//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Disc: A Grand Place To Discover Your Soul // by Eggtaro //------------------------------// Three sharp knocks landed upon the wooden door. It was strong, yet nonrhythmic. There was a tinge of urgency, yet cautious at the same time. "What is it?" The door swung inwards and in came a guard, dressed in armour made of gold. "There has been a disturbance, Your Highness." Princess Luna, whom usually would not tolerate being disturbed during breakfast, studied the guard standing in front of her bedchamber's doorway. "Is it noteworthy?" "Indeed it is, Your Highness." She refrained herself from clicking her tongue. "Very well, report." "Yes, Your Highness." said the guard with a quick salute. "There has been a break-in at the Canterlot Library." Princess Luna raised an eyebrow at the reporting guard, a spoonful of oats levitating inches away from her mouth. "A break-in at the library?" she asked, frowning. "You thought this was important enough to disturb me during breakfast because of some missing library books?" "Your Highness, the thieves broke into the Star Swirl the Bearded wing." Luna lowered down her spoon. "I do not see the significance in that statement." "Several documents were stolen from the wing, Your Highness." said the guard, pulling out a piece of parchment from underneath his helmet. "The librarian on duty did a sweep and discovered which of those were missing. She said that it was crucial that we pass this to you as quickly as possible." Luna read the parchment from the librarian. The frown on her face slowly turned into a troubled expression. "Has my sister been informed?" "Princess Celestia is currently engaged with Twilight Sparkle, Your Highness." said the guard, putting his helmet back on. "They are in her tower at this moment." "Who else knows about this?" she enquired. "The librarian, the guards stationed there, myself, and you, Your Highness." "Make sure my sister doesn't hear about this." Luna ordered, getting up. "Every other pony that was involved must remain silent as well." "Your Highness?" the guard asked, confused by his sovereign's order. "You heard me. This must not get out, and make sure no pony else hears about this. Especially my sister. Understood?" The guard bowed. "Yes, Your Highness." "Then go! Do as you are told. Report back to me if there's any new information." The guard bowed once more and left. "Curses." Luna muttered furiously under her breath. "Of all times for a disaster to happen, it just had to be tonight." Luna continued muttering as she shoveled the rest of her oats down her throat. "---on the night before the coronation---" she swallowed angrily. "---how dare they! When I get my hooves on those thieves..." She re-read the parchment which had the list of the stolen articles written on it. "I am going to need some assistance." * * * * * * Luna stood as still as stone. Waiting. The Royal Gardens would normally put her mind at ease. She loves it there. She would often tend to the various types of flowers that were planted there. Every night, when she wasn't on royal duty, she would find the time to spend at least a few moments in the quiet, calming embrace of the gardens surrounded by the flowers and accompanied by the stars above her. But tonight, the Royal Gardens were anything but quiet and calming. Even the stars weren't enough to rest her mind. "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help." Luna's eyes narrowed. Tonight, her usually peaceful gardens were invaded by an undesirable presence. "Believe me, I would love nothing more than to see you as stone once more." "Such harsh words. As expected from the Princess of the Night. But didn't you hear? I have been reformed." Luna scowled at the Draconequus floating in front of her. "You may have sworn to use your powers for the good of this kingdo---" "Most of the time." interrupted the Draconequus, twirling himself around in mid-air. "I never said it was going to be a full-time thing, you know." "I don't trust you." Luna snapped. "Yet here you are, Princess." smirked the Draconequus. "Whatever the reason, you caught me in a very good mood. Isn't the coronation tomorrow? Shouldn't you be back at the castle barking orders at your servants alongside your sister?" "There are other things at hoof that needs dealing with, Discord." "More important than our newest princess's coronation?" Discord asked, raising a curious eyebrow. "My, my. Something terrible must have happened." he snapped his claws together and out of nowhere an ugly black and blue lawn chair appeared. Discord sat himself comfortably on it before saying "Do go on." "I need you to reclaim something for me." Luna said. "There was a break-in at the Canterlot Library." Discord sat up straight. "You want me to go find some missing library books?" He laughed. "Why don't you ask the librarian to do it? Isn't that the librarian's job?" "We wouldn't be here in the first place if it were about a few measly books, Discord." Luna said with an icy tone. "The thieves took something far more valuable than any of the books within the library." "Really?" asked Discord. "What else of value could possibly be inside a library? Forgotten dusty tomes? Old scraps of parchment? Gold?" "Here." Luna said, handing Discord the list of stolen documents. "Take a look for yourself and decide whether or not those are not things of value." Discord gave Luna a suspicious look before scanning through the parchment he was given. His eyes widened. But only for an instant. "Alternate dimensions...fate manipulation..." he quietly read under his breath. "Parallel universes...transmutation..." "Your thieves seems to be rather educated." Discord said, looking up. "Or, at the very least, well informed. They seem to know exactly what they were looking for." he gave the parchment another look. "What does your sister has to say about this?" "She knows nothing." Discord glanced at her. "Nothing?" "My dear sister is already busy as is--- what with the ceremony and all. I would rather not burden my sister with more plight." "Such a caring little sister you are." mocked Discord. "Your subjects should give you an award for 'Most Caring Sister'." "I lack the patience to deal with your mockery, Discord." Luna said, raising her voice. "I need you to find these stolen documents for me." "You forgot the magic word." Discord taunted, floating back into the air. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to have mistaken me for one of your servants." "Don't waste my time, Discord." Luna said through gritted teeth. "Do as you are told." "So unfortunate your sister isn't the one doing the asking--- she would have definitely been more polite." Discord continued to rise higher and higher above the ground, leaving a slowly widening gap between the two of them. "Return here at once!" Luna spread her wings wide and took flight, chasing after Discord underneath the starry night sky. "My dear Princess, if one were to ask for help, shouldn't they be more courteous?" Discord asked, maneuvering himself away from Luna with ease. "You seem to forget that you are asking help from a Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony." he continued, narrowly avoiding Luna's hoof as she jetted past him. "Do you expect me to beg?" Luna exclaimed, her nostrils flaring. "I will never implore for your aid." "I made no mention of such a thing, Luna." chuckled Discord. "All I ask is that you ask for my help sincerely." he sighed, lowering himself back on the ground. "Unless you manage to learn the same manners your dear sister have. I have no reason to remain here." And with a snap of his claws, Discord disappeared in a puff of white smoke. "Wait!" Luna shouted, landing on the spot where Discord just disappeared from. "We are not done here, Discord! Don't you dare leave!" But no answer came from Discord. Only silence. Frustrated, Luna stomped her hoof on the ground hard. "Fine. Have it your way then." growled Luna. She was distraught. She probably would have felt much better if she had been able to properly enjoy her strawberry flavoured oats during breakfast. But disaster just had to come knocking down on her door. Of all the nights the thieves could have chosen! Luna thought, pawing furiously at the ground, as if hoping to see Discord hiding underneath the soil. Why? Why did they have to choose the night before Twilight Sparkle's coronation? Luna sighed, and took a deep breath, using the technique her sister has taught her to calm herself down. My sister will have an ebullition if she finds out about this. "I will deal with you later, Discord." Luna breathed. She ceased her unintended digging on the garden soil beneath her hooves. "And this too." She wasn't sure if Discord was a hundred percent completely out of the picture. But she wasn't planning on waiting to find out. A new plan was needed. Her mind raced as she thought of how she could attain more information regarding about the break-in, what step she should consider taking next, and how possible it was to rob Star Swirl's wing at Canterlot Library. Normally, she would just ignore the whole case about missing documents and send one of her elite guards to deal with it. Even if said missing documents came from Star Swirl's wing at the Canterlot Library. She had studied the tomes and writings there with her sister before, many, many moons ago. But most of them were filled with nothing but endless lines of boring old discoveries and studies that meant little to her. While Luna does enjoy reading, nevertheless, she finds them extraordinarily boring. However, the documents the thieves took wasn't just any old boring book. They knew what they were looking for; although Star Swirl's wing was opened to the public, certain parts of the wing were restricted to visitors--- the Restricted Section. That means only those with special permission were allowed to enter the Restricted Section. Permission only she and her sister can give, which must be unanimously given from the both of them. And it just so happens the missing documents came from the Restricted Section. The books and scrolls there are restricted to the public for very good reason. Though most of it are deemed harmless, it would still spell catastrophe if certain documents were to fall into the wrong hooves. Luna wondered why they even decided to keep such potentially dangerous artifacts in the library in the first place. She wouldn't even need to be here if they just kept everything Star Swirl wrote in an underground vault. "I could start by checking who has been to the Restricted Section." Luna mumbled to herself. "That would narrow down the list of suspects." she paused, scratching away the itch coming from her ear. "But still..." It still could be anyone. Whichever pony that has been into the Restricted Section may have told their confidants about the area, and planned their heist using that information. But to be able to come up with such a plan without getting caught; whomever planned it must have been remarkably resourceful and knowledgeable. Something about that thought bothered Luna greatly. "But the Restricted Section is well-guarded. My sister even enchanted the area with spells that would deflect any unwanted intruders..." Luna rubbed her chin, deep in thought. "That could mean that they have quite the formidable unicorn amongst their group. One well-versed in spells and enchantments." Then, a sudden, cold realization hit her. Not only was the Restricted Section well-guarded and defended with anti-intruder spells. There also was an important rule, whomever so enters the Restricted Section must be accompanied by a guard at all times. "No..." Luna muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. "This can't be...I won't believe thi---." A sudden popping noise came from behind her. Turning around, Luna found herself staring at none other than Discord himself. "Miss me?" Discord asked casually, spreading his arms open meaningfully, as if asking Luna to come in for a hug. "I hope that during my time of absence you have finally learned the importance of manners." Whatever reaction Discord was hoping for from Luna, it definitely wasn't this. "Help me, Discord. Please." "I-uh...uh...sure?"