//------------------------------// // Chapter 52; Message in a Book // Story: The Wander Through Lands Unknown // by Tomas Lutwig //------------------------------// Sunset Shimmer, once one of the most powerful unicorns in Canterlot, student to the esteemed Princess Celestia, knowledgeable of many magics even into the dark arts: Groaned. Snips and Snails walked just in front of her, talking between themselves of their plans for the weekend. She allowed herself to roll her eyes, bored and annoyed with the pair beyond belief. “...convince your Mom to let you sleep over at my place.” She heard the shorter chubbier orange haired boy say to the taller lankier boy who's hair was an ugly shade of green, in the young woman's opinion. “But wait, I thought you said we were going camping?” Snails asked, confusion written on the young man's face. “We are!” His companion said before leaning in closer covering his mouth with a hand to hide it from passers by. “You're just going to tell her you're at my place while I tell my Mom I'm at yours” A few moments passed before the tall boy uttered a long “Ohhhh” realizing his friend's meaning and nodding. 'I almost wish someone would come by these two's little 'campsite' out in the woods and murder them, just so I wouldn't have to listen to their stupid voices...' Sunset thought before lightly shaking her head. 'I suppose it's for the best that nothing ever happens out here. It's hard to find good help these days and while these two aren't exactly good, they're better tha-' “Uh Sunset? I think you might've forgotten your phone in your locker” She heard Snips say ripping her from her thoughts. She glared down at the chubby boy for a moment before turning to the locker in question. The suspicion was not unjustified as a gentle light shown from between the cracks between the door of the metal cabinet and the sound of something buzzing could be heard inside. 'That's strange' she thought walking over to it as she felt the pocket of her leather jacket, the familiar weight of the large screened device meeting her. Putting her combination in on the small dial, she threw her locker open to find the ever unchanged pile of books, homework, and other materials that her teachers had given her. Pushing past the pile, to the source of the noise and light a mixture of emotions hit her, anger being one of the ones at the forefront. A simple brown book with the image of her cutie mark printed on the front lay there, a pink light enveloped it as it buzzed slowly moving across the bottom of the metal cabinet. The young woman narrowed her eyes “Just what could she want?” “Is everything alright Sunset?” Snail's voice sounded making her turn to look back at the pair. “Everything is fine. It was... just my mom. She just wanted to tell me that she'd be home late today” She lied, knowing the two of them wouldn't be smart enough to see through it. “You two head on home and do, whatever it was you two wanted, I don't think I'll need you over the weekend.” “Oh, okay Sunset! See you on Monday!” Snips said waving to the young woman as the pair started off again. The pair of morons taken care of, Sunset turned back to the still glowing and vibrating book, this time swiftly moving to grab as it fell out of the locker. Sunset Shimmer grumbled to herself as she looked the book over. The temptation to open it halted only by her reluctance to see what her previous mentor wrote. Memories, mostly unpleasant, prompted her to put the book in her bag, deciding to deal with it later. Students still poured from their classrooms, readying themselves for the commute home. The young woman cared very little for them. Seeing them more as obstacles or, at best, tools for manipulation. Her thoughts more on the book than her surroundings, her face fell into the normal scowl that it wore as she followed the stragglers out one of the pair of glass doors that had been propped open. 'The princess stopped trying to contact me not long after the first day I arrived... I wonder why she would try to reach me now' She thought, finding herself standing in front of the marble statue of the rearing stallion. Sunset grimaced again, this time from memories. Years ago she had found that, with concentration, she could see through the mirror back into her old home. The times she had looked however, something seemed... off. Some form of distortion fogged what she could see, though the images she had managed to make out were less than pleasant. As much as she had disliked her old mentor, she had expected a bit more of a reaction. At least more than simply choosing a new pupil from her school. Hate had formed when not only had her old mentor seemingly forgot about her, but also granted her new pupil what should have been her place on the throne. Shaking the memories off, Sunset turned and started towards the parking lot behind the school. Reaching instinctively for the keys to her motorcycle as she approached the Trakehn cruiser she had managed to convince her, now ex, boyfriend to buy her for her birthday. The memory was a bittersweet one as she recalled how she had seen the worn down bike on the side of the road with a large “For Sale” sign next to it. She couldn't quite place what had caused her to tell Flash to stop the car for, or why she had walked up to what in all accounts should have been considered a worn out hunk of junk. She had though, and after talking to the elderly man who was selling the bike, she convinced the rather gullible Flash Sentry that she had to have it and would learn how to rebuild it. “I suppose that part was true” Sunset said quietly as she patted the fuel tank of the motorcycle. With a little help from a few of Flash's friends she had managed to rebuild the bike, down to changing the paint job from the forest green it had been to her signature yellow and red. Shaking her head she straddled the bike and inserted the key. A smile crossed her lips as the machine jolted to life before falling into the familiar purr she had quickly begun to love. Turning around she grabbed the plain black helmet laying on the back of the bike's seat before plopping it on her head. Turning around she slowly started backing out of her space, paying close attention to the other students that were slowly making their way to their cars. As annoying as it had been, after a few close calls Sunset had found that the driving tips that Flash and his friends had given her were less tips and more gospel to be followed, less she be reduced to a stain on the black pavement that now rolled by beneath her tires. Buildings passed in a blur as she got further from the school. Just as the buildings she passed started growing less polished and more run down, she turned into an apartment complex. Very little attention was paid to the brass coated steel numbers and letters that adorned the different buildings. Having traveled the route so many times it had grown to simply be part of her daily routine. Pulling in to the spot she had claimed from the previous occupant of her apartment, she pushed the peg down letting the Trakehn ease it's weight onto it before stepping over. Taking her keys from the ignition, she took her helmet off and started up the stairs to her room. The exterior of the room had been in fair condition from the previous occupant, though Sunset's neglect hadn't treated it well. The once thriving aloe vera had long since wilted and died from lack of water, the paint on the door had started to peel as had the stickers showing the room's number. Thankfully the locks still worked perfectly as, though Sunset would never admit it, the neighbors across from her frightened her. What with their seemingly endless amounts of cats, and with the fact that every time she was leaving for school someone was looking through the blinds. Shaking her head, the young woman unlocked the door to the room, shutting and locking it behind her. The interior of the apartment was rather spartan, little more than a couch, chair, and TV sitting in it's cabinet making up the living room. A small kitchen adjacent to that separated by a countertop, to the left of the front door, with the normal essentials of a fridge, oven, microwave, and a faucet, all owned and maintained by the apartment. A small laundry and storage room sat across from the kitchen, the washer and dryer likewise owned by the apartment. Down the hall from the living room were a basic bathroom to the left and the bedroom across from that. Sunset walked by putting her helmet on the kitchen counter she tossed her book back next to it and walked to the fridge, taking a bottle of water from inside she drank it down. 'Wonder what's going on in this crazy magicless world' she thought walking over to sit down on the couch, clicking the remote the television flickered to life displaying the afternoon news. “We end tonight in a lesson in turning sadness into joy, and the story of a young boy...” a slightly balding man with glasses in a business suit started talking about a boy who's parents both died. Sunset let one shoulder rise and fall, disinterested, clicking the remote again as she took another drink. The next channel flickered to show a pair of what she had learned was cartoons chasing one another around, one a bright orange fish creature with tennis shoes, the other some kind of feline in a shirt and pants. Clicking the remote again, flashed to another news anchor talking this time about protesters. 'Seems like every day is the same thing. Someone died, someone's miserable, someone's angry. Then there's the weird cartoons' she thought shaking her head. 'Least in my little corner of the world it's fairly quiet' She tried to think of the last big thing that had happened at the school, or in her life in general. 'Last year that one girl who was running for prom queen was found locked in a closet with a sack over her head...' she thought with a smile. The young woman's thoughts slowly drifted as she sat in front of the television, wondering what she was going to do with herself. There was obviously some form of time distortion between this and her home dimension as days after her initial discovery of her ability to see through the closed mirror, she watched as the mirror was moved into the care of the 'princess of love' who, as it seemed married a unicorn stallion she didn't recognize. When she looked through the mirror now, it seemed they had simply placed it within some crystal structure. She guessed it was some form of castle or palace as the decoration of even where the mirror was kept was similar to what she had grown to expect around the Canterlot castle. Her eyes finally fell on her book bag next to her helmet. 'Maybe... it's time to go back' she thought, an uncomfortable feeling forming in her gut. 'Why leave now though? I have my own kingdom, in a sense. I rule that school in all but title' A smile formed on her face as she turned to see a multitude of trophies that she had placed on a shelf near one of the windows. The smile quickly faded as she realized what those trophies meant, at least in the long run. 'I may rule the school, but soon they'll kick me out. I'm already a senior...' she thought a grimace forming on her face once more. 'I sure as hay can't go begging Celestia to let me back on as her student. Even if she did, she'd continue with her foolish lectures about how I needed to find friends and be nicer to ponies' Sunset rolled her eyes as she drained what was left of the water bottle, crushing it in her hand before throwing it towards the garbage bin. The wad of plastic bounced off the side of the bin, landing next to a small pile. Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath, flicking the television off before tossing the remote back onto the coffee table. Silenced ruled the apartment as the young woman sat, contemplating her future. Minutes passed before she got up, going to her book bag and pulling out her old journal. Bitter memories still clung to it's bindings, but she opened it never the less, flipping through the pages of old correspondence and lessons of her former teacher. Finally she arrived at the newest page, the writing distinctly different than the pages before it. She blinked in surprise. Had someone gotten ahold of Celestia's mirror of the journal? She would have thought her mentor would of wanted to keep her a secret. Good Day Sunset Shimmer. I understand you may be confused at being contacted through this means, by a stranger no less, but the reasoning for such is quite important to your future. Saying that, my message is less that and more a simple question; Are you ready to come back? You must have things you need to get done and this is no decision to make light of, so I will not ask for your reply immediately, though sooner would be nice. Sincerely, An Interested Observer The young woman read and reread the message, confusion biting at her mind. Slowly, the reality of the situation descended on her as he eyes grew more suspicious. 'An Interested Observer hmm?' She thought grabbing a pen from her bag. I read over the message shaking my head. 'Probably should've worded that better... Or started with something different...' I thought, remembering the multitude of times I had texted someone and regretted it immediately. Closing the book I rose up from my bed, putting the book back on the small chest which held my meager belongings. Twirling my pen in my fingers I leaned back on my bed, silently wondered what I would do with my surprising amount of free time. 'Suppose it all depends on how long it takes for a reply from Miss Shimmer' I thought tossing the pen next to the book as I rose to my feet. Stripping off my boots I made my way to the bathroom of the barracks, intent on taking a warm shower. What normally would have been my thinking time in the large tiled room was interrupted as talking sounded and hoofsteps were heard back in the main room. I couldn't make out anything that was being said over the shower, though I could tell at least one of them was a male who's voice sounded vaguely familiar. I let out a sigh between my lips, splattering water on the wall, 'Let me guess, off duty and wanting a shower' I thought rolling my eyes. The thought of showering with ponies wasn't foreign to me due to hoof camp and all that it entailed, though it still offered little comfort. My suspicion was proved annoyingly right as in the corner of my eyes I saw a bronze colored unicorn stallion flanked by an off white pegasus mare. The sight of the mare surprised me causing me to look over at the two to make sure I had seen it right. “I'm telling you Wing, if Rocks doesn't get off my case I'm going to-” The unicorn continued before noticing his companion's gaze had shifted to me causing his to follow. To my surprise the stallion smiled and nodded, “Well fancy seeing you here!” he said, the walls echoing his words as he approached, taking the shower next to mine. I noticed his companion didn't seem to mind being abandoned, opting instead to take the shower directly opposite her companion's, I could pay her little mind though as the stallion continued talking. “Name's Bronze Shield” He said smiling as his horn ignited and turned the shower on. “Figured since I already knew yer's it'd only be fair if I told you mine.” I could only blink in response, though Bronze didn't notice my silence. “How's the smithing going? Heard you hammerin' away this morning.” A few moments passed before my mind caught up. “It's been pretty good, finished a project I had been planning for a while now. Thinking about starting another one I've been putting off” I said, almost hoping the conversation would end there, at least until I got out of the shower and dressed. If the stallion noticed my hesitation he didn't remark on it, “Good on ya, better to get things done before they get too hairy. Ain't that right Wing?” he said, his eyes looking behind me. “Mhmm” was his only response from the female pegasus. Looking at the stallion I motioned with my empty hand, the other being occupied by a bar of soap which was working at a knot in my lower back, towards the mare behind us. Curiosity and confusion written on it for the world to see. Glancing back, Bronze shield nodded. “See these older barracks only have one shower, so normally mares and stallions would go in turn. Seeing as how we're combat cronies, we're pretty used to the lack of privacy.” He said before glancing the mare's way and leaning in “That and I don't think she gives a buck either way” Leaning back the stallion chuckled as I allowed myself a smile. “Just don't try to sneak a peek, last time I tried she kicked me right in the jewels. Had to explain to The Sergeant why I was lying in the middle of the showers in the fetal position” I offered a knowing grin, “Well I suppose I'm covered as long as she doesn't know where mine are eh?” “It would help if they weren't dangling there for all too see” The mare's voice sounded again causing her 'combat crony' to burst into laughter, as I felt my face heat up a bit and a hand instinctively find it's way to cover the threatened appendages. The rather strange informal conversation continued even after we exited the showers, myself redressing in my newly tattered undershirt and pants. 'Hopefully Rarity'll get done with those winter clothes and whatnot soon' I thought running a finger over the bare skin and chest hair that poked out from beneath the claw marks in the muscle shirt. “Good grief Wanderer!” Bronze Shield's voice sounded making me look up to see a look of mild concern on the stallion's face. “Did you get into a fight with a timer wolf? What happened there?” Guessing at the stallion's meaning I chuckled. “Manticore actually, ran into one in the forest again. Seems to be the only thing that I find in that damned place anymore.” “Well if you're coming drinking with us you're going to need to either grab a new shirt or go without.” the stallion said making me raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh don't look at me like that. Tell you what, after what you've been through I'll buy the first round” Reaching up, I scratched at the back of my neck. More than a little reluctant, looking for some means to get out of the stallion's continued urging. My eyes fell on the book, only to look away 'I doubt she'd respond that quickly. I mean the book was in the bottom of her locker seemingly forgotten until the third freaking movie' I thought. Running out of ideas, I let out a mental sigh. “Alright, alright. I warn you though, I get rather talkative when I drink. Talkative would be how I describe myself. Bronze Shield and Swift Wing, as I later found out, were quite different however. The stallion sat at the table with me, not even allowing me a word edgewise as he rambled on about different subjects ranging from someone he called 'Bag of Rocks' to a beautiful pink mare he had seen in the forest that was starting to sound familiar. Seemingly quiet Swift Wing however was leading a group of ponies in a rather loud drinking song. While nearly drowned out by some of the stallions, the somber mare's voice was deceptively beautiful. “Ya see, I'd heard stories bout that mare. They were all bout how confusing she was, 'as if Discord himself had made a pony'” he said motioning with a hoof over the small forest of mugs and shot glasses that sat on our table as I nursed a water I had ordered with my trio of shots. “Dem guards didn't tell me she made Celestia 'erself look like a commoner.” 'Damn, this poor saps got it bad' I thought through the fog that seemed to of descended over my mind. “So didya ask er out er anything?” I asked, my words slurring more than I realized. Bronze scoffed, spittle flying from his lips marking a few of the empty mugs before taking a few more gulps of the ale in front of him. Shaking his head as he clapped the mug back down, “Nah you don't get me colt.” he started, pointing at me with his other hoof. “A stallion like me doesn't just ask a mare like her out. I'd have ta go balls to the wall, the whole shebang. Flowers, chocolates, champagne, do you know how much good champagne costs these days?” He let out a groan leaning back in his chair a sullen look on his face as he stared at the golden ale. “A stallion like me's got no chance. With the pay I'm gettin', I'd be lucky to manage a nice bouquet and some good chocolates.” I shook my head. “Nah don't be like that man! Ya gotta jump at the opportunity, take life by the reins and ride that bitch like there's no tomorrow! You think she'll want nice stuff an all that? Try just takin her out someplace nice, hell, even a romantic picnic or whatever shit them mares like.” I poked the table a few time, emphasizing my point. “How doya think I managed to catch my wife? Lookin like I do?” I let out a loud whistle shaking my head, even as heavy emotion burned in my chest along with the whiskey. “Nah man 'slike looking at a diamond next to a pile'o'shit, but trust me when I say the ladies loooove that romantic stuff. Eat it up like candy, I tell ya” Surprise exploded over Bronze Shield's face like he had been decked in the face. “You're married? Well hay, when do I get ta meet her? We could make it a double date!” I felt my eyes tearing up making me clumsily reach up trying to wipe them with the sleeves of my coat. Shaking my head I let out a heavy breath, “No... I don't think...” I managed before breaking down. Eyes leaving trails of salty tears down my cheeks to get lost in my beard before dripping down onto my undershirt. Crossing my arms on the table I leaned forward and covered my weeping in my arms, my quiet sobs easily drowned out by the singing of the other group of patrons. Happy memories of Julia flashed before me bringing more than a little grief and a yearning that made me feel like vomiting. Through the singing, the sound of glass mugs clinking sounded before I felt a heavy though comforting hoof on my shoulder. Looking up at the stallion before me a saw an attempt at a comforting smile on his face. The feeling in my gut seemed to lessen, if only a little, as I placed a hand on the stallions hoof patting it in an unspoken thanks. Hours later as we stumbled through the darkened streets of Ponyville supporting, and likewise being supported by, the two ponies on either side of me. Swift Wing continued her singing through the night prompting of us to pick up the song, though I had to follow the other two's lead not knowing the words. Ah once saw the Princess of the Sun Walkin by the lakeside Ah whistled and gawked and barked At the beautiful royal backside But sight like that always has a cost It always has a downside Cause when they catch ya lookin at the celestial body That's when yer really fried! A couple of annoyed shouts sounded out as the three of us neared the edge of town laughing and carrying on, though we paid them no heed. Too absorbed in having fun with one another, myself enjoying the company of my two newest friends. Our joyous uproar quieted as we neared the barracks however, due to a warning from Bronze Shield that Swift Wing had attested to, as we didn't want to wake or let Sundance know we had been out so late. So as we reached the barracks' door I fumbled with my boots, taking them off to reveal the socks beneath before sneaking my way though the doors towards my bed. Wing was surprisingly competent in the air despite her inebriation. Bronze on the other hand simply made his way to his bed, on the tips of his hooves. Tucking myself in I quickly fell asleep.