The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Armageddon .

It's been a few weeks since I rescued Gilda and the other slaves from the slavers. I can't believe the princesses. Even though it was slavery they only got about a few years in the dungeon. They basically got a slap on the hoof. I wonder if I should have killed them instead. They got off too easy. At least the slaves are free now. I'm glad I was able to save them.

Over these past few weeks I made more runs on slave caravan, drug shipments, and bandit camps I destroyed the drugs, freed the slaves, and captured most of the bandits and slavers. Some I had to kill. They didn't give me a choice. One slaver tried killing the slaves in an attempt to take some with him. I was able to shoot him before he could. Another was a bandit leader who after some things I found out that he did some things that I don't want to remember. I took his men down one by one like batman would. Making sure he is more and more afraid by each bandit. He was absolutely terrified by the end, but I wasn't done. I used a power to kill that I don't like. I never liked this power, but after everything he did, I'm not letting him live. I used devouring swarm. I can still hear his terrified screams even now while I walked away. I asked God to take that ability away before but the Outsider must have given it back. I'll always hate this ability, but I was too blinded by rage.

I brought back a few things I took from those runs. A typewriter to type messages or codes without hand writing, or in ponies case hoof writing. A few guns like there shotguns which are more like blunderbusses and pistols. I even got info about Wise Gear the pony inventor. He is apparently working on some secret metal soldiers called clockwork soldiers. Powered by science and magic it is very tough. About eight feet tall most come with two double edged blades about four feet long, the higher version are two feet taller and come with four blades. They all also come with a lethal to nonlethal electric blast to take town foes at range. They use spell matrix and detection fields to have a detection radius all around them for about fifteen feet so sneaking up on them is about impossible so if I fight one I'll have to be careful.

The unversed haven't been as active as they have been lately, and that's kinda worrying me. Whoevers behind them is up to something, but what? Hopefully I can stop them, if not, I'll try and get Zeke.

I've been experimenting more with the void and how I can use it. I once formed a barrier around similar to the bubble shield from halo were projectiles are stopped while things like vehicles and living beings can get through. I've got better control and precision with the explosions I can use. I once even formed Xemnas’ beam sabers once and then formed purple ethereal swords. One in each hand and later about five floating around me. From what I remember Zeke can do something similar with his keyblades. I even threw a blast of void energy that destroyed a boulder and about ten yards of trees behind it. I'll call it a nova blast. I even practiced my keyblade glider bow to fire rapidly and fire a powerful charged shot. Still need to work on my aim though.

I also practiced my spell and got them to the second level like fire to Fira. I even learned spells like dark fire, balloon, spark, and others. I also feel my connection with Fenrir growing stronger by the day. I'll need to become a keyblade master soon so I can use Fenrir’s full power.

‘I should probably patrol some more in case I spot any unversed trying something.’ I thought. I left the war room and hopped into the trees. Sure I could fly on my glider but this is training in a way. Don't want to become too reliant on the glider. About ten minutes later of exploring I came across twilight, spike, and the others. Oh ya, dragon migration was recently. So they just got back. While on their way back an unversed appeared. It was a tree type unversed that was most likely a boss in its game. It started throwing seeds at them and the ones they didn't reflect exploded. “I'd best help them before things get worse.” I said.

I summoned Fenrir and blinked towards the battle. I got in front of the them and used Reflect to block the exploding seeds. “Head back to ponyville,now!” I yelled at them. They hesitated for moment. Probably wondering why I was here, but then headed to ponyville as fast as they can. ‘Good. Now to take care of this thing.’ Man this thing is ugly. From the way it moves and its attacks it might be a low level boss. Easy enough.

I was about to attack when it suddenly put its four root feet into the ground. Then it slammed itself on the ground. ‘What is it doing?’ Is what I thought. Then suddenly a big root launched out of the ground in front of me and pimp slapped me about ten feet away. “Ow! Dang it that hurt.” Would of hurt worse if I didn't have my mask because of the thorns. It slammed itself into the ground and I started running around it. I dodged the roots about five more times then it pulled itself out of the ground. I was about to attack when suddenly it jumped. ‘HOLY CRAP THAT THING CAN JUMP!!!’ How does a tree that big jump so high? Oh look it's trying to land on me...CRAP! I quickly got out of the way and some of its berries fell off and made some purple puddles. ‘OK something tells me to avoid the purple puddles.’ It repeated this stunt a few more times and it became a little hard to avoid the puddles.

‘If I don't attack this will take forever.’ I focused my void energy and sent a nova blast at it. The blast sent it back about ten meters and some good damage, but it got up, did a small jump, started spinning, and launching exploding seeds everywhere. I suddenly heard abridged Piccolo yell ‘DODGE’ in my head and dodged as many seeds as I can. I suddenly remembered I can slow time down with bend time and used it. I quickly maneuvered through the slow falling seeds and got in close. “Flame Arcanum!” I yelled and ignited Fenrir and attack the tree about thirteen times. Once the attack ended I jumped back shouted. “Dark Fira!” Sending a blast of dark fire it exploded on the tree. Once time resumed the collected damage took its toll and the unversed fell.

I was breathing heavy a bit but was glad I won. I was able to hold my own against Iron prisoner 2 but this tree pushed me. Ether I'm getting weaker or...the one controlling them is making some unversed stronger than they are normally.

I was startled by the sound of slow claps. I looked behind me and spotted a man in purple robes and a blank face mask. “Not bad, we enhanced that one’s power rather well, and you still managed to take it down.” He said.

“Who are you? You Core?” I asked.

“You met Zeke, good. Makes introductions quick.”

“Why are you here? To test me or something?” Why is Core here now? What does he want?

“Your magic, it’s… odd. I can feel it all the way in the realm of darkness. To put it simply, I need the data… whether you’re willing or not.”

Crap. If anything Zeke told me about is even half true I need to get out of NOW!

“Your call.” Core said, waiting calmly.

I have get out of here fast. I used bend time to stop time completely. ‘This only last a few seconds better run- wait, WHAT DA HECK?!’

My jaw dropped as Core was surrounded by darkness… then started to move. “That energy…” He started chuckling, then laughed like a madman. “That’s Void power... “ He said, charging at me.

“AH CRAP!” I yelled as Core charged. I used blink to get behind him.

THe second I was behind him I managed to stab him right in the spin… Time started again, and Core just pulled out my blade. “Now, didn’t Zeke tell you anything about me?” He said mockingly, grabbing me by the neck and holding me in the air. “I’m a demon, older than the stars, and more skilled than your pour excuse of combat can ever match.”

“I'm not stupid. Didn't think that would work anyway. Just needed to get close.” I said. I had my Five lethal arch mines on him already, but they were only meant to stun him a little to make an opening.

He noticed one of the mines and took it off. “You think a handmade toy can do what?”

I reacted, summoning Fenrir and channeling as much void energy as I was able into it, then slashed… slicing his left arm clear off. “They were meant to leave an opening. I'm not like some others keybladers you met. I'll have no problem with killing you, even if it's impossible for me to actually kill you.”

He just looked at the ground where his arm fell… his blood was black? He took off his mask, placed it on the ground, revealing his black eyes with red, demon like pupils, and shark like teeth. “You actually hurt me.” He said, picking his arm up with his other hand. It was covered in darkness, then to my surprise, a negative colored Fenrir appeared in it’s place. “This will be fun.”

“Crap.” I stated. He turned his arm into a keyblade. Well there is probably stranger things out there. I formed a void sword in my left a hand and had four float around me. ‘This will be very painful.’ I thought.

He rushed in front of me in a blink, side swiping me into a tree… then I screamed in pain as my own sword was used to pin me onto the tree by my shoulder. When did he pull it out? “You’re slow.” He said, ripping off my mask and somehow he grew his lost arm back. He used the newly grown arm to apply pressure to my forehead… a lot of painful pressure. “Where did you get the power to use Void energy?”

“Let's say I know someone outside.”

“Outsi- … Hollow is alive?”

“Hollow? So that's his real name. Who knew.”

“I would think I should remember my own brother’s name.”

I need to get him off me but ho- wait, the doppelganger. I can switch with it when it's summoned. I summoned one a couple feet behind him and quickly switch places.

Core just turned around, grabbed me by my head in a blink, and slammed me into a small crater in the ground made by the impact. “Where is he!?”

“Where do you think genus.”

His response was a kick to my sides… that sent me flying through town… and buildings. When I looked up he was still there. “I know where, but how do I reach him?” Core grabbed my arm by my wrist.

“I don't know. Let me grab my manual on how to get there. It should be somewhere here.”

He twisted my wrist, breaking it as I screamed. “Sarcasm will get you killed with me, where…” I looked up at why he stopped talking… he saw my mark. “So that’s how.”

‘Crud he sees the mark, ok think . I know I'm not all that power, but he is insane. How is he moving so fast, wait he’s using darkness. Could he be using it to increase his speed and power? Would void work to get me out alive?’

My thoughts were halted when I felt the pain of his tracing my mark on my hand. “So, Hollow succeeded after all… Maybe a reunion is in order.” He said… ripping my hand off as my blood splattered everywhere. I screamed in pain I didn’t know possible. He held my hand in the air as darkness pulsated around the mark on it. “Come now brother, don’t keep me waiting.”

The dark aura around my hand grew until it the Outsider appeared from the darkness. “Long time no see… oh, you made a mess again.” The Outsider said.

“You know what I want.”

“And you think it will truly end your pain?”

“It will end everything.”

“I may exist outside all reality and between them, but not even I would let you walk away with the knowledge… brother.”

Even though I'm in incredible pain I need to do something. He has my mark so I can't use the void. I don't know any strong spells with Fenrir to actually do something. My equipment is useless against him. Think dang it think!

“When have I ever asked you for your things?” Core replied.

“Fair point.” Outsider said. There was a blink, a flash of light and darkness… then everything went white.

“Agh.” I said as conscious took me. “Wha?”

“Don’t move too much.” I heard a voice. I looked and managed to see… Gilda?

“You? Where am I? What happened?”

“Your hide out… Ever since that day I’ve kinda been following you… I forsure know now that you’re a good guy. Those two… They’re monsters, aren’t they?”

“Core, definitely. Outsider, don't know really. He is basically neutral.”

“How can they not be? Ponyville… Appaloosa… even Cloudsdale are gone from their fighting! They were just hit with aftershocks!”

...WHAT!?! “Their gone!?!? Crap I knew they were strong, but this… I'm lucky to be alive.”

“Not many survived… An old friend of mine in Ponyville didn’t make it, and Cloudsdale is just… like it was never there. Appleloosa at least has some ruins to prove it was there… Ponyville is mostly craters now...”

I slammed my right hand on the wall, putting small cracks in it. “Damn it!! If only I was stronger I could have done something.” I said frustrated.

“You’ve been out for a while, so I should tell you that, from eyewitnesses that survived, your bounty has been dropped. No pony is looking for you, everyone is focused on the… funerals and rebuilding.”

“How many of the elements of harmony survived?”

“... Two, Twilight Sparkle, and Applejack… the rest didn’t make it… their last known places from when the fighting started are just large holes now. Only reason the farm pony lived was because she hitched a teleport with Twilight to Canterlot. Princesses tried to stop it… Celestia lost her wings… Luna her legs…”

Rage...that's all I felt right now. Rage at Core, but mostly rage at myself. “Because of me all those lives...all that pain and suffering.” If I didn't ask for these powers Core wouldn't have taken so much interest in me and he and Hollow wouldn't have fought. “This is my fault.”

“Whatever those things are, it would take an army or Gods to even touch them. I don’t think even the Gods themselves can harm them…. Oh, there’s a weird shrine that kinda popped in while you were out.” Gilda said, pointing to an Outsider shrine. “Just kinda… appeared.”

So he survived. Not surprising. “Let's see what the Outsider wants.”

Gilda helped me up and we walked over to it. As soon as I stood before it, the Outsider floated above it… scars covered his body, one eye was gone… and a chunk of his chest was ripped off. “This… is not how I hoped to leave the fight.” He said.

“You're in the Void right now. I'm sure in a while most of that would heal up. How bad did Core get it?” I asked while a frightened Gilda looked at him.

“... I broke his mask when he put it back on… that was about it… He’s gotten so much stronger… Void is powerful… but his darkness… We were matched in power, but in combat, I’m lacking greatly. To make matters worse he still made off with your marked hand. That link to the void will be all he needs to start researching into replicating the mark.”

“Crap. Zeke is going to be pissed. Now Core and Zeke’s relatives will have void power now. As if they needed that.”

“Oh, the X-blade’s wielder. Right. You’ll need to inform him soon. As you can see, there’s a book on magic and powers used for Light, as such, the modified DTL that can take you to Zeke’s world is in there as well… as for your mark… Check your pocket.”

Confused I checked to see a paper with the mark on it. The mark glowed and was suddenly on my right hand. “I need to get stronger fast. I didn't stand a chance at all.” I saw I was still missing a left hand so I used a bit of void energy to form a new one.

“Nice.” Outsider, Hollow said. “I will still take time to heal, even in the void. I am sorry for what happened to the world you are on, but what you will see is not even a fraction of what Core has done in the past. There is only two things that can stop him… permanently.”

“The X-blade user Zeke is one right?”

“Yes and no. The X-blade has to be at it’s full potential, same for the wielder, which only its first wielder ever reached. The other alternative… well, my nephew seems to have tampered with Void, creating a Keyblade that will send anything hit to the Void, not like where I am, this part of the void is next to existance, safe… in a manner of speaking. Where it sends its victims in the void is… nonexistence. The eternal prison.”

“With my connection to Void, do I have a chance of using it, or at least getting close enough to help Zeke fight him?”

“I’m not sure, the Void Keyblade is very unstable. I’m not sure if it even can be wielded. Worse case scenario… I ask for help from the other side of Void.”

“I'll need to become a keyblade master soon, and master what I can about Void. I have an idea that might help me keep up with Core to an extent. I might I have to become something else entirely.” I thought.

“While that would help you'll need more than that. I know one contact that might be able to reach… well, to put it short, someone we need.” WIth that, Outsider vanished.

While that was a bit informative it still leaves a few questions, but they can wait.
I looked towards Gilda and asked. “Where is my mask?” She pointed towards the desk near my bed. I walked over to it and picked it up. I had a huge crack in the middle but it still works. “Picked it up after that guy kicked you all the way into town. Tried messing with it, managed to replace a missing lense.”

“How?” I said, looking it over.

“Was… some stuff I salvaged from what was left of the town… Food mostly, some creature comfort items, and some bits… I know that last one sounds wrong, but you’re flat broke and from what I saw, living off the food you got while out. With the bits I can go out and get food for you.” She admitted.

“I have a vault here full of bits and jewels.”

“Yet since, even though you’re no longer wanted, will likely still be arrested on site. Point stands, I can get stuff you can’t.”

“Good point. I'll need help. I might be able to give you a keyblade as well so you can defend yourself from unversed.”

“That weird sword you make come to you?”

“Yes. My keyblade is called Fenrir.” I summoned Fenrir to my right hand. “It's not all that strong in terms of magic but its strength is second to none, but the Ultima keyblade and the X-blade itself.”

“I’m gonna have to learn what those are later. So, how do you give those things out? Just, take it or?”

“Keyblades are sentient. They chose their wielders. Hold out your claw and hold Fenrir.” I said. She placed a claw on Fenrir and from what I remember from Youtube, plus some things I think Zeke might or might not have mentioned, I spoke the words. “In your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be….. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then….. No more borders….. around, or below, or above, so long as you champion... the ones you love.” I disbanded Fenrir with that done. Hope I did that right.

“That it?” She asked.

“Your keyblade if you get one will come. Give it time.”

She looked at her claw and flexed it, and to both our shock… Fenrir appeared? “Is it supposed to be yours?” She asked.

“The heck?” I tried to summon Fenrir and it appeared, but Gilda also had Fenrir. “ Wait. Someone I know named Zeke can give other beings keyblades. My Fenrir is from a different Reflection, or dimension in your terms. Yours is from this reflection.”

“Huh… so on top of those things that trashed the place, there’s a multiverse… I’m impressed. So, what next? You still got some bruises on you. I got a squirrel soup cooking if you eat meat?”

“One, I would like some cause most meat I've been eating lately has been fish and two, Cure.” I used Fenrir to heal the rest of my wounds up. Gilda was a little surprised by that.

“Wow, this is just the beginning and I don’t think I’ll get used to this… Well, anyway, the soup should be done soon… also I used that crossbow of yours to get them… scary accutite for something so small.”

“Which one I got two?”

“The one you had in your workshop. Got bored and looked around a bit. You made a lot of darts for it.”

“Always trying to be prepared...if only I was prepared for Core.”

She wacked my butt with her Fenrir. “Stop beating yourself up, you just got healed from your last beat up. I don’t know much about what’s going on, or who exactly those two are, all I know is that because of you, I’m free, and because of them, an old friend of mine and three towns are gone. All we can do is rest up for a bit, then get to work double time.”

I chuckled to myself. “You’re right. I need to get stronger or Core will do much worse than before. Not to mention with the elements out of commission I'll need to protect Equestria from threats.”

“Not alone.” She added. “I’ll try and help, but I’ll at least need goggles and a mask for my beak. Plus, after that fight those two had, more than just those, Unversed, you called them, have been appearing, and all sorts of stuff with the crown’s been acting up with the princesses hurt, not to mention all the oddballs coming out of the woodwork after the fallout. World went from peaceful….ish, to post-apocaliptic in three hours. We might need help… and I think I can find them with time.”

“Okay. Find those who can help, and when you have the time we'll train together. I have an ability that will let me share my powers with others. You'll be first later though.”

“Thanks… Oh, names Gilda, what’s yours?”

“To most I'm Daud, the ‘Knife of Equestria’, but you. You can call John. John Corvo.”

“John Corvo… Rolls off the tongue. Alright Corvo, soup’s on.” Gilda said as we walked into the kitchen. SHe seemed to have refurbished it, she did do scavenging like she said, and there was a lot of food bags everywhere. “Griffon habit to hord, kinda like a dragon, but with necessities.” She admitted.

“How much of the Everfree is intact?”

“Most actually, though it’s gone to hell more than it was last. Lots of Unversed, those new creatures that the… Core? Yeah, that Core just kinda dumped in mass. And survivors who just ran when the fighting started. We should try and find them, ponies aren’t exactly tuff.” SHe said as she poured a bowl of soup with chunks of meat, veggies, and the thing smelled like chicken soup. She placed it infront of me on the table. “I think a few have a camp with that Zebra, but her place is blocked with a magic barrier. Her doing likely.”

“So Heartless are here? I know them more than Unversed, but Core might have upgraded them.”

“So that’s what they’re called? Yeah, lots of large ones. Big purple armor, large lizard that turns invisible, some kinda mini pirate ship, and this one that’s just… they vary, they look like someone took those creatures and mixed… whatever you are and some heartless together. Damn things scare the hell out of me.”

“You make it sound like he combined Heartless and Unversed...which I really hope he didn't do.”

“He left some people behind to before he left, they are like you, but they control those Heartless and can do… well, unholy things.”

“Ventrals!” He left a few here? Crap, this ain't good.

“I saw one, an old guy, turn into a werewolf and just hunt down ponies when the dust settled. Others do crazy things. Worse was this little one, she had these eyes… Just remembering them gives me shivers.”

“A werewolf? Where's the silver when you need it?”

Gilda chuckled. “Well, either way, we got work cut out for us. I think we should find survivors here in the forest first, then I can head off to find anyone of help that was sent to Canterlot, though, with Cloudsdale gone, weather is gonna be wild for years… Griffons could help, but they usually keep to themselves.”

“Let's try Zecora tomorrow. Our keyblades can help get us in if we can't walk through it. If we can convince her we can get more allies as well as keybladers to help.”

“You mentioned something about a Zeke, who’s that?”

“He gave me my Keyblade, and the means to start trying to clear my name after the incident when I first got here. He’s a Ventral, but he’s different. A good guy born in a family of criminals. Can’t have had the best of childhoods.”

“I’d guess. So think he can help?”

“ I'll see about somehow getting a message to him. He can give Keyblades easier than what I did and has other expert keybladers that can help train any keybladers we recruit. Not to mention he is really strong.”

“Sounds like an ace in the sleeve. Well, we got a lot of work ahead of us. We’ll be training to fight that Core, Unversed, Heartless, those fusions, crazy ponies, and likely the crown. Ever since the princesses were injured, the nobles took over and Canterlot has been getting rather… strict and military focused. You were out for five days by the way.”

“Wouldn't be surprised if they were making Wise Gear invent more weapons or stronger clockwork soldiers.”

“You didn’t here? He went into hiding out in the badlands a month ago, nopony can find him.”

“What?! That doesn't make any sense. Why would he be in the badlands?” Is this Chrysalis’s doing?

“If I were trying to hide, it would be in the place few ponies, or any creature really, could survive long enough to search. Rumor I heard though was that he made a machine that does things to anything that enters it, making them obedient robots. Other ones say he saw what was coming and bolted before things went south fast.”

Ya that sounds like her doing. Maybe she is the one Hollow said had a mark? “Ever hear of changelings?”

“Yeah, know one back in Griffonstone.” Gilda replied nonchalantly.

“Really? Well the queen might be the reason Wise Gear is there.”

“Which? Guy told me there’s seven queens.”

“Chrysalis, she might also have the same mark as me.”

“Well, she’s the youngest from what Gabby told me, but she does seem the type. If we go against her, we might wanna consider the other hives for support.”

“Good point, you're full of good points today.”

“If I was a pony, my cutie mark would be an arrow, pointing at myself.” She joked. “So, mind if I ask a personal question?”

“Go ahead. I would probably be dead, or in a dungeon if it weren't for you.”

“Where are you from? You stand like a minotaur, but from the things I saw over the past few days, are you… not from Equestria?”

“...No. I'm from a world called Earth. A long time ago there was this thing called the Mayan Calendar that was supposed to tell when my world would end, and when was almost time...most of the planet became really stupid and practically destroyed it themselves. I was one of the few that didn't. I even tried to stop it by knocking out muggers, rioters, and vandalizers. When the date came, people went crazy. Mass murder, crimes of all kinds, riots. Everything fell apart. The Ventral family practically led the chaos, in the end, I got hit by a car, got picked up by god, given my powers, the gear, basic knowledge, and went from there.”

“Wow… Well, seems like that chaos found its way here. Promise you won’t let my world end up like your world did?”


“Thanks, my life might not have been the best recently, but I guess things will turn around now.” She said, somehow slurping her soup with a beak.

I finish my soup as well. “Well. Let's get some sleep. We got a big day tomorrow. On the way to Zecora's I can train you a little with the Unversed and Heartless about.”

“Sounds like the beginning of a plan.” Gilda replied, finishing off her soup. “First before bed though… you might wanna see this…” Gilda said grimly. I followed her up a tower. When we got to the top and on a balcony… I saw exactly how bad it looked. Mountains were missing, the sky looked like there was a hole in it, part of Canterlot’s mountain side was gone, large craters were everywhere, and in the distance, Heartless, Unversed, the two fused, and even… Humans and Heartless fused together were crawling around everywhere. “We got a LOT of work to do.”

I looked out and couldn't help but hate myself for this. “Core will pay for this. By ether Zeke’s keyblade, or mine.”

I looked at Gilda, who was looking up. WHen I saw what she was looking at… I nearly screamed. The moon was out, in a crescent form… it’s own debris floating around it… they blasted a large chunk of the moon nearly clean off… “I hope Luna’s alright. Some say that the moon and her are connected in more than just the celestial sense. With her legs gone, and moon broken, she can’t be doing well…”

The image horrified me. There has to be something I can do to help, but what? “I hope she’s alright too…” I said, holding back tears… I failed… and this was the price… Zeke told me the world he is rebuilding was nearly killed off… did it look like this at all?

“Come on.” Gilda said, snapping me out of my thought. “The world’s broken, starting tomorrow, we’re fixing it.”

I nodded my head at her. I...we have to fix what has happened here. I don't care if I have to stake my life on it. The difference between what happened to Zeke's world and mine was I was here before it happened, and I couldn't stop it.I guess I’ll have to do as he did… save it when it’s on it’s last leg.