//------------------------------// // The pyramid of power // Story: Lyra's Discovery // by Thunder Brony //------------------------------// After they finished at the university they had an audience with Celestia to set up a date to use the dirigible. Celestia asked "when will you need it?" Lyra said "hopefully tomorrow I will confirm this with Twilight." Celestia nodded. After finishing with Celestia they went to the Canterlot train station and boarded a train to Ponyville. As the train pulled out of the station Lyra said "with all this lost history I could write a book." Bon-Bon said "if you do don't forget me." Lyra smiled and nuzzled her "never." Upon arriving in Ponyville they disembarked and traveled to the Golden Oaks library. Lyra knocked on the door and Spike answered. Lyra said "hi Spike is Twilight home?" Spike nodded "she's in the basement come on in and take a seat." They both sat down as Spike went downstairs and returned moments later with Twilight following behind with 3 necklaces floating in a purple arura. Each had a gem was embedded in a silver colored casing. Twilight smiled "hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon the gems are ready" she levitated over the 3 necklaces each had a teal colored diamond shaped gem embedded in it. She levitated 2 of them over to Lyra and Bon-Bon and continued "I enchanted each of them with a proximity spell. When something other than a pony comes close it activates a shield spell." Turning to her dragon assistant and said "Spike would you like to help with an experiment?" Spike said "sure what do you need me to do?" Twilight levitated a necklace around her neck and said "try to touch me." Spike walked towards Twilight as he approached her necklace glowed and a teal aura surrounded her Spike touched the aura and quickly retracted his claw "ouch." Shaking his claw he said "I felt a small electric shock." Twilight nodded "yes and the harder you strike the more intense the shock will be” she grinned mischievously "want to try again?" Spike raised his claws passively " I'll take your word for it." Twilight chuckled then said as she removed the necklace and the aura faded "these should keep the monsters at bay." Bon-Bon looked at hers as she held in her hooves and said "ooo shiny." Twilight and Lyra chuckled. Lyra said "we spoke to the princess and scheduled the dirigible for tomorrow will you be joining us?" Twilight said "I'm free tomorrow." The next day they traveled to the train station and bought 3 tickets to Canterlot once they arrived they went to the palace and met with Celestia. They bowed and Lyra said "greetings your majesty we would like to use the dirigible." Celestia smiled "greetings my little ponies the dirigible is ready." They went to the balcony where the dirigible was docked. Lyra asked Bon-Bon "do you want to fly it again?" Bon-Bon nodded "we should stop by Ponyville and pick up some supplies." Lyra and Twilight nodded in agreement and boarded the dirigible. As they left the docking platform Celestia said "good luck." Twilight waved goodbye as Canterlot faded into the distance soon they landed on the outskirts of Ponyville each went to their homes to gather their supplies. A short time later they returned to the dirigible carrying their saddlebags. Twilight met up with Lyra and Bon-Bon and Lyra asked "ready?" Twilight nodded. They boarded the dirigible and ascended Lyra looked at Bon-Bon and pointed a hoof to the southeast and said "onward Mon Capitan." Bon-Bon smiled and saluted "eyie-eyie" as the dirigible rose into the air and began moving southeast they passed over the Everfree forest they passed over the strange ruins and soon flew over Dodge City. As they approached the Badlands Bon-Bon lowered the dirigible to avoid the wind gusts that blew over from the Macintosh hills plateau as they descended below the platau the could hear the sounds of winds howling could be heard overhead Soon they came to the Forbidden jungle and the pyramid came into view Twilights horn glowed a she opened her saddlebags and levitated out the 3 necklaces "we should put these on now." They landed in front of the pyramid and entered once inside they clung to the walls Twilight levitated out a small cyan gem and she floated it over to the center of the room. The Korpoterites hanging from the ceiling flapped their leathery wings in in agitation then shrieked and flew out the entrance as fast as their wings could carry them. As the last of the Korpoterites departed Twilight's horn glowed and she infused fresh magic to the illumination gems as the room began to brighten she looked around "I think they're gone." Bon-Bon said "I hope so they give me the creeps." Lyra said "could be worse could be snakes." Twilight looked around nervously and shivered. They saw the same two cylinders they encountered the last time they looked around. Now that the Korpoterites were gone they could see the celling. It was very high with horizontal and vertical beams. They looked around and soon saw several archways the closest one was to the right Lyra sat on her haunches and stared at the archway. Twilight asked "Lyra is something wrong?" Lyra looked at Twilight smiled and shook her head turning to Bon-Bon she said "I need the tape measure." Bon-Bon reached into her saddlebags and pulled out the tape measure Lyra took it in her magic and took the measurements of the archway top and sides. Bon-Bon said "let me guess the measurements here and the entrance are the same as the Badlands cave entrance." Lyra looked at Bon-Bon smiled and nodded "2.5 meters high and 121 cm wide." The 3 walked through the archway and entered a corridor and looked around it had the same dimensions as the archway. Twilight lite her horn the light reveled a ramp that slanted upwards at a 15° angle. There were gems in the walls much like the ones in the main room. Twilight's infused the gems with magic the gems began to glow filling the hallway with light. Bon-Bon asked "where do you think it leads?" Lyra said "there's only one way to find out, but how do we avoid getting lost?" Twilight thought for a moment "I have an idea" her horn glowed and conjured a small glowing orb and attached it to the wall she smiled "we can follow these think of them as magical bread crumbs they will dissipate in a few hours." They walked up the incline and it went up for 55 meters then they came to another archway that lead to another room the room was dark as they entered it Twilight cast a light orb spell the darkness faded and the room came into view. The room was large the light orb did not fill the entire room but it floated upwards towards the ceiling. Lyra looked upwards and saw what looked like 2 white rippled square crystals embedded in the ceiling. In the dim light they could see 4 tables they appeared to be made of a white purple crystal mixture. Each one was flat in the back and curved in the front and seemed to be either embedded into the wall or carved from it. Lyra noticed a something in the wall she lite her horn she noticed a lite grey crystal just above and below the table that was emended into the dark blue wall it ran to the ceiling and the floor. She levitated the tape measure and measured the table "46 centimeters" then measured the width of the crystal above and below "23 centimeters." The crystal ran down the wall and along the floor to a white triangle shaped crystal in the center of the room each point of the triangle had a crystal connected to a table. Twilight looked at the crystal tables and at the large triangle in the center of the room and said "these crystals look familiar." Thinking for a moment she said "yes I remember now I've seen this form of crystal in the Crystal Mountains." Bon-Bon asked "are you sure?" Twilight nodded "the ponies in the Crystal Empire use this kind of crystal to amplify magic and spells" she looked around and said "if these are the same kind crystals I would like to try something." Lyra smiled and said with a chuckle "sure just don't bring this place down on us." Twilight smiled as her horn glowed as she focused her magic on the triangular crystal in the center of the room the crystal began to glow. The grey crystals in the floor glowed slightly as the magic traveled along to the celling the crystals in the ceiling began to glow and light filled the room. Bon-Bon looked up and said with a bit of surprise "overhead lights?" Lyra said "it appear to be so." As the room lit up another archway came into view they entered it just like the one before they walked up another 55 meter the ramp. Then came to another archway and entered another room it had the same white crystal triangle in the middle and slots in the celling. Twilight's horn glowed as she activated the floor crystal and the crystals in celling glowed as the room lite up. As light filled the room they could see shelves emerging from the darkness each shelf was craved into the wall forming several small shelves with books in each shelf. Twilight squealed in delight "a library!" Lyra took photos of the shelves and books. There were 3 bookshelves each one had a plaque above it written in Equarian Twilight's horn glowed as she translated the texts "history, astronomy and alchemy." Lyra noticed an archway on the right wall between 2 shelves. Bon-Bon's stomach growled and she said with a look of embarrassment "maybe we should stop for lunch." Lyra smiled and nodded. Twilight said "l'll go get the basket." as her horn glowed and she disappeared in a purple flash and returned several seconds later holding a basket in her mouth. Lyra levitated the basket and pulled out a blanket out of the basket and spread it out on the floor and levitated out some sandwiches and sodas. After they finished eating Twilight levitated over a book from the history shelf from the top left she looked at it carefully "this cover appears to be made of a strange parchment." Opening the book placing a hoof over the pages "these pages are made of papyrus. There was text on the cover her horn glowed as she translated the text "History of Equraria vol. 1." She looked up and said "it seems this land was once called Equraria. We better go back home when I was outside the sun was getting low in the sky and I don't want to encounter anything that comes out after dark." Lyra said "good idea some of the monsters here can put the ones in the Everfree forest to shame." Twilight grimaced as she placed the book in her saddlebags as they exited the pyramid they could see the sun was low in the sky they boarded the dirigible and returned to Ponyville. They landed the dirigible and entered town Twilight said I'm going to translate this book l'll stop by your house tomorrow." Lyra said "see you then." When Lyra and Bon-Bon went home Bon-Bon said "l'll make us dinner as she went into the kitchen. Lyra said l'll be in the darkroom developing the photos." After dinner Lyra sat on the sofa and played her lyre while Bon-Bon read the mail finding nothing of significance Lyra sat on the sofa Bon-Bon laid her head on Lyra's lap. Lyra smiled and ran a hoof over Bon-Bon's chest and said softly "you like?" Bon-Bon moaned softly "mmm that's nice." Lyra smiled and leaned down and gently kissed her gently on the lips. The next day a knock came to the door Bon-Bon went to answer it when she opened it she saw Twilight standing outside she said "hi Twilight come in." Twilight smiled and entered as Lyra came into the room and greeted their guest. Twilight said "I did some research into the crystal tables in the pyramid the crystals are used for casting transfiguration spells." Lyra said "wait wasn't that discovered by Moon Solstice the great?" Twilight nodded "it would seem the spell is even older" she smiled "it looks like history is going to be rewritten." Lyra smiled then said "we are going to be famous" then paused "that is if the historical preservation society does not get to it first. Twilight smiled then said as she levitated the book out of her saddlebags "I read the book it's a history of the 5 tribes the three sat down as Twilight opened the book and began reading. Clearing her throat she began "To whoever reads this my name is Columar Harnark I am a historical scribe and record keeper. This is the historical account of the 5 races passed down from generation to generation. Thousands of years ago alicorns, Earth ponies, unicorns. pegesi and humans lived as hunter gatherers sometimes they would interact and trade. Over time this gave way to friendship over time they learned that pooling their resources was very advantageous. They learned strength in numbers was beneficial not only for protection but also crop surpluses. This gave rise to the first civilization in the far west the alicorns built a city on the east coast north of the swamplands. they did not have much in the way of spells. But they exceled in the fields of philosophy and diplomacy and became mediators to settle various disputes. Some magically adept alicorns had the ability to move the sun and moon. Over time a rule of 2 was established one for the sun and one for the moon, when one becomes too old to perform their magical abilities a protégé was chosen. This method worked well for centuries one day 2 alicorns named Lemon Glider and Winged Thunder fell ill and could not perform their duties. This caused some problems if sun did set. It would not only disrupt the ecological balance but there would be no way to track the passage of time or the seasons. Also the heat absorbed by the ground could not dissipate cause temperatures to rise. Conversely under preputial night temperatures to fall causing crop failure leading to famine. One day a pony named Celestial Crescent a protégé of Winged Thunder received a crystal from a pony from the mountains in the far north. The pony said the crystal could amplify magic. Celestial Crescent decided to use the crystal to amplify her magic to try and move the sun. But inadvertently moved the moon in front of the sun instead causing darkness during the day in a panic she tried to move the moon out of the way. But used too much magic and created a resonate harmony in the crystal causing it to shatter. With Lemmon and Winged both bedridden the skies were dark for several cycles. The members of grand council knew without the sun the land would grow cold. Celestial tried to move the moon but was unable do so without the amplification crystal. Representatives were sent out to meet with the the most magically adept unicorns and asked them to help them with moving the sun and moon until Lemon and Winged recovered. It was discovered that the sun could be moved with 20 unicorns the moon only took 10 unfortunately the task was extremely taxing. In order to prevent another extended day or night from happening again. The grand counsel met with a representive from each of the 4 races, they asked them to build a structure to move the sun and moon the 5 races drew up plans for a power pyramid. To ensure optimal magical amplification a location of intersecting points of natural magic was chosen. The only suitable location was grassland located south of the swamplands. The nearby mountains had a special kind of stone it had rich deposits of quartz which was good conductor of magic. Construction of the pyramid took several years to complete. The work was divided amongst the 5 races the alicorns would locate the stone needed and mediate any disputes or grievances that would arise. Unicorns would quarry the rock and shape it then cast a spell on them to make them temporarily light. Earth ponies would transport them pegesi would lift them into the air and humans would set them." Twilight stopped reading for a moment "that explains how they transported such massive blocks of stone when we were in the hallways. I noticed the walls were massive single blocks of stone." She continued reading "during construction we sent some representatives to the mountains in the far northern region to barter for access to the crystal mines. Unicorns would quarry the crystals and cast weight reducing spells on them Earth ponies transported them. The cap stone was carved from white quartzite quarried from the far western mountains near the ocean. Once the pyramid completed 2 large crystals were placed on the ground floor. A yellow crystal was used to move the sun and a blue crystal to move the moon." Twilight closed the book and said "that's all for this book." Lyra said "we should share these findings with Celestia and the university." Bon-Bon asked "what about the society for the preservation of historical accuracy?" Twilight said "what if we set up a decoy just in case, keep the original at the library and create a duplicate for the university." Lyra said "I like it since and since nopony knows about this finding if you make a copy of this book can you enchant it with a tracking spell?" Twilight thought for a moment "I think so it will take some time to research the spells." Lyra said "once this becomes public the preservation society will most likely strike and when they do we should be prepared to track them. The discovery of this library is too valuable to let some two bit thieves suppress this important historical archive." Twilight said "I agree how long will all this take? I will need at least 2 days to research." Lyra tapped a hoof to her chin then said "we need to travel to Canterlot and discuss this with Anton and set everything up so about 3 maybe 4 days in the meantime the book will be safe with you." Twilight nodded then smiled as said "I have a secret compartment in one of the bookshelves Spike found it when we were inundated by the swarm of Pinkie doppelgangers." Both Lyra and Bon-Bon remembered the chaos that the heard of Pinkies caused it was amusing at first then quickly escalated into a disaster as they thought about how the pink herd trampled the bed of flowers they were growing." Bon-Bon said "they ruined the rows of Azalea's, daffodils, Bellflower and Tulips she pouted and mumbled "now I have to start all over." Lyra nodded "me too I lost a bed of pansies and begonias." Twilight gave a sympathetic smile and noticed the sun was beginning to set and said as she placed the book in her saddlebags she said "I will begin researching as soon as I get home. As she turned to leave she stopped turned back and said "let me know when you're ready." Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded as they bid Twilight goodnight as she left Lyra smiled "I don't feel like cooking tonight let's go out for dinner instead." Bon-Bon smiled seductively as she nuzzled Lyra "let's make it special let's make it a date night." Lyra smiled and said "let's make it extra special let's go to that new restaurant that opened last month the Daring Marauder." Bon-Bon smiled "that sounds wonderful." As they walked they discussed what they heard about it from the other towns ponies. Lyra said "I hear they have very good food." Bob-Bon said "I hear they have nice wines." When they arrived they saw the restaurant was not very busy as they entered they were greeted by the restaurant host a well-dressed pegasus stallion. He bowed his head and said with a smile "good evening ladies welcome to the Daring Marauder will it be a table for two tonight?" Both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded the host said "follow me" and lead them to a table and pulled 2 menus out of the sleeves on his vest and placed them on the table your server will be with you shortly. As the host left Lyra and Bon-Bon opened their menus and looked at the choices they all looked appetizing. Soon an Earth pony mare came to their table smiled and said "good evening ladies I am Shining Berry and I will be your server this evening would you like anything to drink?" Bon-Bon looked up from her menu "I would like wind water 2201." Shinning asked "red or white?" Bon-Bon smiled "red." Turning to Lyra she said "and you?" Lyra said "wind water 2201, white" Shinning smiled and said "excellent choices " as she turned to get the drinks. Moments later Shinning returned with a rack strapped to her back and a tray with 2 bottles and glasses on a tray she placed them on the table, and then pulled a pencil and pad out from her vest "have you decided an appetizer?" Lyra said "l'll have the fried tofu cubes, potato skins and a side salad with hay bale dressing." Bon-Bon smiled and said "l'll have the same." As Shinning left to fill the orders Lyra's horn glowed as she popped the corks on the wine bottles and poured them she lifted her glass in a golden glow Bon-Bon lifted hers with with her hooves. Lyra said with a smile "a toast to the wonders of discovery where ever we find them." Bon-Bon smiled and said "cheers" as they clinked their glasses together and took sips of their wines. Bon-Bon smiled and said "this is really good wine." Lyra smiled "wind water is the best wine in Equestria." Bon-Bon put her glass down and held Lyra's hoof and said with a sultry smile "I hope we can discover how far relationships can go." Lyra smiled softly and said "when we get home we can find out." Bon-Bon smiled as she rubbed Lyra's hoof gently "I look forward to it." Shinning came up to the table carrying the appetizers on her back then placed their orders on the table "fried tofu cubes, potato skins and a side salad with hay bale dressing." She took the appetizer menus and slid them into the slots on her vest then left." A short time later she returned took the empty plates away and passed them the main course menus . Lyra said "l'll have the linguini with white sauce and prench bread." Bon-Bon said l'll have lasagna extra cheese and prench bread." Shinning took the menus and slid them into the slots on her vest and took the orders to the kitchen. Bon-Bon asked "what do you think Anton will say about the journal we found?" Lyra chucked "I imagine he will flip his mane." Bon-Bon thought for a moment as she imagined Anton's mane rising up off his head and doing a flip in midair then landing back on his head she said in amusement "wouldn't it be funny if that really happened." Lyra said "it would and I can see the Flim Flam brothers making an exhibit out of it" she raised her hooves up in exaggeration "come one come all, see the pony who can make his mane spin in midair only 2 bits." Bon-Bon laughed. Soon after Shinning came to the table carrying 2 plates she removed a plate and placed it in front of Bon-Bon "lasagna with extra cheese and prench bread." She placed the other plate in front of Lyra "linguini with white sauce and prench bread" she smiled "enjoy." After they finished eating Shinning returned "would you like dessert?" Lyra said "I would like an peach pie with swirl ice cream." Bon-Bon said "I would like a chocolate sundae." Shinning smiled and proceeded to fill the orders and a short time later returned with the desserts. After they finished Shinning returned with the bill. As they left Lyra placed a tip on the table and went to the front desk to pay the bill. When they got home they went into the bedroom and climbed into bed Lyra kissed her marefriend gently on the lips then smiled as her horn glowed and the lights went out. The next morning Bon-Bon awoke with Lyra's forelegs wrapped around her she smiled and gently kissed her on the nose. Lyra stirred opened her eyes and smiled and asked "sleep well?" Bon-Bon nodded "last night was amazing." Lyra smiled "music is my special talent and your body is an instrument of harmony." Bon-Bon blushed and poked Lyra on the nose "I'd say you tuned me." Lyra groaned and face hoofed then said "I'm going to make breakfast" as she sat up and stretched and got out of bed she looked at Bon-Bon and said with a smile "later today I'm going to ask Celestia to banish that joke to the moon." Bon-Bon giggled and playfully stuck out her tongue. Lyra smirked as she turned went into the kitchen. After they finished breakfast they went to Twilights house Spike answered the door and invited them in he said Twilight's in the basement I'll go get her" he went downstairs and emerged a short time later with Twilight in tow she looked tiered. Lyra asked "are you alright you look like you've been up all night?" Twilight yawned and nodded "I found a replication spell that only works on inanimate objects if anypony does a dating spell on it the results will come back as only a few hours old if that happens the deception may be discovered." Lyra nodded "I understand." Twilight said "it's also enchanted with a tracking spell" she levitated a compass "this has also been enchanted with the same spell and will point in the direction of the book so if it disappears we can track it." Bon-Bon said "we should test it and see if it works." Twilight agreed and passed the book over to Lyra "take this somewhere and I will try to find you." Lyra smiled as she took it in her magic and placed in her saddlebags "where's the original?" Twilight pointed a hoof towards a bookshelf "hidden." Lyra smiled as she and Bon-Bon left the library and decided to go to a place where she would not be easily found. She thought of a friend who lived on the outskirts of town named Pepper Leaf. Lyra knocked on the door Pepper answered and said with a smile "hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon nice to see you what brings you here today?" Lyra explained the experiment they were performing and that Twilight would probably be stopping by, Pepper agreed and let them in. They talked for a short time when a knock came on the door Pepper went to answer it she opened the door and sa Twilight standing outside she introduced herself and explained why she was there then asked "is Lyra here?" Pepper nodded as Lyra stepped into view and said with a smile "it seems the spell worked." She thanked Pepper for helping with the experiment Twilight went home as Lyra and Bon-Bon went to the Ponyville train station and boarded a train to Canterlot. When they arrived they went to the University they met with Anton and explained the plan. Anton placed his hoof to his chin and said "hmm that's a good idea I'll place an article in the evening papers." Later that evening Lyra saw an article that read amazing historical discovery found south of the Equestrian Badlands with a brief description of the artifact and its location. Turning the paper towards Bon-Bon said "now let's see if they take the bait." The next day a knocked came to the door Lyra answered there stood Derpy the mailmare with a smile. Derpy said "hi Lyra I have a priority letter for you" she reached into her mailbag and pulled out a letter and a clipboard from a sleeve on her mailbag. Lyra levitated the clipboard signed her name and received the letter she sat down on the sofa next to Bon-Bon it said To Lyra Heartstrings c.o. Canterlot University she opened and began to read it. Dear Lyra, I had this letter sent to you via priority express mail meet me in the park today at noon Sincerely, Anton. Lyra smiled as she lowered the letter. Bon-Bon said "let me guess its from Anton." Lyra nodded "he wants to meet in the park at noon" she looked at the clock it read 10:17. Two hours later they went to the park and saw Anton was sitting on a bench they came up and sat down next to him he said "thank you for coming I felt I should tell you this directly. The museum was broken into last night and the book was stolen I told Celestia who contacted Twilight. The book is on it's on its way to the North West and the only city in that direction is Vanhoover. He smiled "the Canterlot Bureau of Law will deal with them I hear Celestia is watching this one very closely also Twilight and her friends are going there as reprehensives of the princess." Bon-Bon said "its a good thing it was a duplicate the original is hidden away." Anton asked "are there others?" Lyra said "yes an entire library." Anton thought for a moment then his eyes lit up "wow the amount of historical information is priceless the University will provide what resources it can for future expeditions to the pyramid. After these thieves are dealt with the museum will pay generously for the texts." After they finished with Anton they went to Twilight's house when they arrived she was packing her bags she said "hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon." Bon-Bon asked "are you going somewhere?" Twilight said "yes remember that tracking spell I placed on the duplicate journal it's been tracked to a small city south of Vanhoover called Haystack. We have been chosen to work with Canterlot Bureau of Law to deal with them and retrieve the artifacts if possible." Lyra said "wait if your leaving who translate the texts?" Twilight said with a smile "you." Lyra blinked in surprise "me how?" Twilight's horn glowed and she levitated a book from one of the shelves "this book contains a translation spell" she smiled again it's not difficult to learn." She levitated over another book "this book has some script written in zebra and the translations are in the back it's good to practice with" she sighed "I wish I could go back with you to the pyramid." Lyra said as she placed the book in her saddlebags "thank you I wish you could come too where is the original book?" Twilight walked over to the bookshelf and levitated out 3 books and showed her a wooden door with a horseshoe on it "in there." Lyra nodded as Twilight placed the books back on the shelf. Twilight turned to her dragon assistant and said "Spike I am giving you a choice either one I will support, you can either come with us to Haystack or you can stay here and watch the library. If you choose to stay and have any problems Crystal Sunshine has agreed to assist you." Spike said with wide eyes "that's a tough decision I'll have to think about it." Twilight said "of course we will be leaving tomorrow afternoon." Spike nodded "l'll have my decision by then." After leaving the library Lyra and Bon-Bon went home and Lyra studied the translation spell after reading it she asked Bon-Bon to write down the translations. She opened the zebra book it was 40 pages long the first 20 pages were written in zebra. The other 20 was in written in modern Equestrian. Each paragraph was marked with a shape a circle a square a triangle and so on a sequence of shapes was next to each paragraph and were random to prevent any duplication. Her horn glowed as she read the text after reading a paragraph Bon-Bon passed the parchment over to her. She opened the book to the Equestrian page and matched the shapes to the paragraph and compared the text in the book to the parchment and they matched she smiled. Bon-Bon asked "did it work?" Lyra nodded and said "yes." The next day after packing a picnic basket and supplies they boarded the dirigible as it ascended into the sky they could see Ponyville and the towns ponies moving about. In the distance they could see Twilight and her friends boarding a train. They watched as it moved out of the station and began traveling to the west Bon-Bon steered the dirigible to south and began moving towards the forbidden jungled. When they arrived at the pyramid they returned to the library Lyra was looking at a bookshelf when she noticed a scroll with a binding. Her horn glowed as she levitated the scroll over and noticed there was writing on the binding she looked at the text and said let's see how well the spell works." Her horn glowed as she read the text "pyramid of power magic and use." Curious she removed the binding and unfurled the scroll and translated the text. "Welcome to the pyramid of power this structure is a magical resonance amplifier the crystals on the ground floor are for moving the sun and moon. The tables on the second level are for transfiguration spells. To use them place an item on the table and channel magic into it and the pyramid will amplify the spell the third floor is a library and the fourth floor is the harmony room." Bon-Bon asked "what's a harmony room?" Lyra said "lets find out." They went to the fourth floor and the entrance had a plague over it the translation read harmony as they entered the room it had the same wall lights as the ground floor. In the center of the room was a sphere five square crystals similar to the ones in the 2nd floor were embedded into the floor they were connected to 5 chairs made of crystal. Bon-Bon asked "are those for unicorns only?" Lyra said "I don't know maybe its connected to the room with the tables if not maybe the library has some information." They returned to the second floor and Bon-Bon asked "do you think non unicorns can use these tables?" Lyra said "the scroll not say I suppose so since Earth ponies and pegesi since they have their own magic." Bon-Bon asked "but how can a structure amplify magic?" Lyra said "only one way to find out" Lyra levitated an apple out of her saddlebags and placed it on one of the tables. Her horn glowed as she cast her magic on the apple and thought of making it larger. The apple glowed bright blue and grew in size she levitated out another one for a comparison the test apple was significantly larger than the control. Lyra said "pass me the tape measure" she compared the two "the control apple is 8cm and the test apple is 15cm. She snapped a photo of the apples then said let's see if non unicorns can use this table." Bon-Bon nodded as Lyra placed another apple on the table. Lyra said "just focus on the object and what you want to do to it." Bion-Bon placed her hooves on the table closed her eyes and focused and the apple glowed shrank in size she opened her eyes and stood there astonishment I-I don't believe it." Lyra said "it seems non unicorns can use these tables as she took photos of the apples and took measurements "control 7.5cm test apple 5.5cm" she smiled do you know what this means?" Bon-Bon said "we found a way to make bite sized food?" Lyra chuckled "possibly but seriously it seems the crystal in the center of the room supplies magic and the pyramid amplifies it this was how spells were cast before they were discovered." She paused "or rediscovered." They returned to the library and lay down as Lyra levitated the 2nd book from the history shelf her horn glowed as she read the text "spreading harmony across the land." She opened the book "the pyramid is capable of spreading harmony across the land the 5 races sit in the harmony room and project their positive energies into the chair they sit in. The sphere in the center will amplify these energies and transfer them to the cap stone which projects it across the land. As long as this energy is projected no harm can come to the land" she looked up "this sounds like a predecessor to the elements of harmony." Bon-Bon asked "I wonder what happened." Lyra levitated the 3rd to last book on the history shelf and began to read it "there are rumors of a rouge star in the night sky. Astronomers from Ianantica are assuring us all there is nothing to worry about. The star is getting brighter each night some think it is a sign of impending doom others say it's nothing. A few of us have decided that should something bad comes to pass we are preparing provisions. In the event of a disaster we are relocating to a cave located in the bowl shaped ridged south of the single mountain." Lyra stopped reading and looked up "bowel shaped ridge south of the single mountain? I wonder if he's talking about Rambling rock ridge south of Canterlot Mountain." Her stomach rumbled the sound was amplified by the room she smiled slightly embraced and said "maybe we should stop for lunch." Bon-Bon smiled and they went to the ground level and retrieved the basket from the dirigible as Lyra levitated the basket Bon-Bon noticed something in the distance it looked like a small stone structure it was hard to see through the foliage. She placed it in the back of her mind as they went inside as Lyra levitated out a blanket and they lay down and ate lunch. When they finished eating Bon-Bon mentioned the stone structure. Lyra said "in that case we will need these" as she levitated out the repellent necklaces and placed them around hers and Bon-Bon's neck. They returned the basket to the dirigible Lyra asked "where is that structure you saw?" Bon-Bon said "over there" as they went towards the anomaly they discovered it was 4 obelisks around a base of 3 round stacked stones on the top stone was what looked like an alter. It was mostly covered foliage they removed the foliage and discovered writing on the base. Bon-Bon asked "Equarian?" Lyra nodded "this text is similar to the books in the library" her horn glowed as she read the text "shrine of Sugreeva." Bon-Bon asked "who's Sugreeva?" Lyra said "I don't know I-" her reply was cut short by a rapid clicking sound. Bon-Bon said "did you hear that?" Lyra nodded then looked around and could see something moving in the distance as it emerged from the brush she gasped and shouted "SWEET CELESTIA ITS A SARACNOID." Bon-Bon turned around and saw the creature as it began moving closer remembering the necklace she was wearing "I hope these crystals can repel them." Lyra said "we should go inside the pyramid just in case." They began to back away slowly making their way towards the entrance when the creature saw them it lowered its head and hissed revealing a set of sharp fangs. Bon-Bon said in a worried tone "we've been spotted." The creature hissed again and began charging towards them they turned and began galloping towards the pyramid entrance. The monster was faster that they were and was quickly gaining ground suddenly Bon-Bon tripped over something and fell on her face. Lyra saw her fall and screamed "BON-BON!" She went to her looking back as the creature closed in on them they held each other close thinking they were going to be on the menu. As the creature closed in the pendants began to glow and enveloped them on a soft teal glow the monster suddenly stopped as it hit the magic barrier. It backed up then ran forwards again and slammed into the barrier again Bon-Bon opened an eye and saw it trying to smash through barrier as the gems glowed even brighter. The creature backed up then tried charging at them again. Then slammed into the barrier again made contact for several seconds then let out a high pitched shriek as it reeled back and ran off into the jungle. Both Lyra and Bon-Bon breathed a sigh of relief. Lyra looked at Bon-Bon and asked "are you alright?" Bon-Bon said as she tried to stand "I don't know I tripped over a something I- AHH!" she quickly lifted her lett front hoof as a surge of pain shot through her leg. Lyra's horn glowed as she placed Bon-Bon on her back "were returning to Ponyville" she returned to the dirigible placed Bob-Bon inside. Then went inside the pyramid and retrieved the picnic basket when she returned she climbed into the basket then flew it back to Ponyville. Once they arrived in Ponyville Lyra levitated Bon-Bon from the basket placing her marefiend on her back and took her to the Ponyville hospital. Once inside orderlies placed her on a gurney and rolled her inside. After Lyra filled out the paperwork she sat in the waiting room a short time later a unicorn stallion stepped out and approached her. "Good afternoon Ms. Heartstrings I am Dr. Hoofsteps." Lyra said "good afternoon doctor how is Bon-Bon?" Dr. Hoofsteps smiled she's fine she just twisted her ankle." Lyra nodded "can I see her?" Dr. Hoofsteps smiled "of course she's in room 14-B." Lyra smiled "thanks doc." Hoofsteps nodded and said "I'll show you to the room then I have to check on other patients." The two walked to room 14-B and Hoofsteps left to attend his other patients Lyra walked into the room and saw Bon-Bon lying in bed with a bandage wrapped around her left front leg she had a sad look on her face. Lyra entered the room "hi Bon-Bon." Bon-Bon smiled "hi Lyra." Lyra asked "how you feeling?" Bon-Bon smiled slightly "I'm a little woozy they gave me some medication for the pain" she raised her left front leg "I twisted my ankle it's only a light sprain and I won't be able to walk on it for a few weeks." Lyra smiled and nuzzled Bon-Bon and gently kissed her gently on the lips. Several hours later Bon-Bon was discharged Lyra sat in the waiting room as Bon-Bon came out walking on 3 legs with her left front leg in a sling. After they returned home Bon-Bon sat down on the sofa Lyra levitated 2 fruit juices from the refrigeration box and popped the tops and gave one to Bon-Bon. Just then a knock came on the door Lyra went to answer when she opened it and saw Derpy standing there with a smile. Lyr smiled "hi Derpy." Derpy smiled "hi Lyra here's your mail." Lyra took the mail in her magic. Derpy said "see you around" as she took off to continue her deliveries. Lyra sat on the sofa and began looking through the mail when she saw one that caught her interest Bon-Bon asked "what will you do now?" Lyra opened the letter and said "it seems I will be going to Canterlot Celestia wishes to see me" she turned to Bon-Bon "care to come along?" Bon-Bon smiled and nodded "of course."