The Great Fandom Man!

by Jake Witt

SR ACT 1: The Zipper Part 2/2

"What is your deal?!" I demanded the Medical Power Rangers.

I heard Red Medical Ranger shout, "Are supposed to be protecting the Helicarrier!"

"They're trying to kill me."

Blue Medical Ranger shouted, "Multiple Fandom Men fighting is likely to destroy what has become home to every Displaced in this split universe!"

"I was hoping for a chase to get them away from the Helicarrier but they did that for me."

Pink Medical Ranger scolded, "Don't you know there are lives here? The world doesn't revolve around you!"

"I don't even think the world revolves..."

Yellow Medical Ranger asked, "What are you thinking?!"

"Why am I trying to kill myself? I mean, why are multiple me trying to kill me and why am I arguing with Power Rangers?"

Black Medical Ranger growled.

"I don't have a response for that."

White EMT Ranger stood on the head of his Zord, pointing at me, "What gives you the right to harm others?"

"I wonder if Jorgon is still a banana man? Doesn't he have magic?"

Black gasped, "Red, our attempts at diplomacy are failing!"

I formed a large "ARE YOU SERIOUS/KIDDING ME?!" in Fairy Echo Echo clones. The Mega Zord took a step back with its hand over where it's mouth could be in a le gasp expression.

Red shouted, "He's outnumbering us! Quick, form the Mega Air Evacuation Zord!" White EMT Ranger entered his Zord as it merged with the Medical Unit Mega Zord.

All of my Echos were shoulder checked by Voltron as Mega Air Evac Zord gave an uppercut to said Voltron. The uppercut was given a gut kick respond before Voltron kept sending its knee to the Mega Zord's torso.

All of my Echos regrouped into one Echo on the Helicarrier. Once back to normal, I Locked Ultimatrix Mind Meld and aimed my fist at Voltron. "Rouge, load Rainbow Harmony energy to my right fist," I lowered my stance as my fist gave a rainbow sheen. "Kamehame Hadoken! Stop!" I forced my hands out as the second largest ball of energy I've even seen slowed to a snail's pace in front of my summoned keyblade. "I made a huge mistake," the glowing blue ball surrounded by six smaller balls in the Element of Harmony colors gave off a rainbow flash in response. "Cortana, Lock the nodes and my ability to connect the Falcon Punch and One punch after this."

"Are you serious?! Why are you doing this?!"

"I used Perfect Cell to read ahead again, rewriting the results. Six Fandom Men will rise from the debatably most powerful attack ever brought to bear from me. We will be sent back in time to fix this future like a zipper. The past here will not be absolute without this energy boost." I pulled back, steam billowing from my Ultimatrix as I swung my fist, "Falcon Punch."

"What do you meeeEEEEEEAAAAANNNNN?!" Rouge was cutt off as I punched the biggest bomb I've ever punched.