The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Fighting Back.

I awoke with a start. Everything that happened yesterday entered my mind at once. Core...he is more powerful than I thought. He matched Hollow who had the Void backing him. Now he has the void as well. If what happened here is what happens with just darkness versus void. He is going to be even stronger now, and it's my fault.

I get up and put my gear back on, then headed to the war room. Gilda is probably still asleep. I look at the map and said. “Their gonna need to update the map big time now. With all that's gone. I wouldn't be surprised if the bandits and slavers were in heaven right with all the easy prey now. That is if they can avoid all the creatures out there.” I'll definitely need more assassins and keybladers now. To keep the creatures and punks out there under control.

I then went to the workshop to begin working on Gilda’s gear. I need to make another crossbow for her as well as a blade. I already have a few guns here that I can modify. I'll also have to make a griffin version of the outfits the assassins that worked with Daud had for her. I might need her measurements for this so I'll ask later. Still I began work on the crossbow, pistol, and short swords.

I was working for about fifteen minutes when I heard Gilda walk in. “Hey. What are you working on?” She asked.

“I'm working on some gear for at the moment. Also I'll need your measurements so I can make you outfit, armor, and mask.” I replied just getting finished with the pistol. Her crossbow and pistol are done. Now to begin on the blade. If there is a Ventral who is a werewolf I might as well give all our blades a silver edge to have an effect. I'll also make some silver arrows as well for our crossbows. I just need silver.

“Ok. Just don't try anything.” She said teasingly. She doesn't have to worry cause I'm not suicidal.

“Whatever you say Gilda. I already have your crossbow and pistol finished. I was about to work on making you a folding sword like mine. We’ll need silver soon to coat our blades and arrows for that werewolf. We’ll do measurements later. I'll teach you some keyblade moves after breakfast. When we move for Zecora's we'll use the trees as cover. If we come across any low lvl unversed or heartless you'll take care of them as extra training. You'll need battle experience soon for what's coming. So...what's for breakfast?” We had squirrel soup yesterday so what's it today?

“We're having fish with scrambled cockatrice eggs. Those were a little hard to get but I managed.” With that we headed to the kitchen. They were surprisingly good. The eggs I mean.

“So what are you gonna teach me?” Gilda asked.

“We'll start off with some basic moves and spells. I'm not a master myself so I can't teach you a lot. When I think you're ready I'll teach you stronger moves. I'll even think about sharing my void power with you. It'll help you trust me.”


Once breakfast was done we headed to the courtyard to begin. “We'll train for half an hour then head to Zecora's place. We can't waste a lot of time or something might happen.” I said. I'll only be able to teach her a few basic moves like blitz and strike raid.

“Good point. Well gets started.” She said summoning her Fenrir. I did the same and we began. She learned the physical moves pretty easily, but is having trouble with the spells. Thunder electrocutes her somehow, Fire explodes in her face, and blizzard freezes her keyblade.

“Ok we'll work on that later. We should get prepared to move out. Go get your equipment. I'll wait right here.” I told her. She nodded. She was exhausted from training. Hopefully we'll figure out later why she is having a hard time with the spells. While she was gone I went over my equipment. Two pistols with four bullets ready to fire and about thirty more in my bullet pouch. One hand held crossbow and a wrist mounted crossbow with thirty regular arrows, twenty sleep darts, and twenty exploding arrows. Ten regular and sticky grenades. Ten stun mines and ten lethal arch mines. One assassin blade like the one Daud uses and one folding blade. Fifteen healing potions and fifteen magic recovery potions. Ok I'm all set. Now to wait for Gilda.

A few minutes later I see Gilda enter the courtyard with her gear on. She had a pistol, handheld crossbow, pouches of arrows, darts, bullets, a few mines and grenades, and the assassin blade on her right side. “Why do we need this stuff? Other than for hunting I don't see the point since we have Keyblades.” She asked. I don't blame her for being confused.

“The keyblade is a tool to protect, not kill. We should use it only against unversed, heartless, to protect others, or if the opponent is powerful enough to use them. I personally don't want to stain my keyblade in blood so I carry these other blades instead, but sometimes I'll have no choice but to use Fenrir. Now come on. We're burning daylight and we got to hurry before something happens.” I said. With that we headed out to Zecora's.

The aftermath of Core and Hollow’s fight was worse up close. If this land ever recovers it will probably take centuries at least with magic to help. I still blame myself for this, if I had a different power or just a keyblade than Core would have just smacked me around a little, but his interest in Void made Equestria's land change forever. Heartless, unversed, fusions of the two, and fusions of heartless and humans were everywhere. I don't see any Ventrals around. That's both good and bad. Good, cause we can move without being seen by them, and bad, cause that means they are out there somewhere causing mayhem.

While on route we came across a few shadow heartless and flood unversed. I had Gilda take care them. She had trouble at first because there was a group of them always she eventually got the hang of it and started to see patterns in their movements. ‘She's learning fast. Good, she'll be able to help train recruits soon at this speed, but for now she'll need to keep training and leave the big ones to me.’ I thought. We continued our way to Zecora's till we made it to the barrier. I don't want to use my keyblade to open it cause I might accidentally let the creatures in. We need Zecora to let us in.

We called out for someone and after a bit a little orange pegasus came out. “It’s the creature!” She said.

Is that Scootaloo? She's alive! Wonder if any of the other CMC survived? After she said that Zecora and two other ponies came out. They were Derpy and Bulk Biceps. Sho they survived as well, but they look pretty messed up.

“Y-you were beat up by that creature in the blank mask.” Derpy said.

“I know...he was hear for information the first place. Now he has a chance to get stronger because of me. I failed to protect this world. Now I'm trying to save it. Is anypony else in there that survived?”

“They’re too injured to move. Either limbs are missing or they’re too in shock to, well, move.”

“Dang it. Ok, I know some healing magic, but it's not the best. I'll heal them as much as I can. We need to move to the castle not far from here. Zecora, whatever you used for this barrier could be useful there so any survivors and refugees can take shelter. Not to mention there is more room.” I said.

Zecora looked at me for a moment before walking up to the barrier. There was a stick, among other things, in the barrier. She moved the stick and a small doorway opened that Gilda and I walked though. SHe quickly closed it and I went inside… it was like a slaughter scene. There were ten ponies either all bandaged or with manic eyes. What was worse was what I saw in the corner… Sweetie Bell, her front left leg missing, and Applebloom, her eyes bandaged over.

‘At least bloom is alive. Once she learns her sister is two she might gain some hope.’ Ok I have to healing now. I'll start with the worst and work my way from there.

The cure spell healed over the injuries, but some things stayed. Large scars, limbs didn’t grow back, didn’t expect them too, and when Bloom took off her bandages her eyes were still damaged… she’ll never see again… “Thank ya.” She said.

“Applebloom...Your sister is alive.” I told her.

“Ah know. Luna told me in a dream some days ago… Even in her dreams realm she’s still… legless.”

‘Oh.’ Well at least Luna is somewhat alright.

Everyone got somewhat ready, hauling their share of Zecora’s materials and we headed out. Zecora took the important parts for the barrier and once she had them we headed out. We were close to the castle when the tree’s were burned into ash, revealing the Iron Prisoner three. “I’ll get them inside and the barrier up, you keep that thing occupied.” Gilda said as she lead the group around while I dealt with the Iron Prisoner.

‘I have to destroy it this time. Next time it will be at full power. Heck for all I know Core will make it evolve into Iron prisoner five!’

I ran in, but it did this move where it went into the ground. I managed to dodge the cage that comes up and traps you, but blocking this thing’s spinning attack is impossible. Damn, how do you beat this thing?! It was slowly floating over to me when I suddenly realized I was keeping total eye contact on it… then I felt a rush of power. I raced forward, coated in ice that didn’t feel cold to me, but the impacts damaged the thing. I ended up doing some kinda ground slam where Ice shot up on impact. I could tell that did a lot of damage when the thing turned a dark red/black.

Two things, one, it’s pissed, two, the heck did I just do? He was doing another spinning attack and since I can’t block it I just tried to run away from it. I didn’t expect the thing to slam it’s hammer down on top of me so suddenly. I got up, and my mask fell off, a large crack almost splitting it in half. ‘Crap. Ok now I'm pissed!’ I then coated Fenrir in a lot of ice magic and threw it at its head while the attack came out off my mouth by itself. “Glacial Raid!” It hit him hard and made him tumble back. Then I blinked above his head behind him and threw Fenrir again. I kept this up for about eight hits in total. When I was done not only was it hurt...there was a huge crack in its mask...OH CRAP NOT AGAIN!!!

“Corvo!” Gilda’s voice yelled out. “Barrier’s up, get your but in here!”

“Be there in a second!” I called back. I used blink one final time, appearing over it’s head and using Fenrir to tear it’s mask off.

When I did it started changing colors. Becoming dark red and black. I also felt its power skyrocketing. Next thing I know it throws me off.

When I looked at it is was practically radiating power off itself. It then roared, really loud that was filled with rage and power. I noticed it’s head… it was human… “No more holding back…” The person said.

“Who are you?” I asked. Was that a Ventral? I was fighting a Ventral this entire time!? Wait… I know that guy. He was the Ventral at my parent's restaurant!

“I… that face. You're the kid of those pasta shop people!”

“It's been awhile… Jonathan Ventral.”

“Same kid. Gotta say, didn’t think I’d see you again… especially after I ran you over…”

“So you were that drunk idiot at the wheel.”

“Drunk, no. I was just running over whoever I saw. Like Grand Theft Auto, but for real!”

“...I'm going to enjoy killing a bastard like you.”

“And I’m gonna enjoy killing you twice. Too bad your family isn’t in your boat. I belives your mom’s last words were, ‘my son will end you’.”

I felt nothing at first. Than a coldness that can't be described washed over me. Is this the Void? All I know is I've never felt so mad that I felt cold...and saw purple?

I Shook that off, roaring in anger as I charged at him. He side swiped me with his hammer, but I just blocked it with one hand, taking it out of his and slamming him with it. I kept at it till darkness coated him, when it left he was normal now, dressed in combat armor. He coughed as he got up. “Damn kid, you were holding out.”

I didn't hear him. I put Fenrir away and grabbed my folding sword and assassin sword. I walked up to him slowly. He tried to fight back but he might as well have not been moving. He was so slow for some reason. I'm not even using bend time. I stabbed him in his right arm which held his combat knife and stabbed him in his left lung.

Time went back to normal, and I came back to my senses. He was clenching my arms. “Heh...heh… Aunty, cus… I’ll be seeing you.” He said as he went limp, falling on the ground lifeless.

I didn't feel anything at the moment. Don't know if that was a side effect of using the void so much or if I was just tired of killing already. I put my blades up and turned around and walked towards the castle. As I was walking I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw Vanitas. I noticed something about him. He gives off a different presence than the other unversed. Is he not with Core? Then who?

“Well, nice to see someone who isn’t beyond crazy here.” He said.

“Just who are you with Vanitas? It's not Core. Your aura is different from the unversed he controls.”

“I’m not exactly an Unversed. I’m the dark half of a boy called Ventus. I was a ghost before the one you’d call Outsider found me.”

“Outsider!? What is this about?” I asked confused.

“Like the man you minik, he took interest in me, made me have… emotions… all the ones I never had and did have during my relatively short existence. I’m like the man you just killed, a human Unversed, no heart, but that’s not the issue here.”

“What is? Is this a test of some sort?” I asked.

“I’m acting on my own free will you know. I may be new to… emotions, so the feeling that what happened here is really bugging me. Normally I’d care less, yet thanks to these new emotions, I feel a need to… help…”

“Wait're an allie?”

“You can call me that if you wish. Frankly I have the same emotional state Ventus had before our separation. My own past memories and personality keep my own identity, but I can’t sit by with Core running around. I know you saw me before, I was living here long before you showed up.”

“So you were the source of the Unversed before Core showed up! I should have figured.”

“Yes, old habits die hard. Sadly these new Unversed and fusions seem to ignore and attack me. There is so much darkness around even the ones I summon defect within minutes. I was trained by a Keyblade master, so I can teach what I know. All I ask is that you do something for me.”

“Let me guess...take out whoever is controlling them here so you can have better control over your unversed?”

“I want, a heart.”


“My emotions are like ghosts of the person I was once a part of, I want to see if with my own heart, will they still be mine.”

“I don't know if I can help with that, but I think my friend Zeke might have something. He wields the X-blade, the one you were apparently created to make.”

“I know, I saw you two meet. I’ve had time to get over my original reason for existing. Now, all I want is a heart so I can exist as more than just… a tampered with Nobody.”

“Alright. I'll see if Zeke can help, but if he can't I'll find one myself. Just help me and the other get stronger to protect this world.” I told him.

“Deal. And for the record,” He started as he walked passed me. “Try anything, and their blood will be on your hands.” With that, he walked towards the castle.

“Don't worry. I don't go back on my word, but if you try something you'll deal with me.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Unlike you, I’m not dumb enough to fight someone who can easily kill me.”

I was that strong already? “Core really didn't give me choice. I was just trying to survive.”

“You really are an idiot. It’s an intimidation tactic. If you either played dumb or ran away he would have lost interest. Like how I was, he takes interest in things that can hurt him. This world’s damage is on your hands, just as it is on Core’s.”

“...I know that. I'll never forgive myself for it. But I swear...Core will ether fall to Zeke's X-blade, or my keyblade.”

Vanitas chuckled. “This is part of what interests him. Think of it like ants trying to kill an elephant. Both sides have numbers, but even that will never be enough. To truly kill Core, you have to either sink to his level, or evolve into something greater than a god.”

“If that’s what it be it. I don't care what happens to me, never did. Never will. If I don't try that hard then I wasn't trying at all.”

“Whatever. Just remember, for every evil vanquished, a greater, darker one will replace it. That’s how creation keeps itself in balance.”

“And for every light put out, another even brighter one will take its place. Even if me or even Zeke falls someone even greater will rise to take our place.”

Vanitas looked away. “Outsider told me a story once. A man, fate had labeled evil from before birth, gifted the greatest of powers, and corrupted and within him, awoke an evil that can make Core shit himself in fear. He took his fall, and climbed out of the darkness, became a hero, and never lost a fight for two reasons. First, was because he wanted to prove fate wrong, and second, was because someone had reached his heart, making him feel emotions that were meant to be removed from him. From how the story goes, he’s above gods, strong enough to wipe out every universe in one swing, yet he constantly fights for them. Not sure if it’s true, if it was, then I wonder where he even is.”

I thought about that for a moment. “Ether fighting a great evil, or waiting till he is needed.”

“Maybe, like I said, there are always greater things out there, though, makes you wonder, what’s stronger than a man who can kill all in one swing?”

“Don't know, but even if he falls. Someone will definitely take his place.”

Vanitas just shrugged and walked off. We walked to the castle and once inside, everyone was looking at me. “Your call, boss.” Vanitas said sarcastically.

“Ok, Gilda. Show everypony where they will be sleeping. Those who can move try and help those who can't. Zecora, show some areas of the barrier I can probably improve with Void runes. We'll get everyone medical attention soon since we have medical supplies that are both military and civilian grade. Van, if you want patrol around the castle walls and keep an eye out for the Ventrals. Their more dangerous than any unversed or heartless Core sends.” I instructed.

“Don’t call me that, and sure.” He said, summoning his keyblade. “If I find survivors, bring them I guess?”

“If possible yes. If you need help come get me as soon as you can.”

Everyone went and left for their jobs. One pony though, I recognized as the pony everyone called Doctor Whooves, came up to me. He was missing a back leg. “Excuse me.” He said.

“Is there a problem?” I asked.

“Well, before everything happened I was working with the ponyville hospital to see about limbs made from metal. The blueprints I had were destroyed when my house went up in an explosion, but the hospital is still standing in town and has spare blueprints. With the right… adjustments, and some magic, we can get everyone new limbs.”

“Thanks for the info. After I help Zecora improve the barrier I'll head out personally to retrieve them. Maybe I'll find more medical supplies or even a doctor that survived there.” This can really help. With other adjustments they can even be of use to those who join. Hidden weapons in their new metal limbs as well as other things.

“Hey mister?” I turned around and looked down, seeing Applebloom tug at my leg. “That’s you, right?”

“What do you mean bloom?”

“Just making sure you were the right pony, er, person. I heard your talk with that Doc, ma’ cos Smoky Apple is a Blacksmith in Appleloosa. If he’s still there he can help out greatly.”

I crouched down and patted her head. “Thanks for that. I'll look into it. In the meantime if Luna appears in your dreams again tell you and the others are save, but don't tell her where. Don't want some military figure in Canterlot sending an army to kill me just to get themselves killed by the creatures here.” I told her. I know something like that would happen cause a lot of military figures and nobles in Canterlot are stupid.

“Alright, I’ll tell the girls when ah find ‘em.” She said, walking off, aided by the Doc.

With that I went with Zecora to the barrier. She explained how the battle works. It turns out if I added bone runes with void energy to certain areas it will increase the barriers power tenfold. I placed the runes down and saw the barrier power up in front of me. I thanked Zecora for her help and went to find Gilda to inform her of what I'm about to do. I'll need her here to help keep the ponies calm and to help defend them. Also to help get any survivors that Vanitas brings situated.

“Gilda. I'm about to head out. A pony named Doctor Whooves told me of a hospital that might hold some blueprints that can help the ponies that are missing any limbs. I'm going alone to limit visibility of our enemies. I'll need you to stay and hold down the fort. Keep them calm, and help out any survivors Vanitas manages to find and bring here.” I informed her.

“Will do!” She replied from Somewhere. Thanks to Zecora and my rune work, people who know the password can enter or leave freely. “Unlock.” I said as a doorway opened in the barrier. I walked through and the doorway closed behind me.

I entered shadow walk, or at least tried to. When I try to use the void I found myself in a lot of pain. Did I over do it in the battle against Jonathan? Well, better go old school. I climbed into the nearest tree and went from there. When I got to the edge of the woods I surveyed the area. It's all clear for now. Maybe they are regrouping cause of Jonathan’s death? Oh well. It gives me a small opening. I left the woods and headed to where the hospital was supposed to be.

Gilda was right, mostly everything was craters, only piles of rubble were proof a town was here once. I saw the hospital in the distance, only with most all the windows broken. Guess it escaped destruction by being rather far from the main of town. I hiked up there and eventually made my way inside. Where would experimental prosthetic blueprints be held?

There has to be an office that might have a clue? Better check the head office. I searched around for a few minutes while keeping my ears open in case I wasn't alone. I eventually found the office and began searching. I searched for ten minutes till I came across a document stating there is a Vault in the basement, near the nursery, where they keep important research and other items. It could also hold medical supplies and, if I'm lucky, medical staff that survived by barricading themselves in there.

I headed off, finding the nursery very creepy… there was no blood, but lots of empty beds for newborns scattered around. I heard a clank, like metal, and summoned Fenrir. I entered one of the birthing wards and saw a woman, she was one of the half heartless fusions, half Soldier Heartless, carrying around something wrapped in a blanket. She seemed to be singing something to it… does she have a baby?!

If I do nothing I'll never know if it's actually hers or if she took a newborn foal and is under the delusion it's hers. “Hey you.” I said. This is most like stupid.

She turned around. I was able to see the babies face… it was a foal, sleeping. “Shhh. He’s sleeping.” She whispered.

“Ok, either you lost your own not long ago and are desperate, or you taking him so Core can experiment on him?”

She looked down at the foal. “It’s hard, remembering from before…” I noticed she was looking at me like she was trying to remember something. “You… you were there… You were trying to stop that mugger.”

?!? can't be. “It's you...what happened to you? Why are you half heartless. Is your child...gone?” What did Core do?!

She looked at the foal. “I don’t… remember much… Screams and fear mostly. All I remember is waking up like this, wondering where my baby was… Core said my baby was safe, that’s she’s being raised to become a useful tool. If I gather my heart quota, I’ll get to see her.”

Core, SONOFABITCH! Wait… Zeke is basically a keyblade now. He told me some of his wife's were pregnant. So his kids must be part keyblade. He also has my mark now-oh no no. Don't tell he’ll try something similar like a half keyblade child with the void?!

“Listen, I don't know if Core is actually going to keep his word to you?”

“Core keeps his word, his most defining feature.” She muttered, still looking at the foal.

“Even if that's true, do you really want to doom others to suffer a fate worse than death? I know you want to see you baby, but is it really worth making others like that foal you got suffer?” I asked.

“I don’t harm children. I came here to see if any were alive. He’s the only one, my little Survivor. That’s a good name given the world, right?”

“If you really don't hurt children. Give him to me. I'll keep him safe from harm.”

“Can’t stray, Linked to realm of Darkness. Stray too far from where I’m meant to be, I’ll be pulled back into it.”

“Please just hand Survivor over than. I'll keep him safe. I promise. Like Core, I don't go back on my word. I don't want to fight you.”

She handed the little foal over to me. His coat was dark brown and his mane was a rust red. “I might see you again, Till then, I have to work like Core wants.” She vanished into a small dark portal, leaving me with the baby… wait, that’s a line meant for something else...

I looked at the foal and saw he was ok and healthy. “Even if I don't find the blueprints, at least your ok Survivor.” I said to him. Hopefully somepony back at the castle can help take care of him. I went looking for the vault while being careful with the foal in my right hand.

I found a stroller and placed him in it and pushed. The vault was nearby, and I used Fenrir to open it. Inside were a bunch of boxes of med supplies, fridges filled, and they were still running, with medicine that had to keep cold. In the back was a wall of safes, and what looked like a lumpy blanket.

I walked over to the blanket and pulled it off. I found a nurse with a few kids with her. Nurse Redheart I think. She must have got these kids her to keep them safe.

She woke up and upon seeing me, stood over the foals defensively. “How did you get in here?!” She barked.

“Whoa! Easy there. I'm not a threat. I rescued a newborn foal a little bit ago. He is over there. I didn't know his name so I name him Survivor. I'm here to help” I told her.

She looked behind me and upon seeing Survivor in his stroller calmed down some. “Sorry, been in here since the fighting started. Was told to take all the foals that couldn’t leave and tuck away down here. I’m Redheart, Nurse Redheart.”

“I'm John. I came here looking for some blueprints that Doctor whooves help design for patients who lost a limb. I have base with a few survivors who need new limbs including him. Finding you and these foals is a welcome bonus.”

She sighed. “This stockpile will do better out there than stuck in here, food stockpile and other supplies are in the other room and kitchen storage. Getting it all out of here though will take time, or a massive truck cart.”

“We can take a good bit now. I have an ability that will let me make doppelgangers that can help. I couldn't use my powers for it a few minutes ago, but I can feel them coming back. I can make two but that's it. We'll grab the blueprints and important essentials now. Then come back later with help to get the rest.”

“If mana's the issue there’s potions of raw mana in one of the fridge. We keep it for special cass when a unicorn uses more magic than their body can supply and produce.” She said, pointing at the fringe of blue glowing bottles.

“That could help. I'll see if it works. The more doppelgangers I can make the better.” I said.

I walked over to them. They were small bottles, like shot glasses with a cork. I popped one off and downed it fast. Thing tasted like pure sugar. After swallowing it I felt a rush like no sugar high could compare, but for my magic rather than energy.

“Alright! That'll do. I can make about ten doppelgängers now. That should help.” With that I made them and had most start gathering what they can and had two help me search for the blueprints we needed. Redheart was watching over the foals in the meantime. We eventually found as well as the blueprints we came for, and blueprints for medical equipment we can build. We grabbed those as well and made our way out. The sun was setting and we hurried over to the castle We managed to make it before nightfall. When the moon went up, I saw something... Big… flying up in the sky… It looked like a… pirate ship? No wait, that’s the heartless pirate ship from the second game… Oh crap.

“Corvo.” Gilda said as she walked up to me. “You seeing that thing?”

“Ya, I do. Where is Vanitas?”

“He came back with five oddballs that look like you… well, three of them do, the other two look like a pony and you had a kid, and one looks like fell into the gears of a clock.”

I think I can guess who they are. “Ok. Thanks Gilda. Look after the new foals with Redheart. I'll go talk to them.”

“I ain’t good with kids, but alright.”

I walked over to the main area, where I saw Zeke, Unum, a guy in an organization XIII cloak, and Two Sweetie Bells? “Oh, hey John.” Zeke said.