odd fellow?”

“Hahaha. That's putting it mildly.” Wise says with a smirk.

“The Moon!” Hive said.

“Yeah, it’s brok-” Zeke was saying before Hive cut him off.

“It’s whole!” Everyone looked up, wide eyed as the moon was in fact whole again.

“Well I'll be. Who did that?” Wise said surprised.

“I haven’t the foggiest fuck.” Zeke said.

John ended up searching Celestia’s room, for it to also be empty. After searching the majority of the castle does he find Blueblood’s office.

“Ok, let's see if Blue Balls left any clues to where their at.” John said.

He explored the office for a few minutes till he came across Blue’s journal. It said there is a hidden dungeon under the castle in the crystal mines. He said he'll have the princesses, Twilight, and Applejack held down there to keep them from interfering. It even had a few plans for torturing them and breaking them...the ideas in here make me want to violently kill him.

I quickly made my way to the secret entrance to the mines the journal mentioned, and bolted down the stairs. As I made my way down I could feel a sense of dread washing over me. As I got down to the main room I nearly threw up. Applejack was covered in needles stuck all over in her body while she hung from her hooves by ropes. Twilight was in a rather… compromising position, gagged and her horn was sliced off. The princesses, they were in pony versions of iron maidens though Luna was being held from her horn by chains so she didn’t fall all the way in.

‘Blue Blood’. John thought that name with more rage than he had against Jonathan. Void was coming off him in small waves. He went to the princesses and carefully got them free. Then he helped Twilight. When he went to Applejack he carefully took out the needles with two doppelgangers then got her down.

I used Cure to heal what I could, but Applejack had trouble moving, Twilight still didn’t have her horn, and the princesses were trying to help one another, Celestia carrying Luna on her back. “Thank you, thank you.” Celestia muttered, tears flowing like rivers.

“Don't thank me. If I had gotten here sooner you wouldn't have suffered as much, but tonight. Blue.Blood.Will.Die.” John said with hate. He didn't notice the Void energy coming off him wasn't the light purple he knows, but a dark purple. His eyes were slit too.

Blue Blood sat atop Canterlot Castle’s highest tower. He noticed the moon was whole again, but shrugged it off. He felt John’s anger, and reveled in it. “Finally, let's see what type of beast that human has.”

John marched on through the castle with the girls following him. Guards that were loyal to Blue Blood, and probably took part in what happened, tried to stop him. A quick Domino on them and a fast punch that broke one's neck to care of them all. Guards that were still loyal to the princesses let him pass and followed along, with a few helping the girls. John's void aura was getting bigger and darker as his anger grew. Not knowing a pair of enthrall horns had formed on his head.

As he made his way up the tower and saw Blue Blood, the two locked eyes. “Quite the devil you seem to be, wouldn’t you agree?” Blue Blood said.

John ignored him, thinking he was trying to trick him. “I'm not here for games Blood. You die tonight.”

“I do believe I will, Like many stallions, I know when I will die, tonight seems to be a decent night for my death. Pathetic really, never could kill myself, so I waited around for someone else to do it.”

John was confused. Why was he willing to die...unless. “You can't die by normal means you mean. A blade or arrow or even a magic spell won't kill you.”

“Not when you’ve had the void run through your veins for as long as I have, you find death begins to ignore you. How old do you think I am?”

“To old I'm guessing.”

“I was given the power of void when I was seven, by the time I turned thirty I had largely mastered the abilities. When I was eighty I looked thirty still… When I turned five hundred, auntie Luna was banished.”

“So you're over a thousand years old. Then why did you feel weaker than me when you left me to die by the blind samurai?” John asked.

“Simple, I don’t give away how strong I actually am, unlike you. I felt when your power peaked the second it went up. Me, I’ve learned to suppress it, hide it.”

So he is far stronger than he appears. “If you're so strong why leave the other guy to finish me? Why not do it yourself?”

“Wanted to see if you were stronger than him. Though, I felt that someone else ended him. Was it Cript?”

“Ya. You took his prisoner. Not smart doing that to someone like him.”

“He’s a lot like my auntie Celestia, too soft to kill right away. He forged a special weapon you know, I saw it once… The Humanity Blade. If one with a saveable soul is hit, they are encased in crystal and all their evil is ripped out from their body. If there is nothing left to save, it will kill them. Innocents are unharmed by it entirely. So, yes, if you must ask, I have been to the other side of void, seen powers and beings that make us all seems like ants. Yet, Core has his trump card, all of the demons do.”

“Of course he has one. Beings like him always have one, but it won't matter. Because we will stop him. Zeke is the wielder of the X-blade and is a keyblade himself. Out of all of us survivors he is definitely the strongest. Nether Core, you, or any of his allies will beat him.” John told him. His void aura dimming also little.

“Perhaps, but Zeke’s flaw is the fact he won’t kill, all his true power, half of it can only be accessed after Bloodshed. He won’t live up to what he can do, because he won’t bring himself to kill. And given his bloodline, when he does… the aftermath will be gorey.”

“He doesn't have to. He has us. If he can't bring himself to kill we’ll do it for him. I've already killed a lot anyway. Zeke will still be stronger even if he never kills, and besides. If he does kill. He won't go insane. He has his wife's, kids, and he has us to snap him out of it.”

Blue Blood smirked. “You don’t know anything about his family, do you?”

“Their the Ventrals. When a Ventral first kills they enter a bloodlust state that's from generations of murders in their family, but like I said. He wifes will snap him out of it. Even if they have to literally beat him back normal.”

“Heh. Funny, his genetics say otherwise.Core told me a lot, time can pass fast or slow depending upon where in the realm of darkness you are at. In the Ventrals very DNA is a unique gene, it sits there, unused and purposeless, then, the Ventral kills. It turns on and the body reacts like it’s a revolution. Their energy, abilities, everything is enhanced to near superhuman standards. WHen it wears off the change is more permanent, emotions to those without the gene or not close to how they are are practically turned off. Why do you think even with how they raised him, he mourns them? If he kills, as powerful as he is, he will easily commit Genocide.”

John just smirked. “Maybe. But you don't everything about us either. Even if we have to break every bone in his body and beat him to near death. He is different from the others. He won't lose to his own genes.” John without knowing is calming down and he aura is fading. Blue blood noticed and decided to get him angrier. So he can see what kind of monster he can be.

“You know, it's a shame you arrived when you did.” Blue Blood said.

John raised an eyebrow. ‘What is he saying?’

“I mean, me and my guards, were hoping to have more, ’fun’, with those prisoners behind you.” He said with a smirk.

John's eyes widen a second. Then his aura got stronger.

“I mean, We took turns, most living out fantasies. Though, I got them ready first. Let’s just say those mares are missing a vital organ to being a mare.”

John's aura got darker and bigger. His void hands fingers turned to claws and traveled up his arm looking like some kind of demon armor. His marked hand did the same.

“Fancy, still, a tad dull. I wonder, are you getting mad for what reason exactly? The rape, the forced surgery, the torture, or all of the above?”

John's aura almost looked black and his teeth looked sharpen like razor as he growled an inhuman growl.

‘So, he’s a candidate too… good, the more the merrier.’ Blue Blood thought. “You know, with all that I’ve done, I always wondered, why doesn’t my anger or emotions show up? Well, I guess I’ve just been dead inside longer than I can remember. Still, you fail to see the obvious. Whether we win or lose, nothing will matter. I mean, look at you, all that power boiling over, and you can’t do miracles like Cript did with the moon. Still, not like you should care, about anything really. This world for the longest time, hated you. Most still do, and under Celestia’s rule, not much will change. Matter of fact…” John felt Blue Blood’s power spike, reaching close to how his was and when he turned around, he saw the ground beneath them break open and once they fell in, it closed up. “How long will it take you to kill me to save them? You got, I’d guess, two minutes.”

John felt something snap inside him and let out an inhuman roar as his aura and power spiked. He grew ethereal wings, both his arms were covered in demonic armor made of void. His power rose so much both Luxu and even Zeke felt it.

Blue Blood laughed, letting his power cut loose as his skin turned black, his fur fell off and his body grew into something like a burned dragon. He charged at John, who charged as well and when the two hit the shock wave broke windows and toppled over trees from Las Pegasus all the way to the Zebra lands.

“Damn it, he’s lost it!” Luxu said, sitting atop the still floating Heartless ship. He killed off all the cannons and was mostly just enjoying the cool air, but upon feeling John lose it, he got up. “Sorry little pet, gotta get to work.” WIth that, he summoned Gazing Eye, and tapped the ship, the power he had in that tap blowing it up under his feat. He turned the Gazing Eye into a glider and headed off towards Canterlot. “I might need to knock that guy out… All in all, a good night.”

Zeke and Unum had dropped off Wise Gear and Hive off at the base and when they felt the shockwave and the power. Both hopped on their gliders and flew off. “Damn, The hell happened to John?”

“I think he tapped too far into void.” Unum said. “He won’t be able to handle that much power, if he keeps at it, his body will break into atoms at best!”

“I’m gonna slap that idiot!” Zeke said as he and Unum sped up.

In less than ten seconds John and Blue Blood collided fifty times. Their power destroying the tower they were on. John was an uncontrollable demon attacking Blue Blood with the intent to obliterate him. Blue Blood was laughing the entire time. Even though he had bruises from the hits.

Blue Blood eventually blinked to the top of Canterlot Mountain, with a glow of his horn, he started a fire, it burned and melted the stone of Canterlot and spread like brush fire. “One minute John! The princesses, and all of Canterlot will burn!” He shouted, conjuring more fire. The city cried out as hundreds of innocents were burned to ash as soon as the fire touched them.

John looked at the city. Even though he had no control he still let out a wind blast that managed to somehow put out the fire. He then turned his attention to Blue Blood who didn't expect him to do that.

Blue Blood laughed as his horn lit up again. Twilight, Applejack, and the Princesses were in his aura as he tossed them off the side of the mountain. “Them, or Canterlot?” He said, stomping a hoof and shaking the mountain as Canterlot began to sink, crumbling on the way down.

Before John made a move though. Luxu, Zeke, and Unum grabbed the girls while Luxu shouted. “Save the city! We'll handle this asshole!”

“Like hell!” Blue Blood screamed, orbs of void energy surrounding him… then they flew off, quickly expanding and upon touching anything, exploded in a massive blast. One had quickly grown to the size of a building, hitting in the falling city as it Exploded. The explosions and impacts nearly defend the group. When the Dust settled, Canterlot, as well as for miles, nearly endlessly around, was nothing but craters. “Stop toying and fight you worthless copy!”

Next thing he knew, John enlarged fist hitting faster than he could track. Sending him flying towards a distant mountain taking most of it out. As he tried to get up he is hit again. Going through the mountain and digging a huge trench.

Blue Blood managed to buck John off him, quickly grinning as he punched his hoof into the ground. The whole planet seemed to shake as the ground cracked open even over the oceans and fire flowed out. “Heh.” Blue Blood chuckled, sitting down, his power residing as his body changed back to normal.

John looked around as chaos flowed from the ground and oceans. He managed to say in a demonic voice. “What did you do?”

“Kill me, go on. I already won.”

John realized what he meant. He pulled a fricken Frieza. He hit the planet's core. The dying.

“Heh, One thing keeping this world alive still, it’s heart… Damn thing is stubborn, I like that. You know, you held back from most of the destruction, I had to take control.”

‘Dang it! I failed again. Only this time the world is ending. What do I do? WHAT DO I DO!?!?’

In a flash, John looked up, seeing Cript stand behind Blue Blood, his sword though Blue Blood’s head. “This fucker did more damage than I expected…” He said, kicking the now dead pony’s body off to the side into the fire of the planet’s core.


Cript just looked at John, snapping his fingers as John was suddenly back in his human form. “Seriously, either you need more help than I thought, or I miscalculated something.”

“I don't know what happened. I was talking to him than next...rage.”

Cript walked over to John, Zeke, Unum and Luxu landing near by. “Who’s the god?” Luxu deadpanned asked.

“Cript.” John said looking down.

“He’s a god?” Zeke asked. It wasn’t until the two looked at each other that a striking similarity had clicked… save for the eye and hair color, they looked exactly alike. Cript having brown hair and eyes, where Zeke had blond hair and red eyes. “Uhhh.”

“Oh… Huh, well that’s a thing.” Cript said.

“ there anything you can do to help stop the planet's destruction? Please!”

Cript looked around, and sighed. “Fine, one last help, then you guy’s are on my watch list.” Cript clapped his hands, an ear ringing ping echoed out as he placed them on the ground… then, blue and white electricity flowed out everywhere within seconds, the fire and earth molded to Cript’s will, forming back into how it was supposed to look, the world looked like time was going in reverse as Cript took his hands off, and the world, save for the cities, was back to normal. “Didn’t bring back cities, too lazy to, any inhabitants still alive are healed, asleep likely. And, well, I think there’s a small town I made nearby around that castle in the forest over there. Also, trees are back, added more fish, other farm animals, and for the heck of it I left small stockpiles of supplies hidden around cause rpg logic.”

John fell on his knees. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it, I do this a lot so the impact is lost on me.”

“Holy fuck!” Zeke, Unum, and Luxu all said in unison.

“I get that a lot too.”

“Was that a joke?” Zeke asked.

“Well, A, I’m married, but B, I may be a god, but that whole ‘holy’ bs… not my thing.”

John was silent. Looking down at the ground. ‘Again. I failed again. How can I protect anything if all I do is fail when it counts?!’

“You know…” Crit started, looking at John. “Those bad guys are still around, same with those heartless and unversed. You know, I really shouldn’t be here, I don’t usually leave a ‘readable’ impact on the worlds I visit… But again, your story… I guess though, Keeping you on my watch list will let me know when you need it most. Just, when you use that void power… if you find yourself in my realm, look me up.” With that, Cript opened a portal and walked into it, vanishing again.

Zeke and Unum managed to feel his power this Time like John did before. Luxu knew he was strong so it didn't effect him much, but Zeke and Unum fell to their knees, sweating a little. “Damn, so that’s what a god’s power is like… So we gotta be that strong to beat Core?”

John got up and chuckled. “We don't. Because despite how strong Core is...he isn't even in the top ten thousands on his watch list.” John told them.

Zeke got up, helping Unum in the process. “Well, if that’s the case, we’ll just have to work at getting as close as possible to him. I wonder though, he has a legend about him, right?”

“He’s basically a warden in the Void and beyond. He is one of the strongest beings in existence.” John said. “He even can create entire Universes if he wanted to.”

“Makes you wonder though, is he from where we came from, or what?”

“Doesn't matter really. All we need to know. Is that he isn't evil.” John said.

“Fair enough. So, what’s with the swords and box?”

“ The sword is made of something he called Electronium, the katana somehow amplifies void power, and the box he said was a generator.”

“Oh… well, let’s get to this town he said now is around the castle in the everfree.”

“Ok, oh and Zeke. We need to talk when we get back.” John said.

“Sure.” Zeke said as they summoned their gliders and flew off.

“By the way. What you do with the princesses?”

“Dropped them off at the castle.” Unum said. “Wasn’t affected too much by all that was going on from what I saw.”

John sighed. “Let's hope everyone there doesn't try to burn me at the stake.”

“Why? You didn’t burn the world, or crack it open.”

“You saw what I tuned into. I was a monster. They most likely saw it to.”

“So was Blue Blood, look, with the way their world has changed, I’m not sure they’ll care too much. When we dropped off Hive they were nervous, sure, but accepted her rather quickly.”

“I'm just glad I gained somewhat control before I finished transforming. I was about half way I believe.” John said.

“Well, let’s get back and see what that generator is all about.” Zeke said as they found the newly made town, mostly it was houses made from stone, and the trees looked like they were moved aside, creating a rather thick wall of trees around the town, save for the entrance. In the center of the town was the castle. They landed and after finding a large empty room in the castle’s old dungeon, John placed the box down in the center and opened it. Upon backing up, metal tubes rushed out, digging into the walls and ground at sonic speed. Sood parts just started flowing out of it as they started to assemble a rather large machine, and the final parts that came out were twelve crystals of varying colors. They floated into place and when the machine closed up, it stood at ten feet high, with the massive tubes stuck around all around it. “Well shit…”

“I think it connected to all the buildings and all the rooms? Which means the entire town now can have power.” John noticed.

Unum walked up to the machine, and spotted some writing.

Congratulations on your Freak Inc. World Core Generator V7.98.

Your world core generator will supply infinite amounts of water, both fresh and salt, keep the whole planet’s ground fertile allowing for constant farming without harm, electricity to anything that runs on it without the need for batteries, or plug ins. As well as enhanced plant life that can clear out air pollutants at a 98.7% faster rate than normal nature.

We accomplish this by utilizing the twelve elemental gems and keeping them in a stable field that allows their power to continue without rest or overheating.

To start, press the big green button, to pack up and move to another location, please press the red button, to turn it off completely, press both simultaneously.

Everyone's jaw was on the floor. Such a thing existed?! “No matter how much or for how long I say it. I'll never be able to thank Cript enough.” John said.

Zeke pressed the green button, and the machine hummed to life. It was oddly quiet, to their surprise, but the effects were immediate. As if the ground was supposed to be that way, a spring started flowing through town, the buildings untouched and the ground molding in a way that it was like a little Venice Italy. “Well damn, someone get a toaster and see if it needs to be plugged in.” Zeke said, half jokingly.

John grabbed a conveniently placed toaster and turned it on. “This work for you?”

“The fuck? This thing… it… and here I thought I saw everything…”

“Let's just say pinkie logic, and leave it at that.”

“And she likely is nodding from beyond the grave. Sorry if that hit a nerve.”

“It's cool. Besides she is right behind you.” John said jokingly.

“Nice try.” Zeke replied, rolling his eyes. “So, you wanted to talk?”

“Blue Blood told me about the Killing mood. How it's a gene that Ventrals can't fight when it triggers.”

“I knew about that… I’m not safe from it… and I worry my kids aren’t either… I know it will let me calm down… if it does happen just try and keep me in one place and away from people, or anything really.”

“I told him if you ever do undergo the killing mood that me, the other survivors, and your wife's would literally beat you back to Normal if we have to.”

“People have tried, my uncle was shot twenty times and he didn’t die till his killing mood timed out. The only way is to let it pass. Just, make sure I’m immobile, alright?”

“That's why we will keep you in check when it happens. So once you're back to normal you shouldn't wonder about all the bruises.”

“I just hope it doesn’t… I always felt that itch… that trigger finger in the back of my head. I feared to for a long time, mainly because it was my voice. That’s why I didn’t kill, why I won’t. I don’t want to give whatever that voice is the satisfaction.”

“I know. Just letting you know that if you ever do, I'll be there to smack you around. Just...promise me you and the others will do the same if I ever become that...thing again.” John asked.

“Hey, we both carry demons in us we keep fighting. If we didn’t keep each other in check we’d be monsters.”

“Haha, ya.” John smirked and lifted his right hand for a fist bump.

Zeke met it and the two laughed. “Well, I’m going home, got a lot to talk about, I think Sweetie and Time came back, right?”

“Yeah.” Luxu answered. “The Monster Busters are here, so there’s that. We’ll be heading off, Time might wanna do more given her vision stuff we need to get too sooner. I’ll keep you posted.” Luxu said as he walked off to find Time and Sweetie Bell.

“Well, let's go check out this group you brought.” John said.

“You can, Unum and I are heading home.” Zeke said as he opened a DTL. “Today has been apocalyptic, then a god comes along and comes in and fixes the world like a cheap movie ending.”

“Ok than. Let know when your council is having a meeting so I can come.”

“Will do.” Zeke said as he and Unum entered the DTL.

“What a day. I need sleep badly.” John said, walking off to the nearest bed and dropping on it, falling into a deep sleep.